Module 7 Australia学案

编辑: 逍遥路 关键词: 九年级 来源: 高中学习网

odule 7 Australia
Unit 1预习导纲
一 单词拓展
1 hand
1) 手(n.)In those days, people made clothes by using their own hands.
2) 交出;传递(v.)Hand me the book, please.
3) give/lend sb a hand 帮某人的忙
4) hand in上交; hand out分发
2 imagine
1) 想象;设想(v.)I can’t imagine life without you.
2) imagination 想象;想象力(n.)He is a writer of rich imagination.
3) imaginative 富于想象力的 (adj.) His father is an imaginative artist.
3 amazing
1) 令人惊异的(adj.)He has got amazing success because of his hard work.
2) amazed惊奇的(adj.)I am amazed by what you have told me.
4 once
1) 一次 (adv.) I go to the cinema once a week.
2) 曾经 (adv.) He once lived in Shanghai.
3) 一旦 (conj.) If you once forget it, you won’t come up with it.
二 你知道下列短语吗?能用他们造个句吗?
1 have a look at,
2 be called,
3 in the centre of,
4 be like,
5 on one’s way to,
6 by the way,
7 take photos,
8 at once,
9 write to,
三 你知道定语从句吗?看看语法书吧!
例句: Look at the photos that I took on my trip. 看看我在旅行时照的照片。
试一试:Join the sentences with that.
1 This is a picture. We found the picture in an old shop.
This is a picture _____________________________________.
2 Have you seen the clothes? I bought the clothes last week.
Have you seen the clothes _____________________________?
3 We saw a tree. It was thousands of years old.
We saw a tree ____________________________________.
4 y father took photos. They were liked by everyone.
y father took photos ________________________________.

Unit 2 预习导纲
1)surprise 惊奇、惊讶 (n.) To my surprise, Class Two won the match.
2)surprise 使(某人)吃惊 (v)She’s over 80 years old? You surprise me!
3)surprised 惊奇的、吃惊的 (adj.) 通常主语为“人”
如:We’re surprised to see him here.
4)surprising 令人惊讶的 (adj.) 通常主语为“物”
如:It’s really a piece of surprising news to us.
1)create 创造、创作 (v)It is said that God created the world.
2)creation 创造物 (n) The cook showed his special creation—a whole roasted swan.
3)creator 创造者 (n) Shakespeare is the creator of Hamlet.
4)creative 创造的,创造性的 (用做定语)
如:He teaches creative writing.
1)keep doing 继续做某事
如:eep listening to the radio in English, you can make a progress.
2)keep on doing 重复做某事
如:How can I trust on you if you keep on lying to me?
3)keep sb from doing 阻止某人做某事
如:He could hardly keep him from laughing in class.
4.although (conj.) 虽然,尽管。 含有although引导的让步状语从句,主句不能用but连接。
Although it is raining hard, all of the students get to school on time.
1. at the moment 2. take a helicopter tour over the rock
3. be surprised at 4. change from purple to red
5. be similar to 6. full of rocks and sand
7. have some special expressions 8. go on a camel ride
9. have a bad temper 10. a centre of Aboriginal culture
1. …meter(s) long/high/tall
2. enjoy doing
3. enjoy oneself
4. love doing
5. although
6. lots of
7. worry about
8. arrive at/in
9. get + adj.
10. keep doing

第一时:(听说) Unit 1 I’m looking for the photos that you took in Australia
Step 1前预习检测
1 英汉词组互译。
1)看一看 ________________________ 2)被称为 ________________________
3)在...的中心 ______________________ 4)在去...的路上 ____________________
5) 顺便说 _______________________ 6) 照相 ___________________________
7) be like _________________________ 8) at once __________________________
hand, amaze, detail, imagine, once
1) This story is so _______ that everybody likes it.
2) I am interested in it. Would you please tell me more _______ about it?
3) She wrote to her mother _______ a week.
4) I can’t _______ what has happened.
5) He is in trouble no Let’s give him a _______.
Step 2 听力训练
听第一段对话,完成下列表格。(Activity 2)
Which country has Tony chosen?He’s chosen 1.__________.
When were the Olympic Games held in Sydney?In 2.____________.
What animals would they like to see there?They’d like to see 3.__________, 4.________
and crocodiles.
Where is Uluru?It’s 5.______________ of the country.
Is Australia the largest English speaking country
in the southern part of the world?6.________.
听第二段对话,回答问题。(Activity 3)
1 Did Tony’s Dad see crocodiles when he was on his way back from Uluru?

