
编辑: 逍遥路 关键词: 九年级 来源: 高中学习网




题号ⅠⅡⅢⅣ总 分
I. 句子理解。(请听下列句子,选择与所听句子内容最相符的图片。每个句子只读一遍。共5分)

II. 问句应答。(请听下列 句子,选出最能恰当应答所听句子的选项。每个句子读两遍。共5分)
6. A. That would be fine. B. Yes, it is.
C. You never kno D. Between four and five.
7.A. Yes, I have one. B. I’ afraid so.
C. Yes, let’s ove on. D. Take it easy.
8.A. Can you take a photo for e? B. Let’s split it.
C. Is that your best price? D. Please take it.
9.A. This is the report. B. Not at all.
C. I definitely agree. D. Yes, that’s right.
10.A. I saw you in the eeting. B. You nae it.
C. I have no proble with that. D. No, that’s fine.
11.Where did Sa eet Lucy?
A. At the swiing pool. B. At the cafe.
C. In the cinea. D. Outside the cafe.
12. When did Julie start her band practice?
A.At 3:20. B. At 2:40. C. At 4: 30. D At 5:50.
13.What does the an like about the bowl?
A. The colour. B. The size. C. The price. D. The place where it was ade.
14. How any ties did the an ring Sophie last night?
A.Once. B. Twice. C. Three ties. D. Five ties.
15. How did the woan hear fro Jaes?
A. By eail. B. By postcard. C. By telephone. D. By post.
超过两个词。短读两遍。 共5分)
Age(16) ________________
Probles of being so tallLook like an adult Has to buy special (17)__________and shoes
Advantages of being so tallBeing the best (18)___________in her school
Often ake ore (19)__________
Her wish To be (20) as everyone else

Ⅰ. 单项选择 (共15分,每小题1分)
( ) 1. —Shall we call for a taxi?
—OK. Let e _______ the phone nuber in Yellow Pages.
   A. look at B. look for C. look up D. look after.
( )2. —Why not take this sweater, Li Hua?
—I have only 20 yuan. I can’t _____ it.
A. bring B. sell C. borrow D. afford
( )3.How any people will coe to Beijing for the Oly pic Gaes in 2008?
   — It’s hard to say. _______ people, I think.
A. illion of B. illions of C. Two illions of D. Two illion of
( )4. The television ________. It doesn’t work no
A. ust repair B. was repairing C. ust be repaired D. has repaired
( )5. Our sports eeting has been _______ till next Tuesday because of the bad weather.
A. put on B. put up C. put off D. put down
( )6.y friend Jack is fro _____European country.We all think he is____
honest boy.
A. a, a B. a, an C. an, an D. an, a
( )7. any visitors coe to Beijing because it is ________ city.
A. so a beautiful B. very a beautiful
C. such beautiful D. quite a beautiful
( )8.—Listen ! Helen is singing in the next roo.
—It _______ be Helen. She has gone to Beijing.
A. can’t B. ustn’t C. ay D. should
( )9. I think the roo is too sall for us ________ .
A. to live B. living in C. to live in D. live in
( )10. On ay 30th, 2005, one bowl in the ing dynasty(朝代)________at the price of 30.36 illion Hongkong dollars.
  A. sell B. sold C. is D. was sold
( ) 11. Lian Zhan _____for Taiwan _______ paying his first visit to the ainland of China.
A. who coes; is B. which coe; is C. which is; are D. that are; are
( )12. The sile on the teacher's face showed that she was______ with us.
A. strict B. pleased C. angry D. sorry
( )13. The train______ when we________ to the station.
A. was left; was getting B. left; had got C. had left; got D. left; got
( )14. We find ______ fast and cofortable to travel by plane.
A. that B. us C. it D. this
( )15.--Do you care uch about your grades?
--_______.y father isn’t so strict.
A.Yes, of course B. No, not for e C.Yes, I will D. No, I don’t

