
编辑: 逍遥路 关键词: 九年级 来源: 高中学习网

(总分:100分 时间:80分钟)
( )1. What is John looking for?

( )2. How does To learn Chinese?

( )3. What tie does iss Yuan drive to the office?

( )4. How does r Huang go to work?

( )5. What's Linda's favourite subject?

( )6. What is the boy going to buy?
A. Soe juice. B. Soe oranges. C. Soe apples.
( )7. How any people lost their lives?
A. Ten. B. Fourteen. C. Sixteen.
( )8. What’s the speed of the light?
A. 18,000,000 kiloetres a inute B. 300,000 kiloetres a inute
C. 7,200,000 kiloetres a inute
( )9. How does the woan feel now?
A. She feels very sad. B. She feels quite excited.
C. She feels very tired.
( )10. What are they talking about?
A. Buying a birthday present. B. Learning English.
C. Having a birthday party.
( )11. What are the two speakers talking about?
A. Taking a vacation. B. Going to sleep.
C. Traveling to New York City.
( )12. Why does the woan want to spend her vacation caping?
A. She enjoys clibing. B. She wants to get away fro the city.
C. She can't afford to stay in a hotel,
( )13. What do students write to artin for?
A. They hope to talk with hi. B. They want hi to teach the.
C. They want his records.
( )14. What’s artin?
A. He’s a successful reporter. B. He’s a nice sportsan.
C. He’s a pop star.
( )15. Why did none of the teachers like artin?
A. He soeties failed in the exas.
B. His teachers thought he was a bad boy.
C. He was soeties late for school.
四. 听短,根据短内容选择正确答案.(听两遍).
( )16. What kind of person is r. Sith?
A. Forgetful. B. Careful.C. Gentle.
( )17. Who always helped r. Sith?
A. His boss. B. His other.C. His wife.

( )18. Why did r. Sith keep the nae of the beach a secret?
A. Because he wouldn’t take his children there.
B. In order to ake the trip ore interesting for his children.
C. In order to save oney.
( )19. Hoould they go to the beach?
A. By train.B. By car. C. By plane.
( )20. What did r. Sith forget at first?
A. The paper written by his wife. B. The place he left the children.
C. The nae of the beach.
笔 试 部 分(80分)
( )21. It’s really nice ________ you ________ e with y English.
A. of, help B. for, help C. of, to help D. for, to help
( )22. The house is very big, so we won’t worry about ________ enough roo for parties.
A. not to have B. not having C. don’t have D. not have
( )23. y father always buys y brother nice gifts. What sentence eleent is the underlined part?
A. indirect object B. direct object C. Predicative D.adverbial
( )24. Sandy is good at all the subjects at school, ________ English.
A. really B. ostly C. especially D. surelly
( )25. ? When will the work be finished? ? I couldn’t ________.
A. say B. tell C. speak D. talk
( )26. ike is creative and iaginative, but he is a little lazy ________.
A. at tie B. at a tie C. at ties D. once a tie
( )27. ? How any colour pencils do you have?
? ________. But I’ll buy soe.
A. NobodyB. No one C. Nothing D. None
( )28. Colours can ________ our oods and ake us feel happy or sad, energetic or sleepy.
A. explain B. affect C. create D. effect
( )29. There are any high buildings on ________ sides of the street and ________ of the buildings are very beautiful.
A. each, all B. both, all C. all, all D. every, each
( )30. Red represents ________ and strength. When you feel weak, you can wear red.
A. power B. peaceC. sadnessD. cal
( )31. If you find ________ in today’s newspaper, please tell e.
A. iportant anything B. anything iportant
C. iportant soething D. soething iportant

