
编辑: 逍遥路 关键词: 八年级 来源: 高中学习网

第一部分 英语基础知识运用(共三节,满分45分)
A、 词语释义(共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分)
( )1.The boy ran out of his oney,so he had to walk to the hotel.
A.ran away B.got out of C.lost D.used up
( )2.The girl is good at playing bascketball.
A.do well in B.did well in C.do good in D.does well in
( )3.After trying any ties,we got successful in the end.
A.at present B.at first C.at last D.at least
( )4.All Chinese people raised oney for the people in Yunnan.
A.collected B.handed in C.got D.sent
( )5. ---I’ going to tell you soething iportant.
--- Go ahead.We are all ears.
A.We don’t want to listen. B.We have ears.
C.We don’t ind. D.We are listening to you.
( ) 6.The singer sang several songs for us before she left.
A. a few B. any C. a little D. five
( )7.The girl sat in the corner quietly .
A.in silence B.in silent C. silent D. angrily
( )8.His parents were angry with hi just no
A. annoyed B. surprised C. annoy D.pleased
( )9.Doing exercise every day can ake you stay healthy.
A.live B.keep C.becoe D.is
( )10.You’d better return it.
A.give back it B. get back it C. give it back D. get it back
B、 (共25小题,每小题1分,满分25分)
( ) 11. Could you give e__ _?
A . an advice B. soe advice
C. any advice D. soe piece of advice
( )12. I’ very ___ because y best friend didn’t invite e to coe to his party.
A . popular B. happy C. late D . upset
( )13. They planted _____trees today.
A. thousands of B. thousands
C. two thousands D. thousand of
( )14. We’ll have a picnic if it ______rain toorro
A. don’tB. doesn’tC. won’tD. isn’t
( )15. I couldn't find y dictionary _________.
A. soewhere B. anywhere C. nowhereD. everywhere
( )1 6. --- I have been to a water park.
--- ________ .
A. So have I B. Neither have I
C. So do I D. So a I
( )17. Where’s Lily? We are all here _______her.
A. exceptB. aboutC. besideD. with
( )18.——r. Li is ill in hospital. His daughter is looking after hi.
—— .
I’ sorry to hear that B. Not at all
C. I’ afraid D. It doesn’t atter
( )19.Though his grandother lives ______,she never feels________.
A.alone;alone B.lonely;lonely C.alone;lonelyD.lonely;alone
( )20.Soe volunteers fro Beijing arrived in Shanghai _____ April 29 to work for the World Expo.
A. on B. at C. of D. to
( )21.This is an ________ book. I’ very ________ in it.
A. interesting, interestedB. interested, interesting
C. interesting, interest D. interest, interesting
( )22. The ore you read, ____ you will get.
A. the less B. the ost C. the ore D.the better
( )23.Could you please pass e the book? ________.
A. Yes, I couldB. No, I couldn’t
C. Sure. Here you are D. No, that’s no proble
( )24.When we get on the bus, we should wait ________.
A. in a lineB. with a lineC. in lineD. on line
( )25.Please turn _______ the light before you leave.
A. onB. offC. upD. down
( )26.While I ________, he said hello to e.
A. readB. was readingC. a readingD. readed
( )27.Every day this happens _______ e in the school library.
A. toB. inC. onD. with
( )28.Goldfish are very easy _______.
A. for taking care B. to take care
C. with taking care ofD. to take care of
( )29.--Today he is very happy, isn’t he?
-- . He didn’t pass the exa.
A. Yes, he isB. Yes, he isn’t C. No, he isD. No, he isn’t
( )30.This bag ________ hi 100 yuan last year.
A. costB. spendC. tookD. paid
( )31.---Do you like the city life or the country life?
---It’s hard to say. In the city there are _____interesting things, but in the country there is _____ pollution.
A. less; ore B. ore; less C. ore; fewer D.any; uch
( )32. 10 years ago, _____only one classroo building in our school.
And in 10 years, _____ five classroo buildings in our school.
A.there will be, there are B. there was, there will be
C. there will be; there was D.there had; there will have.
( )33.—Where is Bill? —He ________ Sydney with his father.
A. has gone toB. has been to
C. have gone toD. have been to
( ) 34. I think a dog is a good pet for _________ child.
A. a 6-year-old B. an 6-years-old
C. a 6-year old D. a 6 years-old
( )35.—Would you like soe tea or coffee? —______ is OK.
A. Neither B. Either C. Both D. Any
第三节. 完形(共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分)
When r Black was young, he often played football, and he was good 36 it. But then he went and worked in a town and there was 37 football tea for hi there, so he stopped 38 . Then he began to get fat, so he thought, “I stopped playing football and I’ve got fat. What shall I do?” He thought about it for 39 days and he said to 40 , “I’ll play pingpong.” He had soe 41 and he played for a few onths. He et a nice girl at the club 42 day and they played a gae of pingpong against 43 young an and young woan. r Black played very 44 , and he was very sad about this. “I never played 45 than this before,” he told the girl. “Oh,” she said, “you played pingpong before, didn’t you?”
( )36. A. at B. in C. for D. about
( )37. A. no B. an C. on D. a
( )38. A. play B. playing C. played D. to play
( )39. A. every B. uch C. a little D. a few
( )40. A. hiself B. herself C. theselves D. itself
( )41. A. gaes B. friend C. ties D. lesson
( )42. A. every B. one C. each D. whole
( )43. A. the other B. others C. each other D. another
( )44. A. worse B. badly C. good D. well
( )45. A. badly B. well C. worse D. better
