
编辑: 逍遥路 关键词: 九年级 来源: 高中学习网

( )1 ________students are playing ball gaes in the park. They are very happy .
A .Few B .A few C .Little D .A little
( )2 y sister and I __________________
A .is doing y hoework B .a doing y hoeworks
C .are doing our hoeworks D . are doing our hoework
( ) 3 Uncle Wang usually goes to work ____________
A.in his car B.by his car C.by a car D.take a cark
( )4 Jane never __________anything fro others .
A. lends B. keeps. C. borrows D. buys
( )5 y study is __________.Coe and has a look. ------Sure ,___________
A. on the second floor, why not. B. at the second floor ,why
C. on the second floor ,that’s all right D. on second floor
( ) 6 Could you tell e ________train station?-----Sure .Take __________ to the end.
A. .road to ,No .333 Bus B. way of ,No.333 Bus C. the way to ,Bus No.333 D. way ,Bus No.333
( )7 ike prefer __________to__________ .
A. to swi ;skating B. swiing ;skating C. to swi ;skate D. swiing ;skate
( )8 —How are you getting along _________your English ?---I have _________great progress .
A. with ;brought B.on ;ade C.with ;ade
( )9 I have ________y bike to To .Could you _________yours to e?
A. lent ,lend B.borrow ,lend C.lent ,borrow
( )10 ----__________you ________yuor hoework yet ?----Yes ,I ________it ten inutes ago .
A. Did ,do ,finished B.Have ,done ,have finished C.Have ,done ,finished
( )11 ----Xiao Fang looks unhappy ,doesn’t she ?----Yes .Let’s go and ask __________ .
A. what’s wrong with her B.what was wrong with her C.what wrong is with her
( )12 There years __________since we ____to this school .------How tie flies!
A. has passed ,cae B.have passed ,cae C.are passing ,coe D.pass ,coe
( )13 He _________in the classroo just now ,he__________be there now .
A. heard to sing ;ay B.was heard sing ,ust C.heard sing ,ust D.was heard to sing ,ay
( )14 There is ___________rice and bread in the bag .
A .no any B. not soe C. not any
( )15 -----___an English evening tonight ,will you take part in it?------Great.I’ll be glad .
A. There will be B. There is going to have C. There are going to be
( )16 ----Will you please ___ us a story ?-----OK.Shall I ________it in English or in Chinese?
A. tell ,say B. talk ,say C.tell, speak
( )17 The boy has big eyes ,________a sall outh .
A. but B. and C. with
( )18 ay I take your order ? -----____ .
A. Here you are B.I like it a little C.A bowl of noodles
( )19 Betty arrived ________London ________the evening of June 1st .
A. at ,in B. at ,on C. in ,on
( )20 The old an doesn’t _________war shoes when the weather gets cold .
A. put on B. wear C. in
( )21 Have you ____Han Hong ,a faous singer ?
A. listened to B. heard of C. heard of
( )22 Have you been to Suer Palace?----Yes .We____there last onth .
A. have been B. went C. have gone
( )23 Would you like __-?-----Thank you ,but I’ not thirsty
A. soe sandwiches B.soe ooncakes C.soe orange
( )24 France is ___European country .India is _________Asian c ountry .
A .the ,an B.a ,an C.an ,an
( )25 I ust go now ,____y other is waiting for e .
A. for B.and C.but
( )26 The singer and dancer _________yet .
A .hasn’t coe B.haven’t coe C.didn’t coe
( )27 ary as well as her sisters __ Chinese in China .
A. are studying B. have studyed C. studies
( )28 __________! The traffic is oving fast !----Thanks,I will.
A. Stop B. Work out C. Watch
( ) 29 _________will you repair the bike ,Uncle Wang?-In half an hour.
A. How long B. How often C. How soon
( )30 -Look,what have you done ? -Sorry.I think if I _________ another chance, I’ll do it better.
A. give B. a given C. have given
( )31 -Will you please ____________us a story. -Ok. Should I ___________it in English or in Chinese ?
A. tell, say B. talk, say C. tell, speak
( )32 -How tie flies !Three years _________passed. -Yes, we will graduate fro our school.
