8A unit6 National disasters 教案

编辑: 逍遥路 关键词: 八年级 来源: 高中学习网




课 题

8A unit6 National disasters
comic stripe & welcome to the unit


单词:natural, accident ,wash ,lightning ,storm, rainstorm , thunder, earthquake
词组:Lose the game, a car accident, kill thousands of people,wash the village away
句型:I was sleeping when it started to rain.
课 前 自 学
一.翻译下列重点单词并借助于单词表的音标会读下列单词。 1.自然的,大自然的 2.事故 3.闪电 4.冲掉 5.地震 6.暴雨 7.雷,雷声 8.台风 9.暴风雪 10.闪电 二.预习课文并翻译下列重点词组 1. 自然灾害 2. 一场车祸 3.一次地震 4.输掉比赛 5.雷鸣和闪电 6.冲垮村庄 7.mop the floor 8.crash into the tree 9.kill thousands of people 10.台风 11.暴风雪 12.暴风雨 三.句型理解 1. The floor is all wet . Who’s going to ______________(把它拖洗干净)if you don’t Come with me. 2. The school football team _________________(输掉了比赛). 3._______________(一场车祸) killed three men. 4. A coach _____________(猛撞了) a tree last night . 5. A flood ______________________________________(冲走了村庄). 6. Lightning _________________________(引起了一场大火) in a house. 7.A young boy __________________(从树上摔下来) and hurt his legs. 四.熟读漫画Eddie and Hobo 的对话,并回答下列问题。 1. What’s the weather like today? 2. What’s happened to Hobo? 3. What was Hobo doing when it started to rain? 4. How does he feel at Eddie’s home? 5. What happened to Hobo’s house? 6. Why doesn’t he want to go home alone? 五.大自然中存在很多自然灾害,我们现在学习这些新词汇吧!预习P93页B部分并完成填写部分。 六.恶劣的天气可导致哪些自然灾害.请通过讨论或上网查资料后完成下列表格。并完成P93页B部分。
Weather condition

Natural disaster

Heavy rain

Heavy snow

Strong wind

Thunder and lights

Dry weather


课 堂 交 流 展 示
展示一: 在组内和班内展示课前预习题一,二,三并大声朗读。 展示二:有感情的朗读comic stip 部分,展示习题四 展示三:Do you know other bad weather conditions? 请讨论坏天气的新词,核对93页B部分答案后朗读。 展示四:恶劣的天气会导致哪些自然灾害呢?请小组展示,其它小组可补充(每种坏天气所引起的自然灾害种类不限) 展示五:完成93页的A部分,组内核对答案。

课 堂 达 标 检 测
(一)根据所给中文及名意完成单词。 1.-- I’m afraid of the ___________(电闪雷鸣). What about you? -- Me ,too. 2.The flood __________(冲掉)many houses away last year. 3.Do you enjoy the ___________(大自然的)sights in your hometown. 4.There was an _________(意外的事故)just now, some people died. 5.There was _____________(一次地震)in Japan last year. 6.There will be a _______(暴风雨) in a few days in the south. 7.The school team__________(输了) the game last week. 8.He ___________(猛撞) his car into the wall last night. (二)根据英文描述,写出表示天气现象的单词。 1.People can’t go back to their homes .Everything is shaking .Many things fall down. ( ) 2. The weather is terrible. The wind is very strong .Sometimes it rains. ( ) 3. It rains heavily with a strong wind. People can hear thunder and see lightning , they have to walk in water in the street. ( ) 4. It snows heavily with a strong wind. People can’t go out. Everything looks white. ( ) 5. The wind is very , very strong. It usually comes from the sea. Sometimes it rains. ( ) (三)用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空: 1. Many people lost their _________(life) in the accident. 2. There are many __________(nature) disasters in the world. 3. The earthquake in TaiWan killed ____________(thousand) of people. 4. There are lots of __________(people) on the playground. 5. I was __________(sleep) when it started to rain. 1. 2010年的特大洪水冲垮了许多房屋和大树。 The big flood in 2010_____________________ 2. 在四川大地震中,成千上万人遇难。 The Si Chuan earthquake ___________________ 3. 昨天一个年轻人从树上摔下来,竟然安然无恙。 Yesterday a young man______________, but he doesn’t hurt badly. 4. 上个星期五两个小学生在教室里玩火,将整幢大楼烧了起来。 Two pupils played with fire in their classroom last Friday and _______________. 5. 在昨晚的事故中,一辆大客车撞倒了数上。 A coach crashed into a tree_______________ last night.


导 学 案


总10-2 课时


课 题

Unit6 Reading(1) An earthquake survivor’s home page
The Taiwan earthquake


知识目标单词:shaking , fear ,scream, direction ,wildly ,calm ,loudly…… 词组:feel slight shaking, look at each other in fear ,run in all directions ,in a great hurry ,calm down……能力目标能够读懂文章,了解台湾地震的基本情况。情感目标了解自然灾害,并学会在自然灾害中自我保护。