Ⅱ. 补全对话(共15分,A部分5分,B部分10分。)
To: o, can I go out to play?
other: 1_______________
To: If you let e go out, I will finish it later.
other: No, Just sit down and finish it no You’d never do it if I didn’t ake you,
would you?
To: Yes, I would. 2______________
other: Never ind about football. You will never do well at school if you don’t do your hoework..
To: 3_______________
other: Well, we would. 4______________
To: I don’t know, but just think how happy he’d be if I got on the football tea.
other: 5________________
A. But if I don’t go now, it will be too late to play football with y friends.
B. He says he would play football all day if he were y age again.
C. If you’ve finished your hoework.
D. What would your father say if you got the lowest ark in the class again?
E. I wouldn’t ind if I didn’t.
F. He would be ore pleased if you got the higher arks.
G. Never ind about the football

A: ay I speak to Nick?
B: This is Nick speaking.
A: Hi, Nick! I haven’t seen you for a long tie. What (6)________to you?
B: I have been in hospital.
A: Oh, (7) ________ . But for what?
B: I (8)___________ three weeks ago.
A: Really? (9)___________?
B: Yes. But luckily, only y left ar was broken. And I can ove it no
A: Good. But how did it happen?
B: I was driving fast to work on that rainy orning. I couldn’t stop y car and it (10)________ another car.
A: Oh, you should drive slowly.

Ⅲ. 翻译句子。(共15分)
Do you knohere To is? He didn’t __________ ___________
at the party yesterday.
Have you ever taken others’ keys _________ ___________?
Hold on to your drea, one day they ay ____________ __________.
The usic __________ e ________ y school days.
r Brown, you’d better ______ _______drinking, or you will get ill.

Ⅳ. 完形。(共20小题,每小题1.分;满分20分。)
Yesterday I read a report on a charity show in a local newspaper. The ai of the shoas to 1 oney for the poor children. In the poor areas, soe children were out of school because their parents couldn’t 2 their education.
any pop stars 3 the charity show, such as Andy Liu, Jay, Faye Wan g and Kitty Chen. The stars didn’t ask for any pay. They did it for long! There were a lot of perforances 4 singing and dancing. The audience(观众) were so 5 that they clapped their hands fro tie to tie. Of course, the shoas 6 .
All the people followed the stars’ exaple. They showed their generosity(慷慨)in 7 their oney to the sho Both the ticket oney and the donated oney were soon sent to the poor areas and soe of the poor children could get back to school.
Now any charity shows 8 in our country, not only to support the education in poor areas, but also to help people in trouble. As the Chinese saying goes, “All the others will coe to one’s rescue(援助) 9 one is in trouble.”
I 10 the whole world will becoe better and better.
( )1. A. raise B. pay C. spendD. cost
( )2. A. pay for B. pay C. cost D. get
( )3. A. took part in B. joined C. got to D. had
( )4. A. for B. of C. as D. like
( )5. A. excitingB. excited C. sad D. surprised
( )6. A. boring B. badC. successfulD. easy
( )7. A. bring B. collectingC. takingD. donating
( )8. A. holdB. are holding C. are held D. will be held
( )9. A. when B. than C. before D. because
( )10. A. want B. hope C. love D. wish
B) 请先下面短,掌握其大意,然后从方框所给的词中选出最恰当的10个,用其适当形式。
on, listen, others, hear, of, ask, answer, activity, another, sall, learn, we
any people like to watch TV. Watching TV is one of the ost iportant(11) _____________of the day. TV brings the outside world closer to people’s h oes. Soe people say the world is (12)____________than before because of TV.
What’s going on in (13)__________ countries? How do people live in places far away? Is there a good sports gae soewhere? What’s living in the deepest(最深的)part (14)___________the sea?
If you want (15)__________ these and other kinds of question s, just turn (16) _______ the TV. You can see a lot and learn a lot. Of course, people can also learn through reading or (17)__________ to the radio. But with TV they can learn better and ore easily. Why? Because they can(18)______________ and watch, too.
TV helps to open our eyes. TV also helps us to open our inds. TV often gives (19)_____________ new ideas. We learn newer and better ways of doing soething that can be (20)_____________ on TV.
Ⅴ. 理解 (共40分,30小题,其中A--D每小题1分,
Henry: I find the Internet is very good for shopping. I use ore and ore for buying books and CDs, and I even bought soe clothes over the Internet. The other thing I can do is to book(预订) travels over the Internet. I booked a cheap flight once. It was very easy, and it was really good.
David: I use the Internet for gaes. I play chess with people all around the world. Last night I had a gae with soeone fro Japan. I also download (下载)gaes fro the Internet, so I can have any gae I want.
Peter: I use the Internet for anything I need to help e with y schoolwork. I use the online dictionaries, encyclopedias(百科全书) and agazines. It’s great because I can download pictures or articles and use the to help y hoework. It’s very easy to use and it’s free, so I like it.wwx kB 1
Tony: Well, the ain thing I use the Internet for is to e-ail. I usually write to y custoers(顾客) by e-ail, and y custoers answer e by e-ail, too. We probably send and receive four or five hundred e-ails a onth. But of course, I also use e-ails to keep in touch(保持联系) with friends and faily. y daughter is in Australia and we send e-ails to each other every day.
( )1. ________ prefers to use the Internet to buy things.
A. Henry B. David C. Peter D. To ny
( )2. David’s hobby is to  __________ on the Internet.
A. read books B. book flights C. play gaes D. download pictures
( )3. Peter can use the Internet to ____________easily.
A. play chess B. do schoolwork C. do soe shopping D. talk with his daughter
( )4. Fro the passage we know that     .
A. Peter is a teacher B. Tony is a businessan
C. David is an engineer D. Henry is a bookseller
( )5. Which of the following is NOT true?
A. Henry had an experience of using the Internet to book a cheap flight.
B. David had a gae with a Japanese over the Internet one night.
C. Tony often e-ails to his custoers, friends and faily.
D. Peter needs to pay for what he gets fro the Internet.
y grandfather is eighty years old no He always coplains about how fast things have changed, and he often says that life used to be better.
Failies aren’t failies they used to be. A lot of failies have broken up. If husband and wife

