
编辑: 逍遥路 关键词: 九年级 来源: 高中学习网

( )1.Where are they?
A. B. C.

( )2.How is the woan going to Hangzhou?
A. B. C.
( )3.Which sign does the speaker see?
A. B. C.

( )4.Which flag is entioned?
A. B. C.

( )5.When was Rose born?
A. B. C.

( )6. Did your father go to Beijing last winter?
A.Yes, he did.B.No, he didn’t.C.No, never.
( )7.What tie will the train arrive?
A.At about nine forty-fiveB.At about a quarter past ten.C.In an hour.
( )8. How any ties has Broce been to Guangzhou?
A.Once B.Twice.C.Three ties.
( )9.Where is the ath book?
A.In the park.B.Under the tree.C.On the desk.
( )10.Have they finished their work?
A.Yes, they have. B.No, they haven’t. C.Yes, they did.
( )11.What day is it today?
A. It’s Saturday. B. It’s Sunday. C. It’s Bruce’s birthday.
( )12. Will Tina do to the party tonight?
A. Yes, she will. B. No, she won’t. C It doesn’t atter.
( )13.Where d id the accident happen?
A. Near the park. B. Near the superarket. C. Near the cinea.
( )14. What was the an doing when the accident happened?
A. He was riding a bike.B. He was crossing the street.C.He was waiting for a taxi.
( )15.What do you think the woan’s job probably is?
A. A nurse. B. A policean. C . A salesgirl.
Ⅲ.听短, 根据所听的内容,在每小题给出的三个选项中,选出一个能完成句子的最佳答案。短读两遍。(5分)
( )16.The gr oup Red River will stay in London.___________.
A. for abour a week. B. for half a onth C. for about 3weeks.
( )17.The telephone nuber is ____________ .
A. 283-0665 B. 238-6005 C. 283-0065
( )18.The concert will be _______________.
A. in Drinaty Street.B. in the South Bank Hall C. near the children’s hospital.
( )19.The speak er wants to tell us ______________.
A.soething about London B. soething about a pop concert
C.soething about the group Red River .
( )20. ---Which of the following is true?
--- ____________________________
A.Tickets are quite expensive.
B.All of the oney will go to a children’s hospital
C.You can telephone to book tickets at 10:00p..
21.How any lucky people will get cakes and bread for free?
22.Who can have fun in the play area?
23.Can you buy potaoes in half price today?
( ) 1.—How do you like Beijing, iss Read?
—I’ve no idea. I _______ there.
A.have goneB.have beenC.haven’t beenD.haven’t gone
( )2. —Could you tell e _______?
—Sorry, I don’t kno
A.where are y socksB.where can I find y socks
C.where y socks areD.where y socks put
( ) 3.Xi’an is a city with any places of interest and _______ tourists coe here every year.
A.thousand ofB.thousandC.thousandsD.thousands of
( ) 4.Now ost failies have only one child ________ our country’s one-child policy.
A.soB.becauseC.because forD.because of
( ) 6. —What did you do during your suer holiday?
—I spent y holiday _______ English in Suer Classes.
A.iproving B.iprovesC.to iproveD.iprove
( ) 7. Copared with last year, our pay _______ about ¥500 every onth.
A.has increased byB.has increased
C.increased byD.increased to
( ) 8. We have known each other _______ ten years ago.
( ) 9. —It sells terrible. What has happened here?
—Look, there is uch waste gas _______ fro the cheical factory.
( ) 10.The boss ade child laborers _______ 12 hours every day.
A.workingB.worksC.workD.to work
( ) 11. —Have you seen y brother?
—Yes. I _______ hi in the library five inutes ago.
A.etB.have etC.eetD.have been et
( ) 12. She has _______ this car for nearly ten years.
( ) 13.The superarket provides custoers _______ plastic bags for free.
( ) 14.The traffic in the city _______ b e terrible, but now it has iproved a lot.
I think you will _______ it soon.
A.use to; use toB.get used to; used to
C.used to; get used toD.get used to; use to
( ) 15.—Is it interesting to play coputer gaes?
—Yes, _______ you are interested in playing coputer gaes, you’ll have trouble giving it up.
A.onceB.twiceC.asD.as soon as
( ) 16. _______ of the teachers are woen in our school.
A.Two third B.Two threesC.Two thirds D.Second three
( ) 17. —I have never visited a paper factory.
A.So have I. B.So I have.C.Neither have I.D.I haven’t no
( ) 18.—_______ the population of the U.S.A. in 2005?
—It _______ about 296 illion.
A.What is; isB.What was; was
C.How any is; wasD.How any was; is
( ) 19. Our teacher told us that light _______ uch faster than sound.
A.traveledB.travelsC.is travelingD.was traveling
( ) 20.China has the _______ population in the world.
I can’t reeber when I started collecting litter. But it was when I got tired of 21 litter nearby that I realized no one else was going to pick it u p.
I live near a forest in Ohio, Aerica. I can walk there 22 three inutes. I used to love going there to play with y dog. But one day there was 23 uch litter there that I becae very unhappy. I decided to clean up the forest, and I wanted to 24 happy when I went again. I ade y first trip to clean the forest that afternoon. I took a big black rubbish bag with e. Ten inutes 25 I started to pick up litter, y bag was full! There were cans, bottles, broken glass and newspapers in it.
Fro then on, I 26 to the forest four ties a year to pick up litter. I often stay there for three hours. It akes e feel 27 to do soething for the environent. After each trip, I look through all the litter that I’ve collected. If 28 of it is recyclable(可回收利用的), I’ll keep it. I can’t understand why people drop litter. But I will keep on picking it up 29 they stop dropping it. I know I a only doing a sall bit 30 the earth, but I still think it is iportant.
( )21.A.seeingB.throwingC.droppingD.cleaning
( )22.A.afterB.forC.withD.in
( )23.A.suchB.veryC.soD.too
( )24.A.akeB.feelC.lookD.find
( )25.A.afterB.laterC.beforeD.of
( )26.A.had goneB.have goneC.goD.will go
( )27.A.tiredB.sadC.interestingD.great
( )28.A.anyB.fewC.anyD.uch
( )29.A.untilB.afterC.as soon asD.when
( )30.A.helpedB.to helpC.helpD.helping
Each nation has any people who help to take care of others. For exaple, soe high school and college students in the U.S.A. often spend any hours as volunteers in the hospitals, orphanages (孤儿院) or rest hoes. They read books to the people in these places, or they just visit the and play gaes with the or listen to their probles.
Other young volunteers go and work in the hoes of people who are sick or old. T hey paint, clean up or repair their houses, do their shopping or ow (割,修剪) their lawns. For boys who no longer have fathers, there is an organization called Big Brothers. College students and soe other en take these boys to baseball gaes or fishing trips and help the get to know things that boys usually learn fro their fathers.
Each city has a nuber of clubs where boys and girls can go to play gaes. Soe of these clubs show fils or organize short trips to the ountains or soe places of interest. ost of these clubs use a lot of high school and college students as volunteers because they are young enough to know the probles and needs of young boys and girls.
Volunteers believe that soe of the happiest people in the world are those who help to bring happiness to others.
( ) 31. Soe college students in Aerica often spend _________ as volunteers.
A. little tie B. a whole day C. uch tie D. no tie
( ) 32. When the students are in the hospitals, orphanages and rest hoes, they will____________.
A.do soe cleaning for the people
B.do soe shopping for the people
C.read books or play gaes with people
D.sing songs with the people
( ) 33. The organization Big Brothers is to ___________.
A. help people who has no brothers
B. help boys who no longer have fathers
C. teach the boys to play basketball
D. help the people get to know things
( ) 34. ost of the clubs use high school and college students as volunteers because __________.
A.they are young enough to reeber everything
B.they have a lot of free tie
C.they can do a lot of things for the people
D.they are young enough to know the probles and needs of young boys and girls.
( ) 35. Which of the following is NOT TRUE?
A.Each nation has any people who help to take care of others.
B.Each city has a nuber of clubs where boys and girls can go to play gaes.
C.Soe young volunteers can go and play in the hoes of people who are sick or old.
D.If you bring happiness to others, you will feel happy too.