学习重点提高学生阅读能力,更好的理解文章。 进一步理解并运用过去进行时学习难点培养学生根据关键词和语境猜测大意的能力
课 前 自 学
一.复习上节自然灾害的内容(词汇,词组和句子)和其它相关内容。 二.翻译下列重点单词并借助于单词表的音标会读下列单词。 1.轻微的 2.害怕,恐惧(名词) 3.尖叫 4.摇动,震动5.方向 6.失去控制地 7.平静下来 8.陷入困境9.大声地 10.到处 11.由于 12.砖块 三.写出下列单词的变化 1.shake(名词)______ (过去式)_______ 2. direct(名词)_______ 3.wild(副词)________ 4.loud(副词)______ trap(过去式)_______ 四.通过预习课文翻译下列短语。 1.在一个购物中心 2.恐惧地互相看着 3.碎玻璃 4.一阵恐惧 5.一种像打雷一样的声音 6.陷入困境地 7.a slight shaking 8.run in all directions 9.calm down 10.in a great hurry 11.try my best to do 12.move away the bricks and stones 五.课文理解 1.当地震开始时,我正在购物. I___________________ when it started. 2.当玻璃和砖片落下的时候,人们发了疯一样的乱跑. People ___________ While pieces of glass and bricks ________________. 3.一阵恐惧闪过我的脑海,但我告诉自已要冷静,因为我还活着. A moment of fear ______________ my mind ,but I told ____________ Since I am still _______. 4.我正在试着找出路的时候,我突然听到头顶上有声音. I _____________________ when I suddenly heard some noise above me. 六.通读课文,回答下列问题题。 1.What was Timmy doing when the earth started? 2.Was Timmy trapped after the earthquake stopped? 3.Was Timmy saved at last? 七.尝试完成新单词的理解和记忆。完成课本96页的B1 八.预习课文,朗读课文,熟读课文。

课 堂 交 流 展 示
展示一:复习课前自习一,先在组内展示复习内容,然后班内展示各组结果。 展示二:对课前自学二,三,四,五的重要的语言知识点(单词、短语、句型)在组内和班内展示并大声朗读。 展示三:老师解释1999年的台湾大地震的背景知识(有条件的播放一段地震的录像)导入新课。 展示三 :While reading (一) 班内展示课前自学七,八。 (二) 播放课文录音,边听边完成97页D部分判断正误题。 (三) 跟读磁带,分段阅读并完成课文每段的问题,检查同学们对每段的理解。 Para1: 1. What was Timmy doing when the earthquake started? 2. What happened to in the shopping centre? Para2: 1.What happened to the buildings? 2.How did people react(反应)? Para3: Where was Timmy when the shaking stopped? Para4: How did Timmy feel? Para5: What did Timmy do while he was waiting for help? Para 6: How was he saved? 展示四: After reading (一)完成97页C部分,并将图片按事件顺序复述整个故事(先组内展示,后班内展示)。 (二)完成96页B2的日记并核对答案。

课 堂 达 标 检 测
一.根据中文提示或句意写出单词。 1.I went to the ________ centre and bought many things. 2.She ____________(感觉)sick and went to see a doctor. 3.It sounds ________ bombs in the sky. 4.Don’t run in all ____________(方向). 5.I tried my __________ to work hard at English. 6.I was caught in the rain and I was all w________ on my way to school. 7.I am feeling a slight s__________(发抖) through my body. 8.They looked at each other in f_________ and felt frightened. 9.Some girls s_______ because they were frightened. 10.Then I c_______ down and asked myself where I am. 11. ______________(既然) everyone is here , let’s begin our class. 二.用括号中所给单词的适当填空. 1. I shouted ___________ (loud) for help. 2. Tom fell off the tree and looked at his ____________(break) leg on fear. 3. Then, the _________(really)noise came, like bombs under the ground. 4.“I can’t stay here .”the boy said to ____________(he). 5. An earthquake ___________(survive) told us the story. 三.根据课文内容填空。(首字母已给出) I was doing some s_______ when it started .At first, I felt a s______ shaking through my body. Then I heard a big noise like t_________. People looked at each other in f_______. Then the r______ noise came and the earth started to shake. People ran in all d__________. I t_______ my best to run out the street too . People were running w________ w_________ pieces of glass and b_______ were falling down. Then the walls began to come down too.


导 学 案


总10-3 课时


课 题
Unit6 Reading (2) The Taiwan earthquake


知识目标掌握一些重点单词、词组。如: shake scream, alive, wildly,In fear ,in all direction calm down , be trapped ,stay alive ,in a great hurry……

能力目标1. 进一步掌握本课中的重点和难点,能够对一些短语和句型做到进一步的理解和掌握 2. 背 默课文


课 前 自 学
一. 翻译下列词组。(合起课本试一试) 1.起初 2.向四面八方跑 3.平静下来 4.自言自语 5.陷入困境 6.喊救命 7.很长一段时间 8.尽力做某事 9.寻找出路 10.匆忙做某事 二.根据课文内容填空。(合起课本试一试) Timmy survived the earthquake in 1999. At first ,he felt a ___1___ Shaking .Then he heard a big noise like ____2___. People were in ___3_____. The noise became really loud ____4____ bombs under the ground .After that , pieces of glass and bricks fell down .People ran in all ____5____. Timmy _____6__ his best to run out but ____7___.When The noise ended, he found he was _____8____ and still stay ____9_____. He told himself to ___10____ down and shouted for ________ .At last , people moved away the bricks and stones and saved him. 三.阅读文章,各小组找出一些重要的知识点并且注释,准备课堂上展示。 四:活动 两人一组,一人扮演记者,另一人扮演 Timmy 接受采访. 注:记者要按事件的顺序提问. Where were you when the earthquake started.

What were you doing?



如(1)Is it a good idea to jump out of the window if the building starts to shake?

(2)Is it safe to ride bikes or drive cars fast during a snowstorm?

(3)Is it safe to hide under a big tree during a rainstorm with thunder and lightning?

(4)What can we do if we don’t have time to escape()?

课 堂 交 流 展 示
展示一. 1.展示课前预习一,二(各小组检查组员复习情况) 2. 分组写出语言点并在组内和班内展示与讨论。 1. fear n.害怕 (其词组) in fear 提心吊胆 我的脑中掠过一阵恐惧,但我告诉我自己要镇定下来. A moment of _______________ my mind but I told myself to calm down 2.mind n. 头脑,想法, 精神 vt./vi. 介意,在乎 常用搭配:make up one’s mind to do sth 下决心做某事

Never mind 不要紧, mind doing sth 介意做某事

活学活用:1.would you mind my ____________ (close) the window.