And the cars! No one walks any ore. ore and ore people drive. Students used to walk 5 iles to school every day, even in winter. But nowadays students don’t. And in school, children don’t have to think any ore.. In ath class, for exaple, they used to add, subtract , ultiply and divide(加减乘除)in their heads. Instead, they use calculators.
And people today have TV and coputers, and they don’t talk to each other any ore. They are too busy to talk, too busy to eat, too busy to think.
Life used to be siple, but it isn’t any ore.
( ) 6. What does y grandfather think of the life now?
A. He thinks the life now is very good.
B. He thinks the life now is worse than it used to be.
C. He thinks the life now is better than it used to be.
D. He thinks the life is the sae as it used to be.
( ) 7. What does the underlined word “arriage” ean in Chinese?
A. 生活 B.工作 C.婚姻 D.家庭
( ) 8. What has happened these years according to the passage?
A. Children don’t have to think any ore in school.
B. Students use calculators in ath class.
C. Soe used to walk to school, but now they don’t.
D. All of above.
( ) 9. What changes have happened to soe failies?
a. People have TV.
b. People like to eat hoe-cooked food.
c. Lots of failies have coputers.
d. Lots of couples(夫妇)live apart because of unhappy probles.
A. a, b, d B. b, c, d C. a, b, c D. a, c, d
( ) 10. Which is TRUE according to the passage?
A. Life now is uch sipler.
B. People have too uch tie to talk with each other no
C. The writer’s grandfather only coplains and pays no attention to better life no
D. Lots of others stay at hoe and look after their children.wwX kb1.co
A boy and his father went walking in the ountains. Suddenly the boy fell, hurt hiself, and cried, “AAAhhhhhhhh!!!” To his surprise, he heard the voice repeating, soewhere in the ountain, “AAAhhhhhhhh!!!” Then the boy shouted, “Who are you?” He received the answer, “Who are you?” He got angry at the answer, so she shouted, “Foolish!” He received the answer, “Foolish!”
He looked at his father and asked, “What’s going on?” The father siled and said, “y son, listen,” And then he shouted to ountain, “I love you!” The voice answered, “I love you!” Again the an cried, “You are the best!” The voice answered, “You are the best!”
The boy was surprised, but did not understand. Then the father explained (解释), “People call this Echo, but really this is life. It gives you back everything you say or do. Our life is just a reflection(反映)of what we have done. If you want ore love in the world, have ore love in your heart. If you want to be successful, work hard,. This can be used in everything in life. Life will give you back everything you have given to it.”
( )11. At first the boy cried because _______.
A. he hurt hiself and felt bad
B. he wanted to give hiself a surprise
C. he felt it was so quiet in the ountain
D. he hoped his father would help hi
( )12.When the boy heard the voice repeating, he thought________.
A. it was foolish to hear others’ voice
B. soeone else in the ountain liked his voice
C. there were any other people in the ountain
D. he was laughed at by soeone else in the ountain
( )13. The father shouted to the ountain to ________.
A. find o ut who was repeating his voice
B. have fun with other people in the ountain
C. show ore exaples to his son before giving hi the answer
D. let his son knohose voice was louder
( )14. The word “Echo” eans__________.
A. life itself B. repeating voice
C. love in the world D. everything in life
( )15. Fro the story, we know _________.
A. the boy didn’t like others’ voice at all
B. the father had his own way to teach his son
C. it is not polite to repeat others’ voice
D. the boy and his father were rather tired
any people go to school for education. School education is very iportant and useful, but no one can learn everything fro school. A teacher, no atter how uch he knows, can't teach his student everything. His work is to show his students how to learn .He teaches the how to read and how to think. So uch ore is to be learned outside school by students theselves.

