
编辑: 逍遥路 关键词: 九年级 来源: 高中学习网

第一卷 选择题 共74分
一 单项选择(每题1分,共16分)
( ). 1. Dalian is a beautiful city _____ the north of China.
A. of B. on C. with D. in
( ). 2. r Green asked the children to _____the words in the dictionary.
A. look at B. look up C. look for D. look after
( ). 3. I like playing _____ violin.
A. a B. an C. the D. /
( )4. r. Brown _____in China since 20 years ago.
A. worked B. works C. is working D. has worked
( )5. There is ore ____ today, so life is ore dangerous and less healthy.
A. knowledge B. freedo C. pollution D. population
( )6. The _____ is not very good. There are any spelling istakes in it.
A. project B. prograe C. subjict D. coposition
( )7. We are asked to go to the library _____ to search for soe inforation on school tasks.
A. regularly B. carefully C. safely D. quickly
( )8. This is y e-ail address. ay I have ____?
A. yself B. yours C. hi D. your
( )9. Sydney Opera House was a ____ of Australia.
A. sybol B. goal C. prize D. odel
( )10. _____, boys and girls. I have iportant news to tell you.
A. Look up B. Get on C. Listen upD. Put on
( )11. The _________ girl is well-known in her school because she was interviewed by a faous reporter fro CCTV.
A. fourteen years old B. fourteen-years-old
C. fourteen-year-old D. fourteen-year old
( )12.Can you tell e ________ ________?
A. how can I get to the useu? B. what is the weather like?
C. where the bookshop is. D. do you care about the environent?
( )13 He was often ________ the best students in his school.
------It’s good to iprove quickly.
A copared with B pleased with C good for D looked for
( )14. It is _____ to throw away glass, paper and etal, so every class collects the for recycling.
A. wasteful B. natural C. useful D. noral
( ) 15. ------ y caera is gone!
------_____! I saw you take photos with it just now !
A. You bet B. You are kidding C. I bet you do D. Oh, very funny
( )16. The prograe was ____ to help young sportsen and sportswoen.
A. set up B. seen to C. work out D. pay attention to
If you love taking pictures and want to find a way to ake oney by taking photos, you’re in____17__ . There are actually any ways _____18__ oney through photography. Providing photographs for agazines and newspapers is an excellent way, although it will __19__ a little tie for the to accept you. ost large newspapers in the United States__20__ every day , so they have a continuous(连续的) need for relevant (相关的) photographs to go with their ____21____ stories and articles.
agazines are usually printed ___22__- once a onth, and They are likely to use a lot of photographs to ake their stories ore interesting and eye-catching for readers. One of the ost enjoyable things ___23__ providing photos for agazines and newspapers is that you can work on ____24__ kinds of topics at the sae tie. Since there are publications (制作)on alost every subject ___25___ you can think of, you ay___26__ yourself having a chance of taking photos of a wide range (范围) of things.
( )17 A. funeral B. luck C. size D. height
( )18 A. to lose B. to spend C. to leave D. to ake
( )19. A. cost B. pay C. take D. save
( )20. A. are written B. are printed C. are helped D. are caught
( )21. A. advertiseent B. weather C. news D. sports
( )22. A. at ost B. at least C. as well D. such as
( )23 . A. at B. about C. with D. below
( )24 A. different B. funny C. wise D. social
( )25. A. who B. how C. what D. that
( )26 A. replace B. find C. discuss D. create
Plants ostly grow in pleasant, sunny places, but soe plants also can be found in areas that do not see to be suitable(适合的) for the. All that ost plants need to grow is air, sunlight and soil. Huans are very dependent(依靠) on plants. Nothing in the world would survive (生存) without plants. Plants provide any things such as fuel(燃料), food and edicine for huans and anials.
The oldest type of fuel is wood, which can be burned to create heat for warth and cooking. As tie has gone by, green plants that lived a very long tie ago have becoe coal(煤), oil(油) and gas(气体), which huans use for heating and cooking.
Our ain food is grains(谷类), including wheat(小麦), corn(玉米), rice and so on. Even drinks coe fro plants, such as coffee and tea. We also ake any other drinks naturally, such as fruit juices.
Papyrus(纸莎草), a grass-like plant, was used ore than 4,000 years ago by Egyptians to ake paper. It was fro this plant that paper has got its nae. The Chinese, in around 100AD, used a ethod (方法)of producing paper that is still in use today.
In any parts of the world, wood is used to build houses. any of our houses are ade fro wood, that is, they are plant products. any other things that we use in everyday life are also ade up ainly of wood.
( )27. What do ost plants need to grow?
A. Water, sunlight and air.
B. Air, oonlight and soil.
C. Air, sunlight and soil.
D. Water, air and oonlight.
( )28The _______ is NOT one of the ain food that we need.
A. vegetable B. rice C. wheat D. corn
( )29The plant that can be used as / for ________ is NOT entioned in the passage.
A. edicineB. fuel C. aking paper D. aking drinks
( )30. Which of the following is TRUE?
A. Plants are not iportant for huans.
B. The earliest fuel cae fro wood.
C. Plastic can be used to build houses.
D. China knew how to produce paper about 2,000 years ago.
( )31 What is the best title for this passage?
A. Different Kinds of huans
B. The History of Huans.
C. Ways to Grow Plants.
D. Huans and Plants.
Our school is always asking students to take part in school activities and events. Every week there is a Fil Night of Chinese and English fils. After the fils, there’re discussion groups where the audience can share their ideas and ask questions about the fils. Every two weeks, on Wednesday there is a Cooking Night. Students coe and cook delicious Chinese dishes. The first Thursday of each onth is a Fun Night. Students coe to play coputer gaes or to sing karaoke. There are karaoke copetitions. So young people can coe and show off their singing.
There are also a few short classes on subjects such as Chinese handwriting and the history of China. These are open to the whole city. Every year we have a special activity with the nae China Night. It is our ost exciting and biggest activity of the year. There are traditional and odern Chinese singing, dancing and acting. What a great night it is!
( )32.Which of the following is TRUE about the Fil Night?
A.Students can see popular fils
B.Students can see fils every night
C.Audience have a chance to talk with actors
D.Audience can share their ideas after the fils
( )33.Students can enjoy coputer gaes and karaoke ______ a onth.
A. one tie B. twice C. three ties D. four ties
( )34. The biggest activity of the year is a ______.
A. Cooking Night B. Fil Night C. China Night D. Fun Night
( )35. Students can ______ every week.
A. see fils B. cook Chinese food
C. play coputer gaes D. enjoy odern dancing
( )36. Short Chinese handwriting classes are for _______.
A. all the people of the city B. all the students
C. both teachers and students D. both parents and students

