八年级英语What should I do教案

编辑: 逍遥路 关键词: 八年级 来源: 高中学习网
Part1. 词组及重点句子、语法 【要求:识记并掌握】
1. too loud 太大声 2. out of sty le 过时的 3. in style 流行的
4. call sb up= ring sb up=call/ring/phone sb. 给…..打电话
5. enough money 足够的钱(enough修饰名词时不必后置)
6. busy enough 够忙 (enough修饰形容词或副词时必须后置)
7. a ticket to/for a ball game 一张球赛的门票
注意:the key to the lock/the key(answer)r to the question)/the solution to the problem .此处几个短语不能用of表示所有格
8. talk about 谈论 9. on the phone用电话 10. pay for 付款
11. spend…on +sth.=spend...( in) doing sth. 在…花钱
12. It takes sb. sometime to do sth.某人做某事花…的时间
13. borrow …from 从….借( 借进来)
14. lend…to 把…借给(借出去)
15. You can keep the book for a week 你可以借这本书一周。(不用borrow或lend)
16. buy sth for sb 为……买东西
17. tell sb to do /not to do sth.sth 告诉某人做某事
18. want sb. to do sth.=would like sb. to do 想某人做某事
19. find out 发现;查清楚;弄明白
20. play ones stereo 放录象 21. fail the test 考试不及格
22. fail in (doing) sth… 在...上失败,变弱23. succeed in (doing) sth 在...方面成功
24. write sb a letter/write to sb. 给某人写信
25. surprise sb. 使某人吃惊(类似有:surprise/interest/please/amaze+某人)
26. to one’s surprise 使某人吃惊的是… 27. to one’s joy 使某人高兴的是…..
28. look for a part-time job 找一份兼职的工作(不一定有结果)
29. get/find a part-time job 找到一份兼职的工作(有结果)
30. ask sb. for…寻求/向某人要某物 ask sb (not) to do
31. have a bake sale 卖烧烤
32. argue with sb = have an argument with sb. 与某人争吵     
33. have a fight with sb.=fight with 与某人打架  
34. drop off 离去;散去;逐渐减少;死去 
35. prepare for…=get ready for…为…做准备     
36. after-school clubs(activities) 课外俱乐部(活动)
37. be/get used to doing 习惯做某事 38.used to do 过去经常/常常做某事
39.be used for doing=be used to do sth. 被用于做某事  
40. fill… up 填补;装满… be full of装满
41. return sth. to sb.=give sth. back to sb.把某物归还给某人 
42. get on /along well with 与…相处很好
43. all kinds of=different kinds of 各种各样
44. as much as possible=as much as you can 尽可能多
45. take part in=join in参加(某种活动/集会)
46. a bit =a little一点儿(当修饰形容词或比较级时)
47. a bit of =a little 一点儿/一些(当修饰不可数名词时)
48. be angry with…生…的气 49. by oneself=on one’s own某人自己/独自地
50. on the one hand 一方面 51. on the other hand另一方面
52. I find/feel/think it difficult to do...我发现/感到/认为做某事很难.
53.see/hear/watch sb. doing sth. 看到/听见/注视某人正在做…
54. not…until 直到…才(谓语动词一般是非延续动词)
be/become+ upset/tired/excited/interested/worried/surprised/amazed/annoyed
例如:I was surprised/interested/amazed when I heard the surprising/interesting/amazing news.
56. radio advice program电台提建议的节目 57. be original新颖的
58. leave something somewhere 把某物忘在某处 59. sports c lothes 运动服
60. the same age as=as old as和--- 年龄一样
61. the tired children 疲惫不堪的孩子 62. complain about (doing sth) 抱怨…
63. take their children from activity to activity 带着孩子参加一个接一个的活动
64.try to do sth, 尽量干某事 try doing sth 试着干某事
65. be under too much pressure 压力太大 66. a mother of three 三个孩子的妈妈
67. take part in after-school clubs 参加课后俱乐部
68. compepition starts from a very young age 竞争从很小年纪就开始了
69.compare…with 和---比较 70. organized activities 有组织的活动
1. What’s wrong(with you)? =What’s the matter with you?
2. What should I do? 我该怎么办
3. You could write him a letter. 你可以给他写封信 .
4. You should say sorry to him.你应该给他道歉.
5. They shouldn’t argue. 他们不应该争吵.J
6. Why don’t you talk to him about it?
7. Why not talk to him about it? =Why don’t you talk to him about it?.
=What/How about talking to him about it.
