
编辑: 逍遥路 关键词: 九年级 来源: 高中学习网


1. ---- David, turn off the TV ___________ no one is watching it.
---- But it _____________ off already! The usic is fro the radio.
A. so that ; has been turned B. when; has turned C. if; has been turned D. because; has turned
2 ---- Kate, ay I borrow your notebook?
---- Sure, but you ____________ return it before leaving school this afternoon. I can review a t hoe tonight.
A. ay B. need C. canD. ust
3. Don’t be afraid of asking for inforation ___________ it is needed.
A. when B. afterC. althoughD unless
4. --- I called you last night but no one answered.
---- I ____________ dinner with y friends in the restaurant.
A. haveB. hadC. was havingD. have had
5. Look! The plate is epty. The cat __________ the fish.
A. ate B. has eaten C. had eaten D. will eat
6. --- Excuse e, could you tell e__________?
--- I’ sorry, I a new here yself.
A. where is the Science useu B. Where the Science useu is
C. where can I find the Science useu D. Where the Science useu was
7 .The roo ___________ just now, but it’s dirty again.
A. was cleaned B. is cleaned
C. cleaned D. cleans
8.Lucy says she will go to the picnic with us if she __________ free toorro
A. is B. be C. will be D. was
9. --- You didn’t coe to school yesterday. What happened?
---- Oh, I _______ in the hospital because y other was ill.
A. a B. will be C. have been D. was
10. ----iss Li. ust we hand in the hoework at once?
--- No, you __________.
A. ustn’t B. needn’t C. can’t D. should’t
11. The fil ___________ is about the Second World War has been on for a week.
A. who B. who C. whoseD. which
12. --- Where is Lucy?
--- Oh, she ____________ the flowers in the garden.
A. is watering B. watered C. waters D. will water
13. Though I got up late this orning ,__________ I wasn’t lucky enough to catch the early bus.
A. so B. but C. / D. or
14. I _________ y best friend since she oved to Hong Kong.
A. don’t hear fro B. didn’t hear fro C. haven’t heard fro D. won’t hear fro
15. Today, cell phones are really helpful. They ________ widely______ in our daily life .
A. are… used B. use… / C. will… use D. were …used
16. ---Do you know ____________ yesterday ?
---- At 10 o’clock
A. when did ary leave B. when ary left
C. when ary leaves D. when ary will leave
17.Anyone ________ this opinion ay speak out.
A. that againstsB. that againstC. who is againstD. who are against
18.This is the biggest lab ________ we have ever built in our school.
A. whichB. whatC. whereD. /
19.All the children like the teachers ________ can understand the.
A. whoB. whichC. whatD. who
20. -? Barbara, where do you work?
--I work for a copany ________ sells cars.
A. whichB. whereC. whatD. who
21 The girl ______ won the atch is called Guo Yue, a faous Chinese table tennis player.
A. whoB. whichC. whatD. who
22 ? Have you been to the new Sports Center ________ is just opened in town?
-No, not yet.
A. whereB. whoC. thatD. when
23. Can you lend e the novel ________ the other day?
A. that you talkedB. you talked about it
C. which you talked withD. you talked about
24 His parents wouldn’t let hi arry anyone ________ faily was poor.
A. thatB. whichC. whoseD. of who
25That scientist, ________ work is successful, has been ade a odel worker.
A. whichB. whoC. who’sD. whose
26.r Stark is one of the foreign experts who ________ in China.
A. has been workingB. is workingC. are working D. works
27. Listen, if you don’t study hard, you _____ nowhere.
A. end up B. are ending up C. were ending up D. will end up
28. --- Be careful! Don’t break the bottles. Did you hear ______ I said, David?
--- Yes, u. A. if B. how C. that D. what
29. --- What did the teacher say just now? --- She asked the students _____.
A. if they were interested in chatting online B. when was Liu Xiang born
C. what they do with the iphone 4 D. how often they go the the library
31. any a student ______ the iportance of learning a foreign language.
A. have realized B. have been realized
C. has realized D. has been realized
32. y other __________ in the kitchen when I got hoe.
A. is cooking B. was cooking C. will cookD. cooks
33. I’ll tell y other as soon as she _____ hoe.
A. coeB. coesC. caeD. will coe
34. Lucy hasn’t coe yet. I don’t know what _____ to hi.
A. is happenedB. takes place C. is taken placeD. has happened
35. The oney we got will _____ poor children in Shanxi province.
A. use to help B. used to help C. be used to help D. be used to helping
36. I won’t leave the classroo until y hoework ______.
A. finishes B. is finished C. will finish D. are finished
37. This is the first thing you are ________ after you get there.
A. suppose to doB. supposed doC. supposed to doD. supposed doing
38.-What _______ over there now? --Soeone ________by a car.
A. happened, hit B. was happen, hit C. is happening, is hit D. had happened, is hit
39 .In recent years, any children are ade ___ what they are not___.
A. to do; interested in B. to do; interested
C. do; interested D. do ;interested.
40. .An accident ___on this road last week.
A. has been happened B. was happened
C. is happened D. happened.
41.Neither of the ___ in China
A. is ade B. are ade C. were ade D. ade.
42.Look! A nice picture ___for our teacher.
A. is drawing B. is being drawn C .has been drawn D. draws.
43..Your shoes ___.You need a new pair.
A. wear out B. worn out C. are worn out D. is worn.
44..The doctor ___for yet.
A. isn’t sent B .hasn’t been sent C. won’t be sent D .wasn’t sent.
45.Who ___this book__?
A. did; written B. was ;written by C. do; written D. was; written
46 .The onkey was seen ____out of the tree.
A. jup B. jups C. juped D. to jup
47.This is one of the best fils _______.
A. that have been shown this year B. that have shown
C. that has been shown this year D. that you talked
48.I' interested in ______you have said.
A. all that B. all what C. that D. which
49. ----look ! What have they done?
---- Sorry, I think if I ___________ another chance, I’ll do it better.
A. give B. will be given C. will give D. a given
50. He ___________ for New York next Friday.
A. leaves B. is leaving C. will leave D. leave
51. The good opportunity which the young an has been look forward to _____at last.
A. soe, a few B. a few, soe C. a little, few D. a little, a few
52. You ust go early, ______ you will iss the bus.
A. howeverB. orC. soD. while
53. ______they ay fail, they will try.
A. BecauseB. UnlessC. IfD. Though
54.. --- Jack, join us in the gae!
--- OK. Could you tell e ______ it is about?
A. which B. what C. how D. why
55. Shops across China ______ fro handing out free plastic bags since 2008 .
A. will ban B. have banned C. will be banned D. have been banned
56.---Have you found your book yet?
---No, I’ not sure___ I could have left it.
A. whether B. where C. when D. why
57. It is quite difficult ______ hi _____ good English.
A. to train, to speakB. to train, speaking
C. training, speaking D. train, to speak
58. The girl becae blind so young that as she grew older she did not reeber _____ able to see.
A. to beB. beingC. canD. could
59. Billy failed _____ out the istakes in his test paper, so he got an “ e ”.
A. findingB. having found C. to foundD. to find
60. The _____ football atch ade us _____.
A. excited, excitingB. exciting, exciting
C. exciting, excitedD. excited, excited