( )32. These old photos ________ the ________ the old days when they were young.
A. let, to B. take, of C. reind, of D. ake, for
( )33. We live in a world ________ colours.
A. fill with B. full with C. fill ofD. full of
( )34. Wearing red akes ________ easier for you to take action.
A. that B. it C. oneD. this
( )35. What does the sentence “I’ feeling blue” ean? It eans “________”.
A. I’ feeling happy B. I’ feeling angry
C. I’ feeling lonely D. I’ feeling sad
( )36. —I can’t decide which colour to choose. aybe blue looks good _____ e.
— I don’t think so. I’ sure you look ore energetic _____ red.
A. on, in B. in, on C. on, on D. in, in
( )37. y grandfather ________ Chinese tea with nothing in it.
A. would rather B. prefers to C. prefers D. would like to
( )38. The bike is too expensive ________.
A. for her to buy it B. so that she couldn’t buy it
C. so that she can’t buy D. for her to buy
( )39. We all think that ________ hard is the key to success.
A. working B. work C. worked D. works
( )40. The shirt requires ________ right no
A. to wash B. washed C. being washing D. to be washed
An old an lived in a nice house with a large garden. He took care of his flowers all the tie, watering and fertilizing the.
One day a young an went by the garden. He looked at the beautiful flowers, iagining how happy he could be 1 he lived in such a beautiful place. Then, suddenly he found the old gardener was 2 . He was very surprised about this and asked, "You can't see these flowers.Why are you busy taking care of the every day?"
The old an siled and said "I can tell you four 3 . First, I was a gardener when I was young, and I really like this job. Second, 4 I can't see these flowers, I can touch the. Third, I can sell the sweetness of the. As to the last one, that's 5 ."
"e? But you don't know e," said the young an.
"Yeah, it's 6 that I don't know you. But I know that flowers are angels that everybody knows. We enjoy the happiness these flowers have brought us."
The blind an's work opened our eyes and 7 our hearts, which also ade his life 8 . It was just like Beethoven, who becae deaf in his later life and wrote any great usical works. Beethoven hiself couldn't 9 his wonderful usic, but his usic has 10 illions of people to face their difficulties bravely. Isn't it one kind of happiness?
( )41. A. afterB. as C. before D. if
( )42. A. blindB. faous C. sart D. friendly
( )43. A. stories B. reasons C. excuses D. conclusions
( )44. A. although B. since C. because D. unless
( )45. A. e B. you C. y other D. y son
( )46. A. true B. hard C. cool D. fair
( )47. A. broke B. hurt C. pleased D. treated
( )48. A. eptier B. busier C. luckier D. happier
( )49. A. write B. hear C. play D. believe
( )50.A. changed B. affected C. discovered D. encouraged
Daily direct flights fro the ainland to Taiwan have begun. Now Taiwan passengers can fly
to the ainland directly across the Taiwan Strait and return in one day. They no longer need to stop at a third place. It’s very convenient(方便的)for people in Taiwan, especially for businessen.
Passengers and businessen in Taiwan have waited for this for a long tie. And now, they are very excited. A Taiwan businessan said, “I can return in one day. It’s helpful for y business.” A passenger said, “any people are so excited that they can not fall asleep.”
In the past, passengers had to change the flights in Hong Kong, whether to the ainland or to Taiwan. It was as long as two and a half hours’ flight between Shanghai and Taipei, but now it saves 80 inutes.
But soe passengers say the tickets are too expensive. Dennis Tien, General of Transasia Airways, said, “If the supply exceeds the deand(供给超过需求), the ticket prices will decrease. It sees possible in the near future.”
( )51.Passengers and businessen in Taiwan are excited because__________.
A.they can fly to the ainland to visit their friends
B.they can fly to the ainland on business.
C.they can get together with their faily
D.there are direct flights between the ainland and Taiwan
( )52.In the past, passengers had to change the flights in_________.
A.Hong Kong B.Shanghai C.acao D.Beijing
( )53.Now it takes__________ inutes to fly fro Taipei to Shanghai.
A.230 B.150 C.70 D.80
In the wild, an easy way to find out which direction is north is related to using a “shadow stick”. Find a place that will be in direct sunlight for several hours. Stick a pole(竿子), about 30c long, into the ground so that it is standing straight up. Find a sall rock and place it at the end of the shadow(影子)of the pole. Leave it there for an hour, giving the shadow a chance to ove. An hour later, go back and place a second sall rock at the end of where the shadow is now resting. Now place your left foot on the first rock and your right foot on the second. You will be facing north.