8. The parents try to fit as much as possible into their kids lives.
9. Activities include sports, language learning, music and math classes.
Thirty people, including six children (six children included), went to visit the factory.
10. People shouldn’t push their children so hard.
11. Parents are trying to plan their kids’ lives for them. When these kids are adults, they might find t
difficult to plan things for themselves.
  情态动词(Modal Verbs )Ⅰ
  * 情态动词也可称为“情态助动词 (Modal Auxiliaries)”,因为它和基本助动词(be,do, have)都属于助动词类。
  * 情态动词和其他动词连用,可表示说话人的语气。
  * 情态动词可表达建议、要求、可能和意愿等。
  * 情态动词没有人称和数的变化。
  * 常用的情态动词有:can, could, may, might, must, shall, should, will, would这九大情态动词;其他的还有ought to, need, dare 等。
  1. 现在式 can -- 过去式 could
  2. 现在式 may -- 过去式 might
  3. 现在式 shall -- 过去式 should
  4. 现在式 will -- 过去式 would
  5. 现在式 must -- 过去式 must (常用had to来代替)
  (can, could, will, would, shall, should, must, ought to)
  (1)can 和 could 用于表示“可能”或“预测”:
  1. He can't be at home. (否定句)
  2. Can the news be true ? (将情态动词 can 置于主语 the news 前就成疑问句)
  3. Anybody can make mistake. (只表示理论上的可能性)
  (2)may 和 might 用于表示“事实上的可能性”或“预测”:
  1. It may rain tomorrow. (表示可能会发生)    明天可能会下雨。
  2. It may snow later this afternoon. (表示预测)  今天下午可能会下雪。
  3. You might be right. (表示有可能)   你可能是对的。
  (3)will 和 would 用于表示“预测”或“习惯性”:
1. I think he will be all right now. (will be 表示一定会)  我想他现在一定好了。
2. That would be his mother.(would be 表示肯定是)    那肯定是他母亲。
3. He will sit there hour after hour looking at the river.(will 表示经常的)
  (4)shall 和 should 用于表示“必定”:
1. I shall be rich one day. (shall be )  总有一天我会发达的。
2. That should be Sam and his mother. (should be)  那准是Sam 和他的母亲。
(5)must 用于表示“必定”,“必会”:
1. This must be good for you.(must be 肯定)   这肯定对你是有益的。
2. Al l mankind must die.(表示必然会发生的事)   所有的人一定会死的。
3. Mustn't there be a mistake ? (mustn't 多用于疑问句)   那肯定会有错误吗?
  (can, could, will, would, shall, should, may, might, must)
  (1)can 和 could 用于表示“许可”、“请求”:
1. Can I go with you ? (请求)  我能跟你一起走吗?
2. Father said I could go to cinema. (表示过去的许可)   爸爸说我可以去看电影。
3. Could I ask you something ? (请求,用 could 比 can 更婉转) 
  (2)will 和 would 用于表示“请求”
1. Will you kindly tell me the way to the post office ? (表示客气请求)
2. Would you give me your address ? (用 would 比 will 表示更客气)
(3)shall 和 should 用于第一人称,表示征求对方的意见
1. Shall we talk?   我们谈谈好吗?
2. What should we do next ? (用should 比 shall 表示更客气)下一步我们该怎么做?
3. Shall he come to see you ? (用于第三人称疑问句)   要不要他来看你?
  (4)may 和 might 用于表示“许可”(口语中多用 can )
1. You may take a walk. (表示给予许可)  你可以散散步。
2. You might read the story for me. (比may更婉转) 是否请给我读一读这故事。
3.May I make a suggestion? 我可以提个建议吗?
