
编辑: 逍遥路 关键词: 九年级 来源: 高中学习网

2012年英语中考二轮专题四 单词拼写 句子翻译
1. _______(九月)10th is the Teachers' Day.
2. Can you tell me the_______(高度)of the ount Huangshan?
3. The old man's sudden_______(死亡)made all his children very sad.
4. In this book, you will find out how to_______(解决)these difficult problems.
5. He'd rather play computer games than_______(慢跑)along the road.
6. You should make a_______(决定)whether to go or to stay right no
7. Anna was sick of her brother's annoying_______(举止).
8. [2011.苏州]Do you know the difference_______(在……之间)“beside" and "besides"?
9. Some boys ran out of the classroom_______(吵闹的)after class.
10. We should take action to protect the_______(濒临灭绝的)giant pandas.
1. The earth is becoming more and more_______(拥挤).
2. If you live in a new city without friends, you can be very_______(孤独).
3. illie will go to England for further_______(教育)after she leaves college this summer.
4. Zhang Ziyi is one of the most famous_______(演员)in the world.
5. It takes ars about two years to revolve_______(完全地)around the sun.
6. [2011.连云港]-I am worried I’m getting fatter.
-You should eat_______(少)food and do more exercise.
7.[2011.苏州]It's my cousin's_______(第二十三个)birthday next week.
8. This is the_______(吵闹)song that I have ever heard.
9.[2011.南通]Frank loves playing basketball and practises_______(两次)a week..
10. What an_______(激动的)result! Our team won the game at last.
1. The doctor told me to be_______(放松)and have a good rest for a few days.
2. y cousin has a_______(习惯)of keeping his eyes closed when he listens to music.
3.Yang Zhenning is one of the greatest Chinese_______(科学家)in the world today.
4. We need some yogurt, two_______(西红柿)and some honey to make the salad.
5. Each colour on the world map_______(代表)a different country.
6. This kind of sunglasses will be the most_______(时髦的)in the shop this summer.
7. All of us were excited at his_______(到达).
8. [2011.苏州] Would you like to_______(分享)your experiences with us?
9. Look! Some fish are dead. The water in the river must be_______(污染).
10. y mother often cooks_______(美味的)food at weekends.
1. [2011.苏州]_______(实际上),we still have a lot to learn.
2. Do you know the_______(重要)of saving water?
3. This T-shirt makes him feel_______(不舒适).
4. r Wang left_______(生气)without saying anything.
5. The doctor often_______(建议)me to take more exercise.
6. Because of his_______(警告), 1 was careful.
7. [2011.苏州]This book is of great______________(价值)to beginners.
8. We should drive very slowly on_______(雾)days.
9. Yesterday the temperature_______(下降)a little and we felt cold.
10. We think that she has all the_______(特性)to be our monitor.

l. September 2.height 3.death 4.solve 5.jog
6. decision 7. behaviour 8. between 9. noisily 10. endangered
l. crowded 2.lonely 3.education 4.actresses 5pletely
6. less 7. twenty-third 8. noisiest 9. twice 10. exciting
1. relaxed 2. habit 3. scientists 4. tomatoes 5. represents
6. fashionable 7. arrival 8. share 9. polluted 10. delicious
1. Actually 2. importance 3. uricomfortable 4. angrily 5. advises
6.warrung 7.value 8.foggy 9.dropped 10. qualities

1. Walk straight on, and turn right at the second turning. (或 take the second turning on the right.)
2. r. Li is too busy to come and watch the game.
3. It is very easy to find our school on the map.
4. They tried their best to run away.
5. We had/have no choice but to give up the travel plan/the plan for the trip.
1. How many of you have traveled to France?
2. What did your father give you as the birthday present?
3. Nobody is sure to pass the exam.
4. It must be cold in the room for she is shaking.
5. Our homework must be handed in on time.
1. Now the place has turned into a park.
2. He has been married for 20 years.
3. I hope to be a teacher like her in the future.
4. Her voice is so low that nobody can hear her.
5. I was listening to music while mother was doing some washing yesterday.
1. I haven’t written to him since last year.
2. We were clapping while they were dancing to the music.
3. Our new English teacher is young, beautiful and patient.
4. The fancy hair clips match well with her blouse.
5. Their clothes were so colorful that I couldn't stop taking photos.
1. She asks us to spend at least an hour a day leaning English.
2. The noise was terrible when the plane took off. .
3. He feels lonely from time to time.
4. The performers wore different costumes.
5. She teaches well and often gives us a lot of help after class. '
1. Something must be done to prevent the earth from being polluted.
2. Chinese was taught by iss Wang three years ago./iss Wang taught us Chinese three years ago.
3. Great changes have taken place in our city.
4. I don't think they enjoyed themselves last weekend.
5. He fell off the bike and hurt himself.
1. That museum was built eight years ago.
2. The students are cleaning the classroom, aren't they?
3. Do you know how old your grandpa is?
4. There's going to be a wonderful football match next week.
(或 There'll be a wonderful football match next week.)
5. - How long has r. Green been at this school?
- For three and a half years(或 For three years and a half).

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/chusan/36432.html

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