2.---We’ve missed the bus !

---- ___________,(不要紧)there will be another one in 10 minutes. 3.wild adj.野生的,野性的 ___________/________ 野兽/野花 (2)wild (adv.)___________ 例句:He ran __________ down the street. 他发狂似地沿着街跑 4.calm vi.(使)平静,(使)镇定,平息 adj.平静的,镇 静的,沉着的

常用搭配:keep calm 保持镇静 .calm down 使平息,使平静

活学活用:1. The mother __________________________.


2. The sky is blue , and the sea __________.


3. It was difficult to _______________________ the football fans. 要使足球球迷平静下来是很困难的。 5.trap v.使……困住.(其词组) be trapped 陷入困境 例句:电梯坏了,我们被困在里面。 The lift broke down and we ____________ inside. 6. moment n.片刻 常用搭配:(通过查资料或字典解释其意义及用法)

at the moment, for the moment,, for a moment in a moment 7. alive adj.(1)活着的, 存在的(常作表语,后置定语,表语) (1) Timmy found that he was still __________.蒂米发现他仍然活着。 (2) They caught the bear ________. 他们活捉了那只熊。 8. hurry vt.使赶紧 ,使匆忙, 加速 vi匆忙,赶紧,快 n.匆忙,

常用搭配:in a hurry ,hurry up ,hurry to do sth ,

活学活用:1._____________ ! You’ll be late. 快点! 你会迟到的。

2.I _______________ to the ticket office.我匆忙地赶到售处。

3.( )He went to school _________________. A. in a hurry B. hurry up C. in hurry 4.People were in a great hurry to move away the bricks and stones. (改为同义句) People ____________________ move away the bricks and stones.

展示三:小组讨论,合作完成采访。并在班内展示其采访过程。 展示四: 组内讨论课前自习五,并在组内展示讨论结果。

课 堂 达 标 检 测
一.词组练习 1.Frightened by the loud noise , the children looked at each other_____________(害怕的). 2.The small animals in the forests _______________(四处逃窜) when they saw a tiger coming . 3.We __________________(正在尽全力) to protect wild animals . 4.The fans ____________(疯狂尖叫) all the time during the concert . 5.I ______________(平静下来) after listening to the beautiful music . 6.Five workers ______________(被困) in the mine for 10hours last month. 二.选用方框中所给词组的适当形式填空. Be trapped , because, turn off ,

calm down , in all directions In a hurry

1. His eyes are red ________ he cried just now. 2. Please don’t ____________ lights , It’s too dark here. 3. Our teacher often tells us ___________ when we are studying. 4. Timmy _____________ in a dark place when the earthquake stopped. 5. There was a fire in that building . People ran to put it out________________ 6. My grandfather was suddenly ill ,so we took him to the hospital ________________________.
三.用所给单词的适当形式填空. 1.I felt a slight ________(shake) through my body at the beginning Of the earthquake. 2. The girl was very____________ (frighten),so she screamed out. 3. I told myself I must stay___________(live) in this case. 4. “Did I really survive?” she asked ____________(she). 5. “I was __________ (trap).”I thought to myself. 6. People are running____________ (wild) because pieces of glass and bricks fell down. 7. Don’t go into the room. They _______________ (mop)the floor. 四.默写课文.


导 学 案


总10-4 课时


课 题

8A Unit 6 vocabulary


知识目标单词:weather, cloud, wind ,windy, fog ,foggy, frost Frosty, temperature, low 词组:drop a litter ,become worse ,drop to ,around/below /above 7℃能力目标能够用所学词汇来谈论不同的天气状况。情感目标

课 前 自 学
一.预习课文并翻译下列重点单词并借助于单词表的音标会读下列单词. 1.云 2.风 3.雾 4.霜 5.温度 6.下降 7.天气 8.有风的 9.有雾的 10.有霜的 11.下雪的 12.多云的 二 .按要求写单词。 1. Sun(形容词)________ 2.storm(形容词)_________ 3.cloud (形容词)_______4.foggy(名词) _________ 5.windy(名词) 6.snowy(名词)______ 7.rain (形容词)_______ 8.frost(形容词) 9.bad(比较级)_________ 10.low(比较级)_________ 三.在横线上填上合适的词. 1. I like sitting in the sun on _______ days . 2. He often makes snowmen on ________ days . 3. Jim loves flying kites on ________ days . 4. I dislike ________ because the ground is all wet. 5. Drivers must be careful on _______ days, they can’t see far clearly . 6. I hate _________ days because there is strong wind and heavy rain . 四.句型理解 1.The temperature ___________________________________(将会在7℃左右) 2. The temperature is going to _____________________(下降一点). 3.The weather will _________________(变得更糟) on Friday 4. The weather will_________________________( 降到零下5度).

课 堂 交 流 展 示
展示一:对课前自学中重要的语言知识点(单词,短语,句型)在组内和班内进行展示. 展示二:(1)根据图标,默写出下列天气状况的名词和形容词.

总结规则:表天气的名词 + y (双写 + y) →形容词 (2).完成课本98页的A部分。(核对答案并朗读) (3).完成 课本98页的B部分。(核对答案并朗读) 展示三:根据表格汇报灌南未来24小时的天气预报。



this evening


5 ℃-12℃



3℃ -9℃
Good evening! Here’s the weather report of Guan Nan for the next 24 hours. This evening ________ ________ ________.The ______temperature will be ________. The ________ temperature will be_____. Tomorrow will be ________.The temperature is going to ____ ____ _____.The highest Temperature will be ________. The lowest temperature will be_____. Thank you for listening.