A. are B. has C. have.
( )33 -When are you going to Hainan for your holidays ?
-I haven’t decided ._________ this Sunday ________next Sunday is OK.
A. Both ; and B. Either; or C. Not only; but also
( )34 ?Where is the professor _________gave us the speech yesterday?
-He has gone back to Beijing University.
A. who B. who C. which
( )35 ?The population proble here sees to get ore and ore serious. -Yes, soething _________with it.
A. is doing B. have done C. ust be done
( )36 _________he ___________ a sall nose or a big one ?
A. Do, has B. Does, has C. Does, have
( )37 I like _________, but I don’t like __________ .
A, chicken, fish B. chickens, fishes C. chicken, fishes
( ) 38 Baboo can ___ water ,can’t it ?
A .get used to carrying B. be used to carrying C. be used to carry
( ) 39 ?Can you ___ y interest ?-Of course. A.share B .collect C.believe in
( )40 Swiing and dancing ________ you becoe healthy. A.helped B.helps C.help
( )41 _________strange clothes he is wearing! A. What a B.What C.How
( )42 __________do you think of the story ?-Just so-so. A.Which B.How C.What
( )43 Our roos are bigger than __________. A.yours B.the C.their
( )44 There are any old houses in Beijing,aren’t there?-___________.Only a few reain no
A.Yes,they are B.No,they aren’t C.No,there aren’t
( )45 Her shoes _________,so she has to buy a new pair. A.wear out B.are worn out C.worn out
( )46 As soon as you arrive there, you should find a place ____. A.to live in B.to live C.living in
( )47 -It ________so nice. ?Yes.o is cooking. A.looks B.tastes C.sells
( )48 -Titanic is very popular _________young people . -That’s right.I’d like to get a ticket _______ this fil.
A.with;to B.with;of C.of; for
( )49 -ary can’t help _________ the house, why? -Because she is busy ____a hotel reservation.
A.to clean,aking B.cleaning,aking C. cleaning,to ake
( )50 In Britain, you ust drive on the ________ side of the road.
A.right-hand B.left-hand C.left hand
( )51 Peter,a boy in _________ unifor wants to see you .-Is he ________Aerican boy?
A.a,a B.an,an C.a,an
( )52 Could you tell e ________? ?He is an engineer.
A.What he is B.What does he do C.What he did
( )53 -Harbin is really a beautiful city and there’re any places of interest.
-So it is. Why not stay here for____ two days. A.ore B.others C.another
( )54 People ________this dress cheongsa. It’s popular in China.And that coat_________Tang costue is also popular with Chinese People. A.call,called B.called,call C.call,calling
( )55 Cheongsa began popular _________.And ore and ore woen like it.
A.in the 1920. B.in 1920s C.in the 1920s
( )56 As Chinese teenagers ,we should reeber_________ the past, live__________the present and drea_________the future. A./,in,about B.to,about,in C./,about,in
( )57 Five years _____since his father _______to Pairs. A.have past,went B.How often C.How long
( )58 The English teacher told us _________ our class passed the exa yesterday.
A.which B.when C.that
( )59 Ten years _________since y father _________ to Aerica.
A.have passed,went B.has passed,went C.has past,went
( )60 -Hi!Bob!I can’t find y history book.Have you seen it ____?
-Sorry,I haven’t.Why don’t you asi ?Perhap he is seen it.
A.soewhere B.everywhere C.anywhere
( )61 -Could we have a rest?-I’ afraid __________.We ust do the work _________.
A.so;one B.so;first C.not;fi rst D.not;one
( )62 _________students are playing ball gaes in the park.They are very happy.
A.Few B.A few C.Little D.A little
( )63 y sister and I__________.
A.is doing y hoework B.a doing y hoeworks
C.are doing our hoeworks D.are doing our hoework
( )64 Uncle Wang usually goes to work _________.
A.in his car B.by his car C.by a car D.take a car
( )65 __________Sally ________orning exercises every day?
A.Do,do B.Does,do C.Does,does D.Is,doing
( )66 We have classes ____onday ________Friday.
