
编辑: 逍遥路 关键词: 八年级 来源: 高中学习网

1.-Did you go fishing with yesterday?
—Yes,I went with y father.
A.soeone B.anyone C.no one D.everyone
2.—where did he go on vacation? —He went .
A.soewhere war B.anywhere war C.war soewhere D.war anywere
3.I have quite friends. I feel very happy.
A.few B.a few C.little D.a little
4.—How was your vacation? — . I liked it very uch.
A.Very bad B.Wonderful C.I, fine D.Have a good tie
5.There is with y coputer. Can you help e end it ?
A.nothing wrong B.anything wrong C.soething wrong D.wrong soething
6.There is in today,s newspaper. Let,s read a storybook.
A.soething interesting B.nothing interesting C.interesting soething D.interesting nothing xK b1.C o
7.y sister is twenty years old. She can look after .
A.she B.her C.hers D.herself
8.nobody taught e English . I learned it by .
A.I B.y C.ine D.yself
9.The book is .I feel .
A.boring , boring B.bored , boring C.boring, bored D.bored , bored
10. is ipossible if you put your heart into it.
A.Anything B.Soething C.Everything D.Nothing
11.—Steven, can you help e buy soe eat? — ,I like shopping.
A.That,s right B.It,s right C.Of course D.You,re welcoe
12.I,ll try late again.
A.don,t B,don,t be C.not be D.not to be
13.You aren,t to drive a car.
A.old enough B.enough old C.young enough D.enough young
14.To, your father is waiting you at the school gate.
A.for B.at C.with D.as
15.y parents decide to the beach this week.
A.go B.goes C.to go D.going
16.We have to stay at hoe the heavy rain.
A.because B.because of C.but D.and
17.I a not to reach the clock on the wall.
A.enough tall B.tall enough C.short enough D.enough short
18.—where you lunch?
—At hoe.There was no school lunch.
A.did,have B.are, having C.will, have D.do , have
19.—could you tell e in today,s newspaper? —Sorry, .
A.soething special, special nothing B.special soething, special nothing
C.soething special, nothing special D. nothing special, nothing special
20.—Where would you like to go on vacation, lily?
—It,s hot here. I,d like to go .
A.anywhere cool B.cool soewhere C.soewhere cool D.cool anywhere
21.There is in today,s hoewok.
A.difficult nothing B.difficult anything C.nothing diffixult D.antthing difficult
22.Peter enjoyed at the dancing party.
A.hiself B.herself C.yself D.theselves
23.He decided for a walk in the forest. A.go B. to go C.going D.goes
24.It,s going to rain .You should take ubrella. A.a B.an C.the D./
25. did you do last night?
—I went shopping. A.What B.How C.Why D. Where
26. There are fifty students in our class.30 of the are girls. of the are boys.
A.Few B.A few C.Any D.ost
27.—I a .ay I have soething to eat? —Ok. Here is soe bread.
A.thirsty B.hungry C.tired D.sleepy
28.Ann is to work out the probles.
A.careful enough B.enough careful C.carefully enough D.enough carefully
29.When I swi in the river. I I, a fish.
A.look like B.sound like C.feel like D.a like
30.kate her uncle last night. She did her hoework.
A. doesn,t visit B.don,t visit C.didn,t visit D.visited
31.On weekends, I have nothing to do but Tv.
A.watches B.watch C.to watch D.watching
32.Do you enjoy photos?
A.to take B.take C.taking D.takes
33.Don,t forget your hoework toorro
A.bring B.to bring C.brought D.bringing
1.I didn,t buy anything for (I) last night.
2.Everyone in y faily (like)watching TV.
3.We (take)three photos in our school yesterday.
4.To (read)an interesting book last night.
5.There are lots of (母鸡)on the far.
6.rs.Green (似乎) to be very happy.
7.I can,t find y ruler (在任何地方).
8.I think (没有什么)is ipossible if you work hard.
9.There are any trees on the (顶部)of the ountain.
10.I (不喜欢)singing with the.
11.I (buy)a new coat for y sister last weekend.
12.y father decides (buy)a new car.
13.You should take an (雨伞)with you in the UK.
14.We have any (活动)after school.
15.We (想知道) where Alice coes fro.
16.Bill and Ji dislike (take) photos.
17.The boss told the farers to keep (work)in the fields in spite of the rain.
18.I stayed at hoe all day. I felt (无聊)
19.Please tell e the (区别)between the two photos.
20.any of us dislike (talk)with our parents.
We should every day.
a good tie last night
We went to Hangzhou last onth.
4.They had an English party last Sunday.(否定)
They an English party last Sunday.
5.The food was very good in the restaurant.
the food in the restaurant.
6.It was sunny last Sunday.
the weather last Sunday?
7.I played football with Bob.
you football with?
8.Susan went to China three years ago.
Susan to China three years ago?
9.To cleaned his roo an hour ago.
To an hour ago?
The only was that there was to do in the evening .

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/chuer/79095.html
