
编辑: 逍遥路 关键词: 九年级 来源: 高中学习网
294 . This kind of books __ well and__ out in the bookstore.
A. sells; has been sold B. sells; sells
C. is sold; sells D. is sold; has been sold
A 考点分析:
?这种书卖得好(the book sells well主动);已经被卖光.(the book is sold out被动)死背
295 . You__ a used car__ as little as 500 dollars last month.
A. paid; of B. bought; for
C. spent; for D. cost; to
B 考点分析:
?A used car用过的
?As little as=just
?Buy…for…买…物(以)…钱数 I buy the TV for 5,000.
?Sb sell/have…for…卖…物(以)…钱数 They sold the TV for 5,000.

301. Here __ some pictures of my daughter.
A. are B. is
C. am D. be
?倒装句.正常句式:some pictures are here.
?不要和here you are(给你)混淆.(注意be的位置)
302 . --__ is your birthday?
-- On May 13th
A. when B. what time
C. what D. how
A 考点分析:
?What day is your birthday?
?Which day is your birthday?

303 . __ is the date today?
A. what B. what day
C. what time D. when
A 考点分析:
?What is the date today?今天几号?
?What day is today?今天星期几?
?Date (n)日期; 约会
304 . It isn’t worth__ to the music again.
A. to listen B. listening
C. listen D. listens
B 考点分析:
?It is worth doing …值得做…(只配doing)

305 . The boss __ the shopping mall__ San mao.
A. calls; for B. calls; on
C. names; for D. names; on
C 考点分析:
?Call for需要
?Call on号召
306 . Would you like__ with us?
A. to have a cup of tea B. having a cup of tea
C. have a cup of tea D. to eat a cup to tea
A 考点分析:
?Would you like to do…?愿意做…吗?

307 . ---He is really __ his brother.
---of course, they are __. They are twins
A. alike; alike B. like; like
C. alike; like D. like; alike
D 考点分析:
?like (prep)介词后必须+名/代
?alike (a)只做表语(形容词后什么也不加)
308 . Do you __ newspaper after supper and__ novel before going to bed?
A. watch; read B. read; see
C. see; read D. read; read
D 考点分析:
?Read newspaper看报纸
?Read novel看小说(注意和汉语搭配上的区别)

309 . He was born__ a cold winter evening, nearly __ supper
A. in; on B. on; at
C. on; in D. on; on
B 考点分析:
?At +小于半天的时间(at supper在晚饭时)
310 . ?would you like__ noodle?
-- No, thanks. I’d like __ bread.
A. some; some B. any; any
C. some; any D. any; some
A 考点分析:
?Would you like some…?你想来点…吗?(死背)

311 . What do you want__ when you grow up?
A. are B. to be
C. be D. is
B 考点分析:
?Sb want to be+职业(某人想当…)
?He wants to be a teacher when he grows up.
312. Is it very difficult__ English well?
A. learn B. to learn
C. learning D. is learning
B 考点分析:
?It is …to do….强调句
?Is it…to do…?

313 . I exercise every day because I want to be__.
A. health B. healthy
C. healthier D. more healthy
C 考点分析:
?Healthy (a)? healthier
314 . He__ smoke__.
A. don’t; any more B. doesn’t; any more
C. never; any longer D. no longer; any more
B 考点分析:
?Not…any more= not…any longer不再(用法一样)
?No more不再(用法不一样)
?He doesn’t smoke any more.
?He doesn’t smoke any longer.
?He no more smokes.

315 . ?Would you like some bread?
--___. I am full.
A. yes, please B. no, thanks
C. yes, I would D. no, I would not
B 考点分析:
?….; no, thanks在英语中,即使拒绝也要说谢谢
316 . There __ a clothes shop in the future.
A. will be B. be
C. is D. is going to
A 考点分析:
?将来时与there be句型的结合.
?There will be …将来会有一个…

317 . ---__ after supper is good for your health.
---I think so.
A. take a walk B. takes a walk
C. taking a walk D. take a walking
A 考点分析:
?建议的用法—祈使句: v原+…
?Don’t make a noise in class上课不要说话
318 . I advised that you __ after supper.
A. took a walk B. must take a walk
C. should take a walk D. take a walk
C/ D 考点分析:
?I advise that sb (should) do…我建议你应当…(固定用法)
?I advise that you should take a walk.
?I advise that you take a walk.

