
编辑: 逍遥路 关键词: 八年级 来源: 高中学习网
八年级英语(下)英语训练3 班别:________ 姓名:_____________ 学号:__________
Everyone needs friends. We all like 36 close to someone. 37 is nice to have a friend to talk, laugh and do things with.. Certainly, sometimes we need to be alone. We don’t always want people ____38____. But we would feel lonely if we ____39____have a friend. No two people are ___40___ . Friends ____41____don’t get on well. That doesn’t mean that they no longer like each other. Most of the time they will make up and become ____42__again.
Sometimes friends move away. Then we feel very 43 . We miss them very much, but we can 44 them and write to them. It could be that we could even see them again. And we can 45 new friends. It is surprising to find out how much we like new people when we get to know them..
( ) 36. A.. look B. watchC. feel
( ) 37. A, It B. He C. There
( ) 38. A.. alone B. around C. all over
( ) 39. A.. ever B. never C. just
( ) 40.A. friendly B. kind C. just the same
( ) 41.A. always B. sometimes C. often
( ) 42.A,friendly B, good C. friends
( ) 43.A. angry B, sad C. happy
( ) 44.A, call B, ask C. tell
( ) 45.A, look for B. find C. make
二.: (A)
I think that I am very lucky because I have a lot of friends.
My best friend is Mai. She is 16 years old. She is 2 years older than me. We live in the same village. She is my neighbor and we are now classmates, so we have been friends for so long. Mai is tell and thin. With long black hair, she has got an oval(椭圆形的) face with big bright eyes, a high nose and a small mouth. Mai is very beautiful, especially when she smiles. She is always helpful, polite and honest. When her friends have difficulties, she always tries her best to help them. Although we have the same hobbies and interests, we have different personalities(个性).I am sociable and enjoy telling jokes. My classmates think that I’m rather outgoing(外向的). Unlike me, Mai is quite serous and prefer quietness to noise. However, we can keep secrets together, so we are close friends. Mai is one of the best students in my class and she works hard.
I like doing homework with her. She always tries her best to help me with my studies. I think as time goes by, our friendship will be deeper and deeper.
( )46.The writer may be ________years old.
A.6 B.14 C.16 D.18
( )47. The underlined word“sociable”means“_____”in Chinese
A.爱交际的 B.喜怒无常的 C.懒惰的 D.有耐心的
( )48. The writer and Mai can become friends mainly because they______
A. have the same personality B. are in the same class
C. live in the same village D. can keep secrets together.
( )49.What does the writer think of Mai?
A. She is outgoing B. She is a nice girl.
C. She is careless. D. She is a lucky girl.
( )50.The best title for this passage is“__________”
A. How to Make Friends B. My Good Friend?Mai
C. How to Help Others D. Some Advice on Friendship \
True friends are not easy to find, so we should do our best to find real friendship and keep it.
When we are with friends, we should try to bring them closer to us. Smile is one of the easiest ways. People like to see happy faces greeting them.
When we talk to someone, ask questions to help him or her keep talking. Don’t ask personal questions, or they may want to walk away.
Listening is an important pare when you are with friends. You should listen carefully to what people are saying, and respond in the right way. Body language can show that you’re listening.
Some people have the same interests and hobbies as you. It’s easier to make friends with them. You may spend hours tallying about the same interests you have.
Friendship may last for all our life. We should try to keep it long.
( )51. Why should we try to keep our friendship?
A.Because we can’t find new friends later. B. Because it’s hard to find true0 friends.
C. Because friendship always lasts quite short. D. Because friendship will not last long.
( )52. If we are with friends, we should often______ when we talk with them,
A. cry B. laugh C. smile D. repeat
( )53. What does the underlined word“respond”mean?
A.大笑 B.应答 C.书写 D.拼读
( )54. What kind of person is easier to make friends with?
A.People who never stop talking. B. People who are good at body language
C. People who like asking personal questions D. People who have the same interests as you do.
( )55. What does the writer think of friendship?
A.We should try to keep it long. B. We should make friends with all people.
C. Friends must have the same hobbies. D. Friends should always be together
第二节 主题匹配
( )56. Do you know how to keep safe during an earthquake(地震)?When an earthquake happens, keep calm(冷静的). The most important part you need to keep safe is your head. If you are outside, stay away from trees, buildings and walls.
( )57. As the newest Disneyland in the world, Hong Kong Disneyland is a must-see because of its special Chinese culture. With Mickey Mouse and other Disney friends, you go on a fantastis journey. You can also try a lot of delicious Chinese food there
( )58. Do you find that it is difficult to fall asleep? Before going to bed, drink a glass of warm milk. Make sure that your bed and bedroom are comfortable. If you can’t sleep, get up and do something to relax. After a while you should feel tired enough to go to bed again,
( )59. It is important for students to know how to keep their eyes healthy when they use a computer. Keep your computer screen 40 to 50 cm away from your eyes. Take a rest every 15 minutes. Remember to wash your hands before touching(触摸) your eyes.
When I was 13, a boy gave me an important gift.
It was a smile. It was my first year at a junior high school, and my old school was far away. As a result, no one knew who I was. I was very lonely, and a________(71) to make friends with anyone.
Every t________(72)I heard the other students talking and laughing, I f_________(73)my heart break. I couldn’t talk with anyone about my problems.
Then one day, my classmates talked happily with their friends, but I sat at my desk unhappily. At that moment, a boy e_________(74) the classroom. I didn’t know who he was. He went past me and then turned back. He looked at me, with a smile.
The smile made me feel happy, lively and warm. It changed my life. I started to talk with other students and made friends. Day by day, I became c__________(75) to everyone in my class. The boy with the lucky smile has become my best friend now.