课 堂 达 标 检 测
一.翻译下列短语。 1.下降一点___________ 2.变得更糟______________ 3.drop to 5℃ __________ 4.around 7℃_____________ 二 .用所给单词的适当形式填空。 1.Today is a ______ day.Now it is _______ hard .(rain) 2.The weather will become ________(bad) on Friday than before 3. It’s ________(snow). The ground is all white. 4. It’s ________(wind) and the children are flying kites. 5. Today is ______(cloud), but tomorrow will be ______(sun). 6.It’s ______ today and it has much _______ this time every time.(fog) 7.The temperature ___________(be) around 7℃ tomorrow. 8. It’s not going to be _________(storm). 三.句型转换。 1.There was much fog this morning.(改为同义句) It _________________________ this morning. 2.It rained hard last night.(改为同义句) There _______________________________ last night. 3.It was snowy yesterday.(改为同义句) It_______________ yesterday. 4.The weather is frosty today.(用tomorrow改写句子) 四.补全对话.(每空一词) 1.A:It’s so cold today ,What’s the ____________? Is it staying __________ zero? B: No, It’s fallen ________ zero ,and now dropped _________ -5℃ . A:No wonder I feel so _________ .Can I have a drink of ______ tea ? B: Ok . Here’s your hot tea ? A: ________ you . Let’s sit __________ the fire and have a talk.


导 学 案


总10-5 课时


课 题

8A Unit6 Natural disasters
Grammar(1)past continuous tense


知识目标单词:discuss , terrible ,break 词组:search the Internet, discuss…with ,plan a trip to…,on the side of the road, drive you to school , break down 能力目标能够了解并掌握过去进行时时态情感目标发展学生听和说的能力学习重点学习过去进行时的含义及其肯定句、否定句、疑问句的构成.学习难点掌握并运用过去进行时
课 前 自 学
一.写出所学过的句子时态的概念与结构及时间状语: 一般现在时: 一般过去时: 现在进行时: 一般将来时: 二.找出过去进行时的语法,查资料解释其意义及用法 1. 写出过去进行时的概念: 2. 写出过去进行时的结构:

(1)基本结构:was/were + v-ing

(2)否定式: was/were not + v-ing (was not = wasn’t / were not = weren’t)

(3)疑问句:将 was/were 调到主语前 三.写出与过去进行时连用的时间状语:_______________________________ _____________________________________________________ 三.过去进行时的基本用法:

1.表示在过去某个时间点正在发生的动作.常与at ten last night, at this time yesterday, at that time/moment , when I came in等连用.

2.表示在过去某段时间之内持续不断发生的动作.常与last night, this morning, from…to(from7 to 10 this morning)连用.


1.寻找 2.与某人讨论某事 3.计划去某地去旅游

4.一张....的地图 5.看指南书 6.看报纸

7.步行去.... 8.看见某人做某事 9.看见某人正做某事

10.在路的一边等待某人 12.开车送某人去上学

13.向往常一样 14.损坏,出毛病

15.是某人做某事的时间了 16.堆雪人

17.拍照片 18.跌倒

五.课文句子理解. 1.昨天下午三点那个学生在上网. The student ________ _______ _______ ________ at three yesterday afternoon. 2.你进来时,我在给我的项目找几张1976年唐山地震的照片. I _______ ________ _________some ______ of the 1976 Tangshan earthquake for my project when you came in. 3.那时Peter在他的的卧室里筹划去唐山的旅行 Peter ________ ________a ______ _________ Tangshan in his bedroom at that time. 4.昨天下午四点Danial正努力在网上找到一张唐山的地图. Danial ________ __________ ________ __________ a map of Tangshan on the Internet at four yesterday afternoon. 5.昨天上午十点正在下大雨. It _______ __________ _________ at ten o’clock yesterday morning.

课 堂 交 流 展 示
展示一:对课前自学中重要的语言知识点在组内和班内展示. 展示二:<1>根据图形用过去进行造句并总结规律. (1) (2) (3) 1. He is swimming now.(用at this time yesterday) He ______ swimming at this time yesterday 2. It is raining now.(用the whole night yesterday改写) It ______ _______ the whole night yesterday 3.They are dancing now.(用at 4 p.m. yesterday改写) They _____ _______ at at 4 p.m. yesterday <2>.把以上的3句变为否定句.(同现在进行时变法相同,仅动用be) (1)____________________________________ (2)____________________________________ (3)____________________________________ <3>.再把以上3句变为一般疑问句,并作肯,否定回答.(方法同上) (1)________________________________________. (2)________________________________________. (3)________________________________________. 展示三:完成课本99页A1部分.核对答案并朗读. 展示四:完成课本100页A2部分. 核对答案并朗读. (注:可对A1和A2部分含有过去进行的句子进行句型转换.)

课 堂 达 标 检 测
一、英汉互译。 1.Search the Internet 2.站在路边 3.一场可怕的暴风雪 4.drive you to school 5. 出故障 l6. discuss the project with Danial

二. 过去进行时的时间状语

at this time yesterday, at that time, at nine yesterday morning, the whole afternoon, from 6:00 to 8:00 yesterday morning巩固练习

1. What ________ your brother ________ (do) at nine o’clock last night?

2. They ____________ (listen) to music at that time.

3. When I saw him, he _____________ (search) the Internet.

4. They ______________ (discuss) a problem in the meeting room at this time yesterday.

5. ______ Amy ______ (visit) the Science Museum from 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. yesterday?