A.on;to B.between;and C.fro;to D.on;on
( )67 She likes English and she does ________it.
A.well;in B.good;at C.well;at D.good;in
( )68 -ay I have a look your photos?-Here____ one of y ________.
A.are;photos B.are;photo C.is;photos D.is;photo
( )69 -_________lessons do we have this afternoon?-P.E.and art..
A.How any B.What are C.How uch D.What
( )70 When you____the road,you should ________very careful.
A.cross;be B.across,be C.cross;/ D.across;/
( )71 Let’s wait ________the rain stops. A.when B.after C.and D.until
( )72 -_________bus should I take? -The NO.11 bus and then ____ to the NO.1 bus.
A.Which;change B.Which;take C.Which is;change D.Which is;take
( )73 They spent ________ tie ____ the coputer gaes .
A. uch ,on playing B. any ,playing C. lots of ,to play D. plenty of ,playing
( )74 Don’t drive so fast please. There is ___ traffic at this tie of a day.
A. uch too B. too uch C. any too D. too any
( )75 I reeber ________ the light night ,but it was still on .
A.turning off B.to turn off C.to turn on D.turning on
( )76 In old days ,people often used anials ________ in the fields.Now they use achines ________ .
A.to working ,for working B.for working ,to work
C.to work ,for work D.work ,to working
( )77 y uncle’s faily is very poor ,so he ____ work hard to ake ore oney .
A.need to B.needs C.needs to D.needed to
( )78 The young other looks very happy because her son’s progress ________ her .
A.satisfy B.satisfying C.satisfies D.satisfied
( )79 This pair of sunglasses ________ very expensive .
A.is B.are C.pays D.does
( )80 ___of the students answered the question correctly, so the teacher asked the third one to answer it .
A.Neither B.All C.Both
( )81 Peter ,I called you an hour ago ,but you weren’t in .-----Oh, I ___ on the playground then .
A.have played B.a playing C.was playing
( )82 The Greens ________ China for 7 years . A.have been in B.have been to C.have coe in
( )83 ___you ___a letter fro your brother so far?-----Yes,I___a letter fro hi only yesterday.
A.Did,get ,got B.Have ,got ,got C.Have ,got ,have got
( )84 We should ________ our classroo every day and keep it________
A.to clean ,clean B.clean ,cleaning C.clean ,clean
( )85 ____of the population is this area____ farers.
A.Two thirds ,are B.Two thirds ,is C.Two third ,is
( )86 Peter is ade ________ his roo once a week . A.clean B.to clean C.cleaning
.( )87 What can astronauts see in ____ spaceship in __________ space?
A.a ,the B.the , / C.a ,a D.the ,the
( )88 Three years ____ since we ____ to this school .
A.has passed ,cae B.have passed ,cae C.are passing ,coe D.pass ,coe
( )89 I think ____of the aterials I listened to at the beginning of the exa ___ easy .
A.three fourths ,is B.third four ,are C.three fourths ,are D.three fourth,are
( )90 How any students are there in the classroo ?------___________
A.No one B.None C.Nobody D.Everybody
.( )91 Will you please drive faster?y flight is_________ .------No proble .
A.getting off B.taking off C.turning off
( )92 Would you like soe ________? —yes, please.
A. apple and orange B. apple and ilk C. ilk and orange
( ) 93 His parents ________ office workers. A. are both B. both are C. are all
( )94 _________ do you usually coe to school? —By bike A. How B. what C. How often
( ) 9ou can’t ________ it fro e because I ________ it to others.
A. lent, borrow B. lend, borrowed C. borrow, lent
( ) 96 Connie arrived__________ the village ________ a snowy night.
A. at, on B. at, in C. in, on
( ) 97 It’s our duty _________ our environent _________.
