
编辑: 逍遥路 关键词: 八年级 来源: 高中学习网

1.Tara is __________than Sara.
A. heavier B. ore heavy C. uch ore heavy D. ore heavier
2. Sarah was shy two years ago, but now she is __________.
A. too uch outgoing B. uch too outgoing C. a little ore outgoing D. uch outgoing
3. His book is ore expensive than ________.
A. I B. e C. y D. ine
4. Who sang __________, Nelly or Lisa?
A. clear B. ore clear C. clearly D. ore clearly
5. It’s raining _________.
A. heavier and heavier B. ore and ore heavy C. heavily and heavily D. ore and ore heavily
6. The teacher told us to speak as _________as we can.
A. loudly B. loudlier C. ore loudly D. louder
7. We ________the and _________the basketball atch last week.
A. beat, beat B. beat, won C. won, beat D. won, won
8. Tina and Jenny _________fro Canada.
A. both are B. are both C. are all D. all are
9. _________he tried his best, _________he didn’t win the copetition.
A. Though, but B. But, though C. Though, / D. /, though
10. When did they __________the town last week?
A. arrive in B. get at C. reach D. reach to
11. We can get _________on the Internet.
A. any inforations B. uch inforations C. any inforation D. uch inforation
12. Who can ________which girl can win the copetition?
A. say B. talk C. speak D. tell
13. There are nine thousand books in the library and nine _________the are about usic.
A. hundreds B. hundreds of C. hundred D. hundred of
14. y way to work out the proble is the sae _________Jack’s but different _________ary’s.
A. as, as B. fro, fro C. as, fro D. fro, as
15. The only good habit of the boy’s is __________up early.
A. geting B. to get C. get D. gets
16. The good news ade all of us _________excited.
A. feel B. to feel C. feeling D. felt
17. Tony laughs ore than e, so he is ________than e.
A. ore serious B. seriouser C. less serious D. ost serious
18. I’d like to ake friends __________the girl. She’s talented _________usic.
A. to, at B. to, in C. with, at D. with, in
19. _________girl is sarter, Lily or Lisa?
A. Who B. When C. What D. Which
20. You can watch TV __________you finish your hoework.
A. before B. until C. as D. as long as
Ji is an Aerican boy. He likes __1__football atches, __2 __he hasn't enough (足够的) oney to buy tickets. He has to watch the atches __3__TV at hoe when he has __4__hoework. He ust go to school fro onday to Friday, so he issed (错过) a lot of iportant football atches.
A big football atch would be held (举行) in the afternoon the next day. __5__Ji wanted to watch it very uch, he couldn't. He would have a physics (物理) test in __6___afternoon.
"Can we have a video, o?" Ji asked his other __7___he went to school. "Then fro our TV set you can record (录像) the atch for e."
"I' __8___we can't afford one," said his other. The next orning Ji went hoe with a sile, carrying (拿着) a new video. "But where did you get the oney, Ji?" His other asked in ___9___. "That's __10__, o. I sold our TV set."
1.A. watching B. seeing C. looking at D. hearing
2.A. and B. so C. but D. or
3.A. in B. on C. at D. with
4.A. few B. a few C. any D. a little
5.A. though B. but C. when D. so
6.A. the sae B. the different C. a D. as
7.A. after B. before C. because D. as
8.A. glad B. afraid C. pleased D. frighten (恐惧)
9.A. surprise B. surprised C. surprising D. surpriese
10.A. difficultB. easy C. difficulty D. easily
r. Sith gave his wife oney every Friday evening. His wife always spent it all the next Wednesday, so for the next three days she had no oney to spend. One day r. Sith asked her, “But how did you spend all that oney?” She answered, “I don’t kno” So one Friday evening, r. Sith gave her oney together(一起) with an exercise book and a pencil. He said to his wife, “Please write down how you spend the oney.” Next Tuesday, his wife had no oney again. r. Sith took the exercise book to see how she had spent it. “I have done(已经做了) what you told e,” she said gladly(开心地). She had written “Friday, I got 18 pounds fro r. Sith.” on the first page, and on the second page, she wrote, “Tuesday, I have spent it all.”
1. rs. Sith always spent all the oney .
A. the next day B. in four days C. in a week D. on next Wednesday
2. r. Sith gave his wife an exercise book and a pencil and asked her
A. to do hoework B. to have a look
C. to write down how she spent the oney D. to draw a picture on it
3. rs. Sith was to do what r. Sith asked her to.
A. happy B. sad C. sorry D. excited
4. r. Sith gave his wife oney a week.
