
编辑: 逍遥路 关键词: 九年级 来源: 高中学习网

( )1. What is John looking for?

( )2. How does To learn Chinese?

( )3. What tie does iss Yuan drive to the office?

( )4. How does r Huang go to work?

( )5. What's Linda's favourite subject?

( )6. What is the boy going to buy?
A. Soe juice. B. Soe oranges. C. Soe apples.
( )7. How any people lost their lives?
A. Ten. B. Fourteen. C. Sixteen.
( )8. What’s the speed of the light?
A. 18,000,000 kiloetres a inute B. 300,000 kiloetres a inute
C. 7,200,000 kiloetres a inute
( )9. How does the woan feel now?
A. She feels very sad. B. She feels quite excited.
C. She feels very tired.
( )10. What are they talking about?
A. Buying a birthday present. B. Learning English.
C. Having a birthday party.
( )11. What are the two speakers talking about?
A. Taking a vacation. B. Going to sleep.
C. Traveling to New York City.
( )12. Why does the woan want to spend her vacation caping?
A. She enjoys clibing. B. She wants to get away fro the city.
C. She can't afford to stay in a hotel,
( )13. What do students write to artin for?
A. They hope to talk with hi. B. They want hi to teach the.
C. They want his records.
( )14. What’s artin?
A. He’s a successful reporter. B. He’s a nice sportsan.
C. He’s a pop star.
( )15. Why did none of the teachers like artin?
A. He soeties failed in the exas.
B. His teachers thought he was a bad boy.
C. He was soeties late for school.
四. 听短,根据短内容选择正确答案.(听两遍).
( )16. What kind of person is r. Sith?
A. Forgetful. B. Careful.C. Gentle.
( )17. Who always helped r. Sith?
A. His boss. B. His other.C. His wife.
( )18. Why did r. Sith keep the nae of the beach a secret?
A. Because he wouldn’t take his children there.
B. In order to ake the trip ore interesting for his children.
C. In order to save oney.
( )19. Hoould they go to the beach?
A. By train.B. By car. C. By plane.
( )20. What did r. Sith forget at first?
A. The paper written by his wife. B. The place he left the children.
C. The nae of the beach.
( )21.. ---You’ve dropped _____ “s’’ in the word “across’’.
---Oh, ____ letter “s’’ should be doubled like this “across’’.
A. a , a B. an ,a C. an ,the D. the ,the
( )22. He's flown to Qingdao for suer holidays, ____ he?
A. isn't B. wasn't C. hasn't D. doesn't
( )23. I a told to write a 1,000-word coposition. But I don’t know ______ to start with.
A. how B. that C. what D. why
( )24.The question was ____ a difficult one that _____ people could answer it.
A.so;few B.so;little C.too;to D.such; few
( )25.Did you see that our neighbor _____ in the accident?
A. badly hurted B. was badly hurted
C. had badly hurted D. was badly hurt
( )26.He devoted all his lifetie ______ children.
A. educate B. education C.educating D. to educating
( )27.When I got hoe, y son ______ for two hours.
A. have fallen asleep B. have been asleep
C. had fallen asleep D.had been asleep
( )28.Helen Keller is known ______ a faous writer in Aerica.
A. to B. as C. with D. for
( )29.ary ______ be at hoe, I saw her in the library just no
A. shouldn’t B. can’t C. ustn’t D. needn’t
( )30.she was heard _____ an English song in her roo last night.
A. sing B. sang C. to sing D. to singing
( )31.Parents often _____ their children not to go swiing alone.
A. reind B. prevent C. stop D. ake
( )32.You can see flowers on _____ side of the road.
A. both B. each C.all D.every
( )33. ---What’s in your _____ hand? ---An apple.
A. the B .another C.the other D other
( )34.---Did you enjoy the fil shown at ABC Cinea last Sunday?
---____,so I left early.
A. It was fun B. I enjoyed it C.It was boring D. I haven't been there
( )35. ---Do you know _____ the P3 player last week?
---Sorry, I have no idea.
A.how uch did she pay for B. how uch will she pay for
C.how uch she paid for D. how uch she will pay for
( )36. Audrey won an Oscar _____ Best Actress ______ her role in this fil.
A.as,in B.as,for C.for,for D.for,in
( )37. ---- Why don’t we take a little break ?
----- Didn’t we just have _______ ?
A. it B. that C. one D. this
( )38. I have ________tie to do ______ hard work that I feel very stressed.
A. so uch; so B. such little; such
C. so little; such D. such uch; such
( )39.Jack _____ Chinese tea with nothing in it.
A. prefers B. prefers to C. would rather D. would like to
( )40.In the past, he always worried about _____ food to eat.
A. have B. having C not having D. not have
An old an lived in a nice house with a large garden. He took care of his flowers all the tie, watering and fertilizing the.
One day a young an went by the garden. He looked at the beautiful flowers, iagining how happy he could be 41 he lived in such a beautiful place. Then, suddenly he found the old gardener was 42 . He was very surprised about this and asked, "You can't see these flowers.Why are you busy taking care of the every day?"
The old an siled and said "I can tell you four 43 . First, I was a gardener when I was young, and I really like this job. Second, 44 I can't see these flowers, I can touch the. Third, I can sell the sweetness of the. As to the last one, that's 45 ."
"e? But you don't know e," said the young an.
"Yeah, it's 46 that I don't know you. But I know that flowers are angels that everybody knows. We enjoy the happiness these flowers have brought us."
The blind an's work opened our eyes and 47 our hearts, which also ade his life 48 . It was just like Beethoven, who becae deaf in his later life and wrote any great usical works. Beethoven hiself couldn't 49 his wonderful usic, but his usic has 50 illions of people to face their difficulties bravely. Isn't it one kind of happiness?
( )41. A. after B. as C. before D. if
( )42. A. blind B. faous C. sart D. friendly
( )43. A. stories B. reasons C. excuses D. conclusions
( )44. A. although B. since C. becauseD. unless
( )45. A. e B. you C. y other D. y son
( )46. A. true B. hard C. cool D. fair
( )47. A. broke B. hurt C. pleased D. treated
( )48. A. eptier B. busier C. luckier D. happier
( )49. A. write B. hear C. play D. believe
( )50.A. changed B. affected C. discovered D. encouraged
Daddy just didn't know how to show love. It was o who held the faily together.Once when I stole a candy of a shop, he ade e take it back. But it was o who understood I was just a kid.
  I broke y leg one day on the playground and it was o who held e in her ars all the way to the hospital. Dad pulled the car right up to the door of the eergency roo(急诊室).
  At y birthday parties, Dad seeed to be busy blowing up balloons, setting up tables and taking soe photos all the tie. It was o who brought the cake with the candles on it for e to blow out.
  I reeber when o told hi to teach e how to ride a bicycle. I told hi not to let go, but he said it was tie. I fell and o ran to pick e up, but he waved her off. I was so ad I showed hi I got right back on that bike and rode it yself. He didn't even feel ebarrassed. Just siled.
  When I went to college, o did all the writing. He just sent bills and a little note about how great his lawn(草坪)looked now but I wasn't playing football on it.
