
编辑: 逍遥路 关键词: 九年级 来源: 高中学习网

欢迎你参加英语考试! 现在, 请仔细以下注意事项:
( )1. How does the boy’s cousin iprove his listening?

( )2. What did the boy’s other use to be?

( ) 3. How can the an get to the post office?

( ) 4. Which city is Ann going for holiday ?

( )5. Where’s Gina’s notebook now?

Inforation For
The nae of the copetition: 6
Date: 7 Where: 8 Who: 9 First prize: 10
( )6. A. English Speech ContestB. English Reading Contest
C. English Writing Contest
( )7. A. April 21stB. April 23rC. April 26th
( )8. A. In our art rooB. In our usic rooC. In our own classroo
( )9. A. Students in Grade 7B. Students in Grade 8 C. Students in Grade 9
( )10. A. An electronic dictionaryB. An English ? Chinese dictionary
C. A iniradio


( )11. ? Look at the poster of Detective Dee and the ystery of the Phanto Flae(狄仁杰之通天帝国).This is _________ ovie I’ve told you several ties.
-- I a going to see this fil tonight.
A. the     B. a    C. an   D. /
( )12. —What does your father do?
—He used to _____ a doctor, but now he is a scientist.
A. is B. be C. being D. are
( )13. Lily likes usic that she can dance _____. But Lucy prefers usic that she can sing along ______.
A. to…with B. with …to C. to…to D. to…to
( )14. Anna wears unifors every day .She ________ to choose her own clothes
A. isn’t allowed B. allowed C. is allowed D. is allowing

( )15. If you _____ here, that would be uch better.
A. are B. was C. were D. has been
( )16. He is too tired _____ any longer.
A. to study B. not to study C. studying D. not studying
( )17. y friend Jack is a (n) _____ boy, he never feels tired.
A. creative B. energetic C. friendly D. shy
( )18. —What bad weather.
—Yes, it’s raining no I would like to watch TV at hoe ____ playing soccer outside.
A. instead B. instead of C. because of D. afraid of
( )19. There are ________ students in our school
A. five hundreds B. hundreds of C. hundred of D. five hundreds of
( )20. This book _____ To’s father’s ,because his nae is on the book .
A. ight be B. can’t be C. ust be D. can be
On that day, in the hospital ,I asked the doctor if he could test Ji again. The doctor __21___so.To y sadness, it was the score (分数),90.Later that evening ,I told Frank the __22___news,Afer talking it over, we agreed that our __23__was uch better than an IQ test. We thought that Ji’s score ust have been a __24___and we should treat hi as usual.
We oved to Indiana in 1962,and Ji studied Concordia High School in the sae year. He got __25___grades in the school, especially in biology and cheistry. We were very happy. Ji went to Indiana University in 1965 as a pre-edical student. Soon after that, his teacher ___26___hi to take ore courses. In 1968,he started to ___27___in the School of edicine, Yalu (耶鲁)University. On graduation day in 1972,Frank and I went to the cereony(仪式) at Yalu.After that ,we told Ji about the __28___IQ score he got when he was six. Since that day, he soeties looked at us and said with a sile,“y dear o and dad ___29___told e that I couldn’t be a doctor. They didn’t tell e __30__I graduated fro edical school”.It is his special way of __31__us for the faith (信念) we had in hi. A few days later ,Ji __32__another IQ test. We went to the sae __33__.He had received the test there eighteen years before. This tie he scored 126.The result seeed to be ipossible.
Children often do as well as their parents or teachers __34__of the. That is ,tell a child he is “__35___”.And he ay play the role(角色) of a foolish child.
( )21.A.thought B.refused C.did D.worried
( )22.A.good B.bad C.lucky D.strange
( )23.A.friend B.doctor C.son D.student
( )24.A.istake B.joke C.lottery D.hope
( )25.A.bad B.angry C.good D.terrible
( )26.A.saw B.wasted C.argued D.asked
( )27.A.teach B.study C.work D.relax
( )28.A.high B.low C.sae D.different
( )29.A.soeties B.ever C.often D.never
( )30.A.until B.after C.because D.although
( )31.A.telling B.thanking C.asking D.showing
( )32.A.looked for B.asked for C.waited for D.gave up
( )33.A.school B.hospital C.university D.hoe
( )34.A.expect B.hear C.learn D.laugh
( )35.A.clever B.shy C.friendly D.stupid

