Module 6 Save our world学案

编辑: 逍遥路 关键词: 九年级 来源: 高中学习网

odule 6 Save our world
Unit 1预习导纲
一 单词拓展
1 waste
1) 浪费(v.) Don’t waste water!
2) 浪费(n.) It is a waste to throw good food away.
3) wasteful 浪费的(adj.)It’s wasteful to turn all lights on. Let’s turn off some.
4) wasteland 荒地,荒原。/ waste paper 废纸/ waste-paper basket 废纸篓
2 energy
1) 能量,能(n.) We must save energy, so don’t waste.
2) 精力,活力(n.)She’s always full of energy.
3) energetic(adj.)精力充沛的,充满活力的,He is an energetic young man.
3 pollution
1) 污染(n.)air pollution, water pollution, noise pollution, light pollution
2) pollute(v.)污染 This river has been polluted by the waste water from the factory.
3) polluter (n.)污染
4 hopeless
1) 希望渺茫的(adj.)If we don’t care about our environment, the future is hopeless.
2) hopeful (adj.)充满希望的 I feel hopeful that we will find a good job soon.
3) hope 希望(v.)I hope you have a good time in Hainan.
4) hope 希望(n.)Don’t give up hope of finding them .
二 你知道下列短语吗?能用他们造个句吗?
1 get an email from a reader,
2 be careful about,
3 in fact,
4 thousands of,
5 throw away,
6 raise money,
7 save energy,
8 such as,
9 turn the lights off,
10 waste electricity,
11 think about,
12 protect the air and oceans
三 你知道下列句型吗?能用他们造个句吗?
1)It’s + 形容词(enjoyable, wasteful, necessary…)+ to do sth.做某事怎么怎么样。
2)such as… 比如。。。
3)both…. and… 两者都。。。。 / 即。。。 又。。。

Unit 2预习导纲
一 单词拓展
考题: We had a picnic last term and it was a lot of fun,so let’s have one this month.
A. the other B. some C. another D. other
解读:another 泛指“三者或三者以上的另一个”,后面接单数名词,the other特指两者中的另一个,other 泛指“其他的”后面接复数名词。在本题中,根据one,应选C. another。
考题: ______ the story is short and there are no neords in it, it is difficult to understand.
  A. But    B. though    C. And    D. For
解读:though意为“虽然,尽管”,用引导从句,在应用中,其不可与but连用。本题中,根据句意判断,应是“虽然……,但是……”,所以应选B. though。
join, take part in
1. Have you _________ the English Club?
2. Do you often ________the school activities?
mend, repair
3. Can you ________my fridge?
4. He often ________ toys for his little sister.
instead, instead of
5. If you don’t go to the party, I’ll go ________.
6. I gave her advice ________ money.
everyday, every day
7. How’s your ________life?
8. y parents watch the evening news ________.
hear of, hear from
9. Have you ________that zoo? It’s really amazing.
10. I haven’t ________ my good friend for ages.
二 你知道下列短语吗?能用他们造个句吗?
1 care about, 2 protect the environment,
3 save energy, 4 walk to school,
5 ride a bike, 6 instead of,
7 turn on, 8 sort the waste,
9 throw away, 10 do harm to our environment,
11 make a real difference to the environment, 12 reduce pollution,
13 as long as possible, 14 so that,
15 change …into…, 16 take part in,
三 你知道下列句型吗?能用他们造个句吗?
1)help sb. do sth. 帮助某人做某事
2)instead of…代替, 而不是。。。
3)try to do sth. / try not to do sth. 尽力做某事,尽力不要做某事
4)as…as possible 尽可能。。。
5)so that 目的是。。。

第一时:(听说) Unit 1 It’s wasteful to throw away paper and metal.
Step 1前预习检测 (根据学生情况,可以二选一)
1 英汉词组互译。
1)实际上 ______________________ 2)关心,关注 ________________________
3)数千 ________________________ 4)扔掉,抛弃 ________________________
5)例如 ________________________ 6)节约能 __________________________
7)turn the lights off ______________ 8)waste electricity _____________________
9)raise money __________________ 10)protect the air and oceans ______________
pollution, air, factory, ocean, protect
1) It is a ________and it’s causing a lot of ________. The pollution goes into the _______ and the ________. We need to ________ them. There should be some rules against factories which cause pollution.
energy, throw away, metal, recycle, paper, electricity, glass
2) It is a place where you can ___________waste products, such as _________,
______ ________and things like that. Each time you _________ something made of glass, paper or metal, it used a lot of ___________ or other form of ________ to make it again.
Step 2 听力训练(Activity 3)
听第一段对话,完成1-2小题(beginning ? Betty3)
( ) 1. Whose email has the girl got?
A. A teacher’s. B. A student’s. C. A singer’s.
( ) 2 Where is Zhao ing from?
A. Betty’s school. B. r. Jackson’s school. C. A green school in Dalian.
听第二段对话,完成3-5小题(Daming2 ? ending)
( ) 3 How many green schools are there in China?
A. Hundreds of. B. Thousands of . C. illions of.
( ) 4. What happens if we don’t turn off lights?
A. Waste money B. Waste electricityC. Pollute the air
( ) 5. What are they mainly talking about ?
A. The school concert. B. The school magazine.C. Protect the environment.
听第三段对话(或整个对话),填写表格信息。(请打∨)Xk b1
Things we should do for environmentThings we shouldn’t do for environment
□Throw away glass, paper and metal□Throw away glass, paper and metal
□Collect waste□Collect waste
□Sell waste for recycling□Sell waste for recycling
□Turn lights off□Turn lights off
□Waste electricity□Waste electricity
□Protect the air and oceans□Protect the air and oceans