八年级英语(下)英语阅读训练4 班别:________ 姓名:_____________ 学号:__________
I think life in the future 36 more omefortable .Maybe there will be 37 people 38 on the earth in the future. So we may live on the moon
People will get there 39 spaceship and the 40 spend a lot of money 41 it which is cheap. Before the trip, everyone _42_ to book a ticker and buy the spacesuit, which will make you things 43_ on the moon. They will 44 need to 45 their credit card(信用卡).And that is enough. Because there will be houses, banks and shops on the moon
Everyone in the future will enjoy their life
( ) 36. A. is B. will be c. will is
( ) 37. A. may B. much c. more
( ) 38. A. lived B. living C. live
( ) 39. A. by B. at C. on
( ) 40. A. won’t B. will C. don’t
( ) 41. A. in B. for C. on
( ) 42. A. need B. will need C. needed
( ) 43. A. interesting B. heavier C. easily
( ) 44. A. too B. either C. also
( ) 45. A. take B. bring C. give
二、阅读: (A)
The computers changed our lives in the 1980s, the Internet changed our lives in the 1990s,and the robots will change our lives in the new century. Do you think there will be robots in people’s homes? It’s sont a dream that every home will have a robot.
Now, robots are not only able to help people do the housework, they can also help the doctors do the difficult operations, play chess with people, play the piano and so on.
A new cooking robot is used in Beijing. It can cook all the dishes on the menu, you only need to wait two to four minutes, in the future, the robot will be a nurse, a security guard, or a partner in you life
Experts believe robots will because every where from the industrial robots to service robots. In the future, robots will become part of the family, and provide close service for people. We all look forward to the new robot age.
( ) 46. ____________changed our lives in the 1990s.
A. The robots B. The compilers C The Tv sets D. The Interact
( )47. According to the passage, we know that a new cooking robot is being used in____
A the future B Beijing C many countries D many families
( ) 48 . What can the robots do now?
A They can help people do the housework B. They can help the doctor do the difficult operations
C. They can play chess with people D. A,B and C
( ) 49. Experts believe robots will be used______
A. only in hospital B. only in a filmily C. only in a factory D. everywhere
( ) 50. Which is the best title of the passage?
A. The computers changed our lives B. Robots can cook
C. Robots are coming D. Robots will be doctors
News1: Yuan longping, the father of hybrid rice, won the world Food Prize on Monday. Yuan developed the world’s first popular and widely known hybrid rice. Hybrid rice plants can make more rice than regular ones.
News2: Have you ever got angry at books that are full of mistakes? Don’t worry. Things will get better soon. Last week, China started checking textbooks, dictionaries and children’s books all over the country. The government said the results of che check would come out at the end of June
News 3:People will see anew star in the sky soon. China plants to send a satellite into space by December 2006. It will stay in space for one year . It will go around the moon and take pictures It must be very expensive right? That’s for sure 1.4 billion yuan!
News 4: Have you ever thought of being able to fly around the word in a few hours? One day, maybe you can Last Saturday, the American X- 43a AIRPLANE MADEITS FIRST FLINGT. It reached a speed of 8,00 kilometers per hour This makes it the fastest plane in the world X- 43 A is only three to four meters long but it’s very heavy. It weighs1,270
( ) 51. The satellite sent by China will move around ____________.
A. the moon B. the earth C. the sun D the mars
( ) 52. The speed of the fastest plane in the world is ____________.
A. 1.4kilometers per second B. 43 kilometers per minute
C. 1, 270 kilometers per hour D. 8,000 kilometers per hour
( ) 53 The checking of textbooks, dictionaries and children’s books will ________.
A.make a lot of money B. make the children sad
C. make sure there are no mistakes in them. D. make sure the books are not too expensive
( )54 Which of the following statements about the new star is NOT true?
A.it will go around the moon. B. It will stay in space for two years
C. It costs a lot D. It will go into space by December 2006
( )55 Yuan Longping won the world Food prize because_____
A.he likes to eat hybrid rice B. he is a successful father.
C. he grow more rice than others
D. he developed in world’s first popular and widely grown hybrid rice
( ) 56.How much do you spend on your clothes every year? There are good ways for you to save some money on clothes. You can buy clothes of good quality(质量). They can last for more than one year. Don’t buy clothes that you don’t need , even if(即使)they look very nice.
( ) 57. Trafalgar Square(特拉法尔加广场)is in the centre of London in England. It is a must-see for visitors when they go to London, and it is also one of the most famous squares in the United Kingdom . Many fantastic outdoor events(户外运动)are often held there
( )58. We always say that books and reading are good for children, but have we ever really thought about why this is true? From reading, children can learn about new subjects and find helpful information. Reading can also open up new world and make children’s lives richer.
( ) 59. Why is homework important to students? It is because homework helps students to have good study habits. In addition to this, it helps students to review what they have learn-ed in class. And it also helps them to prepare for the coming lessons and exams.
( ) 60. Scott Joplin was famous as successful musician and composer. He was born in around 1868 in Texas. He wrote forty ? four pieces, two operas and one ballet. He died on April 1 st,1917. He also opened the door for other black musicians and artists.
A.Why is homework important?
B.A great musician
C.Save money on clothes
D.Trafalgar Square
E.Books and reading are good for children
F.The lagrgest square in the world
Anyway, Mr Jackson stayed cool and he took a photo of the snake w_________71 his mo-bile phone. Soon his hand began to a_______72 and he went to hospital Then his chest began to hurt Doctors couldn’t say what was wrong because the didn’t know w________73 kind of snake it was
Then Mr Jackson remembered his mobile phone photo .The doctor s_______74 it to London zoo. When they knew the kind of snake, they could give Mr Jackson the r_______75medicine, and he came back home from hospital the next day.

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/chuer/70705.html