第二部分 . 理解(共15小题,每小题2分,满分30分)
One day a rich an et Jack. He asked, “I hear you are very clever and nothing is difficult to you. Can you tell e why you are so clever?”
Jack answered with a sile, “Oh, I’ not clever. Instead, you are too silly(傻).” The rich an becae angry.
Jack said, “Please don’t be angry. Now let e ask you a question. If you have a group of sheep(羊). I give you another group. Then how any groups of sheep do you have?”
“Two, of course. Anyone knows that I have two groups of sheep.” Jack laughed and said, “You’re wrong. Two groups of sheep together(一起) are still one group. That’s the easiest question in the world.”
( )46. Jack answered the rich an with a red face.
( )47. The rich an was happy to hear Jack’s words.
( )48. The rich an knows one and one is two.
( )49. The rich an answered Jack’s question correctly(正确地).
( )50. In aths, one and one is always two, but in life, soeties one and one is still one.
We each have a eory(记忆力). That’s why we can still reeber things after a long tie. Soe people have very good eories and they can easily learn any things by heart, but soe people can only reeber things when they say or do the again and again. any of the great en of the world have got surprising eories.
A good eory is a great help in learning a language. Everybody learns his other language when he is a sall child. He hears the sounds, reebers the and then he learns to speak. Soe children are living with their parents in foreign countries. They can learn two languages as easily as one because they hear, reeber and speak two languages every day. In school it is not so easy to learn a foreign language because the pupils have so little tie for it, and they are busy with other subjects, too.
But your eory will becoe better and better when you do ore and ore exercises.
根据短文内容,选择正确答案,并将其字母代号填入答题卷相应空格内。 (共5小题,每小题2分,满分10分)
( )51、Soe people can easily learn any things by heart because .
A.they always sleep very wellB.they often eat good food
C.they read a lot of books D.they have very good eories
( )52、Everybody learns his other language .
A.at the age of sixB.when he is a sall child
C.after he goes to schoolD.when he can read and write
( )53、Before a child can speak, he ust .
A.read and writeB.ake sentences
C.hear and reeber the soundsD.think hard
( )54、In school the pupils can’t learn a foreign language well because .
A.they have no good eories
B.they have no recorders
C.they have too uch tie for it
D.they are busy with other subjects
( )55、Your eory will becoe better and better .
A.if you have plenty of good food
B.if you do ore and ore exercises
C.if you do orning exercises every day
D.if you get up early
r Brown is one of y friends. He can run very fast and likes to show people how fast he can run.
One day, a thief(小偷)got into his house, took soe of his things and ran out of the house fast. r Brown found it and ran after hi, and shouted, “Hey! Don’t you know you can’t get away fro e.”
But the thief ran uch faster, r Brown got angry and ran faster, too. He was soon a few kiloeters away fro his house, he was running hard when he et e. “Why are you running so fast?” I asked. “I want to catch a thief,” said r Brown. “But where is the thief?” I asked. “Kiloeters and kiloeters behind,” said r Brown proudly, “He thought he could run faster than e, but you see he is wrong.”
根据短文内容,选择正确答案,并将其字母代号填入答题卷相应空格内。 (共5小题,每小题2分,满分10分)
( )56. Did the thief steal(偷)anything fro Brown’s house?
A. Yes, he has. B. No, he wasn’t.
C. Yes, he did.D. No, he didn’t.
( )57. Who ran faster, r Brown or the thief?
A. No one.B. The writer.C. r Brown.D. The thief.
( )58. Did r Brown catch the thief?
A. Yes, he did.B. No, he didn’t.
C. Yes, but he let hi go away.D. No, but his friend did.
( )59. What did r Brown do when he found the thief?
A. He ran after hi.B. He was angry with hi.
C. He caught hi. D. He stayed far behind hi.
( )60. What does the word “proudly” ean? It eans __________.
A. 自豪地B. 难过地C. 兴奋地D. 不慌不忙地
第三部分 写作 (共三节,满分25分)
1、 根据句意,用括号中所给词的适当形式,并将其单词写在答题卷相应的位置。(共8小题,每小题1分,满分8分)
61. She wants to be a _________ (science) when she grows up.
62.Teachers often encourage (we) to get over the difficulties in life.
63.Don’t fall (sleep) in class.
64.Can you tell e what your (decide) is?
65.Students should take part in soe (organize) activities.
66.Talking loudly is in public place.( polite)
67.Would you ind not (soke) here?
68.It’s hard for hi to learn English (good).
2、 将下列句子中的汉语部分译成英语,注意使用适当的形式,并将所填单词写在答题卷相应的位置。(共7小题,每小题1分,满分7分)
69.I hope y drean can ( 实现 ) in the future.
70.If you want to ake soe oney,you could get ( 一份兼职工作).
71.The girl is (一样高) her twin sister.
72.When did you get your (成绩单)?
73. ,what’s your hobby? (随便一提)
74. The of the en’s copetition are very odest.(这两个获胜者)
75.When I cae into our living roo,y other was
the books and agazines on shelf. (浏览)
第三节 书面表达(满分10分)
提示:以If I have a lot of oney , I will do any things.为题写一篇英语。 要求:


16—20AAACA 21—25ACCCB 26—30BADDA
31—35CBAAB 36—40AABDA 41—45ABABC
46—50FFTFT 51—55DBCDB 56—60 ACBAA
61.scientist 62.us 63.asleep 64.decision
65.organized 66.ipolite 67.soking
68.well 69.coe true 70.a part-tie job 71. as tall as
72. report card 73.By the way 74.two winners
75. looking through

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/chuer/94637.html