Be as Good as Your Words
Japanese Prie inister (首相)Junichiro Koizui on April 22 apologized (道歉)for his country’s past in the wars .
“In the past ,Japan did great daage (破坏)and brought suffering to the people of any countries ,especially those in Asia ,” he said .
He was talking to 100 Asian and African leaders at a eeting in Jakarta ,Indonesia .
China and Japan are having a hard tie these days .China is angry at Japan because Japan doesn’t face its past .
For exaple, Japan started the war with China in the 1930s and 1940s . But one of its new history textbooks says China started the war !
Chinese Chairan Hu Jintao et Koizui on April 23 .Hu said China wanted to be friends with Japan .But he also told Koizui that Japan needed to use history as a irror(镜子) and face the past .
China and Japan are both iportant countries in the world .The two leaders agree a good friendship will be good for both countries .
The two countries sell a lot of goods to each other .Last year ,China overtook the US to becoe the biggest trading partner (贸易伙伴) with Japan .
Koizui’s apology is a good start .Now ,it’s iportant for Japan to atch its words with action .
( )36. What does the underlined word “ suffering “ ean ?
A. Anger B. Pain C. oney D. Change
( )37 .China is angry at Japan because Japan _____ .
A. is a developed country B. started any wars
C. is not a good trading partner D. doesn’t face its past
( )38.Fro the news ,we can know that _______ .
A. Japan never keeps its word
B. China will get on well with Japan if Japan can keep its word
C. China doesn’t care about its relationship with Japan
D. China and Japan will not get along well in the future


When I was young I liked to play jokes on people I knew, especially on y parents and friends. One day y other was cooking in the kitchen and y younger brother was playing near the windo I ran to y other and said, “y brother has fallen fro the open window!” She was very worried about y brother and then I said, “Don’t worry. I’ just joking.” And y other shouted at e, “If you do it again, I’ll punish you.”
One day I went swiing with y friends in the sea. I wanted to play a joke on y friends. In the beginning, I went swiing alone, and I called to y friends, “Help e!” All y friends cae to help e, only to find out that I was joking. But the next tie I wasn’t joking. I swa in deep water and I was so careless that I was alost drowned(淹死). I tried y best to call y friends for help, but this tie nobody cae to help e. In the end , they found I was telling the truth. They cae and saved(救) y life. They took e to the eergency center. Fro then on, I haven’t joked on anyone. I think this is the best lesson in y life.
( )39. What did the writer like to do when he was young?
A. To fight with his friends. B. To play with his brother.
C. To play jokes on others. D. To put others into trouble.
( )40. How did the writer’s other feel when she heard what he said about his brother?
A. Interested. B. Worried. C. Excited. D. Bored.
( )41. When the writer shouted “Help e!” for the first tie, his friends___.
A. didn’t care about hi B. stopped to look at hi
C. didn’t hear the words D. cae to help hi
( )42. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
A. The writer’s other was cooking when his brother fell fro the open windo
B. The writer used to go swiing alone in the deep sea.
C. The writer used to have few friends because he hardly told the truth.
D. The writer hasn’t joked on others since he was saved by his friends.


Do you want to live a happier, less stressful life? Try laughing for no reason at all. That’s how thousands of people start their day at Laughter Clubs around the world — and any doctors now think that having a good laugh ight be one of the best ways to stay healthy.
The first Laughter Club was started in ubai, India, in 1995 by Dr. adan Kataria. “Young children laugh about 300ties a day. Adults laugh between 7and 15 ties a day,” says Dr. Kataria. “Everyone is naturally good at laughing. We want people to feel happy with their lives.” There are now ore than 500 Laughter Clubs in India and over 1,300 all over the world.
any doctors are also interested in the effects of laughter on our health. According to a 5-year study at the UCLA School of edicine in California, with laughing there is less stress in the body. Laughter iproves our health against illness by about 40%.
Then, what happens at a Laughter Club? I went to y nearest club in South London to find it out. I was quite nervous at the beginning of the class. To be honest — I wasn’t interested in laughing with a group of strangers, and I was worried about looking stupid. Our laughter teacher told us to clap our hands and say “ho ho ho, ha ha ha,” while looking at each other. To y surprise, it works! After ten inutes everybody in the roo was really laughing— and soe people just couldn’t stop! At the end of the class I was surprised by how relaxed and cofortable I felt.
Our bodies can’t tell the difference between fake(假的)laughter and real laughter, so they have the sae healthy effects. So if you’re under stress, then start laughing. You ight be very pleased with the results!
( )43. In which country was the first Laughter Club started?
A In Britain B In Aerica C In Australia D In India
( )44. The underline word “effects” eans “_______”in Chinese.
A. 功能 B. 效果 C. 贡献 D. 成绩
( )45. How did the writer feel at the beginning of the class?
A. Surprised. B. Pleased. C. Nervous. D. Stressful.
( )46. The best title of the passage is _______.
A. Laughter Clubs B. Real laughter
C. Laughing is good for health D. How to get out of your stress