319 . I advised you __.
A. to have a good rest B. have a good rest
C. having a good rest D. to have good rest
A 考点分析:
?Advise sb to do sth
?Advise that you should do…
?I give you an advice that you should do…
320 . I suggested you __.
A. to have a good rest B. have a good rest
C. having a good rest D. to have good rest
C 考点分析:
?Suggest sb doing sth= advise sb to do …
?give you an advice= give you a suggestion

321 . We are looking forward __ the coming festival.
A. at B. for
C. to D. in
c 考点分析:
?Look forward to sth...期待
?Look out of…从…向外看he looked out of the window.
?Look up查字典
322 . I want to go to the shopping mall, please come with __.
A. me B. my
C. we D. I
A 考点分析:

323 . You have been at the end of the line, so you must try your best to ___.
A. come up with us B. come with us
C. come to us D. come up us
?Come up with sb赶上;超过
324. It is very cold. You need__ warm clothes.
A. to wear B. wearing
C. wears D. wear
A. D 考点分析:
?He needs to wear warm clothes.
?He need wear warm clothes.

325 . They __ to Ricky’s home for dinner.
A. going to B. go
C. will going D. are going
d 考点分析:
326 . I can’t __ my T-shirt in my room.
A. look for B. find
C. look out D. find out
B 考点分析:
?Look for…寻找
?Look out当心!
?Find out调查

327 . The hat __ his T-shirt.
A. matches B. marches
C. math D. touches
A 考点分析:
?Match …with …匹配/ 配得上
?Touch (v)触摸
?Math (n)数学
?March (n) 行程
328 . The beach is a beautiful place. We __ there.
A. use to go B. have gone
C. are used to go D. used to go
D 考点分析:
?Sb used to do…过去常常做…(used to 情态动词)

329. When the old woman was in good health, she __ shopping on Sunday.
A. was used to go B. used to going
C. used to go D. got used to going
c/ d考点分析: 当这个老人过去健康时,她过去常常周日去商场
? used to do sth 过去常常
? be/ get used to doing sth 习惯于
330 . The book ___ .
A. is used to read B. is used to reading
C. used to read D. used to reading
A 考点分析:
?sb used to do sth 过去常常
?sb be/ get used to doing sth 习惯于
?be used to do…标准的被动语态.(主+be+ ved…by…)

331. I __ , because I don’t want to be late for school.
A. am used to getting up early B. used to getting up early
C. was used to getting up early D. used to get up early
A 考点分析: used to和 be used to 的区别(不是use“使用”)

332 . He said he __ visit China if he __time the next day.
A. will; had B. will; will have
C. would; had D. would; would have
C 考点分析:
333 . Here are two pens. You may use__ of them.
A. any B. either
C. all D. each
B 考点分析:
?Either of them两个中任何一个--- both of them两个
?Any of them三个中任何一个--- all of them所有
?Each them每一个

334 . So far, they__ two thousand English vocabularies.
A. learned B. have learned
C. learn D. are learning
B 考点分析:
?So far到目前为止(常和完成时连用)
?Vocabulary (n)单词
335 . __ of the land in the world is covered__ water.
A. two third: by B. two thirds; with
C. two three; by D. two third; with
B 考点分析:
?2/3三分之二: two thirds
?3/5五分之三: three fifths
?1/5五分之一: one fifth
?Be covered with…被…覆盖(cover不要用by)

336 . The long work made us__ quite thirsty.
A. feel B. to feel
C. feeling D. felt
A 考点分析:
?Make sb do…(make只配v原型)
337 . He made us __ there.
A. not to go B. not go
C. not going D. no go
A 考点分析:
?Make sb do…(make只配v原型)
?但是当对动词不定式进行否定时,要把还原出来.即: make sb not to do…让某人不要做…

338 . __, the glass is full of hot water.
A. care B. careful
C. be careful D. take care of
C 考点分析:
?Be careful!= take care!= look out!小心/当心
?Take care of…= look after照顾;照料
?Careful (a)细心的/小心翼翼的/当心
?Care about/ for在乎 I don’t care about/ for it!我才不在乎呢!
339 . The __ Great Wall __ all over the world.
A. well-known; is known well B. famous; knows well
C. well-known; was known well D. famous; is known good
A 考点分析:
?Well-known (a)= famous 著名的
?All over 遍及; 到处
?此句是被动关系. 主+be + ved

340 . The Great Wall ___.
A. is famous as its length B. is famous for its length
C. is famous with its length D. is famous for its long
B 考点分析:
?Be famous for…因为…而出名
?Be famous as…作为…而出名
?Long (a)--- length (n)长度
341 . There’s __ in today’s evening paper.
A. nothing new else B. new nothing else
C. nothing else new D. else nothing new
?Nothing else没有其他的(此是一个完整短语)
?不定代词修饰后置: nothing else new.没有其他的新东西