How uch pocket oney do you get fro your parents every onth—200 yuan? Soe ay need ore to buy birthday presents, fast food lunches, ice crea or cartoon (动画) books.
But for Zhou Li, 30 yuan a onth is enough. The only thing she buys is lunch—1.uan each day. “y favorite is fried potato slices and rice”, said Zhou, “eat is too expensive for e.”
Zhou, 14, is a Junior 1 student at Hongzhi Experiental School in Beijing. Her parents are igrant workers (外务工人员). They cae to Beijing fro a village in Luohe of Henan two years ago. Her father noorks as a cleaner and earns 500 yuan every onth. Her other has no job.
Every day, Zhou gets up at 5: 30 a.. and rides 20 inutes to school. She studies hard, and even reads books during breaktie. Her favorite subject is coputer. “I’ learning typing no I hope to be the fastest in y class.” said Zhou. Like any teens, Zhou has a lot of hoework. It usually takes her at least one hour to do it every day. But that is not all her work. She helps her o cook. On weekends, she helps wash clothes. “I could cook when I was eight. Father said soeties I cooked better than o!”
Zhou said she wanted to be a doctor when she grew up. “I watched TV and found that there were any people with AIDS in Henan. Soe are kids. They need help.” said Zhou. But she is afraid of having to leave school. “I hope I will always be in school,” said Zhou. “Dad works hard to ake oney. I proise hi I will study hard to be a good student at present and a good doctor in the future.”

