
编辑: 逍遥路 关键词: 八年级 来源: 高中学习网
满分:150分 时间:120分钟
Ⅰ. 情景反应。(5分)
1. A. Oh, that’s all right. B. I’m very happy. C. Oh, that’s right.
2. A. Yes, I will. B. No, I won’t. C. No, I’m not.
3. A. Yes, please! B. Either will do. C. That’s fine.
4. A. He is over sixty. B. He’s a doctor. C. He’s much better.
5. A. There was. B. Yes, there was. C. No, there was.
II. 对话理解。(5分)
6. A. A week. B. Three days. C. Five days.
7. A. Go skateboarding only. B. Go skateboarding or play football C. Read books.
8. A. He is going to the park. B. He is going fishing with his father.
C. He is going to the beach with his family.
9. A. He forget to do his homework at home.
B. He didn’t remember to bring his homework with him.
C. He left home with his homework.
10. A. At the second turning. B. Between a bookshop and a clothing shop.
C. Between a bookshop and a hospital.
Ⅲ. 短文理解。(20分)
11. How many meals do many English people have a day?
A. Two. B. Three. C. Four.
12. What may people have for their breakfast?
A. Tea or eggs. B. Porridge, eggs or bread, tea or coffee.
C. Tea and coffee.
13. When do English people have lunch?
A. Any time. B. One. C. Five.
14. What don’t people eat for their dinner?
A. Porridge. B. Bananas and apples. C. Meat and fish.
15. When do some of the English people have dinner?
A. At one clock. B. In the middle of the day. C. In the evening.
16. One evening the girl in the park.
A. was waiting for her boy friend B. was looking for someone she didn’t know
C. was doing exercise
17. It was very_______ that day.
A. very warm B. cold C. dark
18. The man was________.
A. looking for his bag B. waiting for the girl C. putting away something
19. The girl went to________.
A. the man when he was walking here and there B. the place when the man left.
C. the police station when she saw the man
20. The man was caught_______.
A. by the girl and her boy friend B. when he was going to leave
C. a few days later
A. 根据句意和首写字母补全单词。(5分
1. You must be careful to c___ the street.
2. The t ___ is very busy at this time today.
3. Lucy can do her homework a____________, she doesn`t want any help.
4. It’s i_____________ to speak loudly in public.
5. All the students passed the exam e____________ Wang Ling.
B. 用所给单词的正确形式, 非一空一词。(5分)
1. ___________(luck) I passed the exam this time.
2. Thank you very much for ____________(invite) me to your party.
3. When I saw him last night, he ____________ (write) an e-mail.
4. If it ___ (not snow) tomorrow, we’ll go skating.
5. They enjoyed ____________(them) at the party.
II. 单项选择。(20分)
1. Can you tell me ?
A. what present does he like B. what present he likes
C. what present is he like D. what present he is like
2. ?I don't much like playing tennis. ?I don't _______ . I enjoy _______ basketball.
A. either …to play B. too…playing
C. either …playing D. neither, to play
3. ?Could you ________ the baby laugh? ? Certainly. It’s easy.
A. keep B. ask C. teach D. make
4. The old woman had ________ teeth in her mouth, so she was very,very difficult to eat meals.
A. a little B. a few C. little D. few
5. ?Must I finish my homework tonight? ?No, you ________.
A. mustn’t B. needn’t to C. don’t have to D. don’t need
6. These men are _________ strong . They can eat _________ food every meal.
A. too many, too much B. much too, too much
C. too much, too manyD. much too, many too
7. Her answers _________ everyone here.
A. surprised B. surprising C. were surprised D. were surprising
8. ?Is Mr Wang in the office now?
?No, I’m sure he __________ be there. I saw him driving a car in the street just now
A. mustn’t B. can’t C. may not D. needn’t
9. Peter isn’t the tallest student in the class, but he is taller than __________ boys.
A. all of the B. any other C. all the other D. some of the
10. I’ m going to __________ hospital to see my uncle. He is ill in __________ hospital.
A. /,the B. a, the C. the, a D. the,/
11. ?Tom plays football well. ?___________________.