Step 3语法讲练(Activity 3)
1 请在对话中找到下列各句,你知道它们的意思吗?
1) I saw your enjoyable online magazine while I was doing my homework on my favourite books.
2) It’s wasteful to throw away glass, paper and metal, so every class collect reusable waste, sells it for recycling…
3) I’m hopeful that if everyone thinks about pollution and recycling, we can protect the air and oceans, and help save our world. If we don’t, the future is hopeless.
2 请同学们观察画线部分的特点:
1)It’s +形+to do sth.
2)I’m +形+ that +从句
3 举一反三
It’s __________________________________________ paper in the school.
It’s _____________________________________ in the neighbourhood.
I’m _________________ that I can meet you here.
I’m _________________ that I can’t come to work this afternoon.
Step 4 当堂检测(语法和句型)
( ) 1. ?What are you doing?
--I’m busy _________ an environmental report.
A. writing B. to write C. write D. wrote
( ) 2. If we don’t care about the environment, the life in the future will be _____________.
A. hopeful B. hopeless C. careful D. careless
( ) 3. It’s ____________ to use paper cups to drink every day. We should save energy.
A. helpful B. careful C. wasteful D. hopeful
( ) 4. ?Why do you collect the drinking bottles?
--We can sell them for _______________.
A. reusing B. polluting C. reducing D. recycling
Everyone agrees it _______________________________________ the environment.
We should ________________________________________________________ trees.
Cycling to school is _____________________________________________________.
If we ___________________________________________, the future will be hopeless.

第二时:(阅读) Unit 2 Remember three words: reduce, reuse and recycle
Step 1前预习检测 (根据学生情况,可以二选一)
1 英汉词组互译。
1)关注,关心 __________________ 2)保护环境 ________________________
3)节约能 ____________________ 4)代替,而不是 _______________________
5)垃圾分类 … _________________ 6)对环境产生危害 ____________________
7)make a real difference to… ______ 8)reduce pollution _______________________
9)as long as possible _____________ 10)so that ______________________________
11)change …into…______________ 12)take part in __________________________
2 用方框中所给的词组的正确形式完成下列各句。
care about, change…into…, so that, take part in, do harm to..., instead of…
1) Everyone should__________ our environment because we have only one earth.
2) He likes sports so he often ___________ some sports activities such as football matches.
3) If you often read in the sun, it ________________ your eyes.
4) We collect the rain ____________ it can water the vegetables and flowers
5) I often use a cloth bag _________________ a plastic bag when I do some shopping.
6) It takes energy to ___________ something _________ something else.
Step 2 阅读训练。
1 主旨阅读1:
Part 1 The importance of being green
Part 2 The suggestions of being green
Part 3 The questions of being green

2 主旨阅读2:
( )1. What’s the passage about?
A. How to be green.
B. How to reduce.
C. Why to protect the environment.
D. Why to recycle.
( )2. What can we reuse to protect the environment?
A. A paper cup. B. A cloth bag.
C. A china cup. D. Both B and C.

3 细节阅读。(完成表格信息)(请打∨)
Check the things you should do.
1. buy the latest fashions [ ]
2. choose local products [ ]
3. waste energy when things are made [ ]
4. buy things from abroad [ ]
5. repair things [ ]
6. use paper cups and bags [ ]
7. throw things away [ ]
8. burn things [ ]
4 阅读提升:(根据学生情况,可以二选一)
How green are you? Do you care about protecting the environment and saving energy? ____1____. If you often use plastic bags when you do shopping, you aren’t green enough.
We all need a healthy environment, but we produce waste every day and it does harm to our environment. _____2______ Here are some ideas for you.
Reduce means “use less”. Don’t waste things. Before we buy something new, think whether it is really necessary. _____3______.
Reuse means “use again”. Use things for as long as possible. We should look after them so that they will last, and we should repair them instead of throwing them away. _____4______
Recycle means “change things into something else”. _____5_____. We should also buy products made from recycled materials.
A. In fact, even the simplest everyday activities can make a real difference to the environment.
B. So find out what can be recycled in your neighbourhood and take part in recycling programmes
C. If you try to walk or ride a bike to school, you are green.
D. It’s better to use a china cup and a lunch box because you can use them again.
E. When we do buy things, choose local products if possible.