A. once B. twice C. three ties D. four ties
5. The story tells us that rs. Sith was not very .
A. glad B. tall C. careful D. good
A boy who was cleaning shoes in the street said to a young an passing by(路过的), "Let e clean your shoes." The young an said, "No, thank you." "You ay pay e only a pound(英镑), sir." said the boy. But the young an refused(拒绝)again. Then the boy told hi that he would clean his shoes for nothing. The young an agreed(同意) to this, and soon one of his shoes was shining brightly(闪闪发亮). The an put the other shoe on the boy, but the boy refused to clean it if he was paid(被付给)two pounds for his work. The young an refused to pay anything and went away. But the dirty one looked so bad that he couldn't walk away. He had to turn back (转身)and gave the boy two pounds. In a very short tie his shoes shone brightly.
1. The boy was a shoes ____.
A. cleaner B. aker C. repairer D. seller
2. At first the young an refused to clean his shoes, because ____.
A. he couldn't pay B. he had not enough oney
C. he didn't think it necessary D. he had just cleaned his shoes
3. Then the young an agreed to clean his shoes, because the boy asked for ____.
A. two pounds B. one pound C. nothing D. few oney
4. The boy refused to clean the second shoe, because ____.
A. it was very dirty B. the young an paid only one pound
C. it was difficult to clean D. he asked to be paid two pounds
5. The boy said he would clean the young an's shoes for nothing just in order to(为了)_____
A. show his kindness B. help the young an
C. get ore oney fro hi D. let everyone see
rs. White was very fat. She weighed(体重) 100 kilos, so she went to see a doctor. The doctor said,“You need a diet (节食),rs. White, and I have a good way here.”He gave rs. White a sall book and said,“Read this carefully and eat the things on page(页) 11 every day. Then coe back and see e in two weeks.”
rs. White cae again two weeks later, but she wasn’t thinner. She was fatter than before. The doctor was surprised and asked,“Are you eating the things on page 11 of the sall book?”“Yes, doctor.”she answered.
The next day the doctor visited rs. White during her dinner. He was very surprised at what he sa “rs. White,” he said, “why are you eating potatoes and bread? They aren’t in your diet. ”“Doctor,”rs. White answered,“I follow(遵从) y diet at lunchtie. But this is y dinner.”
1. rs. White went to see a doctor because ______________.
A. she had a bad coldB. she felt terrible
C. the doctor was her friendD. she wanted to be thinner
2.The doctor asked her to ________________.
A. eat ore food B. eat less food C. eat nothing D. eat healthy food
3.Two weeks later,rs. White becae _______.
A. fatterB. thinnerC. healthierD. stronger
4. The doctor was surprised when he visited rs. White during her dinner. Because ___________________.
A. she eat nothing.B. she was eating eat.
C. she was eating potatoes and bread.D. she wasn’t in.
5. “I follow y diet at lunchtie. But this is y dinner.” eans _________.
A. She always followed the diet.B. She didn’t follow the diet.
C. She didn’t like the diet D. She only followed the diet at lunchtie, and she didn’t follow the diet at dinner.
1. __________isn’t necessary for friends to be the sae.
2. The girl __________longer hair sang better last night.
3. There’re any trees and flowers on __________sides of the river.
4. y best friend often _________out the best in e.
5. The boy is too short to _________the apples on the tree.
6. The weather here in winter is warer than _________in Harbin.
7. This jacket is too expensive. I’d like a uch _________one..
8. He sings better than his brother _________.
1. I don’t think ath is as interesting as usic.
I think ath is __________ __________than usic.
2. ike is 15 years old. Jack is, too.
ike is the __________ __________as Jack.
3. I have shorter hair than Jenny.
Jenny’s hair is _________than _________.
4. This city is in Europe, that city is in Europe, too.
_________this city and that one _________in Europe.
5. Tara is sarter than Lisa.
Lisa isn’t _________ _________as Tara.
6. I’ not so good at English as jack.
Jack __________ __________than e in English.
A: _______________________, Jack?
B: Larry, he’s y best friend.
A: _________________________?
B: Because he likes doing the sae things as I do. Besides, He’s good at sports.
A: ___________________________?
B: Yes, very uch. I usually play sports with hi..
A: __________________________________?
B: Every day.
A: ________________________________?
B: Tennis. But he’s better than e at it.
1. 两年前,你是小学生,现在是中学生
2. 两年前,个子矮,腼腆,现在高个子活泼,朋友多

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/chuer/78695.html
