
编辑: 逍遥路 关键词: 九年级 来源: 高中学习网

(时间 90分,满分150分)
第一部分 部分(25分)
( ) 1. A.The Changjiang River. B. The Yellow River.C. The Colorado River.
( ) 2. A. Yes, I did .B. Yes, I have.C. Yes, I a.
( ) 3.A. Writer.B. His educational thoughts. C. All over the world.
( ) 4.A.Why? I can’t.B. Of course, what shall I do?C.Ask Li Ping.
( ) 5.A.New York. B. Edison.C.Beijing.
( ) 6.A.6,700 kiloetres.B.3,700 kiloetres.C.Over 6000 etres.
( ) 7.A.Shakespeare’s.B.ark Twain’s.C.Confucius’.
( ) 8.A.At 4:30.B.At 5:30.C.At 6:30.
( ) 9.A.In 1875.B. In 1876.C. In 1877.
( ) 10.A.By Xu Beihong.B. By Oi Baishi.C.By Lu Xun.
( ) 11.When was Plato born?
A. In 347BC.B.In 427BC.C.In 437BC.
( ) 12. What was Plato ?
A.He is a great thinker.B.He is a great writer.C.He is a great scientist.
( ) 13.What are influenced by his thoughts?
A.Life, education, governent .B.Art , aths and science.
C. Both A and B.
( ) 14.What did Plato teach at the Acadey ?
A.aths.B. Art.C. Philosophy.
( ) 15. What are Plato’s works called ?
A. The Dialogues.B. Philosophy.C. We don’t kno
第二部分 基础知识运用(40分)
( )16. —______ you ______ the fil Harry Potter ?
—Not yet . I’ll see it this Sunday .
A. Did , seeB.Are , seeingC.Have, seen
( ) 17. —Did you tell __________?
—No. Nobody knows it .
A. anyone else B. soeone elseC. people other
( ) 18.I’ll do an interview _________ the band and do soe reviews ______ the band .
A. about ,aboutB.with, aboutC. about, with
( ) 19. —Can you tell e ________it is fro here to the park ?
—Let e see . It’s about 20 inutes’ walk .
A.how far B. how soonC. how often
( ) 20. —Are you going to see her friend ?
—If I _______, I will tell you about it .
A. will be B.will do C.do
( ) 21.The fridge is epty . There is nothing__________.
A.eat B. eating C.to eat
( ) 22.It was too dark ________.
A. to see anythingB.to see soethingC.to see nothing
( )23. —There’s no class today .
—That’s news _______e .
A. of B. to C. for
( )24.The old works ________by any people today .
A. are readingB.are readC. are readed
( )25.English is taught __________ a foreign language in ost schools in China .
A. byB. forC. as
( )26. His grandfather has ________ for two years .
A. been diedB. diedC. been dead
( )27.Staps ________ by people for sending letters .
A.use B.usedC.are used
( )28.You won’t get ______in a new place if you have a ap .
A. losedB. lostC. lose
( )29.After he finished his hoework , he __________ TV .
A. went on watchingB. went on to watchC.goes on to watch
( )30.He is _______ a clever boy ________ everyone likes hi.
A. so , thatB.such, thatC.too, that
( )31. They have _______ win the atch .
A.don’t chance to B.no chance to C.not chance
( )32.What she said _______, so I left without saying a word .
A.gets to e B. got to e C. got to hi
( )33.He was advised _________ hard in daily life .
A. trained B. to trainingC. to train
( )34.Are you against ________ coputer gaes ?
A. playingB.playC. to play
( )35.Is this the sae ________ yours ?
A. with B. as C. to
Do you knoho __36__ tea ? In fact , tea , __37__ ost popular drink in the world (after water ), __38__ by accident (偶然). According to an ancient Chinese legend(传说), the eperor Shen Nong __39__ tea when he was boiling drinking water over an open five . Soe __40__ fro a nearby bush(灌木丛)__41__ into the water and reained there for __42__. The eperor noticed that the leaves in the water produled a __43__ sell . Later he decided __44__ the hot ixture(混合物). It was quite delicious . And __45__ , one of the world’s favorite drinks was invented .
( )36.Awas invented B.inventedC.invent
( )37.A. aB. an C. the
( )38.A. inventedB.was inventedC. is invented
( )39.A. found outB. discoveredC. worked out
( )40.A. leafB. leaves C. leafs
( )41.A.fellB. fallC. feel
( )42.A. soeties B. soe tieC. soe ties
( )43.A. pleasantB. pleasedC. terrible
( )44.A. not to tasteB. to tasteC. tasting
( )45.A. by the wayB. on the way C. in this way

