Unit 10 It’s a nice day, isn’t it 导学案

编辑: 逍遥路 关键词: 八年级 来源: 高中学习网
Section A 第一课时 P76 导学案
【教师寄语】Childhood shows th e man, as morning shows the day.
【导学过程】 Step 1.知识链接:
用so 和neither 完成下列各句:
1.I’ve never been to Shanghai. .(my father)
2. They didn’t have supper. .(we)
3. I often go to school by bus. .(Jim)
4.We won’t go skating this Sunday. . (I)
5. I’m a student. .(she)
6. Linda is going to watch TV. . (her parents)
Step 2.尝试性求知:
1.He’s really good, isn’t he ?(他确实很好,不是吗?)
2.The train is always late, isn’t it ?
3.You love violin music, don’t you ?
4.It looks like rai n, doesn’t it ?
5.Tom isn’t 15 years old, is he ?
Step 3. 先来认识一下反意疑问句。
构成:陈述句 + 简短问句
He’s really good, isn’t he? (前肯后否)
Mary doesn't like rea ding, does she? (前否后肯)
Step 4.试一试:
1.She has m uch mon ey, ?
2. Uncle Wang forgot to bring your bag, ?
3, Lucy isn’t a teacher, ?
4. You don’t like rice, ?
Step 5.看图,完成1a。 Step 6.听录音,完成1b。 Step 7. 1c, Pairwork.
1. Do you take the train to school? (同意句)

2. Th is line is moving (slow / slowly), isn’t it?
3. We’ve been here for 20 minutes . (划线提问)
you been here ?
4.I usually take the train on the weekdays. (划线提问)
you usually take the train ?
1.由what 引导的感叹句,what 修饰名词,可数名词单数前用a 和an, 可数名词复数和不可数名词前不用冠词,结构为:
What + (a / an) + adj.+ (主语 + 谓语) !
What a lucky guy (he/Jim is) ! 多么幸运的家伙呀!
What bad weather (it is) ! 多么糟糕的天气呀!
What good students (you are) ! 多么好的学生呀!
2.由how 引导的感叹句,how 修饰形 容词或副词,结构为:
How + adj. / adv. + 主语 + 谓语 !
How cold it/the weather is today! 今天多么冷呀!
How well she sings! 她唱得多好呀!
3.(1). kind girl Nancy is !
A. What B. What a C. How D. How a
(2). What happy people they are! (改为由how 引导的感叹句)
the people !
(3). The weather is too cold.(改为感叹句)

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/chuer/70268.html
