
编辑: 逍遥路 关键词: 九年级 来源: 高中学习网

( ) 1.--- Have you ever seen “Hoe With Kids”?
--- Yes, I like it a lot. It’s one of _____TV plays I’ve ever seen.
A. ore interesting B. the ost interesting
C. the least interesting D. interesting
( ) 2.--- Could you tell e ________ the bikes this orning?
--- He did it with the help of his father.
A. how did he fix up B. how he fixes up
C. how he fixed up D. how he will fix up
( ) 3.In the past five years, Ji ________ France three ties.
A. went B. has gone to
C. has been to D. have gone to
( ) 4.The telephone _________ by Alexander Graha Bell in 1876.
A. was invented B. has been invented
C. is invented D. will be invented
( ) 5. ------ He was late for the eeting yesterday .
------ ______.
A. So I was B. So was I
C. So I did D. So did I
( ) 6.The Olypic Gaes _________ every four year.
A. are held B. were held
C. are holding D. will hold
( ) 7.What is a writing brush used for?
It is used _______writing and drawing.
A. for B. as C. to D. by
( ) 8._______ of the students in our class _________ boys.
A. three fourth ; is B. three fourth; are
C. three fives , is D. three fourths ; are
( ) 9.What’s __________ people in Australia?
A. the nuber of B. a nuber of
C. nuber D. the population of
( ) 10.He ________to school by bike, but now he _____ to school on foot.
 A. used to going; get used to go
B. used to go, gets used to going
 C. used to go; gets used to go
D. get used to going; used to go
( ) 11.He was ________ the work.
 A. successful to finish B. successfully in finishing
 C. success in finishing D. successful in finishing
( ) 12. rs. King has __________ China for over 3 years.
 A. gone to B. been to
C. coe to D. been in
( ) 13. ─By the way, where is Li Lei?
  ─ He __________ swiing.
  A. has been B. has been to
C. has gone D. has gone to
( )14.I’ll go to Fuzhou ______business next week.
A. for B. on C. in D. wit
( )15. His father has no trouble _______out this proble.
A. to work B. working
C. to be working D. that works

Young people are often unhappy when they are with their parents. They say that their parents don’t understand the. They often think their parents are too strict 1 the.
Parents often find 2 difficult to win their children’s trust and they see to 3 how they theselves felt when they were young. For exaple, young people like to do things without uch 4 . It’s one of their ways to show that they grow up and they can 5 any difficult probles. Older people worry ore easily. ost of the plan things ahead and don’t like their plans to be changed. So when you want your parents to let you do 6 , you will have better success if you ask before you really start doing it. Young people often ake their parents angry by clothes they wear, the usic they enjoy and soething 7 . But they don’t ean to cause any trouble. They just feel that 8 this way they can be cut off fro the old people’s world and they want to ake a new culture of their own. And if their parents don’t like their usic or clothes or their way of speech, the young people feel very sad. Soeties instead of going.
out with their parents, they just want to stay at hoe 9 and do what they like. If you plan to do soething, you’d better win your parents over and get the to understand you. 10 , your parents will certainly let you do what you want to do.

( ) 1. A. on B. with C. in D. to
( ) 2. A. it B. this C. that D. one
( ) 3. A. forgets B. reeber C. forget D. reebers
( ) 4. A. thinking B. speaking C. reading D. saying
( ) 5. A. know B. find C. find out D. solve
( ) 6. A. anything B. nothing C. soething D. everything
( ) 7. A. else B. one C. old D. ore
( ) 8. A. by B. through C. in D. over
( ) 9. A. sadly B. alone C. lonely D. sad
( ) 10. A. If not B. Or C. If so D. However .

三 理解
  An old woan walked into a clothes shop. She asked the salesgirl to let her have a look at a new dress on display, but the girl stood still behind the counter, taking no notice of the request.
The old woan spoke to the girl again, raising her voice a bit, but still received no answer. The old woan looked closely at the girl and nodded to her, "I a too old to see well." I can't even tell a plastic (塑料的) odel fro a real girl."
On hearing this, the salesgirl shouted at the old woan, " What? Did you call e a plastic odel?"
The old woan was greatly surprised. "On, dear e," she said. "The odel can speak. Then it ust be a robot of a new type."

1. The old woan wanted ______in the clothes shop.
A. to buy soething
B. to play a joke on soeone
C. to try things on
2. The assistant was a ________.
A. woan B. odel C. robot
3. The assistant took no notice of the old woan because _______.
A. she was a plastic odel
B. she was too old to see well
C. she was not a good assistant
4. The assistant began to speak because_________.
A. she got to know her istake
B. she wanted to show that she was not a odel
C. she thought the old woan had insulted (侮辱) her
5. When the assistant shouted at her, the old woan was greatly surprised because_________.
A. she had thought the assistant would speak
B. she didn't expect the assistant would speak
C. she had thought the assistant was a woan
  One day I happened to eet an Englishan in the street and soon we began to talk. As I was talking about how I was studying English, the foreigner seeed to be very surprised, gently shaking his head and saying "You don't say!" I was puzzled, and I thought, "Perhaps this is not a right thing to talk about." So I said to hi. "Well, shall we talk about the Great Wall? Have you ever been there?"
"Certainly! Everyone at hoe will laugh at e if I leave here without seeing it. The Great Wall is wonderful!" "Yes, it is one of the wonders in the world. And people of any countries have coe to visit it." As I went on ore about it, he stopped e again, "You don't say!"
I couldn't help asking, "Why do you ask e not to talk about it?"
"Well, I don't ask you to do so," he answered, greatly surprised.
"Didn't you say 'You don't say'?" I asked again.
Hearing this, the foreigner laughed loudly. He began to explain, " 'You don't say!' eans 'Really?'. Perhaps you know little about English idios (习语) ."
Wow! How foolish I was ! Since then I began to learn ore English idios.