A. keeping, cleaned B. to keep , being cleaned C. to keep , clean
( ). 98 _________stage clothes he is wearing!A. What a B. What C. How
( ) 99 He _________ two days on this work A. spent B. took C. cost
1. He does everything ___________________ (gentle)
2. You ust eat ¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬________________________ (healthy)
3. I was so tired that I __________ ____________(睡着)as soon as I got hoe and forget y hoework .
4. They share a __________________(共同的) interest in reading .
5. To usually goes to work __________________ ________________(坐地铁)
6. ________________ ___________________ the answer can help you understand the passage. (找出)
8. Look! Judy and Linda __________________ (talk) at the school gate.
9. She is _________________ _________________ (处理)her father’s business very well
10. The car slowed down in tie and _________________ __________________ into the wall. (避免撞击)
11. They __________________ ___________________ those probles by theselves at last. (处理)
12. Our tea ____________ ________________(与…对抗)the tea fro No.2 High School last week .
13. ________________(skate) is y favorite sport . xk b 1 . c o
14. They see you __________________ (read) English alost every day.
15. At the food festival ,there are any kinds of foods __________________ __________________ (出售)
16. I’ still __________________ (consider) where to go when others have left.
17. They have already ______________ ______________ (拟定,起草) a plan to travel during the winter holidays
18. ost students have soe __________________ in working out the ath proble.(difficult)
18. The old an looks sad because a thief ________________ his oney. (Steal)
19. The governent _________________ hoeless people __________________ nice hoes. (提供)
20. Lucy _________________ already _________________ to travel to Beijing. (计划)
21. I’ sorry for ________________ so uch ________________. (发出噪音)
22. The river __________________ (rise) about 2 eters after the rain.-Oh, Last week it was only 0.5 eter.
23. so far, huans __________________ our plant in any ways. (改变)
24. There are any English ___________________ in the world. (Speak)
25. After ________________ the __________________(为…送行),I can’t stand crying.
26. There are so any ___________________ (英雄) in Chinese history .
27. r. Lee usually ____________________his bike to work.
28. I think Aerica is one of the ost __________________ countries in the world. (power)
29. With the __________________ of econoy, people in China are living a happy life.
30. There is no doubt that we will be ____________________ in passing the exas. (success)
31. Hurry up, or you will be ________________ _________________ school. (迟到)
32. Try your best and you can ake it ___________________ (success)
33. ________________ usually uses the right hand to eat eals. (India)
34. Thanks for your ________________ .I will coe to your party on tie. (invite)
35.Tibet is the ost fantastic place that I’ve ever _____________ __________(听说).I want to go there soe day.
36. There ____________ two basketball atches on TV this weekend.(be)
37. Listening to soft usic akes e __________________ (relax)
38. His parents found a ___________________ to teach their son. (usic)
39. I’d like __________________ a roo with a single bed for two days.(book)
40. If people obey the traffic rules, there will be _________________ traffic accidents.
41. Try your best and you will _________________ (success) soe day.
42. Soe people like wear ________________ like suits. (foral)
43. The clothes that he is wearing _________________ Tang costues. (call)
44. There are __________________ students in Class 1 than Class 2. (few)
45. To ___________________ his purse everywhere but he still doesn’t knohere it is. (look for)
46. I ___________________ by what Lei Feng did. (ove)
47. Teenagers should ____________________ to choose their own clothes. (allow)
48. He spoke __________________ at the eeting to ake hiself understood.
49. Shanghai is one of the ________________________ cities in the world. (big)
50. r. Green __ _________________ us to study hard to aster odern technology. (advice)
51. Thank you for your ________________ __________________(幸苦的工作)
52. He sits __________ ___________ ___________ ____________(在。。。后面)classroo.
53. Septeber the ________________ is y father’s birthday. (nine)
54.Everyone gave Kangkang a birthday card .We ade the cards ____________ ________________. (手工)
55. How any presents did you get for your _________________ birthday last year. (12)
56. I ___________ ________________ in (做得很糟糕)the English exa last week .
57. ichael ________________ soe books ¬________________(递给)e just now .
58. Alice finished ________________ (do) her hoeworust no
59. ________________ __________________(熬夜)is bad for our health .
60. ay I play gaes here? ----No, you ___________ (needn’t, ustn’t, don’t have to)
61. The boy hates __________________ __________________(随着。。。跳舞)usic .
62. ____________ beautiful usic!(感叹句)
63. Song Zuying is going to ____________ ___________ _________(举行音乐会)in the usic Hall next Sundy .
64They are going to_________________ _______________ ___ (创建) a band next onth .