One day, LB the bear saw a sign “Forest Band Trials(选拔赛)Next Week”.
LB had never played an instruent before, so he hurried hoe to tell his parents that he’d like to be in a band. His parents were very surprised.
“Well, that is great, dear, but what will you play?” asked his u.
“I’ going to play the guitar.” He then ran to his roo to practice, and he practiced every day until the trials.
He woke up early and ran to the forest. Say, the tiger was there with his guitar, Robby ,the rabbit with his dru. Everyone was practicing until their naes were called. Finally it was LB’s turn and he was nervous, but he did his best. When he finished, he was told that he was good but not good enough for the band.
LB was heart-broken. Suddenly, he heard his nae being called, “Wait LB, wait. I have to talk to you,” said one of the judges(评委). “We need a anager for the band. Can you do that?”
LB thought for a second and then replied, “I don’t know how to be a band anager.”
“Well, you won’t know until you try and all of your friends want you to be a part of the band.”
Everyone won that day. The other anials would be in the band an LB would be their anager.
( )37. LB wanted to be in a band because _______.
A. he loved playing the dru B. his parents loved usic very uch
C. he has never played an instruent D. his friends were all playing in the ban
( )38. Before the trials, LB ______.
A. asked his parents to teach hi playing the instruent
B. has been a faous instruent player in the forest
C. went to the forest and learned fro others
D. stayed at hoe and practiced every day
( )39. _______ and LB played the sae instruent.
A. Say B. Robby C. The judge D. The anager
( )40. Hearing that he was not good enough for the band, LB was ______
A. surprised B. excited C. nervous D. heart-broken
( )41. The story shows that if you can’t find success in one area, _______.
A. soeone else will help you B. you ay find it in another
C. you should ask other s for advice D. please wait for another chance
A blind boy sat on the steps of a building with a hat by his feet. He held up a sign:” I a blind; please help.’ There were only a few coins(硬币) in that hat.
A an was walking by. He took the sign fro the boy, turned it around, and wrote soe words. He put the sign back, so everyone would see the neord s when they walked by. Soon the hat began to fill up. A lot ore people were giving oney.
That afternoon the an cae again to see how things were. The boy knew hi fro his footsteps(脚步) and asked, “What did you write?”
The an said, “I said what you said, but in a different way.” What he had written was” Today is a beautiful day and I cannot see it.”
Both signs said that the boy was blind. But the first sign siply told people to help by putting soe oney in the hat. The second sign told people that were able to enjoy the beauty of the day, but the blind boy could not. The second sign was ore helpful.
( )42. The blind boy sat on the steps of a building because he ______.
A. lost his oney B. was waiting for a an
C. wanted to get help for others D. couldn’t see the sign on the building
( )43. When a an saw the sign held up by the blind boy, he______.
A. drew soe coins on it B. put a few coins in the hat
C. turned it around and walked away D. wrote soe words on the back of it
( )44. The boy could recognize the an fro ______.
A. his footsteps B. his voice C. his words D. his accent
( )45. We can infer(推断) fro the second sign that we should ______.
A. give ore oney to the blind B. be thankful for what we have
C. enjoy ourselves during the day D. try to do things in a different way
A: Hi, To. Hoas your school trip?
B: 46 _____
A: Did you go to the aquariu (水族馆)?
A. When did you coe back?
B. I’d like to go there soe day.
C. Were there any sharks?
D. No, but we watched a dolphin sho
E. Where did you stay?
F. We had a good tie.
G. Yes. Look!Here are the photos.
B: Yes, and we saw soe seals there.
A:47 _____
B: No,there weren’t.
A: Did you go to the beach?
B:48 ____
A: Did you buy anything?
B: Yes, we bought soe souvenirs (纪念品).
A: You ust have taken lots of photos.
A: Those are really nice photos! 50____
B: Well, I’ sure you’ll have a good tie there!

