
编辑: 逍遥路 关键词: 九年级 来源: 高中学习网


( )5.Where is the woan now?
A.In a hospital. B.At hoe. C.In her office.
( )6.Who does the housework at hoe?
A.Dad does. B.ary does. C.The achine does.
( )7.Why can’t the woan open the door?
A.Because she hurt her hands.
B.Because the an would like to do so.
C.Because she has no hands.
( )8.Which does the an prefer?
A.usic. B.Sports. C.Reading.
( )9.How often does ike exercise?
A.Once a week. B.Twice a week. C.Three ties a week.
( )10.Where is the boy going to see his friends off?
A.At the bus station. B.At the airport. C.At the railway station.

( )11.Where is the bank?
A.It’s next to the restaurant. B.It’s next to the hospital.
C.It’s behind the hospital.
( )12.How far is the bank fro here?
A.About 30 inutes’ walk. B.About 13 inutes’ walk.
C.About 30 inutes’ ride.
( )13.Why is David so fat?
A.Because he doesn’t exercise.
B.Because he eats too uch.
C.Because he watches TV all day.
( )14.What do we know about David?
A.He never eats lunch at noon.
B.He is busy but always does exercise.
C.He works all day for any hours.
( )15.What does the woan suggest in the end?
A.Eating less food. B.Not giving up Watching TV.
C.Enjoy usic while taking a walk.
( )16.When did the accident happen?
A. Last onday B.Last Sunday C.Last Friday
( )17.What did the young an do?
A. A worker B.A singer C.A driver
( )18.What were the young an and the girl talking about?
A. usic B.A singer C.Sports
( )19.What hit hi?
A.A car B.A big truck C.A otorbike
( )20.What did the young an lose?
A.His car B.His life C.His legs
( )1.I wanted to buy you your coic, but there was _____ left in the shop.
A.no B.nothing C.none D.anything
( )2.He couldn’t _____ an answer when I asked hi why he was late.
A.coe over B.catch up with C.coe out D.coe up with
( )3.Our teacher is kind _____ us. It’s kind _____ her to give us so uch help.
A.to, for B.of, to C.for, to D.to, of
( )4.Danny did all kinds of things to ake the baby ______.
A.to stop crying B.stop crying C.to stop to cry D.stop to cry
( )5.r Wu is very patient and he often _____ lots of tie ____ things to us.
A.takes, to explain B.spends, explaining
C.takes, explain D.spends, explain
( )6.y watch doesn’t work. I ust have it ______.
A.repaired B.repairs C.repair D.repairing
( )7.This blue shirt doesn’t fit you. I think that black one ____ good ____ you.
A.will look, in B.look, in C.will look, on D.look, on
( )8.I’d rather _____ blue ______ pink.
A.wear, to B.wear, than C.wearing, to D.wearing, than
( )9.The boy was too ____ to keep his eyes open in class.
A.sleeping B.asleep C.sleepy D.sleep
( )10._____ is too difficult if you put your heart into it.
A.Everything B.Soething C.Nothing D.Anything
( )11.The schools in China are different fro ______.
A.those in Aerica B.that of Aerica C.Aerica D.Aerican students
( )12.The aths proble is very easy, but I don’t think _____ can work it out.
A.anyone B.soeone C.no one D.everyone
( )13.Our onitor is _____ take this job.
A.enough confident B.confident enough
C.confident enough to D.enough confident to
( )14.The usic sounds beautiful. The underlined word is ____.
A.Predicative B.Predicate C.Attributive D.Adverbial
( )15.---Do you prefer tea ____ coffee? ---I like tea ______ nothing in it.
A.to, with B.or, with C.to, have D.or, have
Sall talk is a good way to ake friends. If you____1__ to other countries or have friends fro abroad, do you know how to use sall talk to ake conversations?
  In Britain, the best topic is the weather. British ____2___ is changing all the tie. You can start chatting by saying “It’s a lovely day today, isn’t it?”
  Besides weather, it’s good to talk about gardens _3__ British people. You could say, “Those roses look really beautiful, ___4___?” English people love their pets. So it’s also nice to start with “What a lovely ____5___! What is his nae?”