65. y other ________________(洗衣服) fro 19:00 to 19:30 last night.
66. At last, in Shihuang __________________ the old walls_________________. (把。。。连接起)
67.Lucy lives as ________________ as before. (happy)
68. All of the clothes ________________ __________________(流行)
69. You’d better ___________ _________________ __________________(做调查) before you write the article .
70. They _________________ _________________(迷路)in the forest last Sunday .
71. To likes flying kites ,________________ _________________ _________________(凯特也是)
72. We have__________ ____________(成功地)finishing the hard work .
73. y little sister ___________ just ______________ (coe) back fro school.
74. Look! Can you see _____________ behind the trees? -------Yes, I think it’s a cat.
75. Do you know __________________ in the shop? ----No, I don’t.
77. The old an has two sons .But_________________ of the lives with hi .So he is very lonely.
78. I help her __________________ she helps e. (and, while ,or)
79. This letter ___________________ in English. (write)
80. Although I failed four ties, y parents’ _______________e to have a fifth try. (encourage)
81. r. Brown lay down on the sofa and soon _____________ _______________ (入睡)
82. If you have trouble, you can __________________ ___________________ the teacher for help.
83. People in the __________-parts of China often eat noodles. (north)
84. He _____________ _________________(捡起)the rubbish and put it into the dustbin .
85. Blue jeans are the ost _________________ known ite of Aerican clothing. (wide)
86. The road were clean __________ _______________(除了) a few cars .
87. Lucy _________________ in the doritory at the oent. (sleep)
88. U2 is one of the ost faous rocks ______________ in the world.
89. I don’t know how to get other students __________ with e. (talk)
90. The Tour de France is _________________ bicycle race in the world. (faous)
91. That’s a ______________ result and I can’t believe it. (surprise)
92. We are hungry. Will you please give e soe beef _____________? (sandwich)
93. I’ here on ________________, not for pleasure. (busy)
94. A cheongsa is very ______________. (有吸引力的)
95. The English langu age ___________ a lot in recent years. (Change)
96. China has ade progress in ________ (改善) the people’s lives .
97. We use air-conditions __________(控制) the teperature .
98. I was ________ (real) oved by what they did.
99. We need two ______________ (kilo) of apples and soe salt.
100.any __________(science)still don’t know if there is life on other planets .
101.I saw the cheical factory ________________ (倒)waste water into the strea then .
102. We should reeber our friendship and keep our drea _____________ for ever. (live)
103. King Yao _________ to follow the good suggestions which were carved by people. (允诺)
104. The pencil-box looks like ____________ (she)
105. His sister doesn’t ____________ a knife, but he _________ one. (have)
106. No,I don’t want______________ oranges .(soe)
107. I often see r. hen ______________ in park in the orning. (run)
108.They will _____________ ______________(同。。。比赛) us this Sunday .
109.y other always _________________ ________________ (担心)e .
110. The pencil is broken .It’s ________ no (use)
111.Yesterday y teacher ___________e _____________ (把。。。错当成)ary .
112.Last onth ,Peter ____________ _________________(写信给)his best pen pal .
113. Nobody says a word about the incident, ___________?
114.She has few friends ,so she often feels _________________(孤独的)
115.The superarket ___________ ____________ _____________(挤满了)people .
116.The driver _____________ _____________(减速) at once .
117._______________ tall buildings they are!
118.The village __________ _______________ __________(得名)fro the lake in it .
119.Bob caught a thief yesterday .------_________(他确实抓了)
120.At last ,her drea __________ __________(实现)
121.These scientists have ________ ____ ________(对。。。做贡献) our space industry .
122 .y sister really wanted to give up but she ____ ________(继续)practicing.
123.Your hoework ust be ___________ ________(上交)toorrow orning .
124.We should observe the things around us ____ __________ ________ ________(用我们自己的眼睛)
125._______ _________ _________(为了纪念) Xiang Yu ,people invited Chinese chess .
126. y other always _________ _________ (担心) e.
127. We ust have __________ (health) food. It’s good for our _________ (health).
128.The boy hates _________ _________(随着….跳舞)usic. He is interested in reading.