Reduce means “use less”. Don’t ___1___ things. This save money and reduces ___2___ and waste going into the environment. Before we buy something ___3___, think whether it is really necessary—or maybe the old one will be just as good! When we do buy things, choose ___4___ products if possible, and try not to buy too many things from abroad.
( ) 1 A. use B. waste C. buy D. make
( ) 2 A. pollution B. population C. products D. progress
( ) 3 A. beautiful B. colourful C. old D. new
( ) 4 A. cheap B. expensive C. local D. abroad
Reuse means “use again”. Use things for as ___5___ as possible. When we buy things, make sure that they ___6___ a long time. We should look after them so that they will last, and we should ___7___ them if we can instead of throwing them away and buying new ones. Don’t use a paper cup or a paper bag. It’s better to use a china cup and a lunch box ___8___ you can use them again.
( ) 5 A. long B. short C. much D. little
( ) 6 A. make B. stay C. take D. last
( ) 7 A. buy B. sell C. repair D. make
( ) 8 A. because B. so C. if D. when
Step 3 巩固加深
1 请在中画出下列重要词组。
1) care about, 2) protect the environment,
3) save energy, 4) walk to school,
5) ride a bike, 6) instead of,
7) turn on, 8) sort the waste,
9) throw away, 10) do harm to our environment,
11) make a real difference to the environment, 12) reduce pollution,
13) as long as possible, 14) so that,
15) change …into…, 16) take part in,
2 你理解下列句子的含义吗?
1) Do you take your own cloth bag when shopping instead of using plastic bags?
2) In fact, even the simplest everyday activities can make a real difference to the environment.
3) When we do buy things, choose local products if possible, and try not to buy too many things from abroad.
4) We should look after them so that they will last, and we should repair them if we can instead of throwing them away and buying new ones.
3 你还记得下列句型吗?在中找到它的原句。
1)help sb. do sth. 帮助某人做某事
2)instead of…代替, 而不是。。。
3)try to do sth. / try not to do sth. 尽力做某事,尽力不要做某事
4)as…as possible 尽可能。。。
5)so that 目的是。。。
1) 周末我经常帮妈妈做家务。
I often __________________________________________ at the weekend.
2) 我们应该回收纸张而不是把它扔掉。
We should recycle paper _________________________________ throwing it away.
3) 我们应尽力买当地产品因为这样很环保。
We should ____________________________the local products because it is very green.
4) 我们要尽可能长时间的使用物品。
We should use things for ___________________________________________.
5) 我们应该骑车去上学而不是开车目的是减少空气污染。
We should ride a bike to school instead of driving a car _________ it can reduce the air pollution.
Step 4 当堂检测(语法和句型)
( ) 1. Don’t you _______ this country’s future?
A. care for B. care about C. worry D. take care
( ) 2. y mother is ill. I’ll go shopping and do the housework _______ her.
A. instead B. for C. instead of D. with
( ) 3. --Did you _______ the sports meeting? --Yes, I did.
A. join B. joined C. took part in D. take part in
( ) 4. Uncle Wang gave all his savings to the Hope School ______ he himself was not rich.
A. because B. as if C. though D. or
( ) 5. You should check your test paper carefully ___________you can get a good mark.
A. so that B. though C. since D. because
Do you ________________________protecting the environment and saving energy?
We produce waste every day and it _____________________________ our environment.
In fact, even the simplest everyday activities can __________________ the environment.
It takes energy to _________________________________________________________.

第三时:(写作) Unit 2 Remember three words: reduce, reuse and recycle
Step 1 前复习检测
1)care about __________________ 2)protect the environment ___________
3)save energy ____________________ 4)instead of _________________________
5)sort the waste … _________________ 6)do harm to our environment ___________
7)对…产生影响 _________________ 8)减少污染 __________________________
9)尽可能长 _____________________ 10)目的是,以便______________________
11)把…变成….___________________ 12)参加 _____________________________
1) 周末我经常帮李奶奶买东西。
I often __________________________________________ at the weekend.
2) 我们应该用陶瓷杯喝水而不是用纸杯。
We should drink water with china cup _________________________ paper cup.
3) 我们应尽力保管好我们的物品,而不要总买新的。
We should ____________________________our things instead of buying new ones.
4) 我们要尽可能少的看电视,因为对眼睛不好。
We should watch TV __________________________ because it is bad for our eyes.
5) 我们应该进行垃圾分类目的是我们可以回收在利用。
We should sort the waste_______________ we can recycle the things.
Step 2 写作训练
提示词:pour waste water into rivers and lakes, pollute, turn off the tap,
can’t live without water, protect water resources, save water, stop polluting, better