How does this ethod work? The thing that akes this process confusing is the fact that we autoatically think the shadow oves in a circle. The shadow, however, does not go in a circle, but rather changes length as the earth goes around the sun. The sun travels east to west, so the shadoill travel west to east. When you put your left foot on the first rock and your right foot on the second rock, you’re putting your left foot to the west of your right foot. This eans that you end up facing north.
( )54.This way to find out north doesn’t work when it is ___________.
A.windy B.rainy C.winter D.suer
( )55.According to the passage, if you place your left foot on the first rock and your right foot on the second, your left handside is_________.
A.east B.west C.south D.north
( )56.People istakenly think that _____________.
A.the shadow oves in a circle B.the shadow changes length
C.the sun travels east to west D.the shadow travels west to east
The following ini Course will give you lots of ideas on how you can turn your favorite hobby into a business. Just choose the hobby that interests you fro the following, and enjoy reading through the articles and inforation on your favourite topics.
Dog ownership, training and care. Dog ownership can be both a hobby and a lifestyle decision. There are any different types of dogs in this series of articles.
Cat ownership and care. Owning a cat can also be both a hobby and a lifestyle choice. If you want to know ore things about your furry friend before you buy a cat, please read this section of the website.
Blogging. Blogging is a big business these days and it is one of the fastest growing hobbies today. But what exactly is a blog? In this series of articles, we’ll look at blogs and they will ake you interested in blogs.
Chess. Chess is a very popular hobby. You can get tips and ideas about chess after you read this series of articles, which can help you win at chess.
Fishing. As a global pastie and hobby to illions, fishing is a big business. There are any fishing techniques and uch inforation in this series of articles. Please try. aybe you can catch a big fish next tie.
( )57.The ini Course will offer you the following except___________.
A. inforation about dogs B. websites about cat ownership
C. articles about hobbies D. advice on reading
( )58.The articles about dogs ay tell us________.
A. how to ake a decision B. where to buy a dog
C. differences between dogs D. how to develop a hobby
( )59.The underlined word “pastie” eans __________in Chinese.
A. 过时 B. 消失 C. 消遣 D.运动
( )60.The siilarity(相似性)of blogging and fishing is that___________.
A. they are big businesses B .they are growing fast
C. neither of the is popular D. neither of the needs equipent(设备)
八、单词拼写 (共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分)
61.I don't think he is a ________(合适) person to be our onitor. He is selfish at ties.
62. She always takes an __________________ (积极) part in school life.
63. It’s silly of you not to forgive others for their ___________________ (过错) .
64. Please pay ___________________ (注意) to the teacher in class.
65. Could you ___________________ (推荐) soe interesting places in this city?
66. I felt ___________________ (放松的) lying on the grass after the day’s work.
67. Your roo should be ___________________ (油漆) blue.
68. I’ve got two ___________________ (免费的) tickets to the concert. Do you want one?
69. Our cars are ___________________ (相似的) only in colour.
70. The scientists have ___________________ (发现) a neay to solve the proble.
any people think dreas are full of essages that ay not be clear to us coon people. But if we think about what is going on in our lives, we can usually coe up with an answer. Let’s look at soe of the ost coon dreas. What do these dreas ean?
You’re falling, falling, falling… and then you wake up. This drea is said to ean you are afraid of soething or worried about soething. There ay be soething in your life that is out of control and there is nothing you can do to stop it. Another explanation is that you ay fail in soething. aybe you’re not doing well in school or work.
Taking an exa (or forgetting that you have one)
You suddenly realize you have to take an exa at that very oent. You ight be running here and there to find your classroo. Experts say this drea ay ean you’re being tested about soething or aybe you are facing a challenge(挑战).
Dreaing that you are flying eans you are on top of things. You are in control of the things that atter to you. It ay also ean you have confidence in yourself and think no one and nothing can beat you.
Trying to run, but going nowhere
You’re trying to run, but either your legs won’t ove or you siply aren’t going anywhere. Soe experts think this drea eans you’re trying to do too any things at once and can’t catch up or ove forward.
In fact, unlike these dreas, there are also any strange dreas that experts ay not be able to explain.
Topic: What do dreas ean?
Descriptions of dreas 71 to dreas
FallingYou have soething to fear or 72 _ about.
You fail in soething like schooling or work.
Taking an exa
(or forgetting that you have one)You’re being tested about soething or facing soething _73 .