第三部分 理解
The coputer is fast and hardly akes a istake , while people are slow and ake istakes soeties . That’s what people often say when they talk about coputers. For any years , scientists have been iproving coputers . Now a coputer can do a lot of everyday jobs wonderfully . It is widely used in factories , hospitals, post offices and airports . A coputer can report , decide and control in alost every field . With the help of a person, a coputer can draw pictures , write usic , talk with people , play chess, translate languages and so on . any coputer scientists are now thinking of aking coputers “ think ” like a an . Perhaps coputers will one day really think and feel . Soe people are afraid that . One day coputers will be too clever to listen to the. But scientists tell us that such things will not happen .
( )46.The coputer can work ______ than people .
A. ore wonderfullyB. ore slowlyC. ore often
( )47.Coputers can do _______ for people .
A.few jobs B. all jobsC. any jobs
( )48.What will perhaps happen in the future ?
A.Coputers can think like en and woen .
B.People will no longer use coputers .
C.Coputers will only be used to talk with people .
( )49.The author(作者) of the passage ainly tells us soething ________ .
A.about the danger of the coputer
B.about coputer scientists
C.about the coputer
( )50.Which of the following is right according to the passage ?
A.People are slow and full of istakes when using coputers .
B.Coputers can translate languages without people’s help .
C.Coputers will never be cleverer than people .
The Olynpic Gaes is one of the ost iportant gaes in the world . It is held every four years .
Beijing will host the 29th Olypic Gaes . When China was chosen to hold the Olypic Gaes in 2008. everyone in China felt excited and proud .
Every Olypic Gaes now has a ascot(吉祥物). Beijing Organizing Coittee of Olypic Gaes (北京奥组委)has chosen the Five Friendlies (五个福娃)as the official ascots of Beijing 2008 Olypic Gaes . They are Beibei , Jingjing , Huanhuan , Yingying and Nini. That eans “ Welcoe to Beijing ”.
The slogan(口号)of Olypic is “ fater , higher , stronger ” . It eans every player should try his or her best to win an Olypic gold edal . And the slogan of Beijing Olypics is “One world , One Drea ” .
We are looking forward to the year 2008 .
Beijing Olypic Gaes
53.Beibei, Jingjing,Huanhuan,Yingying,Nini
The eaning of the ascots 54.
The slogan 55.
Will the sae ice crea taste differently if you eat in a quiet garden or on the beach ? The answer is :it will .British faous cook, Heston Bluenthal, has found out the connection between taste and noise .
Bluenthal did a sall test . He played different recordings(录音)When people were eating the sae dish . The first tie , he played the noise of far anials , and then the next tie the sound of breaking waves (海浪). He found that the noise of auials ade the salt in the food taste stronger .
In Bluenthal’s restaurant , there are different types of sound the CD player . Custoers can choose the type they like .
( )56.The sae ice crea tastes the sae in different places .
( )57.There is a connection between taste and noise .
( )58.bluenthal played the sound of breaking waves first in his test .
( )59.When Bluenthal played the noise of anials the food tasted ore delicious .
( )60. Bluenthal offers different types of sound to the custoers in his restaurant .
W: Hi! ark . I haven’t seen you for a long tie . 61
: I’ve been to London.
W: Really ? London is one of the biggest cities in the world .
: 62
W: Great ! You ust have a wonderful tie .
: 63
W: 64
: Because I a not good at English . Soeties I ade fool of yself .
W: 65
A. I’ sorry to hear that .
B. Where have you been ?
C. Why ?
D. Yes , that’s right .
E. No, I don’t think so .