2 When does Tony want to take photos at their school dance?

请再听第二段对话,选择最佳答案。(Activity 3)
( ) 1 Where did Tony’s Dad take the photos?
A. In Australia. B. In the USA. C. In Canada.
( ) 2 What does Tony’s Dad think of Uluru?
A. Terrible. B. Interesting. C. Fantastic.
( ) 3 What is like a huge sailing boat?
A. The Great Barrier Reef. B. Sydney Opera House. C. Uluru .

Step 3语法讲练(Activity 3)
1 请在对话中找到下列各句,你知道它们的意思吗?
1) I’m looking for the photos that you took in Australia.
2) We’re doing a project about countries that we want to visit.
3) And this one is a photo of a shark that I saw on the Great barrier Reef.
4) There were angaroos that were jumping alongside the car on our way back from Uluru.
5) There’s a photo competition that I want to win.
2 请同学们观察画线部分的共同特点:
that+句子 修饰前面的先行词
3 举一反三
y dad has got a camera _____________________ under water.
Have you seen the photos ___________________________?
Who is the girl ________________________________?
4 完成P61 Activity 4
Step 4 当堂检测
1 单项选择
1)It’s one of the most beautiful beaches _____ I’ve ever seen.
A. who B. it C. that D. this
2)y friend has a bird _______ can speak.
A. who B. that C. it D. whose
3)This is the shop _________ all kinds of books.
A. that sell B. sells C. that sells D. sell
4)Here is the present _______________ yesterday.
A. that you wanted B. you want C.that you want D. you wanted it
5)The car ____________was big.
A. that we travelled B. who we travelled C. that we travelled in D. we travelled
2 完成句子。
We live __________________________________ the village.
He often helps others __________________________________.
3) 顺便问一下,去最近的医院怎么走?
______________________, how can I get to the nearest hospital?
4) 今天晚上你想和我去看电影吗?
_______________________________________ with me together?
5) 昨天我从图书馆借了五本书。
I __________________________________ the library.

第二时:(阅读) Unit 2 The camel I rode had a bad temper.
Step 1前预习检测
1 英汉词组互译
1) 对...感到惊讶_____________________ 2) 充满______________________
3) 变得很累________________________ 4) 在此时_____________________
5) 由...变成..._____________________ 6) 在第一天___________________
7) at different times__________________ 8) in many ways________________
9) keep doing_____________________ 10) be similar to_________________
2 用方框中所给的词组的正确形式完成下列各句。
be surprised at, be familiar to, although, be full of, keep doing, have a bad temper
1) Tia is good at English, but yesterday she got a “C” in the exam, I _____________it.
2) Our teacher finished teaching us, __________ she got a bad headache.
3) When Teresa heard “Happy birthday to you”, her eyes __________________tears(泪水).
4) We are close friends, because we ____________________each other.
5) No matter how hard the work is, we’ll _____________ it.
6) We are afraid of the old man, because he _______________. Xk b1
Step 2 阅读训练
1 主旨阅读:
Para 1: Australian lifestyle
Para 2 The introduction of Uluru and the Aborigines
Para 3 The language of Australians
Para 4 The weather of Australia
Para 5 Events during the trip
Para 6 The summary of the trip

2 细节阅读
( )1. The Aborigines are ______________.
A. an ancient stories. B. Ayers Rock.C. Ulruru. D. the first people ofAustralia.
( )2. How many sports do Australians like to do?
A. 3. B. 4.C. 5.D. 6.
( )3. What doesn’t Tony mention in the letter?
A. lifestyle. B. seasons. C. people . D. language.
1. Is Uluru the Aboriginal name for Ayers Rock or not?
2. What are the food that most Australians like?
3. What is the outback like?
4. How many days did the writer spend in Australia?
5. What does the passage mainly talk about?
3 阅读提升:
Dear um and Dad,
I've stayed in Australia for three days. I want to tell you something about my journey.
______. It is 3.6 kilometers long and 348 meters high. The colors of the rock are fantastic, they can change from purple to red.
The Australians have many British relatives and they're like us in many ways. Their family life is similar to ours. And they enjoy the same food and hobbies. The food they like are grapes, lamb, ham and wine. ______.
______. The camel that I rode had a bad temper, and I got very tired.
Finally, later this evening, we're taking the plane back to Sydney and coming home.______.
Love, Tony
A. They love all sports, but they love football, cricket and rugby most.
B. On the first day, we took a helicopter tour over the rock.
C. It's been a fantastic trip.
D. The next day after we arrived at Uluru, we went on a camel ride.