FlyingYou’re able to control what atters to you.
You 74 _in yourself and think you can beat anyone and anything.
Trying to run, but going nowhere
You’re trying to do too any things at once, which stops you 75 _forward.
Conclusion: We can coe up with soe ideas about soe dreas, but not all the dreas.

Do you like your parents? They’re two ost i_____76___people in your life. I think so. Because they’re likely to influence you ore than anyone e_____77_____you have et and will eet. So if your dad worships a football tea, s____78______as Pittsburgh Steelers and Atlauta Falcons, you are likely to grow up being a big fan of a football tea. And if your o loves to r___79___, you ight grow up just carrying a book wherever you go, just a___80______she does.
But parents do a lot ore than just pass along their h____81______. os and Dads need to care for their kids fro the _____82____they’re born. It’s parents’ task to love and guide kids---and ost parents will do this as l___8_3_____as they live----even when the “ kids” have g______84___up and have children of their o___85________. That eans you have any years ahead to share with your o and dad.
76. i___________77. e___________78. s___________ 79. r___________80. a______________
81. h___________82 ___________83. l___________84. g___________85. o______________

假如你是王林。你所在学校的“爱心俱乐部(Helping Hands Club)”将吸收新会员。你想加入该俱乐部,请根据下面表格和图片的内容,用英语写一封自荐信。

姓 名王 林性 别男
加入目的1.……; 2. ……

要求:1. 表达清楚,语句通顺,意思连贯;
Dear Chairan(主席),
I a a boy student fro Class 1, Grade 3. I'd like to be a eber of the Helping Hands Club. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________---_______
I will be glad if I a received. I a waiting for your answer.
Wang Lin


1. John is looking for his ubrella. He wants to go out.
2.To learns Chinese by listening to the radio.
3.iss Yuan is never late for work. She always drives to the office at a quarter past seven.
4.r Huang goes to work by school bus in the orning and he has lunch in the workplace.
5.Art is Linda's favourite subject.

二. 听对话,选择正确的答语(听两遍)。
6. : I’ going shopping, u. Do you need anything?
W: Yes, get soe apples and soe oranges to ake juice with.
: Well, we already have lots of oranges.
W: OK, just soe apples then.
7. : How any people were killed in the struggle?
W: Oh, ten en and four woen. Two babies lost their lives, too.
8. : Do you know the light year?
W: Yes. I think nothing in the world travels faster than light. It travels 300,000 kiloetres a second.
9. : ary, be quick. The Science useu will close in 10 inutes. And we haven’t visited half of it yet.
W: Oh, dear. I can hardly go any further.
10. : I’d like to get y sister a nice present for her birthday.
W: Well, she’s learning English. What about an English dictionary?
: Is it useful to her?
W: I think so.

: We need to take a vacation.
W: Well, we both have two weeks of vacation tie. Why don't we drive north to Canada?
: I'd like to go caping, aybe in the ountains.
W: That sounds good to e. I' so tired of city living. New York is so crowded and full of traffic all the tie. We need to get away fro that.
: Great! Just us and the ountains! Do you want to leave toorrow?
W: Sure. Hey, why don't we leave tonight? Why wait?
: Well, we haven't packed our backpacks and the car needs an oil change.

W: What are you thinking of now, artin?
: When I got hoe last night, I found a letter fro the students at the school I used to go to. They want e to go back and talk to the.
W: Oh, really? And are you going?
: I don’t kno I used to hate school, so I don’t want to go back very uch.
W: But it’s different no
: Yes, I kno It’s a difficult decision. You see, when I was at school I used to be a bad boy and none of the teachers used to like e very uch.
W: Well, I think you should go. When I was younger, I used to hope to eet a faous pop star. You can’t ake the unhappy .
: You’re right, Helen. OK, I will go.
四. 听短,根据短内容选择正确答案.(听两遍).
r. Sith was a businessan. But he always forgot his things. Soeties, he even forgot what he was talking about. So his wife had to reeber things for hi and reind hi.
One suer, r. Sith decided to spend his holiday with his two young children on the beach. In order to ake the trip ore interesting for his children, he kept the nae of the beach a secret. As his wife had to work that suer, he had to take the children alone. And unluckily he forgot the nae of the beach when they got to the railway station. So he left his children to a friend, who he et at the station. And he hiself hurried back to ask his wife.
His wife was surprised to see hi back alone. When she heard the reason, she wrote down the nae of the beach on a piece of paper and told hi, “Take the paper with you and take care not to lose it!” r. Sith went away.
But ten inutes later, r. Sith cae back again.
“What is the atter with you this tie? Did you lose the paper?” His wife asked.
“I’ve forgotten where I left our children.”

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/chusan/38643.html