1. The Great Wall is one of the greatest w_________ in the world .
2. She didn’t r_________ to his question .
3. Will you do e a f __________ ?
4. Don’t walk on the e ________ of the hill, It’s dangerous.
5. You will be punished for bad b________ .
6. I looked to y left and to y right , and on both sides the canyon d _________ into the distance.
7. He will be chose to r________ China at the Olypic Gaes .
8. Do you think books will be r________ by coputers ?
9. The book written by Lao she has been p________ any ties . any people read it .
10. Thoas Edison ade lots of i__________ .
1. The battery _______________( not charge ) for a couple of weeks .
2. LuXun is __________ ( know ) as a writer .
3. Liu xiang is very ____________ ( success ), but he is not an overnight _______(success).
4. Paper should not ____________ ( throw ) away .
5. He has bought an P3 player and 400 songs have _______________( download ) onto it .
6. Why did ideas spread _____________ ( quick ) when books becae cheaper .
7. He ____________ ( not allow ) to watch TV yesterday .
8. y teacher always ____________( encourage ) ___________ ( study ) English very hard .
1. __________ __________ __________ (从某种意义上说)it was one of our biggest istakes .
2. I’ll never chat online __________ __________ __________(从现在起).
3. Look ! She is __________ __________ __________(翻阅杂志).
4. __________ __________ __________I reeber (凭我的记忆),it was started by Becky Wang.
5. Books could only be produced one __________ __________ __________(一次)by hand .
“快乐女声( Happy Girls )”正掀起一股热潮,部分中学生也积极参选,假如你是李明,上周你们班围绕这种现象展开了讨论,请根据下表内容用英语给某英刊物写一封电子邮件,并谈谈你对此现象的看法。字数60~80.
Soe students thinkSoe students thinkI think
Experience different things Waste of tie ……
Becoe self-confident(自信的)Difficult to succeed
Easy to be faous Be laughed at

Dear editor,
Last week our class had a discussion about Happy Girls . Soe students think ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Best wishes

Li ing

1. Which is the longest river in China ?
2. Have you ever been to the Grand Canyon ?
3. What’s he known for ?
4. Would you please help e plant the tree ?
5. Who invented light bulb ?
6. A: How long is the Great wall ?
B: It’s about 6,700 kiloetres long .
Q: How long is the Great wall ?
7. A: What’s your favourite book ?
B: The Adventures of To Sawyer .
A: Who was it written by ?
B: ark Twain.
Q: Whose works does the second speaker like best ?
8. A: What’s the tie by your watch ?
B: It’s already 4:30. Do you think we can finish the job in an hour ?
A: Certainly not . I’ afraid we need two hours at least .
B: Oh ! God !
Q: What tie will they probably finish their job ?
9. A: Excusee, When was the telephone invented ?
B: It was invented in 1876.
Q: When was the telephone invented ?
10. A: Look ! What a fine picture it is !
B: Certainly . It was drawn by Xu Bei hong .
Q: Who was the picture drawn by ?
Plato lived fro 427 to 347 BC in ancient Greece . He traveled in Greece, Africa and Italy . He was a great thinker . The odern world is still influenced by his thoughts about life, education , governent , art , aths and science . When he returned to Athens , he taught plilosophy at the Acadey . Plato’s works are called The Dialogues .

1—5:A B B B B 6—10:A B C B A 11—15:B A C C A
16—20:C A B A C 21—25:C A B B C 26—30:C C B B B
31—35:B B C A B 36—40:B C B B B 41—45:A B A B C
46—50:A C A C C
51. 2008 52:place 53: Beijing 54: Welcoe to Beijing 55:One world, one Drea
56—60:B A B B A 61—65:B D E C A
一、1. wonders 2. reply 3. favour 4. edge 5. behaviour 6. disappeared
7. represent 8.replaced 9. published 10. inventions
二、1. has’t been charged 2. known 3. successful, success 4. be thrown
5. been downloaded 6. quickly 7. wasn’t allowed 8. encourages , to study
三、1. In a /one way 2. fro now on 3. looking through agazines
4. As far as 5. at a tie
Dear editor ,
Last week our class had a discussion about Happy Girls . Soe students think young people need to experience different things . They will becoe self-confident if they have the chance to show their ability . It’s easy to be faous and ake ore oney .
However, soe believe it’s waste of tie. It’s difficult to succeed . If you don’t sing well , you will be laughed at . Students should study hard .
I think, as a student , we should spend ore tie on our lessons and try our best to ake our country stronger.
Best wishes
Yours ,
Li ing

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/chusan/42906.html
