It’s a nice day isn’t it

编辑: 逍遥路 关键词: 八年级 来源: 高中学习网
【课题】:Unit 10 Revision
【励志小木屋】:He who does not advance loses ground. 逆水行舟,不进则退。
(一)知识目标:1、Master words、phases and sentences.
2、It’s a nice day,isn’t it? Yes ,it is……..
【Task 1】: 根据句意和首字母提示补全单词。
1. We use the e_________ to go up and down the building.
2. look! It’s raining outside, you’d better put on your raincoat or take an u______.
3. If you want to know the answer to the problem, you should look t______ books in the library.
4. Would you like to come and meet my parents and have a f_________ dinner with us?
5. When the t_________ lights are red, you must stop and wait.
1. The prices are really __________, aren’t they? A. expensive B. cheap C. low D. tall
2. How much did the new car __________? A. pay B. cost C. take D. spend
3. He’s much better now, __________ he? A. is B. isn’t C. has D. hasn’t
4. She’s come back, __________ she? A. is B. isn’t C. has D. hasn’t
5. She hopes her son __________ better soon. A. to be B. will be C. be D. being
6. What do you ______ the book you bought yesterday? A. think B. feel C. like D. think of
7. Are you __________ quite well in your new school?
A. getting along B. coming along C. get on D. get along
8. ?You haven’t been to Sanya, have you? ?__________. How I wish to go there!
A. Yes, I have B. No, I haven’t C. No, I have D. Yes, I haven’t
9. Friends like you make life __________ to live in a new place.
A. to easy B. to be easy C. easier D. very easier
10. Jack lives in the house__________, but he doesn’t feel __________.
A. alone, lonely B. alone, alone C. lonely, alone D. lonely, lonely
11. I told you not to be late, __________I? A. do B. don’t C. did D. didn’t
12. I forgot __________ my ruler with me. Can I use yours?
A. bring B. brought C. take D. to take
13. The radio is too loud. It needs _____. A. to repair B. repairing C. repaired D. repair
14. ?Did your parents go to the concert yesterday?
?No, we __________ stayed at home and watched TV.
A. both B. allC. neither D. none
15. Look! He is __________ the street. A. cross B. across C. through D. crossing
1. I don’t think he can sing in English, __________ __________?
2. Don’t look out of the window, __________ __________?
3. Everything goes well, __________ __________?
4. There’s little tea in the cup, __________ __________?
5. Let’s have a talk, __________ __________?
6. She’s been to Suzhou, __________ __________?
7. Kate was unhappy yesterday, __________ __________?
8. There will be a test tomorrow, __________ __________?
9. What a nice day, __________ __________?
10. They are too young to do the job, __________ __________?
11. You know a little Chinese, __________ __________?
12. Peter can hardly write, __________ __________?
【限时作业】 满分10分 得分__________
1.?Do you know who d_____ America? ?Columbus(哥伦布).
2. ?How many f________ languages can you speak, Lin Dong??Two. English and Spanish.
3. You can find many a_________ in that city, for example, the Water World and the amusement park.
4. When you are in Disneyland, you can see Disney c_________ walking around it all the time.
5. A_______ is the third season of the year.
6. Two people are __________ (浏览) the books in a bookstore.
7. He’s having his __________ (九十) birthday party.
8. Thanks for __________ (邀请) me to your house.
9. I was having a hard time __________ (找到) it until you came along.
10. I __________ (感觉像) part of the group now.
1..看起来他的确赢了那场比赛。 It _________ that he _________ that match.
2. 他昨天告诉了我一些关于汤姆的一些事。
He _______ me something ________ Tom yesterday.
3. 做班里拔尖学生不容易。 It isn’t ______________ the top students in the class.
4. 谢谢你邀请我参加你的聚会。___________________ me _________ your party.
5. 中国人对外国朋友很友好。Chinese ___________ always _________ foreign guests.
6. 你能帮我搬这个大盒子吗?___________ you _________ me __________ the heavy box?
7. 我们学校至少有1500名同学。__________ are ____________ 1500 students in our school.
8. 你和你的朋友们相处的如何? ________ are you _______________ your friends?
9. 昨天我们举办了家宴。 Yesterday we _______________________.
10. 我写完所有作业之后才开始看电视。
I _______________ until I ___________ all my homework.


相关阅读:It’s a nice day isn’t it教案