129. The pen is broken. It is ________ (use)
130. How are you ________ _________ (相处) with your classates.


1.Noise pollution does great _________ to our ears.
2.I feel hungry because I have had __________ since this orning.
3.The ore regularly we eat,the ___________ we’ll be.
4.r.Sun fro Fuzhou becae faous as a singer in his _________.
5.Blood is greatly __________ in hospitals.
6.Steve Jobs was _______ ________(喜欢)saying that he lived a happy life.
7.________ _________(熬夜)late is bad for your health.
8.I hope that you can ake your drea ________ ________(实现)in the future.
9.The police asked her to describe the accident _________ __ _______(详细的).
10.We should try our best to _______ _______(处理)the rubbish.

1.Look! There are soe old people ________ sports in the park.
2.Could you give e soe _________on how to learn English well?
3.To is always ________.He ade a lot of istakes in his work again.
4.?What will the weather be like toorrow?
-The radio says it will be ________.You’d better take an ubrella.
5. People should give up ________ in order to keep health.
6. ?What should we do,Jack?
-We should _______the________(阻止)speaking loudly here.
7. Could you tell e how to ________ y coputer _________(把……链接到……)the Internet?
8. Li Tao’s parents are ________ _______(担心)hi.They haven’t got in touch with hi for two onths.
9. Let’s_______ ________(执行)the plan as soon as we ake it.
10. ?Why are the lights still on?
-I don’t knoI reeber _______the________(关掉)when I left the classroo.

1.If you are nervous before taking the exa, take a deep _________.
2.This kind of coputer is well worth ________.So I bought one yesterday.
3.Please give all the students a siple ________ of yourself before aking the speech.
4.I bought two ________ in the superarket yesterday.
5.I don’t think ________ is good for our health.
6.Betty ________ _________(入睡)quickly after she talked with her other last night.
7.Not only you but also your sister _______ ________(依赖)your parents no
8.________ ________(从那以后),nothing has happened to hi.
9.You should be careful enough to avoid ________ ________(犯错误)in the exa.
10._________ _________(总而言之),people in unifors look ore iportant.

1.As we know Yao ing i s a great basketball________.
2.It’s windy outside.Please keep the windows ________.
3.Noveber is the _______ onth of the year.
4.People in _________ countries like to have a cup of coffee when they take a break.
5.Lots of ________like playing coputer gaes when they coe back hoe fro school.
6.y uncle ________ _________(付款)y bike last week.
7.Alice was hungry , so she ________ ________(吃光)all the food on the table.
8.I used to ________ ________(收到……的信)y pen pal twice a onth.
9.________ _______(数百万计的)people died during World WarⅡ.
10.y other was ______ _______(为……自豪)e because I won first prize in the copetition.

1.The teacher speaks a little ore ________ so that the students can follow hi.
2.The bell was ringing,but nobody _________it.
3.Is there a reading roo on the ________floor?
4.We are looking forward to ________ Hong Kong Disneyland.
5.Please think it over before aking an iportant________.
6.“Have you finished doing that?”Lily asked ________ _________(惊讶地).
7.I ________his twin brother _______(把……错当作……)hi yesterday.
8.Look!________ ________(成百上千的)delicious food is on sale there.
9.Playing coputer gaes _________ __________(占据)uch of his tie.
10.Because of the heavy rain ,they had to ___________ _____________(放弃)going to the park.

1.After doing soe sports for a few onths , the old an ________better no
2.?How do you like these dresses?
-I think the _______ one on the left is beautiful.
3.The woan looked ________ because her son is beautiful.
4.We should change our ________ every three onths.
5.The young an has ade a lot of oney fro his ________.
6.What ay happen if children eat the edicine _______ ________(错误地)?
7.Disneyland is enjoyed by _______ ________(成百万的)people fro all over the world.
8.y parents cae to the airport and ________ e ____________(送行) .
9.The students will _________ __________(决定)the best way to go on their field trip.
10.I’ looking forward to ___________ __________(交朋友)with you.

fall understandrise

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/chusan/35420.html