二、练习:( 用所给动词的适当形式)
1. Three dollars________all the oney the poor little girl had. (be)
2. The boss keeps the workers_____ for 21 hours. (work)
3. The children used to__________ not to play with the fire. (tell)
4. Finally the New Standard tea_________ the special prize. ( get)
5. He’s going to give up __________ though it’s not easy for hi. (soke)
6.Lucy, with her host faily, ______ to a welcoe party when she arrived in the city. (invite)
7. There ______ a lot of fat in haburgers. They are not good for you. (be)
8.We all like to watch the _________ (excite) gae that begins at 3:30 every Friday afternoon.
9.---What will he do first if he _______ (want) to iprove his English?
--- A lot of new words ____________( reeber) , I think.
10. Nobody _______ (know) the answer to the question.
11. Ten divided by two _______ (be) five.
12. ost of the drinking water ______ (be) fro the Black River.
13. Not only she but also I _______ (do) orning exercises every day.
14. Either you or she _____ (have) ade a wrong decision.
15. The faily _____(be) spending the weekend together.
16. Bread and butter ______ (be) her daily breakfast.
17. The police _____ (be) trying to catch the thief.
18. The nuber of people invited _____ (be) fifty, but a nuber of the ____ (be) absent for different reasons.
19. If he (not want) to go, let e kno
20. Please tell e _______________________. (我们什么时候开会)

10.knows 11.is 12.is 13.do 14.has 15.are 16.is 17.are 18.was; were 19. doesn’t want
52-61 B D B D B A B D C B

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/chusan/165257.html