I spent a few days in Uluru.___1___ is the Aboriginal name for Ayer Rock. On the first day, I took a helicopter tour ___2___ the rock, and I was ___3___ at its big appearance: 3.6 kilometers long and 348 meters high. The Australians are like us ___4___ many ways----their life, food and hobbies. It’s summer here and the sunshine is very bright, ___5___ it’s December. The next day, I went on a camel ride. The camel ___6___ I rode had a bad temper. But anyway, it’s been a fantastic trip!
( ) 1. A. It B. They C. He D. She
( ) 2. A. through B. past C. over D. into
( ) 3. A. surprise B. surprising C. surprised D. surprisingly
( ) 4. A. by B. for C. of D. in
( ) 5. A. because B. but C. although D. so
( ) 6. A. who B. what C. where D. that
Step 3 巩固加深
1 请在中画出下列重要词组。
at the moment, on the first day, be surprised at, 3.6 meters long, 348 meters high,
change from purple to red, be similar to, in many ways, lots of, be full of, worry about,
arrive at, get very tired, keep doing, have a bad temper
2 你理解下列句子的含义吗?
1) The Aboriginal stories describe the spirits that created the world Uluru is a centre of Aboriginal culture.
2) The food and drink that most Australians like are grapes, lamb, ham and especially wine that they make in the south of the country.
3) The camel that I rode had a bad temper, and I got very tired.
4) Everyone else though it was very funny that my camel kept lying down…
3. 你还记得下列句型吗?在中找到它的原句。
1)…meter(s) long/high/tall 2) love doing
3) lots of 4) worry about
5) get + adj. 6) keep doing
The new house is ________________________________________________.
y sister ______________________________________________ very much.
3) 在学校我们有许多不同的活动。
There are ______________________________different activities in school.
4) 妈妈总是告诉我不要担心她。
y mother always________________________________________her.
5) 长途旅行后,大家都很累。
Everyone _________________________________________after a long journey.
6) 尽管这项工作很艰巨,爸爸还是坚持工作。
y father _____________________________, although it is a tough job.
Step 4 当堂检测
1) y friend has a bird. The bird can sing.
2)This is the shop. The shop sells all kinds of clothes.
3) This is the book. Daming wants to read the book.
4) Here is the present. y best friend sent me the present on my birthday.
5) Would you like to see the report? I wrote the report last night?
2. 完成句子
Big Ben is __________________________________.
Daming _______________________________________.
It ________________________________________in spring.
y father came back home late yesterday, we all _______________________________.
5)玲玲有很多收藏。 Lingling has _______________________collections.
第三时:(写作) Unit 2 The camel that I rode had a bad temper.
Step 1 前复习检测
1) 对...感到惊讶_____________________ 2) 充满______________________
3) 变得很累________________________ 4) 在此时_____________________
5) 由...变成..._____________________ 6) 在第一天___________________
7) at different times__________________ 8) in many ways________________
9) keep doing_____________________ 10) be similar to_________________
1). 秋天了。天气变得越越凉了。
Autumn is coming. It _________________________________.
2). 汤姆对我所说的话感到惊讶。
Tom _______________________ what I said.
3). 他的经历与我相似。
His experience __________________________ mine.
4). 他受伤很严重,因此一直在医院里躺着。
He was badly hurt, so he ___________________ in hospital.
5). 这个包里装满了书。
The bag ______________________________books.
Step 2 写作训练
假设你是北京6中的初三学生李辉,你收到了自美国中学生Tom 的一封电子邮,在信中他希望成为你的笔友,并要求你介绍一下中国人过春节( the Spring Festival)的一些信息。请你给他回一封信,介绍中国人过春节的一些信息及人们的感受。信的开头和结尾部分内容已经给出。
提示词语:the most important festival, late January or early February, seven-day off, before the festival, on the Eve of the Festival, dinner, next morning, enjoy

1 话题:

审题: 2 时态:

3 人称:

1 开头: 1

构思: 2 信息点: 2

3 结尾: 3
1.the most important festival, late January or early February
___________________________________________________________ off Xk b1
3. before the festival
4.on the Eve of the Festival, dinner
___________________________________________________________ morning
1 春节前,人们忙于购物和打扫房间。(be busy doing)
2 人们通常看电视或玩扑克牌直到半夜。(until)
3 有些人去睡觉,其他人会通宵不休息,直到第二天早晨。(some...others)
4 人们不但放烟花,还会去拜访亲朋好友。(not only, but also)
5 所有的人在春节期间都过得很愉快。(enjoy oneself, during)
Dear Tom,
Glad to receive your e-mail.
I’m very happy to be your pen pal. I’m a student of Beijing No.6 iddle School. I’m now in Grade Three. Let me tell you something about the Spring Festival in China.__________________ ____________________________________
Could you tell me something about Christmas in America?
Li Hui
第四时:(复习) Unit 3 Language in use
Step 1 前复习检测
1)看一看 ________________________ 2)被称为 ________________________
3)在...的中心 ______________________ 4)在去...的路上 ____________________
5) 顺便说 _______________________ 6) 照相 ___________________________
7)变得很累_____________________ 8) 坚持做某事_______________________
9) be like ______________________ 10) be similar to _____________________
2: 完成句子
He met his close friend __________________________________yesterday.
2) 顺便问一下,去最近的医院怎么走?
______________________, how can I get to the nearest hospital?
3) 今天晚上你想和我去看电影吗?
_______________________________________ with me together?
4) 昨天我从图书馆借了五本书。
I __________________________________ the library.
5) 那座新房子有10米长,6米高。
The new house is ________________________________________________.
6) 姐姐很喜欢照相。
y sister ______________________________________________ very much.
7) 那个年轻的母亲很担心她的孩子。
The young mother______________________________________her baby very much.
Step 2 词汇训练
1 你还记得这些词组吗?
U 1---- have a look at, be called, in the center of, be like, on one’s way to, by the way, take photos, at once, write to
U 2----…meter(s) long/high/tall, enjoy doing, love doing, lots of, worry about, arrive at, get+adj, keep doing
2. 请完成书上P62 Activity9, 检查自己是否已经掌握。
Step 3 语法训练
1 梳理语法:that引导的定语从句
例如:y dad’s got a camera that takes photos under water.
先行词 定语从句
结论:that 引导的定语从句句式结构: _________+_______+_______________
2 当堂训练:
y father took some photos _____________were liked by everyone.
Have you seen the clothes __________________________ last week?
3) 我们看到了一棵几千年树龄的大树。
We saw a tree ___________________________________________.
Is the house ______________________________________very big?
3 完成P136 Activity 1& 2
4 中考链接
1)People often like clothes______ can make them look young.(2011 湖南株洲)
A whenB whoC thatD it
2) --Now many people smoke and get ill.
--So we should do something______ can help stop smoking. (2012 广西桂林)
A what B whoC /D that
3) One of the most delicious drinks______ I like is orange juice. (2012湖北十堰)
A whichB thatC whoseD whom
4) The English-Chinese dictionary______ my father bought for me many years ago is still
of great value. (2012 江苏南京)
A whoseB whenC whoD that
5) Please pass me the book______ has a ickey ouse on the cover. (2012 天津)
A whenB whomC thatD that
5 提升训练
1)One of the towns that took part in the project was Hull, a city in England.
2)It wanted a name that would do things.
3)Smokejumpers jump from planes into areas that are difficult to reach by car or on foot.
Step 4 当堂检测
1. 请将下列各句改写为定语从句。
1)y mother bought a sandwich for me for breakfast. The sandwich has ham in it.
2) I rode a camel. The camel had a bad temper.
3) Do you like grapes? The grapes are from Xinjiang.
4) I'm looking for the watch. y father bought me a watch last week.
5) Beijing is an old city. The city is more than 3,000 years old.
2. 完成句子
____________________________________ Xiangshan by bus.
Daming starts to do homework ____________ he gets home every day.
It 's _____________________________________I've ever seen.
I _______________________________________________.
5) 上周我从图书馆借的书非常有意思。
The books ____________________________________are very interesting.


相关阅读:Unit 4 What should you do 学案