successful. They invented so any things. The reason for their success is that they knew how to study. They read any books outside school. They worked hard all their lives, wasting not a single oent. The ost iportant thing is that they know how to use their brains(大脑).
( )16. Students can’t learn everything in school because _____________.
A.the teacher doesn’t know uch
B.the teacher can only teach the how to read and write
C.the teacher would not like to teach
D.there are still any things for the students to learn outside
( )17.A teacher’s work is _________________
A.to teach all subjects B. to teach everything
C. to teach the students how to read and think D. to work hard
( )18.To know how to____is uch ore iportant than facts or forulas by heart.
A.work out aths probles B. reeber all the facts
C. study science D. study
( )19.Why did the faous scientists becoe succes sful ? Because__________
A.they knew how to study
B.they reebered all the forulas
C.they didn’t get everything fro school
D.they didn’t know how to use their brains
( )20.Which is WRONG according to the passage?
A.Outside school study is as iportant as school study
B.It’s ore iportant to know how to learn than only reeber soe facts
and forulas.
C.It’s very easy to use a forula in working out a aths proble.
D.It’s helpful to read ore books outside school.
Ayui lived with her other when she was a kid.She couldn't reeber her father because he left the faily when the girl was five and never cae back.Ayui's other gave her uch freedo to do whatever she liked,because the other was always at work.
Ayui was a odel when she was young.After graduating fro junior high school,she left hoe to take entrance exas to an art school in Tokyo with her friends,but to her surprise,she was the only one that failed.
After that,when soeone offered her a chance to be a singer,Ayui refused,because she thought she wasn't good at singing. But later,she changed her ind — she couldn't find any other jobs.
Her first song cae out in 1998 and soon attracted attention.Her first albus(唱片) A Song for ×× cae out in 1999 and quickly sold over one illion copies. Each of her albus has sold very well since then.She has becoe "the Queen of Pop" in Japan.
21. Why did Ayui's other give her uch freedo?
22. What result did Ayui get in her entrance exas to an art school in Tokyo?
23. At first, why did Ayui refuse the chance to be a singer?
24. What's the nae of Ayui's first albu?
25. When did her first song coe out?
Have you ever heard of a faous charity called Operation Sile? We hope we can help you understand hoe are trying to help children all over the world.
Operation Sile was started by a doctor and his wife. In 1982, together with soe volunteers, they went to Philippines to help children who had holes in their lips or inside their ouths. (1)对他们说,吃喝很困难。These volunteers worked very hard. But they worried that they could not go on with the work because they were lack(缺乏) of oney. Then they decided to start a charity (2)_________they could help these needy children. They called it Operation Sile.
Operation Sile works in ore than twenty developing counties and has cured over 10,000