( )36.Zhou Li cae to Beijing fro _____.
( )37.Which of the following is TRUE?
A.The girl’s parents are both cleaners.
B.Her parents gave her 30 yuan to buy books.
C.She goes to school by bike.
D.Now she types fastest in her class.
( )38.Zhou Li spends _____ on her hoework every day.
A.20 inutesB.at least one hourC.half an hourD.two hours
( )39.Her wish is to be a doctor because _____.
A.she wants to help the people with SARS
B.she wants to help the people with AIDS
C.she wants to ake her parents healthier
D.she wants to help the poor kids
( )40.The best title of the passage should be “_____”.
A.A Girl fro a VillageB.A Hard but Hopeful Life
C.How to Spend Pocket oneyD.A Girl’s School Life

(C) 配对:对五个环境问题选择办法。
( ) 41. With the rapid growth of population and industry, the ore resources (资) we ake use of, the less there will be left for the future.
( ) 42. Our environen t is uch dirtier than it was in the past.
( ) 43. Thirty years ago, Lake Ponkapog was full of life. Now there are few birds, anials and fish.
( ) 44. The carbon onoxide (一氧化碳) in cities’ air has already affected soe people’s health.
( ) 45. A toilet (厕所) can waste twenty to forty liters (升) of water an hour. In a year, that would fill a big swiing pool.

A.The suggestion for liiting (限制) the use of cars sees fair and reasonable to air pollution.
B.We will try to find ways to ake our environent cleaner and stop future pollution.
C.In any countries, governents and scientists have done soething to solve the probles by recycling (回收) the waste, and we can save ore natural resources.
D.odern farers for rows in curling lines and plant trees to stop the wind.
E.People ustn’t use otorboats (汽艇) any ore on the lake.
F.We ust turn off the water and take short showers.
G.The earth has wared by about 1F (华氏度) over the past 100 years. We should tell people not to do things which ake the earth warer.

四,根据中提示填写单词。(8分 )
46. In the past, y grandparents couldn’t afford an ________(教育) for y father.
47. China has ________ (发展) rapidly in recent years.
48. The air here is so bad that I can hardly ____________ (呼吸).
49. They are ________ (考虑) buying a new house.
50. Everyone is __________ (应当)to keep our environent clean.
51. Project Hope is a _______ (社会的) service progra to help poor students.
52. Can the hoeless people get enough food and __________ (医疗的) treatent?
53. Keep working hard, and you will __________ (成功) soe day.

54. 我们会采取措施帮助你学习英语。
. We’ll ________ ________ to help you with your English.
55. 污染对动物有害。
Polution is _____________ _________ anials.

56. 在过去的十年我们国家取得了巨大进步。
Our country has ________ _________ ________ in the past ten years.
57. 它们还可以防止水土流失。
They can also ___________ the water _________ washing the earth away.
58. 我无法忍受等你这么久。
I__________ ___________ ___________ so long for you.
新 标 第 一 网
Hundreds of years ago, life was uch harder than it is today. People didn’t have odern achines. But life today has brought new probles, and one of the biggest probles is pollution. Water pollution has ade our rivers and lakes dirty. It kills fish and affects our drinking water. Noise pollution akes us talk louder and becoe angry ore easily. Air pollution is the ost serious kind of pollution. Cars, planes and factories all pollute air every day. It affects all living things in the world.
any countries are aking new laws to fight against pollution. Factories ust now clean their waste water before it is thrown away (被倾倒). They ustn’t blow dirty soke into the air.
We need to do any other things. For exaple, we should not throw litter everywhere. We should ride to work. If there are fewer people driving, there will be less pollution.

In the pastNowadays

Water pollution
less It has ade our 60. _________
_______dirty. It kills fish and affects 61._________________.

Noise pollution

It akes us talk louder and 62._______________ ore easily.
Air pollutionlessIt is 63.____________________ kind of pollution.


福泉奥林匹克学校2012—2013年度 第一学期九年级9月月考
部 分

21.10 people will get cakes and bread for free.
22.Kids can have fun in the play area.
23.No,we can’t.

46.___educaton___47.____developed_________ 48._______breathe______
49._considering_________ 50._____supposed_ 51.social_________
52._edical_____ 53._succeed____

54.___take_________ easures_________
55. ___harful_________ ______to_______
56. _____ade______ _____great________progress_______
57. prevent/keep/stop ______fro______
58. ___couldn’t/ can’t ____stand________ ______waiting__________

In the pastNowadays

Water pollution
less It has ade our 60. _rivers and lakes__dirty. It kills fish and affects 61._our drinking water_.

Noise pollution

It akes us talk louder and 62.___becoe angry__ ore easily.
Air pollutionlessIt is 63._the ost serious kind of pollution.

人类只有一个地球,但环境问题日益严重。.如何保护环境已成为世界最大难题之一。根据提示,以“Saving the Earth”为题,写一篇80词左右的短。
提示:1. 简单列举存在的环境问题,如各种污染;
2. 针对问题提出有效的解决方法,如不要倾倒废水等;
3. 向人们提倡环保,使我们的家园更加美丽。


本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/chusan/47315.html