It’s been ore than two years since the Wenchuan earthquake. Do students feel better? What are their lives like? We have talked to two students.
Wu Xinnan, 16, Dujiangyan Foreign Language Experiental School
I like leaning(斜靠着) through the window and looking outside. There stand y school’s new classroos. After the earthquake, I couldn’t concentrate in class at first. Soe of y classates, especially those who lost faily ebers, didn’t talk and always stayed alone. Now things are uch better.
Luo Qin, 16, ianyang Shuidian School
I have a otto(座右铭):“Take tie to enjoy life”. That’s why I was seen everywhere during y school’s recent speech contest and sports eeting reebering the anniversary(周年纪念) of the earthquake.
During the ay Day holiday, y friends and I volunteered to help pick tea for Beichuan farers. This year has seen a rise in the tea grown, but not enough people to work on the fars. I used to be rebellious(叛逆的), but the earthquake atured(使成熟) e and taught e to care for others.
( )47. Wu Xinnan is _______.
A. a reporter to find out what people’s lives are like after the Wenchuan earthquake.
B. a student fro Dujiangyan Foreign Language Experiental School
C. a teacher fro Dujiangyan Foreign Language Experiental School
D. a student fro ianyang Shuidian School
( )48. ianyang Shuidian School held _______ for the anniversary of the earthquake.
A. a sports eeting B. a great concert
C. an English party D. a singing contest
( )49. Which of the following is NOT true?
A. The quake areas are now rebuilt.
B. Soe of Wu Xinnan’s classates lost their faily ebers in the earthquake.
C. There are not enough people to work on the fars no
D. Things are still worse and worse after the earthquake.
( )50. We can infer(推断) that ______.
A. there ust be a tea rise after an earthquake
B. the earthquake akes people rebellious
C. people in the quake areas are too sad to study and work now
D. the earthquake akes people show great love to others


chew, chat, insect, istake, go

51.He didn’t do well in the exa. He ade any _______.
52.She is afraid of______out in the night.
53.Look! That boy in red shirt is ______ gu.
54.---Lucy, what are you doing? --- I’ ______ with y friends online.
55.There are all kinds of ______ in nature. Soe can fly, and soe can creep(爬).

There is a saying “Tie is life and hen the lazy an kills tie, he kills 56 (他自己).” But today I did a 57 (愚蠢的) thing to waste a lot of tie. This orning, after I had breakfast 58 (迅速地). I watched TV. But it was too boring. Then I started to 59 (玩) coputer gaes. When I 60 (意识到) I should study hard for y coing English and ath 61 (考试). Four hours had passed, what should I do? I didn’t have enough tie. u knew this and 62 (告诉) e, “It’s not 63 (有帮助的) to be worried no The only thing you can do is to do it at once. Don’t play again.” I think o is right. I should be the 64 (所有者) of tie and can’t ake tie 65 (飞)away e.

ary is a student in a nursing school. She is going to graduate next onth. She has two job offers. One is in a city hospital, and other is in a country hospital.
The hospital in the city is large. It’s a 600-bed hospital. It’s a caner hospital. It gives excellent care to its patients. It’s in a big city, near useus, theaters and restaurants. The salary is high, $1700 a onth. But apartent rents are high, too.
The hospital in the country is sall. It’s a 50-bed hospital. It’s a general hospital. It takes care of all kinds of patents. It’s in a beautiful area, near lakes, rivers and ountains. The salary is average, $1400 a year. But apartent rents are lo
ary likes the city and the country. She doesn’t knohich hospital to choose.
The hospital in the cityThe hospital in the country
Large (66)
600-bed (67)
Near useus, theaters and restaurantsNear lakes, rivers and _______(68)
Apartent rents are (70).Apartent rents are lo
71. 同学们,在我们国家还有不少孩子因贫困而上不起学,我们应该如何帮助他们?请在相应的位置写出5件你们做过或未做过的但与之相关的单词或短语。

1) ▲ 3) ▲
How to help the poor children?

2) ▲ 4) ▲

5) ▲
72.某市教育局将每年的9月1日定为爱心慈善日(Charity Day),今年活动的主题是“人人为贫困孩子献爱心”,现在请你以学生会的名议写一份倡议书,内容要点如下(括号中的词汇可供参考)

2、他们没有足够的学习用品和衣物(school things and clothes)
3、每个孩子都应该有上学的权力(have the right to do soething)
4、我们应该做一些力所能及的事去帮助他们,比如……(as possible as one can )
5、希望他们和我们一样享有在学校获得知识的机会。(the sae …as…, get knowledge)
注意:1、开头,结尾已给出,但不计入总词数 2、词数:80左右

Dear students,
In soe parts of our country ,there are any children out of school.

Thanks for your joining!
Student’s Union

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/chusan/41728.html