A. So he does B. So does heC. So he is D. So is he
12. ? Robert’ s never late, ____________?
?_______________. He always comes on time.
A. is he; No, he isn’t B. isn’t he; No, he isn’t
C. is he; Yes, he is D. hasn’t he; Yes, he is
13. There ____________ a lot of traffic in the future.
A. will haveB. will beC. are going to be D. is going to have
14. Little Tom becomes very ________ in history and he find it very _________.
A.interested, interested B.interested, interesting
C.interesting, interesting D.interesting, interested
15. Did it take you two hours your homework yesterday?
A. didB. doingC. to do D. does
16. ?Whose trousers are these? ?______________, I think.
A. They B. Their C. Theirs D. Them
17. They ________ the maths problem when I came in.
A.worked on B.were working o n C.were working D .were working for
18.?Would you mind my taking this seat? ?__________________.
A. Yes, sit down, please B. Yes, take it, please
C. No, of course not D. No, you can’t take it
19. They arrived ___________ London___________ a cold winter morning.
A. at, in B. in, on C. at, on D. in, at
20. ?Do you know if he ____________to play basketball with us?
?I think he will come if he ___________free tomorrow.
A. will come; will be B. comes; is C. comes; will beD. will come; is
1. This violin cost me much money. (改为一般疑问句)
__________ this violin ___________ you much money?
2. She had to do it again. (改为反意疑问问句)
She had to do it again, ____________ ____________?
3. They have lived in this town since they moved to Nanjing. (对划部分提问).
__ __ ___ __ ___ ___ have they lived in this town?
4. Cities will be very big and crowded. (改为否定句)
Cities ___________ _____________ very big and crowded.
5. It seems that Kate has supper at home.(改为同义句)
Kate __________ ____________ have supper at home.
I. 完成对话。(5分)
A. Well, she always enjoys sports games, doesn’t she?
B. I didn’t know Eva was interested in photography.
C. There are a lot of photographers there.
D. You mean she’s coming to the game, too.
E. I just have to close up the shop.
F. It’s time to go.
G. Eva’s closing the door.
Charley: Come on, Steve. 1
Steve: Wait a moment. 2
Charley: OK.
Steve: By the way, can we give my sister a ride home tonight?
Charley: Sure. 3
Steve: Yes. She wants to take some pictures.
Charley: 4
Steve: Yeah. She wants to work for a newspaper someday.
Charley: But I think it might be hard for her to succeed. 5
Have you 1 drunk the water directly (直接) from a river? I’m sure your answer is “ 2 ”. Perhaps you may have tried the water from a well (井), or from a tap (龙头) a long time ago. 3 as I know, most of you only drink water from a water boiler (水壶) or the bottled water bought from a show nowadays (现在).
But things were quite 4 twenty years ago. At that time, all the small rivers 5 us were very clear and the water was very clean. If you were 6 , you could just bend (弯腰) down by the riverside and drink some water 7 your hands. It was cool and sweet. How pleasant(令人愉快) it was!
But all this was in the past. Things 8 a lot. Some river water is not even 9 for us to wash our hands. 10 pity(遗憾)!
1. A. already B. just C. ever D. even
2. A. Yes B. No C. Right D. Wrong
3. A. However B. Though C. Since D. Yet
4. A. same B. easy C. different D. difficult
5. A. between B. around C. among D. by
6. A. thirsty B. hungry C. tired D. sleepy
7. A. in B. with C. on D. by
8. A. have changed B. have turned C. have got D. have exchanged
9. A. enough dirty B. dirty enough C. enough clean D. clean enough
10.A. How B. What a C. What D. How a
III. 理解。(30分)
Mr Jenkins is in a clothing shop. He is going to buy a coat. The shop-assistant isn’t there, so he is standing near the counter(柜台) and waiting for her. A young woman is standing near the counter, too. She looks at Mr Jenkins and says to him, “Excuse me.” “Yes?” Mr Jenkins asks. “ Are you going to do something for me? I want a coat.” says the woman. Mr Jenkins says, “I can’t help you.” Then the woman says, “You must help me. That’s your work.” Mr Jenkins says kindly, “It’s not my work. I want a coat, too. I’m a customer. I’m not a shop-assistant.”