4. Might I take a look of your work? 我看看您的大作行吗?
5. Students may not make noise in the library. (may not 表示不许可或禁止)
6. If I may say so, you are not right. (用于条件句,表示请求)
  (5)must 用于表示“禁止”,“不准”:
1. Cars must not be parked here. (must not表示不许可)  此地不准停车。
2. All of you mustn't fishing in the pool. (must not 语气方面比 may not 更强)
Part2:检测 【要求:可以查资料,珍惜机会,不放松每一题】
1. 根据句意及首字母填单词。
1>. ?What’s w with you? -- I have a cold.
2>. ?Can you p the CDs? -- Sure.
3>. I want three t to the football game.
4>. I c not hear what they were saying.
5>. Why do you always a with your mother?
6>. The backpack is different from others. I think the style is o .
2. 根据汉语提示写单词。
1> Last week Kate (不及格)the Chinese test.
2> They will (归还)the magazine to the reading room.
3> Tom waited (直到)12 o’clock, but his mother didn’t come back home.
4> Children need (自由)to do what they want to.
5> Teachers often (派)me to clean the blackboard last week.
3. 根据句意及首字母填空。(重点题型)
Japanese students work very h 1 ,but many are unhappy. They feel heavy p 2 from their parents to do well in school. Most students are always being told by their parents to study harder so that they can have a w 3 life. Though this may be a good idea for those very bright students, it can have terrible results for many students because they are not gifted enough.
As it is reported, a number of students killed themselves. Others try to get the feelings of taking drugs. Some join the groups of troublemakers and turn to crime. Many of them have tried very hard at school but have f 4 in the exams and have their parents lose hopes. Such students felt that they are hated by everyone else they meet and they don’t want to go to school any longer. They b 5 dropouts.
It is surprising that though most Japanese parents are w 6 about their children, they do not help them in any w 7 .Many parents feel that they are not able to help their children and it is the teachers’ work to help their children. To make matter w 8 ,a lot of parents send their children to those school opening in the evenings and on weekends― they only help students to pass exams and never teach students any real sense of the world. It is a great surprise that almost three quarters of middle school students have been to such kind of schools. Many Japanese schools usually have rules about everything from the students’ hair to their clothes and the things in their bags. Child psychologists now t 9 that such strict rules are harmful to the feelings of the students. Almost 40% of the students said that no one had t 10 them how to get on with others, how to tell right from wrong, how to show love for others, even for their parents.
Many people have to work on the weekend.Some people do not m 1.Other people think it is terrible.
One man thinks that worki ng on the weekend can be d 2.He is Graham Coates.Mr. Coates
w 3 in an office in Brighton, England.
On the morning of Saturday, May 24, 1986, he went to the office to do some work.When he got on the elevator, it s 4 between floors.Mr. Coates could not get out of the elevator.He started to shout, but no one h 5 him.Then Mr. Coates remembered that it was a holiday in England.No one was going to
c 6 to work until Monday!
There was n 7for Mr. Coates to do.He had to wait until one of his workmates came to work and
f 8 him.With nothing to eat or d 9, Mr. Coates ended up sleeping for most of the time.
Early on M 10 morning, the vice president of the company came to work and found the elevator was not working.When the elevator was opened, Mr. Coates came out, cold, weak, and tired.He had been in the elevator for 62 hours!
Now Mr. Coates says, “I only use elevators if they have telephones in them.”
Dear Miss Smith,
I have a problem and I 1 (need) your help. I 2 (learn) English for about one year. But I’m not good at it. I feel sorry that I 3 (make) many mistakes in the exam last week. Now I 4 (try) my best to learn it. And I hope I 5 (improve)my English soon. I want 6 (know)how to learn English well. So could you give me some advice? Thank you very much for 7 (help) me.
( )1.I don't have any money and he doesn't,__________.
A.too       B.either      C.also      D.neither
( )2. I need to get some money to _____the summer camp .
A . pay on B. pay in C. pay with D. pay for
( )3.You c an_____________ this book for a week.