三.句型转换。 1.He was doing his homework at eight last night.(改否定句)

2.My brother is watching TV now.(用at four o’clock yesterday改写)

3.My father was searching the Internet at that moment.

4.He was writing a letter when I came in.

5.Ididn’t know where I should go .(改为同义句)

6.It is cloudy and a little windy today.

四.填上合适的词组 break down use the mobile phone mop up the water

lose the game wait for a bus

1. They called the police at 8:00 a.m.____________________.

2. His father’s car ________________because of the terrible weather.

3. Hobo and Eddie __________________on the floor when we came .

4.I looked out of the window and saw many people __________at that bus stop.

5.They __________________if you don’t cheer for them.


导 学 案


总 10-6 课时


课 题

8A Unit6 Natural disasters Grammar(2)past continuous tense with “while” and “when”


知识目标单词:Snowball ,snowman , hit 词组:Make a snowman ,fall over能力目标能够了解并掌握用when和while引导的时间状语从句与过去进行时连用的几种情况。情感目标

学习重点学习用when和while引导的时间状语从句与过去进行时连用的几种情况。学习难点在过去进行时中正确使用when和while 。
课 前 自 学
*找出用when / while引导的时间状语从句与过去进行时连用的情况.查资料搞清楚它的用法. 一.根据汉语意思翻译下列句子。 1. 当发生地震时,我正在购物。 I ______ _______ some shopping when it __________. 2.当玻璃、瓦片往下掉的时候,人们正慌乱地跑着。 People _______ __________ wildly while pieces of glass and bricks ________ ________ down. 3.我正在寻找出路时,突然我听到头顶上有声音。 I ________ ________ to find my way out when I suddenly ________ Some noise above me. 二.讨论:有时为了句子表达的需要,我们可以用复合句来表达过去进行时.如以上3句。 在过去进行时中when和while用法及其区别。 ? 昨晚当我到家的时候,妈妈和爸爸正在看电视.

My parents_________(watch) TV when I arrived home last night.

? 刚才当老师走进教室的时候,学生们正在读书.

Students ____________(read)when the teacher came in just now.


? 但是若强调某个动作正在进行中时,又发生了别的动作,用when从句. when从句必用过去进行时,主句用一般过去时.(表示在when从句正进行期间又发生了主句的动作)此时, when=while,表时间段.如 ? __________we were having supper, the light went out. ? ____________he was riding a bike, he fell off and hurt his leg. ? 若主,从句两个延续动作同时进行,用while,则主句与从句都用进行时,

此时,while译为“而” “一边,一边”,如:

. He was reading the newspaper __________ I was studying.

三.(热身一下吧)用 when和while填空。 1.My mum was sleeping ______ my aunt came to visit her. 2. My father was working in the garden _______ I was sitting in the sun. 3.________ he came yesterday, we were playing basketball. 4._______ we were laughing , the teacher came in. 5._______ the Whites were having supper, I knocked at the door. 五.完成句子. 1.当到Simon的时候,Amy正在从地上取雪. ________ Simon ________ , Amy _______ ________ some snow from the ground. 2.正当Danial在做雪球时, 他摔倒了. ________ Danial _______ _________ a snowball , he ________ ________. 3.Suzy在堆雪人的而Kitty就站在她的旁边. Suzy _______ ___________ a snowman ________ Kitty _______ ________ beside her. 4.正当Mary在拍照的时候,Andy朝她跑了过来. Andy _________ towards Mary ________ she ________ ________ _________. 5.正当我在买东西的时候,地震发生了. The earthquake _______ __________ I _______ ________ some shopping. 6.刚才我看见李平和他的父母在路边等公共汽车. I _______ Li Ping and his parents ___________ ________ the bus ______ the side of the road.

课 堂 交 流 展 示
展示一:在组内和班内展示课前自学中重要的短语及句型. 展示二(1):根据图形用正确的时态回答问题. 例句①T: What was the girl doing when I came?

S: She ______ ________ when I came.

= When I came , she ______ _______.

(2)小组模仿回答。并根据课本100页A2回答下列问题。 What was Mr. Wu/Simon/Millie/Sandy doing when the snowstorm came? ① Mr.Wu _________________ when the snowstorm came.

= __________________________________________________.

② Simon _________________ when the snowstorm came.

= __________________________________________________.

③ Millie _________________ when the snowstorm came.

= __________________________________________________.

④ Sandy _________________ when the snowstorm came.

= __________________________________________________.

※ 总结规律:句子1(延续性动作) (过去进行时)+ When +句子2(短暂性动作) (一般过去时) = When +句子2(短暂性动作),句子1(延续性动作) (注: When也可延续性动作) 展示三:可用while改写例句① I came while the girl was dancing = While the girl was dancing , I came . (2)用while改写以上第一题中的4个答句。 ①_________________________________________________.







= _________________________________________________.

※ 总结规律:句子1(短暂性动作) (一般过去时) + while +句子2(延续性动作) (过去进行时)

= While +句子2(延续性动作),句子1(短暂性动作) 展示四:根据图形用连接两句含有过去进行时的句子.

S1: What was she doing while we were watching TV? S2: She ______ _________ while we were watching TV. = While we were watching TV ,she _______ ______ .

※ 总结规律:句子1(延续性动作) (过去进行时) + while +句子2(延续性动作) (过去进行时)

=While + 句子2(延续性动作) , 句子1(延续性动作).

展示五:让两个学生同时表演不同的动作,其他学生用while造句。 展示六:完成课本101页练习。核对答案并朗读。

课 堂 达 标 检 测
一 .用所给单词的适当形式填空。 1. Your cousin ________(not play) basketball when I saw him. 2. When I _________(leave) home ,my sister ______(eat) breakfast. 3. When I came to see him , Daniel ________(search) for some information on the Internet. 4. Girls ________ (dance) while boys _________ (sing). 5.When the teacher looked for them , where _______ they _____ ( play ) football. 6. When I saw you , who _______ you ________(talk) with? 二.用when 和 while填空 1.Mother was cooking ______father was watching DVD last night.