342 . The aunt killed the ant last month. This was the ant’s__. So the ant __ for a month
A. death; has been dead B. dead; died
C. death; died D. die; has been dead
A 考点分析:
?Aunt阿姨 ---ant蚂蚁
?Death (n) 死因;死亡
?Die (v)死(瞬间动词,不能和完成时连用)
?Dead (a)死的(…死多久 sb has been dead for…)
343 . By the end of the year, __ persons had planted about five__ trees.
A. hundreds of; hundreds of B. hundreds; hundred
C. hundreds; hundreds of D. hundreds of; hundred
D 考点分析:
?Hundreds of…/ thousands of/ millions of…数以百计的/数以千计的/数以百万计的(都是模糊概念)
?Hundred/ thousand/ million(准确数字)

344 . There will be a talk __ English teaching this afternoon.
A. for B. on
C. in D. with
B 考点分析:
?此句的难点On--- “关于”
? a talk on English teaching关于英语的演讲
?In用…语言.如此句改为 there will be a talk in English. In 就正确了
345 . --___the kitchen?
--yes, I___ it a few minutes ago.
A. will you clean; have cleaned B. have you cleaned; cleaned
C. Did you clean; have cleaned D. Do you clean; cleaned
B 考点分析:考时态

346 . What __ you better do __ a shop assistant?
A. do; by B. have; as
C. had; by D. had; as
D 考点分析:作为一个店员你最好做什么?
?As (prep)作为…
?Had better do…最好做(had better情态动词,是一个完整的词)
?Had sb better do…?最好做…吗?
?Sb had better not do…最好不要做…(注意not的位置)
347 . Either of his feet __ in the accident.
A. gets hurt B. get hurt
C. hurts D. hurt
A 考点分析:他的每只脚在事故中都被伤了(考被动)
?Either of…单数
?gets hurt= be hurt (get可为系动词)
?Either of his feet is hurt in the accident.

348 . We’ve seen this film,__?
A. haven’t our B. haven’t us
C. have we D. haven’t we
D 考点分析:我们已看过这部电影,不是吗?
?陈述句,此种陈述句的助动词+not, 主语---不是吗?
?We have seen the film, haven’t we?
?We will see the film, won’t we?
?We saw the film, didn’t we?
349 . We have never seen this film,__?
A. haven’t our B. haven’t us
C. have we D. haven’t we
C 考点分析:我们从没看过这部电影, 是吗?
?否定句,此种陈述句的助动词, 主语---是吗?
?We have not seen the film, have we?
?We will not see the film, will we?
?We didn’t see the film, did we?

350 . Do you know__ they are going with?
A. which B. what
C. whose D. who
D 考点分析:你知道他们将和谁去?
351 . ?Must I sing the song in English?
-- no, you___.
A. needn’t B. don’t have to
C. mustn’t D. don’t need to
A/B/D 考点分析:
?Must的疑问句,可用上面三种形式回答,不可用must not.
?注意:don’t need to (to不可省略.need在此处为行为动词)

352. My mother is busy__ now.
A. cooks B. cooked
C. cooking D. to cook
C 考点分析:
?Be busy doing..= be busy with …(n)
353 . Could you tell me__?
A. where does to Tom live B. where Tom lives
C. where is Tom living D. where Tom lived
B/D 考点分析:

354 . Do you want to have__ to eat?
A. something different B. different something
C. different anything D. everything different
A 考点分析:你想吃些不同的食物吗?
?Anything/ something/ everything…后放置修饰
355 . She will call you at once when she __ home.
A. is getting B. gets
C. arrives in D. arrives at
B 考点分析:
?Home 是副词 go home回家/ get home到达家里
?arrive in/at; get to+名词: get to K.F.= arrive in K. F.
?At once立刻

356 . ?where is Li Lei?
--he isn’t here. He __ to the post office.
A. goes B. has been
C. went D. has gone
d 考点分析:他不在这儿,他在去邮局的路上
?Sb have been to someplace某人曾去过某地
?Sb have gone to someplace某人正在去…的路上=sb is on one’s way to…
?He has gone to the post office= he is on his way to the post office.
357 . When the teacher came in, the students stopped__ on the blackboard at once and ___ .
A. draw; returning their seats B. to draw; to return their seats
C. drawing; returning their seats D. drawing; to return their seats
c 考点分析:学生们立刻停止在黑板上画,并回到各自的座位上.
?Stop doing…停下正在做的事情
?Stop to do…(停下正在做的事情)去做另外一件事情