1. The young woman is looking at________.
A. a coat B. the counter C. the shop-assistant D. Mr Jenkins
2.The young woman thinks Mr Jenkins is going to_______.
A. leave the shop B. take a coat
C. work for her D. speak to her
3. From the passage we know the shop-assistant is a_________.
A. boy B. man C. young man D. woman
4. Why does the young man want Mr Jenkinsto help her?
A.Because she thinks he is the shop-assistant.
B.Because Mr Jenkins is a man.
C.Because she is standing near the counter.[
D.Because she wants to buy a coat.
5. The “customer”in Chinese is________.
A. 店主 B. 营业员 C. 顾客 D. 服务员
Some animals sleep in winter because the weather can be very cold and it is difficult for them to find food. They can sleep for a long time. This kind of winter sleep is called “hibernation”.
If an animal moves about a lot, it needs food. Hibernating animals do not need to eat much because they are not moving about. Their hearts beat(心跳) very slowly and they also breathe(呼吸) slowly. They find a place out of danger. Their body fat keeps them alive and warm.
Some animals, such as bears, may wake up from their hibernation on warm winter days and then quickly go b ack to sleep again when they see the snow is still thick on the ground. When the weather becomes warmer in spring, the animals start to wake up and look for food.
1. Some animals hibernate in winter because _____.
A. they feel cold
B. it isn’t easy for them to find something to eat
C. they are weak
D. both A and B
2. If an animal moves about a lot, it needs _____.
A. the sunshine B. winter sleep
C. food D. water
3. Hibernating animals don’t have to eat much because _____ keeps them alive and warm.
A. the sunshine B. their body fat
C. bad weather D. their hearts
4. Some animals may _____ when they find the snow is still thick on the ground.
A. eat some food B. wake up on warm winter days
C. quickly go back to sleep D. both B and C
5. The word “hibernation” means _____ in Chinese.
A. 冬眠 B. 垒窝
C. 休眠 D. 迁徙
If we find a bird nest (巢), we will have a good place of watching and knowing about birds. Birds sit on eggs and take care of their babies from April to June. Because the baby birds are too young to leave the nest, parents often go to look for food and come back in several minutes. So it is good to watch birds. When we watch birds, we'd better hide ourselves in a close place to the nest, and it's better to use binoculars (双筒望远镜).
But how do we make a bird nest? A good bird nest must be very fine, strong, thick and comfortable. If you want to make one, please follow these:
a) Each nest must have six boards (木板)for its cover and floor, for its left and right sides, and for its front and back sides. Don't make the boards too slippery (滑的).
b) Dig a small hole in the front of the nest as a "door". The "door" is big enough so birds can fly in or out easily.
c) Make sure the rainwater can't go into the nest.
d) One piece of the board should be easy to open.
e) Don't forget to colour the nest.
1. We need ______ near a bird nest if we want to watch and know about birds.
A. a good place B. some treesC. to sit on eggs D. to make a bird net
2. When we're watching bi rds, we have to ______.
A. look after the birds more often B. use the binoculars to catch the birds
C. hide ourselves to make the birds do everything as usual D. catch the birds at last
3. We should leave a hole in the front of the nest so that ______ easily.
A. we can cle an the nest B. birds can fly in or out
C. we can hang it D. we can make it
4. According to (根据) the text, we can make a bird nest like Picture ______ with the boards.
5. What's the best title of this passage?
A. Birds and men B. Playing with birds
C. Watching birds and making bird nests D. Listening to the songs of birds
IV. 短文填空。(10分)
Dear Sandy,
I’ve been in Hong Kong for t hree days now, and I’m h 1 a great time. It’s a very exciting c 2 , and very different from London. Yesterday my friend showed me around Hong Kong. It was a very busy day, but I saw many interesting things. The first place we visited was Hong Kong Park. We went e 3 in the morni ng and saw many old people doing exercise. We also saw many d 4 kinds of birds in the park.