1 话题:

审题: 2 时态:

3 人称:

1 开头: 1

构思: 2 信息点: 2

3 结尾: 3

1.pour waste water into rivers and lakes,
3.turn off the tap

1.如果没有足够的水,土地就会干枯,庄稼就会死掉。(if, will be dry/die)
2.如果没有水,人类就不能生存。(can’t live, without)
3.所以我们应该尽力去保护水资。(protect water resources)
4.最好的方式就是节约用水和停止对河流的污染。(save water, stop polluting,)
5.还有,我们应该学会对水的再利用。(learn, reuse,)


第四时:(复习) Unit 3 Language in use.
Step 1 前复习检测
1)关注,关心 __________________ 2)保护环境 ________________________
3)节约能 ____________________ 4)代替,而不是 _______________________
5)垃圾分类 … _________________ 6)对环境产生危害 ____________________
7)turn the lights off ______________ 8)waste electricity _______________________
9)raise money __________________ 10)protect the air and oceans _______________
11)make a real difference to… ______ 12)reduce pollution _______________________
We should plastic bags.
In order to save electricity, our teacher always when we leave classroom.
Everyone the environment problems.
4) 我已经尽我的最大努力保护环境了。
I have already ______________________________________________ the environment.
5) 史密斯先生太粗心了,结果把钥匙落在家里了。
r. Smith was _________________________________________________ in his house.
Step 2 词汇训练
1 你还记得这些词组吗?
Unit 1 ---- get an email from a reader, online magazine, write about, be careful about,
in fact, thousands of, throw away, collect waste, raise money, save energy,
such as, turn the lights off, waste electricity, think about, protect the air and oceans
Unit 2 ---- care about, protect the environment, save energy, walk to school, ride a bike, instead of, turn on, sort the waste, throw away, do harm to our environment,
make a real difference to the environment, reduce pollution, as long as possible, so that, change …into…, take part in,
2 请完成书上P48 Activity 9, 检验一下自己是否已经掌握。
Step 3 语法训练
1 梳理语法:构词法:
1. im-, un-, in-, dis-等,表示否定。如:possible (可能的)→impossible (不可能的), load (装载)→unload(卸货), correct (正确的)→incorrect (不正确的), like (喜欢)→dislike (不喜欢)
2. re-,表示“重复”。如:write (写) → rewrite(重写)
3. mid-,表示“在……中间”。如:night (夜晚)→ midnight(半夜)
4. anti-,表示“反对,防止”。如:war (战争)→ antiwar(反战的)
1. 名词后缀: -er, -or, -ist, -ship, -tion, -ment等。如:
sing(唱歌) →singer(歌手), act(表演) →actor(演员), science(科学) →scientist(科学家), friend(朋友) →friendship(友谊), describe(描述) →description(描述), enjoy(享受) →enjoyment(享受)
2. 形容词后缀:-ful, -less, -able等。 如:
peace(和平)→peaceful(平静的), care(小心)→careless(粗心的),believe(相信) →believable(可信的)
3. 动词后缀:-en, -ize等。 如:
strength(力量) →strengthen(加强), modern(现代的) →modernize(使现代化)
4. 副词后缀:-ly等。如: slow(慢的)→slowly(慢慢地)
1). It is a shame to be so ___________ (waste).
2). any fish have died because of water ___________ (pollute).
3). This magazine has over 200,000 ___________ (read).
4). I want to get some information about ___________ (environment) problems.
5).I think you can work out the math problem ___________. (success)
3完成P46-47 Activity1 & 2& 3& 4和workbook中的有关练习
Step 4 当堂检测(语法和句型)
( ) 1. Everybody should stop people _______ cutting down forests.
A. of B. from C. on D. in
( ) 2. r. Lee still kept on working, _______ he was badly ill.
A. but B. because C. though D. since
( ) 3. Although it _______ energy to change something into something else, it’s better than throwing things away.
A. brings B. takes C. gives D. makes
( ) 4. _______ trees should be planted on the mountain.
A. Thousand B. Thousands of C. Thousands D. Hundred
( ) 5. ?Did you have a hamburger for lunch, too?
--No, I _______ some dumplings instead.
A. will have B. have had C. have D. had
1. 我确信什么也无法阻止李雷成为一名作家。(09中考)
I’m sure a writer.
2. 多吃蔬菜水果对健康有好处。(11年中考)
your health to eat more vegetables and fruits.
3. 我父母总是阻止我玩电脑游戏。
y parents always computer games.
4. 老师让我们尽可能的节约用水。
Our teacher as much as possible.
5. 通过种更多的树,我们能保持空气清洁。
We can ______ by planting more trees.


相关阅读:Making Our World More Beautiful