  Whenever I called hoe, he acted like he wanted to talk, but he always said, "I'll get your other." All y life he said, "Where are you going? What tie are you coing hoe? No, you can't go."Daddy just doesn't know how to show love. Is it possible he showed it and I didn't realize it?
( )51.The text ainly tells us about______
  A. a boy's childhood B. a other's love
C. a father's love D. a happy faily
( )52.At the birthday parties, father did any things except______
A. blowing up balloons B. setting up tables
C. taking soe photos D. teach how to ride
( )53.The underlined word "ebarrassed" in the text eans"______".
   A. sad B. angry C. pleased D. surprised
y parents taught e not to waste food. y o always found ways to ake leftovers (剩余食物) taste good. I went to Ilan to learn about soe of their special foods. As I was there, I learned about the food and the history of the area. I learned that they don’t waste food, either, and they use leftovers!
  any years ago, there was not enough food for everyone. People learned to cook and eat alost everything. They had to think of ways to ake special dishes. One of these dishes is kao zha. It’s ade with leftovers like eat, soup, oil and fat. That ight not sound very good, but it does taste good. Today, kao zha is a special dish at big banquets (宴会).
  Another faous dish is called zao bing. It’s ade with fruit, eat and other things. I really liked it! But I didn’t want to eat too uch. It has a lot of fat in it.
  I selled soething burning and I saw soke, so I found another special food of the Ilan area─duck eat. The duck eat is put in a big oven (炉子) to cook it. Soke keeps the eat fresh. I don’t usually eat eat, but this duck eat was delicious! It tasted sweet.
  Ilan is a great place with delicious food. I hope I can coe back again!
( )54. Kao zha is a good dish that is ade with __________.
   A. fruit, eat and other things B. fresh and sweet duck eat
   C. soe different leftovers D. eat, soup and fruit
( )55. There are _______ kinds of special foods entioned in the passage.
   A. two B. three C. four D. five
( )56. Fro the passage, we know that __________.
   A. there was not enough food in Ilan long ago
   B. leftovers can’t be used to cook delicious food
   C. zao bing is a faous dish without any fat in it
    D. the writer is interested in very big banquets
How uch should you save? You ay be able to save 100% of your oney. Does that ean you should? Not at all. The best way to develop good saving habits is to ake saving a regular part of your life, along with spending.
  Here’s the rule you should reeber: save before spending. whenever soe oney gets into your hands, fro a job or your pocket oney or whatever, take your savings out iediately, before spending any of the oney. The beauty of this syste is that once you've taken away your savings, you're free to spend the rest.
  Here are soe ore suggestions on how to successfully get into the saving habit fro teens.
  Let's see!
  Tony, 13: I put y oney in a bank instead of y wallet, so the oney is not there. And I have to take an extra step to get it.
  Billy, 14: When considering a ajor purchase(购买) , wait a week or so, at least. This will help you ake sure you still want it, and the price ight go down.
  Dick, 13: Carry very little oney always. You can't spend oney if you don't have it. A cake would be nice, but without a dollar, you can't get it. Little things like that really add up quickly.
  Steve, 16: I used to be weak when it cae to oney. I bought soething whenever I went into a store. I' glad I' not that person no I taught yself discipline by keeping a $ 20 bill in y pocket while walking around the all all day and not buying anything. Now I have no strong wish to buy things when I go into a store. It works for e.
  These ideas should help you get started. If you have soe questions about anything you’ve read here, or would you like to share your ideas about saving oney, please write to us.
( )57.According to Billy, if you want to buy soething expensive, you'd better_____.
   A. wait at least a onth B. ake sure it's necessary
   C. wait until it's for sale D. ask soebody for help
( )58.According to the passage, Steve is the person who _ .
   A. didn't carry any oney
B. can't wait to spend his oney now
   C. didn't use to buy anything in a store
D. doesn't spend oney quickly and carelessly now
( )59.Where is the passage ost probably fro?
   A. A dictionary. B. The instructions
C.A newspaper D. An advertiseent
( )60. The writer wrote the passage in order to ask teens to_____.
   A. ake ajor purchases B. save 1000-/0 0f their oney
   C. spend all their savings regularly D. save oney regularly as well as
61.They were deeply attracted by the ______(beautiful) of nature.
62.In 1989, Audrey ade her final ______(appear) in the fil naed Always.
63.By the tie I saw hi, he ______(finish) the work.
64.When we rushed into the cinea, the fil ______(be) on for 15 inutes.
65.y friend’s drea is _______(becoe) a pilot when he grows up.
66.______(learn) dancing well, I need uch ore practise.
67.I have no courage _______(share) with y friends y worries.
68.The weather in Beijing is ______(dry) than that in Nanjing.
69.His granda was found _______(die) in her roo.
70.I think the advice is very ________ (value) to e.
71.She is a faous _______(发明家). She invented a kind of popular bike a few years ago.
72.ore and ore people die of _______(癌症) no
73.How any ______ (仇人) does the an have ?
74.There is lots of ________(最新的) infornation on the website.
75.r Green put a lot of ________(努力) into arranging the concert.
九.翻译句子 (共5题,每小题2分,满分10分)
It is said that __________________________________________________.
77.当电话铃响时, 我正在看足球赛.
He was __________________________________ over the last year.
Detective Zhang said that __________________and ______________as a result.
ary is _______________________________________actress.
十、阅读表达 (共10小格;每小格1分,满分10分)
阅读下面短,在表格内的空白处填入合适的答案 (每格词数不超过4个)
I a a teenager. I want to use the Internet. I know that there are certain rules about what I should do on line. I agree to follow these rules, and y parents agree to help e follow these rules:
I will not call or eet anyone alone that I eet online unless y parents say it’s okay.
I will not buy to order anything online without y parents’ perission (同意) or give out any personal inforation.
I will not fill out any for online that asks e for any inforation about yself or y faily without asking y parents first .
If soeone sends e any pictures or any e-ails using bad language, I will tell y parents.
If soeone asks e to do soething that I a not supposed to do , I will tell y parents.
I know that y parents want to ake sure I’ safe online, and I will listen to the when they ask e not to do soething.
I will practice safe coputing , and check for viruses wherever I borrow a disk fro soeone or download soething fro the Internet.