2.________ Tommy got there , the famous scientists was giving a talk on traveling. 3._______ the famous scientists was giving a talk on traveling, Tommy got there. 4. The singer waved to us _______ she was singing the song. 5.______ they were playing basketball , we were cheering for them. 6. The telephone rang _______ David was sleeping last night. 7.________ the telephone rang , David was sleeping last night. 8._______ my uncle came to see me, I was reading. 三.翻译句子.






导 学 案


总10-7 课时


课 题

8A unit 6 integrated skill
An accident report


知识目标单词:Cover , caller , arrival , serious 词组:Cover the whole road ,time of arrival catch fire , 能力目标能从听力材料中获取相关的有用信息。情感目标学会在紧急状况下的求助电话的表达方式,能够及时得到帮助。学习重点根据从录音中获取的信息完成事故报告单,培养细听技能。学习难点根据获取的信息转述事故过程。


1.覆盖整个路面 2.把某人送到医院 3.感觉寒冷和害怕

4. 伤了她的腿 5.到那时为止 6.变的更糟糕

7.读一篇关于...文章的报纸 8.撞向一棵树

9.用手机打110 10.因为

11.给某人写电子邮件 12.一个叫....的男人


1.call(n.)________ 2.arrive(n.)__________3.serious(adv.)__________


1. 他的摩托车撞到了小汽车上.

His motorbike ________ __________ the car.

2. 大雪把整个路面都盖起来了.

The _________ _________ ________ the ________ road.

3. 警察立刻把受害者送到附近的医院.

The policeman _______ __________ _________ _______ the hospital _______ at once.

4. 110热线接到了张先生打来的电话.

The 110 ________ _________ a call ________Mr Zhang.

5. 那时他感到又冷又怕.

He _______ ________ ________ ________ at that time.

展示一: 在组内和班内展示课前自学中的内容. 展示二: (1)带着下列问题听录音,然后回答问题. 1. What happened to the car? 2. What happened to Mr. Su and Mrs. Su? 3. What was the weather like? 4. When and Where did it happen? (2).再次播放录音,填写事故报告单中部分信息. (3).快速阅读A2内容,完成A1部分剩下的内容. (4).根据A1和A2的信息,完成A3.并核对答案. (5). a.播放103页B部分的对话录音.并回答下列问题. 1. What happened in Britain? 2. What caused the fire? 3. Was anyone hurt? b.合作交流,模仿Part B 展示自己的对话.


1. an accident report 2.cover the whole road. 3.打110 热线 4.困在车内 5.天气状况 6.conditions of victims 7.time of arrival 8.送他们去医院 二.用适当的介词,副词或连词填空. 1. The car crashed _______ a big tree and it was trapped. 2. I left school early yesterday _______ the weather got worse in the afternoon. 3. Today I read a newspaper article ______ the big earthquake. 4. After the accident , the policeman arrived _____ the place. 5. They sent the victim _______ a hospital nearby. 6. There was a heavy storm_________ thunder and lightning in Britain. 三.完成句子 1.Natural disasters ________________________(会很危险). 2.He called for help ________________(用手机). 3.It was cold .The snow _____________________(真的很大). 4.Last night a car _______________(撞了他),but he ___________________(没受伤). 5. ---Where was the man at that moment? ---He _________________(困在) in the car. 四.补全对话。 Sandy: Did you h_______ about the fire in Britain last week? Amy : No ,what h__________? Sandy: my e-friend told me about it. There was a h____ storm With thunder and l_________. Amy: Oh , r________. Sandy : Yes . It was terrible. Her school c______ fire because lightning h_________ it. Amy : Was she h________? Sandy : No . As it was a h_______ ,no one w_______ at school.


导 学 案

主 备人



课 题

8A unit6 studying skills
Falling voice at the end of statements


知识目标1.陈述句以降调结尾 2.单词:lady, fireman ,cause, last ,airport能力目标能够在陈述句末使用恰当的语调模式情感目标

课 前 自 学
*找出了重要的短语,并用其短语造句. 一.词组互译 1.引起自然灾害 2.几场事故 3.一个飞机场 4.台湾大地震 二.预习课本P104页,看每个例句的末尾的升降符号。 合作并讨论,补充完整下列歌诀.
陈述感叹祈使句,句末( )调来达意。
特殊问句也一样,句末语调向( )降。

一般问句要记清,句末语调向( )升。 以上属于一般情,特殊情况看语境。 三.用?(升调)或?(降调)标出下列句子的语调。 ________1.Who saw the accident first?

________2. The shopping mall is open at 8:30 every day.

________3. Can you show us the photos of the trip?

________4. Don’t throw it like this.

________5. How beautiful!

课堂交流展示展示一:在组内和班内对课前预习的题目进行展示. 展示二: (1)听104页A部分录音,并总结出陈述句的句尾的发音模式。 (2)跟读并模仿录音中的语调。 (3)完成B部分。朗读并核对答案

课堂达标检测一.用?(升调)或?(降调)标出下列句子的语调,并正确朗读。 ______1.There was a heavy snowstorm in Taiwan last night. ______2. When will you go there? ______3. Did I really survive? ______4. We don’t like traveling at all. _______5.It is a really a wonderful place to visit. _______6.How often does he go to see his mum? _______7.Who left the classroom first? _______8.Is he still in the car? 二.选用方框中所给词的适当形式填空。 serious lock arrive terribly condition cover heavily call1. There was a _______ flood in my hometown last year. 2. He was very surprised at my sudden __________. 3. It is time for people to go to work, so the traffic is very ___________. 4. ________ the door before you leave. 5. Water ________ most part of the earth. 6. The car turned over and he was ________ hurt. 7. Just now I received a phone call. But I didn’t know the _____________. 8. The living ________ are getting better and better for the villagers. 三.用所给动词适当形式填空. 1.―What’s wrong with you? -- I __________(be) hurt yesterday. 2.The school was empty because it __________(rain) heavily yesterday 3. You should come home before the weather became ___________(bad). 4. She __________(call) the police for help using her mobile phone. 5. He and his wife _____________(be trapped) in the car when the earthquake happened. 6.I know that bad weather can __________(is ) dangerous.