第二卷 非选择题(66分)
五 完形填空(二)(每空2分,共26分)
A 阅读下面短,根据意,用方框内所给的词或短语填空
A. disappears, B. live in, C.drink, D.but, E.waste, F.warer, G. ade fro H necessary
Welcoe to Planet Earth useu! You can learn soe facts about the world we___51 __. Let’s go to the Forests Zone first. Forests are hoe for half of the world’s anials and plants. __52___ every day we destroy ore than 36 football fields of forests and .throw away paper ____53__ trees. Next, let’s go to the Arctic Zone. The Arctic and Antarctic are the coldest lands on earth. But the fuel that we use akes the cliate___54___. As it gets warer, the ice elts (溶化), the sea rises and the land __55___. Rivers collect rainwater and carry it to the oceans. Along the way, plants clean the water, so the water is safe for us to__56___. But soe fars and factories throw___57__ into rivers and it causes a lot of pollution. We all need a green world. It’s ___58___ for people to respect nature and then we can live a long and healthy life.
Early one orning, a crow(乌鸦) was sitting in a tall tree. She was holding a big piece of eat in her outh. She thought it would be a nice breakfast for her baby.
An old fox(狐狸) was looking for soe food. He saw the croith the59.____. He really wanted to eat the eat hiself. He thought about 60.____ he could take it fro the cro
The fox ade a plan. He could not 61._____ the tree so he would have to ake the crow drop the eat. He spoke to the crow very politely and asked how she was and how her baby was.
The fox then told the crow that she 62._____ a beautiful voice and that he would like to hear her sing. The croas happy and thought that the fox was very kind. 63. ____ she decided to sing a song for hi. She opened her outh and the fox’s plan worked. The eat fell down into his outh
六 阅读理解。(每题2分共10分)阅读短,回答问题
John Grisha is one of the ost popular Aerican writers today. There are over 60 illion copies of his books worldwide. All of his books have been bestsellers(畅销书). They are often called “courtroo thrillers”(法庭恐怖小说). Since 1991, he has written one book a year. Six of his books, including The Client, were ade into fils.
Grisha was born in Arkansas in 1955, the son of a construction(建筑) worker. As a child, he wanted to be a baseball player. Later he changed his ind and studied at ississippi State University. In 1981, he becae a lawyer(律师). He worked as a lawyer for nearly ten years.
Although he had to work 60—70 hours a week, he got up at 5 a every day to write his first book, A Tie to Kill. It took hi three years to write this book and it was finally finished in 1987. His next novel, The Fir, was his first success. After this, he began writing full tie.
Now Grisha lives with his wife and their two children in ississippi. In his spare tie, he helps his children develop their baseball skills.

64. What is John Grisha’s first book?

65. What did Grisha want to be when he was a child?

66. How long did Grisha work a week on his first book?

67. How any ebers are there in Grisha’s faily?

68. What can we learn fro the writing of his first book?

七 写作(30分)
69. 这不是什么好笑的事情。这很严重。
____________________ This is serious.
70. 如果大明告诉他爸爸他把借的照相机弄丢了,他就有 *** 烦了。
If Daing tells his dad that he has lost the caera he lost , ______ .
71. 最简单的日常活动都可能对环境产生重大影响。
Even the siplest everyday activities _________________ to the environent.
The three students fro the sae school _______________________________________________。
1 Snoopy史努比
2 onster— Shrek 怪物史瑞克.
3 Havoc in heaven 大闹天宫
4 Finding Neo 海底总动员
5The Adventures of Tintin. 丁丁历险记
6.The Lion King 狮子王
7.To and Jerry 猫和老鼠
1. Is it new or old?
2. Where is it fro?
3. What is the story about?
4. How and why do you like it ?

一 单项选择(每题1分,共16分)
17-21 BDCBC 22-26BBADB
27-31CAABD 32-36 DACAA 37-41CDADB 42-45 CDAB
46-50 FCDGB
五 完形填空(二)(每空2分,共26分)
A 51 live in 52 But 53 ade fro 54warer 55 disappears 56 drink 57 waste 58 necessary
B 59eat 60 how 61clib 62 had 63 So
六 阅读理解。(每题2分共10分)阅读短,回答问题
64 A tie to kill
65 He wanted to be a baseball player
66 60---70 hours(a week)
68Hard work brings success.等其他类似答案
七 写(共30分)

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/chusan/46786.html