A.borrow      B.lend       C.keep       D.buy
( )4. The child isn’t __ _______ to dress himself.
A. big enough B. enough big C. old enough D enough old
( )5.I need some money to buy clothes__________ my mother.Her clothes are out of style.
A.after      B.to        C.of        D.for
( )6.If you want to talk to your teacher ,you should _______first.
A. called to her B. called up her C. call her up D. called her up
( )7.My friend has the same haircut I do.
A.as     B.like        C.with      D.than
( )8.The teacher told him late any more.
A.not to be    B.to be not     C.be not     D.not be
( )9.He the radio and began to listen to it.
A.turned off   B.turned down   C.turned on   D.turned up
( )10.I'm very because my best friend didn't invite me to come to his party.
A.popular     B.happy       C.late      D.upset
( )11. When you go to see your father, please ________ these books to him.
   A. bring  B. take   C. carry   D. put
( )12. I really don’t know _________.
A. what should I do B. what to do C. what does D. what doing
( )13. The “Teen Talk” has a lot of ______.
A.kids B.players C.listeners D.workers
( )14.Your Putonghua is too bad.You ______ a tutor to teach you.
A.get B.must get C.should get D.getting
( )15. ?I argued with my mother this morning.
A. That’s nothing! B. Great! C. You should say sorry to her. D . Let’s play soccer.
( )16. I think you _ _______ talk about your problem with your parents and ask for their advice.
A. n eed B . needn’t C. should D. shouldn’t
( )17. Everyone of my class went camping ______me, because I was ill in bed.
A. with B. except C. besides D. as well
( )18. If you don't go, I won't, ______.
A. too B. either C. also D. neither
( )19. If you lost the book, you must ____ it.
A. pay for B. ask for C. leave for D. spend for
( ) 20. You shouldn't ask your parents___ money.
A. for B. on C. about D. with
( ) 21. The tired students ____ go to bed ____ eleven o'clock.
A. can't, until B. not, until C. doesn't, until D. /, until
( ) 6.Don't worry about the kids. I think they can do it ________.
A. along B. by myself C.by themselves D. by theirselves
( ) 7. --When will the train arrive?
--You can ____ the time from the time table. (时刻表)
A. leave out B. look out C. find out D. keep out
( ) 8. --I don't know _____.
--What's wrong? Can I help you?
A. What should I do? B. What's wrong? C. What to do D. how to do.
( ) 9. All my class went camping ___me.
A. with B. except C. as well D. besides
( ) 10. Some parents are always comparing their children ____ other children.
A. for B. to C. with D. as
( ) 11.I think children today are ____.
A. busy enough B. enough busy
C. too much busy D. undertoo pressure
( ) 12. It's about five _____ away.
A. hundreds of meters B. hundred meters
C. hundred of meters D. hundreds of meter
( ) 13. We should ____ each other.
A. learning B. learn from C. to learn from D. learning from
( ) 14. Teacher asked all the students_______ loudly in the classroom.
A. not speak B. not to speak C. to not speak D. don't speak
( ) 15. He found ____ hard to learn maths well.
A. it B. that C. this D. one
( ) 16. Mrs Green told the boy ____ soccer in the classroom.
A. not play B. doesn't play C. didn't pla D. not to play
( ) 17.You should ___ your library book on time.
A. give B. pass C. turn D. return
( ) 18.Can you tell me ______?Perhaps I can help you.
A.what’ s the matter B.what’ s the wrong C.what the matter is D.what about you
( ) 19.I’ m going to______.
A.ring up you B.telephone youC.call up you D.phone you up
( ) 20--- Shall I get a cup of water for you? --- Yes, _______.
A. please B. you shall C. you will D. you may
( ) 21.---I’m sorry I_______ my exercise book at home.
---Don’t forget _______it here tomorrow, please.
A. forgot; to take B. forgot to bring C. left; to take D. left; to bring
( ) 22. ?Mom, my shoes are ________. Could you buy me a new pair?
A. out of style B. the same C. in style D. very popular
( ) 23. The man over there ________ our Chinese teacher.

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/chuer/76488.html
