
编辑: 逍遥路 关键词: 九年级 来源: 高中学习网


共15小题,计15分。试题题干简洁明了,突出考点,始终体现“基础知识和基本技能”的考点回归最基础的要求,不出偏题、难题和怪题。试题考查内容广,涉及词法、句法、情景会话等,考点遍布初中各项语法知识。如冠词、代词、介词、形容词、动词(情态动词、动词不定式、动词词语辨析、动词短语)、现在完成时、定语从句、宾语从句、反意疑问句等。在有限的题量中注意了试题 题干情景化和生活化的设计,综合考查学生在一定的语境中运用语言基础知识的能力,避免了单纯考查语言知识的现象。
21. - Have you seen ________ film Avatar (阿凡达)?
- Yeah. It’s ________ very exciting one, I think.
A. a; anB. the; anC. the; a D. a; the
22. - Whose book is this? Is it Tom’s?
- No, it’s ________. And ________ book is on the desk.
A. mine; hisB. mine; himC. my; his D. my; him
23. Have a glass of water, please. You ________ be thirsty after a long walk.
A. shouldB. mustC. canD. have to
24. ? How many times have you been here?
? This is my ________ visit.
A. fourB. the fourC. fourthD. the fourth
25. These pictures ________ when we went to ountain Tai last weekend.
A. tookB. were takenC. will takeD. will be taken
26. Ben is unhappy, ________ he got a C in the math test.
A. becauseB. beforeC. ifD. when
27. In the exam, the ________ you are, ________ mistakes you’ll make.
A. careful; littleB. more careful; less
C. careful; few D. more careful; the fewer
28. ________ sunny day it is! It’s really good to go out for a hiking.
A. What aB.WhatC.How a D.How
29. ? How do you feel when you watch the national flag go up?
? It makes me ________ very proud.
A. feltB. to feelC. feelD. feeling
30. It is reported that the sand storm (沙尘暴) is moving ________ the south year after year.
A. throughB. towardsC. besideD. below
31. -Your father is sleeping no Could you ________ the music a bit?
-O, mum.
A. turn downB. turn onC. turn offD. turn
32. If you want to know the word ________, you’d better look it up in the dictionary.
A. hardlyB. carefullyC. mostlyD. exactly
33. We won the game at last and it showed that you made the right ________.
A. expressionB. solutionC. decisionD. experience
34. -ay I have a look at that skirt?
- ________. Here you are.
A. I’m sure you can B. Excuse me C. Certainly D. Take it easy
35. Nobody knows ________ to work yesterday.
A. why didn’t he goB. why he didn’t go
C. why won’t he goD. why he won’t go

21-25 CABCB 26-30 ADACB 31-35 ADCCB


本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/chusan/51174.html

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