6. The writer was puzzled (疑惑) because _________.
A. the foreigner has soe trouble in understanding hi
B. the writer hiself didn't understand the eaning of "You don't say!"
C. the foreigner was not polite
7. What ade the foreigner laugh?
A. The English idio.
B. The writer's talking about the Great Wall.
C. The writer's question.
8. The story probably happened in ________.
A. China B. Aerica C. England
9. The writer was puzzled__________ in the passage.
A. once B. twice C. three ties
10. The English idio "You don't say!" eans "__________".
A. Really? B. You're right. C. Thank you.

  In the United States, headasters and teachers discipline (惩罚) students in several ways. The teacher often writes to or calls the students' parents. Soeties students have to stay at school for one hour. If a student behaves very badly, the headaster can stop the student having classes. The student can't coe to school for one, two or three days. r. Lazarus, the headaster of a iddle school in Ohio, did not like to do so. When he didn't let the students coe to school, they were happy. "A three-day holiday!" they thought.
  One day, a boy was in r. Lazarus' office. The boy was not behaving well in class. r. Lazarus telephoned the boy's parents. "If you coe to school with your son, I won't stop hi having classes,"he said. The boy's father cae to school and went with his son to every class. Other students looked at the boy and his father. The boy was ebarrassed. After that he behaved better. And, of course, other students behaved better, too.
  Now headasters all over the USA are trying r. Lazarus's idea. They too, think that students behave better when parents coe to school.

11. What does a headaster usually do to the student if he behaves very badly?
A. He stops the student having classes for several days.
B. He akes the student stay at school for one hour.
C. He calls the student's parents.
12.When a student was stopped having classes for two or three days, he was ___________.
A. happy B. angry C. worried
13. What did r. Lazarus do when his students were not behaving well in class?
A. Tried to talk to the.
B. Sent the hoe.
C. Telephoned their parents to coe to school and go to classes with the.
14.Why did the other students behave better, too?
A. They didn't like to have classes with the boy's father.
B. They didn't want their parents to coe to school.
C. They were afraid of teachers.
15. In the United States, a student will be ________ when his parents have classes with hi.
A. happy B. ebarrassed C. excited

Dear editor,
I live in a beautiful city. any visitors coe to y city every year because there are so any colorful peacocks (孔雀) here. The peacocks ostly live on the grassland of Dongfeng Square. Visitors usually throw food to the, but they don’t think about at all whether the food is good or not. Soe of the peacocks becae ill, and soe even died eating the bad food given by visitors. I’ sure ost of the visitors who throw food to the peacocks really like the bird, but they don’t realize that they ay be doing the har (伤害). Visitors should be told that what they have done is harful to the birds, and this kind of thing ust be stopped. Perhaps we can build soe sall shops beside Dongfeng Square to sell peacock food. For us every person, it is our duty to give ore love to these beautiful birds to look after the carefully.
Wang Yang

( )16. The letter will be sent to _____________________.
A. a school B. a hospital
C. a newspaper D. a useu
( ) 17. any visitors coe to the writer’s city every year to ________.
A. give peacocks food B. see peacocks
C. do soe shopping D. travel
( ) 18. Soe peacocks becae ill and died because ____________.
A. they weren’t given any food
B. they were given too uch food
C. they were given soe bad food
D. they weren’t given enough food
( ) 19. The writer suggests that soe sall shops should be built so that they ay _______.
A. sell peacocks food to visitors
B. sell food to peacocks
C. ake the square ore beautiful
D. sell soe things for everyday life
( ) 20. Which of the following is Not true according to the passage?
A. Peacocks ainly live on the grassland of Dongfeng Square.
B. Soe sall shops were built in the square.
C. People should look after peacocks carefully.
D. Soe visitors throw food to the peacocks.


(The phone is ringing…)
W: Hello! This is UE Cinea City. _____1______
: Hello! I’d like to book two tickets for the new fil “This is it” please.
W: OK. There are showing at 5:30 p, 8 p and 10:30 p every day. _____2______
: I think the 5:30 one on Friday, please.
I’ll just check. … Sorry, there are no tickets for that showing. ______3_
: Yes, please. If you could.
W: Yes, there are seats for the 8 o’clock showing. Do you want the?
: Yes, please.
: Darren Brown. It’s 63589865. ___5_____
W: You can get your tickets fro the box office any tie fro 5 p today until ten inutes before the start of the fil on Friday.
: Thank you. W: You’re welcoe. Goodbye.


white harful arewaterand so on
producessoil air sickbreathing

Do you know how pollution hurts the earth? Now let e tell you. There 1 all kinds of pollution. The cheical factory 2 terrible gas. It’s called 3 pollution. It akes people 4 . It causes 5 probles and even cancer. Farers use fertilizer too uch, so 6 pollution is difficult to be stopped. Every year people pour a lot of waste into rivers, lakes 7 . So 8 pollution is widely spread. Light pollution is 9 to our eyes. What’s ore, 10 pollution influences the look of our cities.

1. 2. 3.
4. 5. 6.
7. 8. 9. 10.

1. 英语是世界上使用最广泛的语言;
2. 全球有4亿多人把英语作为第一语言使用;
3. 世界上有许多国家把英语作为一门外语学习和使用;
4. 中国的改革开放政策(refor and opening-up policy),加入“世贸”组织(entry into WTO)和北京2008年奥运会激励越越多的人学习英语。

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/chusan/34760.html