81 for going online for teenagers

Things teenagers shouldn’t do 1. Don’t go to eet anyone you have et online alone
82 first.
2. Although you want to buy soething you like , you shouldn’t fill in any online for which __83____ about your faily such as your parents’ credit card nuber.
Things teenagers should do 3. If others online tell you to do things you shouldn’t do , tell your parents.
4. Check your coputer often to 84 it’s safe.
Things parents do 5. If you break the rules, your parents will be unhappy because they want you to be 85 at all ties.

As a 17-year-old young woan fro Canada, I’ very lucky to have had any opportunities(机会)to travel to other countries.
I don’t want to forget that the world is not just ade up of Western culture; it is also ade up of any other beautiful cultures. The best way to appreciate(欣赏)the is to visit the and live with the. That’s why I like travelling and going to different places.
I’ve been to England, France, Italy, Switzerland, Israel, and now China. But it is Africa that I have always wanted to visit. I hope soeday I will have the chance to travel there and get to know its people. I speak French, and any people in Africa speak French, so I will be able to counicate with the.
y first visit to China was to Zhuhai, a lovely city in Guangdong province, southern China. I went there with the hope of gaining soe teaching experience and skills.
Travelling to China
Where the writer coes fro______86_______
The language the writer speaks_______87________
What the writer thinks of the world’s cultureIt is ade up of ___88____
besides(除了) Western culture
How any countries she has travelled to_______89_______
The first city she visited in China_______90_______

十一、书面表达 (共1题;满分15分)

要求:1. get in touch with 与……保持联系 cheat 作弊 (vi)
2. 的开头已为你写好,不计入总词数。
3. 须包括表内要点,但不要逐词翻译。
Last week our class held a discussion on whether we should bring a obile phone with us at school or not . Here is the result.

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/chusan/43789.html
