Unit 3 Language practice

编辑: 逍遥路 关键词: 九年级 来源: 高中学习网

odule 4 Great Inventions Unit 3 Language practice

教 学 目 标

德育目标:To know about some great inventions

知识目标: To practice the use of passive voice

能力目标:To complete a task about “How to improve inventions”



情态动词的被动语态: 情态动词(not)+ be +过去分词

现在完成时—— have/has +been+动词的过去分词


情态动词的被动语态: 情态动词(not)+ be +过去分词

现在完成时—— have/has +been+动词的过去分词

Revision and application


Formal and interactive practices

Part I: Revision

Language practice

现在完成时的被动语态: have/has(not) been +过去分词

Paper and printing have been used for ages.

The battery hasn’t been changed for a couple of months.

Has it been published yet?

情态动词的被动语态: 情态动词(not)+ be +过去分词

Information can be kept on CD-ROs.

Books could only be produced one at a time.

Can books be replaced by computers?

Conclusion (I)


被动语态:主语是动作的承受者 。

被动语态的构成:be +动词的过去分词

一般现在时—— am/is / are +动词的过去分词

一般过去时—— was/were +动词的过去分词

情态动词—— aux.v. (must/can/could/may…)+ be +动词的过去分词

现在进行时—— be(am、is、are)+being +动词的过去分词

一般将时—— will be/be going to be +动词的过去分词

现在完成时—— have/has +been+动词的过去分词




am/is/are done


was/were done


am/is/are being done


was/were being done


Will be done


Would be done


Have/ has been done


Had been done


1. 主动语态的宾语改成被动语态的主语。

2. 主动语态的谓语动词改成被动语态的谓语动词。do----be done

3. 注意保持时态和人称的一致。

4. 带双宾的谓语动词有两种改法。当把直接宾语改成主语时,谓语动词后必须加适当的介词: to / for.
如:give-- be given to 此类动词还有:pass show send…

再如:buy--- be bought for此类动词还有:make draw cook mend…

5. 一些动词不定式在主动语态中省略to作宾语补足语,改成被动语态时,to必须还原。

注:1. 不及物动词(vi.)不用被动语态。如:happen、take place 、appear



1.y uncle gave me a gift on my birthday.----

• I was given a gift on my birthday.

• A gift was given to me on my birthday.

2.We often hear him play the guitar.

• He is often heard to play the guitar

• 注意:see, watch, hear, notice, feel, make, listen to, look at等动词/短语后作宾语补语的不定式都不带to;但改成被动语态后必须带to。


1. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words.

1. I think one day books may ___________(place) completely.

2. y bike _____________(leave) at school, so I have to take the bus to school today.

3. The battery ___________________(charge) yet. How can I use my recorder.

4. Paper should not _________(throw) away.

5. Books and other material can _____________(borrow) from the library.

6. I’ve bought a second-hand P3 player—and about 1,000 songs have ___________ (download) onto it!

7. Has the computer ________________(repair) yet? I need to write my article with it.

8. What have ________________(turn on)?The radio.

2. Work in pairs: Complete the quiz questions and choose the correct answer.

a) The Egyptians b) The Ancient Greeks c) The Romans

2. What/ use/ to make paper since the 19th century?

a) Wood b) Silk   c) Cotton

3. Where/ the story of Romeo and Juliet / set?

a) In New York b) In Athens c) In London

4. Where/ the world’s oldest book printed on paper/ discover?

a) In India b) In China c) In Egypt

5. How long/ computers/ use?

a) For less than 50 years. b) For 50 years c) For more than 50

3. ake questions and write answers.

What/ shouldn’t /do/with paper? (waste)-----

--What shouldn’t be done with paper?

--It shouldn’t be wasted.

4. Look at the pictures and describe how the place has changed. Use these words:

add, change, open, paint, put, turn on, take away,

5. Complete the passage with the correct form of the words.

call, clean, develop, introduce, invent, produce, spread, use, write

From about 500 BC, pens __________ for writing. The feathers of large birds ___________ and dried. The point of each feather was sharpened. Then people used them to write with ink. any famous works, such as Shakespeare’s plays, ___________ with these pens. Then in the 18th century, A pen with a steel writing point ____________ Only a feords could __________, however, before the writer had to fill the pen with ink again. any years later, the fountain pen ____________ from these early pens. In 1950, a European called Laszlo Biro invented the ballpoint pen. The popularity of writing _________quickly with the ___________ of the ballpoint pen. Even today, ballpoint pen, or Biros, as they _____________, are much less expensive, compared with the fountain pens.

6--7 Listening Practice

8. Complete the sentences with the phrases in the box.

by hand, for ages , from now on, I wonder, rather than

1. Could you imagine a digital image of Yao ing on the wall _____________ a poster?

2. Things made _____________ are usually more expensive than those produced in factories.

3. ____________ how old books are actually downloaded onto computers…

4. I haven’t seen my best friend________________!

5. We’re using too much paper. ____________, I’m going to read all my magazines online.

Around the world


odule task

Discuss how to improve inventions


Finish off the workbook exercises

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/chusan/41214.html

相关阅读:Unit 4 What should you do 学案