358 . He __ sad because he has lost his bike
A. sees B. looks
C. watches D. reads
B 考点分析:他看上去很难过
359 . ?___ is it from here?
-- It is about 9 kilo.
A. How often B. How much
C. How long D. How far
D 考点分析:
?当问到距离的时候,我们用how far

360 . ?___ is the road?
-- It is about 9 kilo.
A. How often B. How much
C. How long D. How far
C 考点分析:
?当问到某物本身的长度的时候,我们用how long
361 . The shoes were so expensive that it __ me 240 yuan.
A. took B. spent
C. costs D. cost
D 考点分析:
?Sb spend主语必须是人
?Sth costs sb …yuan.---某物花某人…钱  cost主语必须是物

362 . He __ for her outside the building.
A. decided to wait B. decision to wait
C. made his decision to wait D. made decision to wait
A/C 考点分析:
?Decide to do…= make one’s decision to do…决定做某事
363 .___ can I keep the book?
A. How long B. How far
C. How soon D. How often
?当表示具体时间长度,只能用how long
?当表示多快,只能用how soon.
?请翻译下面两句,体会how long与 how soon的不同
?How long will your parents stay there?
?How soon will your parents go back?

364 . ?would you like to come to our dinner party?
A. yes, I would B. yes, with pleasure
C. no, I can’t come D. sure, it’s my pleasure
B 考点分析:
?接受别人的邀请: with pleasure (习惯用语)
365 . These eggs were found by a group of scientists__.
A. in the 1920 B. in the 1920s
C. in 1920 D. in 1920s
B/C 考点分析:
?In the 1920s: 在二十世纪二十年代
?In 1920: 在1920年

366 . How pleased the detective was__ what his customer told him!
A. hearing B. heard
C. to hearing D. to hear
d 考点分析:侦探听到他的顾客告诉他的是多么高兴啊!
?The detective was_ pleased to hear_ what his customer told him!
?Sb be pleased to do…高兴做…--- pleasant (a)兴高采烈的
?detective (n)侦探—detect (v)调查
?customer (n)消费者 ?custom (v)消费
367 . __ he is!
A. what a pleasant detective B. what pleasant a detective
C. how pleasant a detective D. how a pleasant detective
A 考点分析:
?How+ adj+陈述句!
?What +n+陈述句!

368 . ?I’d rather have some tea, if you don’t mind.
A. thank you very much B. yes, I like so
C. of course not, anything you want D. no, it is nothing
C 考点分析:如果你不介意,我愿意来点茶
?Would rather do…
?Don’t mind doing…
?of course not, anything you want当然不,请自便
369 . ?would you join our football team?
--How many are there __ your team?
A. in B. at
C. on D. of
C 考点分析:
?11 players on your team.队里有…人.(用介词on)

370 . __ terrible life people in the small island lived at that time!
A. what B. how
C. what a D. how a
C 考点分析:
?What a terrible life (what+ n+陈述句!)
371 . They would rather spend time__ than__ in the street.
A. read; wander B. reading; wandering
C. in reading; to wonder D. reading; wander
D 考点分析:
?Spend doing…
?Would rather do…than do…(必须配动原)

372 . We will do what we can __ English well this term
A. study B. to study
C. be studied D. be studying
B 考点分析:我们这学期将尽全力学好英语
?Do what sb can= try one’s best尽全力
?We will try our best to study English.(用try one’s best替代后,大家很容易发现需要填动词不定式)
373 . ?you seem to like sweets.
--__. That’s probably why I’m becoming fatter and fatter.
A. so I do B. so do I
C. so am I D. so I am
A 考点分析:
?So I do / so I did. 我的确如此.

1. --You seem to like sweets.
--So I do. That’s probably why I’m becoming fatter and fatter.
2. -- you rather like sweets.
--yes, and so is my son.
3. The weather is very bad, so we put off our sport meeting.

(so I do/ so I did某人的确如此)
2. --你相当爱甜食.
(so + 帮助动词+人: 和前面提到的人一样)
3. 天气非常糟糕,于是我们推迟了运动会的时间.(正常的连接词)

374 . With the help of the computer, information can__ every corner of the world.
A. reach B. return
C. recover D. get to
A/D 考点分析:
?Get to= reach + 某地: 到达…
?Return (v)归还
?Recover (v)—recovery (n)康复
375 . The children__ not to play with the fire.
A. are often told B. was often told
C. will often be told D. did often told
a/b/c 考点分析:
?Tell sb not to do …告诉某人不要做某事.

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/chusan/63219.html

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