导 学 案


总10-9 课时


课 题

8A unit6 Main Task
Writing about a natural disaster


知识目标单词:Nearly , sandstorm , warning 短:Share…with… ,snowstorm warning ,forget to bring my keys , continue to fall ,fall over ,能力目标能够用第一人称写一篇自己所亲历的自然灾害的文章情感目标

列出重要的单词及短语,查资料解释其用法. 一.翻译下列短语. 1. share an umbrella with sb. 2.the noise of traffic 3.慢慢地走 4.继续下(雪) 5.铲除雪 6.跃倒 7.snowstorm warning 8.forget to bring keys 9.暴风雪袭击北京 10.卷起裤子 二.词形转换. 1.Warn(名词)_________ 2.forget(过去分词)______ 3.bring(反义词)________ 4.fall(过去式)________

展示一:在组内和班内展示课前自学的重要知识点. 展示二(1)阅读课本105页A部分的,然后对所发生的自然灾害按事件发展的顺序进行排序。 H →___→ ____d →____→____→____→____→___→ m →_____→_____→i (2)以小组为单位,对Sandy所经历的暴风雪的信息进行提问。 如:h. when did the snowstorm hit Beijing? …… d. Whom did Sandy share an umbrella with? …… m. Where did Sandy live in for the whole night? …… i. How did Sandy feel the snowstorm? (3).根据事件的顺序把的笔记分成三部分,并完成下列表格。 综述暴风雪 h ____________暴风雪中 ______ d __________暴风雪后m __________ i(4).完成B部分的流程图,并核对答案。 (5).快速阅读C部分,并用A部分的信息完成C部分的填空。 (6).小组合作,完成段落与其大意的搭配。 Para. _______ After the snowstorm Para. _______ Introduce Para. _______ During the snowstorm

一.写作 1.回忆曾经经历的或通过电视,报纸等所知道的自然灾害,把信息记录在笔记本上,并画一张类似B部分的流程图.然后再一篇文章。(先打草稿, 后誊写作文,并在组内展示作文)
自然灾害 Natural Disaster :地震 earthquake ,雪崩 avalanche, 泥石流 mudflow/landslide , 超级火山爆发 supervolcano, 洪水 flood,海啸 Tsunami暴风雪 blizzard ,干旱 Drought

飓风(台风)Hurricanes and Typhoons
冰雹 ice storm , 龙卷风 tornado , 森林大火 wildfire



导 学 案

主 备人

总 10-10课时


课 题

8A unit6 check out


单词:Situation ,soldier 词组:The people in need , give out food ,clean drinking water ,the terrible situation ,social workers

课 前 自 学
列出本单元的重要的语言知识点.对其进行复习和巩固 一.复习有关天气的词汇. n.+ _______ 或________ →adj. 云______ __________ 风_______ _______ 雨_______ ________ 风暴_______ _______ 霜_______ ________ 雪 ______ _______ 雾________ _______ 太阳_________ __________ 二.复习课文.完成幸存者Timmy的日记. I still cannot believe I s______ .I was in the shopping mall when the e_________ started.

I first heard a big noise like t_______. Everyone there was f________. People ran quickly everywhere.

Then the noise became really loud. It sounded like b_____ under the ground.

After that, pieces of glass and bricks f_________ down.

When the noise ended, I was t_______ in a dark place and could not get out.

A moment of f______ went through my mind. Then I told myself to c_________ dowm and s________ for help.

Suddenly I remembered that I had a p_____ of chocolate with me and I can be a_____.

Some time later, people m_____ _______the bricks and stones. I saw the bright daylight again.

三.复习过去进行. 过去进行时的结构: __________________ 时间状语: A.用所给动词完成下列填空. 1. I _____________(play) basketball with my friends in the playground when it started to rain. 2. She ____________(do) her homework in the bedroom while her mother ___________(cook) supper. 3. He ______________(search) the Internet at this time yesterday. B. 翻译. 1. 他们那时不在打排球。

They _______ _______ volleyball at that time.

2. 当你回来时,他在看电视吗?

_______ he _______ TV when you came back?

3. 昨天中午他在哪里等你?

_______ _______ he _______ for you at noon yesterday ?

4. 当我离开时,他正在做家庭作业。

He ________ ________ his homework when I left.

5. 正当他们拖地的时候,老师进来了。

While they_______ _______ the floor , the teacher came in.

三.小组讨论或查阅有关资料回答下列问题. On which day did the earthquake hit Tangshan?

Was it in early morning or in late afternoon?

How many people died in the earthquake?

How many people were badly hurt in the earthquake?