In Aerica, people like to talk about sport news, ___6___Aerican football and basketball. Aericans also talk about clothes. So you ight say, “It’s a nice shirt! Where did you get it?” Weather is a ___7___ topic there, too.
There are also a lot of topics to avoid during sall talk.
Don’t ask people “How old are you?” Age is usually a ___8___ .Never ask: “How uch oney do you ake?” It akes people uncofortable.
Don’t ask strangers ___9__ they are arried. Politics or religion is not a good topic, ____10___.
( ) 1. A. listen B. travel C. talk D. want
( ) 2. A. weather B. people C. food D. clothes
( ) 3. A. in B. at C. with D. on
( ) 4. A. don’t they B. do they C. aren’t they D. are they
( ) 5. A. day B. rose C. dog D. bag
( ) 6. A. such that B. the sae as C. so that D. such as
( ) 7. A. dangerous B. difficult C. safe D. hard
( ) 8. A. friend B. secret C. proble D. question
( ) 9. A. weather B. whether C. what D. when
( ) 10.A. also B. too C. either D. neither
三、理解 (20分)
any teenagers(青少年) feel that the ost iportant people in their lives are their friends. They believe that their faily ebers, especially their parents, don’t know the as well as their friends do!In large failies, it is often for brothers and sisters to fight with each other and then they can only go to their friends for advice.
It is very iportant for teenagers to have one good friend or any friends. Even when they are not with their friends, they usually spend a lot of tie talking aong theselves on the phone. This counication is very iportant in children’s growing up, because friends can discuss soething difficult to say to their faily ebers.
However, parents often try to choose their children’s friends for the. Soe parents ay even stop their children fro eeting their good friends .The question of “choice” is an interesting one. Have you ever thought of the following questions?
Who chooses your friends?
Do you choose your friends or your friends choose you?
Have you got a good friend your parents don’t like?
( )1.Which of the following sentences is true?
A. Parents should like everything their children enjoy.
B. In all failies, children can choose everything they like.
C. Parents shouldn’t try their best to understand their children .
D. any teenagers can only go to their friends for advice.
( )2.When teenagers stay alone, the usual way of counication is to____.
A. go to their friends B. talk with their parents
C. have a discussion with their faily
D. talk with their friends on the phone
( )3.Which is the proper title of the article?
A. Who Has the Right to Choose Friends B. Good or Bad Friends
C. Teenagers Need Friends D. How to choose Friends
Which of your two hands do you use ostly? Very few of us can use both of hands equally well. ost of us are right-handed. Only about five people out of hundred are left-handed. New-born babies can grasp things with either of their hands, but in about two years they usually prefer to use their right hands. Scientists don’t knohy this happens.
Scientists have found that onkeys prefer to use either of their hands. There are so any right-handed onkeys as there are left-handed ones. Next tie you visit the zoo, watch the onkeys carefully. You’ll see that soe of the will prefer to swing fro their right hands and other will use their left hands. But ost huan beings use their right hands better and this akes life difficult for those who prefer to use their left hands. We live in a right-handed world.
( )4. Only ___ of the people are left-handed.
A .5 B. 100 C. 5% D. 20%
( )5. New-born babies _____
A. are all right-handed B. are all left-handed
C. can’t grasp things D. can use either of their hands
( )6. Soeties the left-handed feel difficult in life because _____
A. they are slow B.ost of the things are ready for the right-handed people
C.they can’t get on well with other people
D.ost of the prefer to stay by theselves
One day a an went to a fish store to buy a fish for his dinner. He picked up a fish and after exaining it carefully, he held it up to his nose and selled it.
“Here! What’s this?” cried the shopkeeper. “Why do you sell that fish? Do you think it has gone bad?”
“I didn’t sell it,” answered the an.
“Then what were you doing with your face so close to the fish?” asked the shopkeeper.
“I wasn’t selling the fish. I was only talking to it,” said the an.
“Talking to it?” said the fish seller, “Why, what did you say to it?”
“I asked hi if there was any news fro the sea, and that’s all,” answered the an.
“Well, what did the fish say?”
“He said he didn’t know the latest(最新的)news, because he hadn’t been in the sea for ore than two weeks.”
( )7.What did the an want to do when he went to the fish store?
A.Buy a fish. B.See a fish. C.Talk to a fish D.Quarrel with the shopper.
( )8. Why did the an hold the fish up to his nose?