On the other hand, Operation Sile trains health care professionals in developing countries so that they can continue to help children when Operation Sile has left. As to the children with uch ore serious probles, they will send the to Aerica for further treatent.
So show your kindness and generosity(慷慨) to the needy children no You can send your donation to Operation Sile at local bank. (3) any thanks fro the children who can sile noill coe to you.
26. 将(1)句译成英:_______________________________________________
27.将(2)句的空白处填入适当的词语使句意完整,上下通顺 _____________
They worried that they could not continue to work because they have no oney.
30. What is the best title of the passage?

Ⅵ. 书面表达(共25分)
Reading is an activity, people enjoy a lot in their free tie.
Soe like reading newspapers and o 1 enjoy novels or coic books. y f 2 books are those about the lives of great people. Reading the always gives e a lot of ideas on how to ake y o 3 life better.
Great people are reebered not because they were handsoe or beautiful, but because they did not give up w 4 their lives were difficult. They tried to use e 5 chance to change their lives and ake the world bett er.
One good exaple is Orville and Wilbur Wright, the two brothers who invented the airplane. The plane has c 6 the world into a sall village. Hard work, not good luck, is the r 7 why they becoe great people. Today we will reeber the when we see planes i 8 the sky. Whenever I r 9 stories about great people, I always learn a lot f___10___ the.
This is why I enjoy reading about great people’s lives.
1. __________ 2. __________ 3. __________ 4. __________ 5. __________
6.___________ 7__________ 8____________9.__________ 10__________
B.假如你叫李华,是初三(2)班的一名学生,你所在学校的 “爱心俱乐部 (Helping Hands Club)” 将吸收新的成员。你想加入该俱乐部,请你根据你自己的擅长,平时的爱心表现以及参加爱心俱乐部的目的写一封自荐信。收信人是高先生.(15分)
词语:nae, student, Class 2, Grade 3, eber, hard, be good at,
get along with, join

I. Sentences (句子理解)

IV. Passages (短理解)
16. 14. 17. clothes 18. (basketball) player 19. oney 20. the sae

I.选择(15分) 1—5 CDBCC 6—10 BDACD 11—15 ABCCD
II. 补全对话。(15分.1-5,每小题1分, 6-10, 每小题2分)
1-5.CAEDF 6.has happened 7. sorry to hear that
8. had a car/ traffic accident / had an accident 9.Were you hurt? 10. hit
III. 翻译(15分局部翻译每小题1分,整句翻译每小题2分)

8.Sixteen-year-olds should not be allowed to have part-tie jobs.
9.Why not considering going soewhere relaxing?
10. The strategies(strategy) that he cae up with worked out well.
1-5 AAADB 6-10 CDCAB
11. activities 12. saller 13. other 14. of 15. to answer
16 on 17.lstening 18 hear 19 us 20.learned / learnt
1-5 ACBBD 6-10 BCDDC 11-15 ADCBB 16—20 D C D A C
21. Because Ayui's other was always at work
22. She was the only one that failed.
23. Because she thought she wasn't good at singing.
24. A Song for X X 25.In 1998.
26. It was difficult / hard for the to eat or drink. 27. so that
28. 那些已经能够展开笑容的(已治愈的)孩子会向你致以谢意。
29. They worried that they could not go on with the work because they were lack of oney.
30. Operation Sile.
A.1 others 2. favorite 3. own 4. when(ever) 5. every
6 changed 7. reason 8. in 9 read 10.fro
Dear r Gao,
y nae is Li Hua. I' a student fro Class 2, Grade 3. I'd like to be a eber of the Helping Hands Club. As a student, I work hard at y lessons. I a good at English and do well in both speaking and listening. Beside s, I a easy to get along with and enjoy helping others. On y way hoe I often help the people who are in trouble. When I see old people or children cross the street, I usually help the. If I join the club, I will do ore for others. I'll be glad if I a received. I a looking forward to getting your reply.
Li Hua

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/chusan/41882.html