课 堂 交 流 展 示
展示一:在组内和班内对课前预习的题目进行展示.(老师给予指点与点评) 展示二: (1)阅读107页的对话,回答下列问题. 1. What was Millie doing when Simon saw her yesterday? 2. Did Millie find anything? 3. What were soldiers doing in the video? 4. What were survival people doing? 5. What were social workers doing there? (2)完成107页的A部分,然后核对答案. (3)完成课本107页B部分,并核对答案。 展示三:组内展示讨论结果,。

课 堂 达 标 检 测
一.翻译下列词组。 1.需要中的人们 2.分发食物 3.clean drinking water 4.terrible situation 5.social workers 6.当地的人们 二.用所给的词组的适当的形式填空。 Fall down , as if , turn off , at last , be snowy Be trapped , try one’s best ,say to oneself ,in fear, wash away1. The heavy rainstorm _________ the bridge over the river last night. 2. It ________ yesterday , so the land is all white. 3. Hundreds of workers _________ under the building because Of the earthquake. 4. Don’t ________ the light. It is too dark. 5. The thieves tried to run away, but _________ we caught them. 6. “I’m still alive. I must ask for help,” Timmy______. 7. Last year I was weak at Math . I’ll ________ to learn it well. 8. Her eyes are red ________ she cried just now. 三.用括号中所给词的适当形式填空。 1. Why were they excited at my ____________ (arrive)? 2. It took him longer to get to school because the traffic was ___________ (heavily). 3. He didn’t listen to his parents’ ___________ (warn),so They were very angry. 4. It will be _______ (frost) on Tuesday and the temperature will drop a little. 四.用适当的介词或副词填空。 1.What happened _________ Helen. 2. I like to share my things ______ you. 3. Don’t look out ________ the window in class. You should look ________ the blackboard. 4. It’s late .We must ride to school ________ a hurry. 5._______ this time yesterday , we were waiting ______ the bus _______ the bus stop. 6. The old man called 110 _______ help after he was robbed ______the road. 7. The snow continued to fall ________ us. 8. The water washed the village _____________.


8A 导学案参考答案

8A unit6

课时10-1的答案: (一)1.thunder and lightning 2.washed 3.natural 4.accident 5.an earthquake 6.rainstorm 7.lost 8.crashed (二)1.earthquake 2.storm 3.rainstorm 4.snowstorm 5.typhoon (三)1.lives 2.natural 3.thousands4.people 5.sleeping (四) washed a lot of houses and trees away.

killed thousands of people fell from a tree started a big fire in the building in the accident 课时10-2的答案: (一) 1.shopping 2. felt 3.like 4.directions 5. best 6.wet 7.shaking 8.fear 9.screamed 10.calmed 11.since (二) 1.loudly 2.broken 3.real 4.himself 5.survivor (三) 1.shopping2.slight 3.thunder 4.fear 5.real6.directions 7.tried 8.wildly 9.while 10.bricks 课时10-3的答案: (一)1.in fear 2.ran in all direction 3.are trying our best 4.screamed wildly 5.calmed down 6.were trapped (二)1.because 2.turn off 3.to calm down 4.was trapped 5.in all directions (三)1.shaking 2.frightened 3.alive 4.herself 5. trapped 6. wildly , 7.are mopping (四)略 课时10-4的答案: (一)drop a little ,become worse , 降到5度, 7度左右 (二)1.rainy , raining 2.worse 3.snowy 4.windy, 5.cloudy sunny 6. foggy fog 7. will be , 8.stormy (三)1.was foggy 2.was a heavy rain 3.snowed 4.will be frosty (四) temperature , above , below , to , cold, hot, thank , near 课时10-5的答案: (一)1.搜寻因特网 2.stand at the side of the road 3.a terrible snowstorm 4.开车送你去学校 5.break down 6.和Danial讨论课题 (二)1.was doing 2.were listening 3.was searching 4.were discussing 5.was visiting (三)1.He wasn’t doing his homework at 8 last night. 2.My brother was watching TV at 4 p.m. yesterday. 3.What was your father doing at that moment? 4.When was he writing a letter? 5.What’s the weather like today? (四) 1.using the mobile phone 2.broke down 3.were mopping up the water 4.waiting for a bus 5.will lost the game 课时10-6的答案: (一)1.wasn’t playing 2.left ,was eating 3.was searching 4.were dancing ,were singing 5.were playing 6.were talking (二)1.while / when 2.when 3. while/ when 4. while/ when 5. while/ when 6. while/ when 7.when 8.when (三)1.My mum was cooking while my dad was reading newspaper. 2.When the teacher came in ,the students were chatting with each other 3.When the children were having lessons, the earthquake started. 4.When I was doing some shopping ,suddently I heard a big noise like thunder. 课时10-7的答案: (一)1.一个事故报道2.覆盖整个路面 3.call 110 for help 4.be trapped in the car 5.weather condition 6.受难者的情况7.到达时间 8 send them to hospital (二)1.into 2.because 3.about 4.at 5.to 6.with (三)1.can be dangerous 2.with mobile phone3.was really heavy 4.hit him 5.wasn’t hurt 6.was trapped (四)1.hear, happened, heavy , lightning, really , caught , hit, hurt, holiday , was 课时10-8的答案: (一)1. ?2. ?3. ?4. ?5. ?6. ?7. ?8. ? (二)1.terrible2. arrival 3.heavy 4.lock 5.covers 6.seriously7.caller 8.conditions (三)1.was 2.rained 3.worse 4.called 5.were trapped 6.be 课时10-9的答案:略 课时10-10的答案: (一)1.people in need 2.give out the food 3.干净的饮用水4. 可怕的状况5.社会工作者6.local people (二)1.washed away 2.was snowy 3.were trapped 4.turn off 5.at last 6.say to himself 7.try my best 8.because (三)1.arrival 2.heavy 3. warning 4. frosty (四)1.to 2.with 3.of . at 4.in 5.at fo r at 6. for, on 7.around 8. away

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/chuer/70578.html

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