A.Because he wanted to talk to it. B.Because he wanted to listen to it.
C.Because he wanted to know if it was bad.
D.Because he wanted to eat it.
( )9. What did the fish say, do you think?
A.It said it was out of the sea. B.It said it didn’t know the latest news.
C.It said it hadn’t been in the sea. D.It said nothing.
( )10. What happened at the end of the story?
A.The shopkeeper got angry with the buyer.
B.The buyer left the shop without buying the fish.
C.The buyer fought (打斗)with the shopkeeper.
D.The buyer got soe bad news fro the fish.
(A) 根据句意、首字母及汉语提示,写出各单词的正确形式,每空一词。
1.The teacher gave soe students e_________ hoework because of their poor grades in the test.
2.The centaur is wonderful. How about _________ (克隆) a new one?
3.He was careless enough to ake such ___________ (错误).
4.There is a lot of ___________ (可获得的) inforation here. Anyone can get soe if he needs.
5.It’s a good habit to keep __________ (日记).
6.In our country, woen and children can get good ___________ (保护) no
(B) 根据句意,用括号中所给单词的正确形式。
7.It’s difficult for ost people to ake ________ (decide) in a short tie.
8.Green represents new life and __________ (grow).
9.He hasn’t got enough ___________ (strong) to get out of bed.
10.Our classroo requires __________ (clean).
11.We are worrying about ___________ (have) no oney to buy the coputer.
12.Don’t be ___________(patient)! You should listen to what he is saying first.
13. I love _________ (peaceful) and never argue with others.
14.Sandy collected pictures of all kinds of ____________ (butterfly).
15.Ay has just found a wallet ___________ (lie) on the ground.
When you go to England you ay find the traffic there is different fro ours. As a f______ (1) you ust be c______ (2) in the streets, because the traffic d______ (3) on the left. You ust look to the right and then the left before you cross a street.
In the orning and in the evening when people go to or coe back fro work, the streets are very b______ (4), traffic is ost d______ (5) then.
When you go by bus in England, you have to take care, too. Always r______ (6) the traffic ______ (7) on the left. You have to t______ (8) a look first or you will go to the w_______ (9) way.
In any English cities there are big buses with two f______ (10). You can sit on the second one. Fro there you can see the city very well.
1. __________ 2.___________3.___________4. ___________ 5._____________
6. __________ 7.___________ 8.___________ 9. ___________ 10.____________
It’s silly _______________________________________________________.
Our English teacher _____________________. We _____________________.
Do you know ________________________________________________?
Orange can ____________________ and ____________________.
Could you _____________________? I don’t know ______________________.
Dear ike,
We got your letter yesterday. Yes, we can visit you at Christas. We thought to spend(度) Christas at hoe, but noe are going to be with you. Jack will not be in school then.
The weather in Chicago is cold, but is doesn’t atter. Soeties we like the sno
We got our plane tickets. We will get to your city on the 18th. We will stay with you for two weeks. Is that all right with you?
We’ll take our favourite recipes(食谱), so we can have a nice Christas dinner.
See you soon.
o and Dad
1. This letter is fro ike’s .
2. ike has a brother called . He is in school no
3. ike’s parents will go to his city by .
4. His parents will coe back on 31st.
5. ike and his parents will a nice dinner on Christas Day.
It was 9:30 a, on the orning of Oct 21. The phone in r. White’s office rang.
A: Could I speak to r. White?
B: I’ sorry he isn’t in right no ay I help you?
A: Well, I'd like to talk about the new achines toorro This is John Grey of the Dahua Copany.
B: I’ afraid he won’t be free toorrow orning. Can you coe toorrow afternoon?
A: Well. What tie?
B: Any tie before 5:00.
A: OK. I’ll coe at 2:00 toorrow afternoon.
FRO: (6)__________________________TO: (7)___________________
DATE: (8)_________________________ TIE: (9)___________________
ESSAGE: (10)___________________________________________________
提示:假如你是Lucy,写一封推荐信给王老师,推荐Li Lei为你班班长,他有许多好品质:勤奋、聪明、做事有条理。每条品质至少写一个方面的表现,可适当发挥。字数 80左右。
Dear r Wang
________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________Yours sincerely

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/chusan/45896.html
