
编辑: 逍遥路 关键词: 九年级 来源: 高中学习网

时间45分钟 100分
1.暂时,一度 __________
2.代表,象征 __________
3.建立,创立 __________
4.浏览 __________
5.一次 __________
6.在……的开始 __________
7.而不是 __________
8.集中注意力于 __________
9.也 __________
11.试用,试验 __________
12.顺便走访 __________
13.同……一样 __________
14.扔掉, 抛弃 __________
15.代替,而不是 __________
16.对……造成伤害 __________
17.对……产生重大影响 / 很重要 __________
18.张贴 __________
19.由……组成,构成 __________
20.许多,大量的 __________
21.盼望着干… __________
22.事实上 __________
23.长大成人 __________
24.参加 __________
25.数以千计的 __________
1. That’s news to e! __________
2. do soe reviews about __________
3. do an intervieith _________
4. in five inutes __________
5. What’s up? __________
6. be influenced by __________
7. decide to do __________
8. be afraid of __________
9. be to do with __________
10. be punished for __________
11. Can I ask a favour? __________
12. rather than __________
13. in the 1990s __________
14. Hang on a inute! __________
15. No wonder… __________
The old woen __________ __________ __________ the car and walked to the hospital.
2.他们 希望有一天去中国旅游。
They hope to travel to China __________ __________.
There is a leaf __________ __________ ___________ __________ the bottle.
You can go to ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ the river by boat.
We should ______ ______ ______ ______ and ______ when we cross the road.
The water is ___________ dirty for people ___________ drink.
r Green is __________ busy __________ stay with his children.
I took out the pen and ___________ ___________ her QQ nuber.
I __________ buy you a sweater __________ a dress.
__________ __________ __________ I know,he can speak Frenc h very well.
Her father does __________ soke ________ __ __________.
This kind of anial has lived on the earth for ___________ ___________ years.
Song Zuying __________ __________ __________ a singer in the world.
Although they were tired, they __________ __________ working.
15.我们正考虑在 这个村里建一所学校。
We are __________ __________ building a school in this village.
Can you tell e what you __________ __________ just no
The loud noise ade the little dog __________ __________ quickly.
y sister and I __________ __________ in the forest last week.
__________ __________ __________, thanks for your inviting.
(It’s Friday today. Bob and Dave are talking about their weekend plans.)xkb1.co
Bob: Dave, the radio says it is sunny toorro Do you have any plans?
Dave: . I want to go to the beach. ?
Bob: I’ going to do soe sports.
Dave: ?
Bob: I like basketball best. I think it can help e grow taller.
Dave: ?
Bob: I will play it in the gy. By the way, who will you go to the beach with?
Dave: I’ll go with y parents.
Bob: ?
Dave: We will go there by car.
Bob: H ave a good tie.
Dave: The sae to you.
A: Hi, Tony. ____________________31?
B: I don’t feel very well, ike.
A: ____________________32?
B: No, I haven’t. I don’t need to see a doctor. I just didn’t have enough sleep.
A: ____________________33?
B: Because the exas are coing here, and I’ve been busy studying late in evening these days.
A: Study? If you don’t get enoug h sleep, you won’t learn well.xkb1.co
B: ____________________34 .But I a really worried about the exas.
A: Let’s prepare for the exas together. aybe I can give you soe help.
B: Really? ____________________35? Thank you very uch.
A: You are welcoe.

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/chusan/43034.html

相关阅读:2014年中考英语七年级上册 Units 7~12复习题(带答案)