After that, we walked to St. John’s Cathedral (圣约翰大教堂). I think it is a very old church in Hong Kong. It was very q 5 there. Then we went to Victoria Peak(扯旗山).
F 6 the top, we could see all over Hong Kong. It was really wonderful.
After leaving the Park, we had l 7 in a restaurant, then we caught a bus to a supermarket. I did some s 8 (and bought you a present!). When we f 9 shopping, we sat on the seaside for a while. On the bus back to the hotel, we b 10 felt tired but very happy. See you soon.
Ⅴ. 书面表达。(15分)
请以 “I want to be a/an…” 为题写一篇短文,词数60~80词。内容必须包括提示中的三项要求,请不要使用真实姓名及所在学校名称。
1. What do you want to be ?
2. Why do you want to be a/an…?
3. How can you make it come true?
_______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________
II. 对话理解。(5分)
6. M: Mom, how long are we staying in Wuhan?
W: From Monday to Friday.
Q: How long are they staying in Wuhan? (C)
7. W: Jeff, what do you usually do on weekends?
M: I usually go skateboarding or play football on weekends. I never read books.
Q: What does Jeff usually do on weekends? (B)
8. W: Hi, Lily and Steven are going to the park this weekend. I’m going fishing with my father.
What about you, Michael? Are you playing computer games at home?
M: No, I’m going to the beach with my family.
Q: Where is Michael going this weekend? (C)
9. W: You look worried .What’s the matter, Paul ?
M: I left my homework at home.
Q: What’s wrong with Paul ? (B)
10. M: Excuse me .Where’s the nearest post office?
W: Walk along this street. Take the second turning on the left. Then go ahead. You’ll find a green house between a bookshop and a hospital .That’s the post office.
Q: Where’s the nearest post office? (C)
Ⅲ. 短文理解。(20分)
In many English homes, people eat four meals a day: breakfast, lunch, tea and dinner.
People have breakfast at any time from seven to nine in the morning. They eat porridge, eggs or bread. English people drink tea or coffee at breakfast.
Lunch comes at one o’clock. Afternoon tea is from four to five in the afternoon and dinner is about half past seven. First they have soup, then they have meat or fish with vegetables. After that they eat some other things, like bananas, apples or oranges. But not all English people eat like that. Some of them have their dinner in the middle of the day. Their meals are breakfast, dinner, tea and supper and all these meals are very simple.
11?15 CBBAB (B)
Jane went to the park one cold evening. It was not very dark. She thought it was about 6 o’clock. She walked around in the park to keep warm waiting for her boyfriend to come. When she came to a big tree. She saw a man looking around near the lake in the park. The man began to walk here and there, looking very strange. The man didn’t see her, after a while she saw him put something under a big stone near the lake and leave in a hurry. She couldn’t wait to know what he had done, she hurried to the place and surprised to see a big bag under the stone. In the bag, she found a lot of money, she told everything to her boyfriend when he came. They knew there was something behind the money, so they asked for the police, a few days later, Jane was happy to know the man was caught by the policemen in the park.
16?20 ABCBC
II. 单项选择。(20分)
1. B 2. C 3. D 4. D 5. C 6. B 7. A 8. B 9. D 10. D
11. A 12. C 13. B 14. A 15. C 16. C 17. B 18. C 19. B 20. D
1. Did, cost 2.didn’t she 3. How long 4. won’t be 5. seems to
I. 完成对话。(5分)
1.F 2.E 3.D 4.A 5.C
1. C 2. B 3. A 4. C 5. B 6. A 7. B 8. A 9. D 10. B
III. 阅读理解。(30分)
(A) 1?5 DCDAC (B) 1?5 DCBDA (C)ACBCC
IV. 短文填空。(10分)
1. having 2. city 3. early 4. different 5. quiet
6. from 7. lunch 8. shopping 9. finished 10. both
Ⅴ. 书面表达。(15分)

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/chuer/74136.html
