
编辑: 逍遥路 关键词: 九年级 来源: 高中学习网
376 . ?My trousers are ___.
--I will buy you a new pair.
A. put out B. wore out
C. work out D. sold out
B 考点分析:
?Put… out拿出/Wear out穿破/work out算出;制定出/Sell out卖光
377 . ?he seems __ ill. Shall we take him to the hospital right now?
--I don’t think it matters. Maybe he’s caught a bit of a cold.
A. terrible B. terribly
C. to get terribly D. to be terrible
?Seem:看上去 = he is ill ; terribly (ad) ill 可怕地病.
?Seem to 看上去…= he seems to get ill.他看上去得了病.
?ill (a)生病的,只做表语
?I don’t think it matters.我认为没事.
?A bit of 有点= a lot of + 可数/不可数
?Catch/ have/ get a cold感冒
?Right now 立刻/马上

378 . ?Would you like __ some fruit?
--No, thanks. I don’t feel like __ anything now.
A. to have; to eat B. having; to eat
C. having; eating D. to have; eating
D 考点分析:
?Would you like to do…?你愿意…吗?
?I feel like doing …我愿意…
379 . Please keep the ice-box __. The meat will __.
A. turning on; keep B. open; fresh
C. turning on; keep on D. open; be fresh
A 考点分析:
?The meat/ fish… keep= the meat is fresh (…新鲜)
?Turn on…打开电器/水龙头
?Open (v)打开
?Ice-box (n)冰箱

380 .--- I am too busy __ to my family often.
--- why not call them instead?
A. to write B. writing
C. written D. write
A 考点分析:
?Too(形容词) …to do…太…而不能…
?Too busy to write to …太忙而不能给…写信
?易看成be busy doing…
?此处能用instead of代替instead吗?
381 . What __ Tom?
A. happened B. happened to
C. took place to D. took place
b/c 考点分析:
?…happen to sb= …took place to sb某事发生到某人身上(切忌:sb happen to sth!)
?Happen (vi)只有不及物动词这一种词性

382 . He ___ his homework just now.
A. did B. does
C. is doing D. will do
A 考点分析:
?Just now刚才,所以是一般过去时
383 . A terrible thing happened to him___.
A. then B. just then
C. right now D. just
B 考点分析:
?Just then 就在那时
?Just now 刚才
?Right now 立刻/马上

384 . ?what did you__ just now?
-- I __ you if you could follow me.
A. say; said B. speak; asked
C. speak; said D. say; asked
D 考点分析:
?Say 说的内容;speak 张嘴的动作
?Follow (v) 跟随
?Follow me.跟我来.
?请翻译此句,注意体会say/ follow的具体意思
385 . I really hope you to __ me what you said.
A. tell B. speak
C. say D. talk
A 考点分析:
?Tell sb sth 告诉某人某事.

386 . I am afraid there is __ rice at home. We’d go and buy some.
A. little B. a little
C. few D. a few
A 考点分析:我担心家里没有大米了.我们最好去买点.
?Sb be afraid that…从句-- 担心;害怕;恐怕
?Sb be afraid of…担心;害怕;恐怕
?Rice 不可数名词,所以需用little 修饰
387 . Nice __ to you. And thank you for your dinner. bye bye.
A. to talk B. talk
C. talking D. talked
C 考点分析:
?Sb be nice to do…很高兴将要做某事
?Sb be nice doing …很高兴做了某事
?Thank sb for sth.因为某事而感谢某人

388 . ?How do you like this book?
A. very much B. very well
C. very better D. very fine
A 考点分析:此题考副词和理解,较难
?你是多么的喜欢这本书呢?---非常喜欢: I like it very much.
389 . I eat __ vegetables and __ meat than I __ last year.
A. less; fewer; did B. fewer; less; do
C. less; less; do D. fewer; less; did
D 考点分析:我今年比去年吃较少的蔬菜和肉
?Few; a few? fewer? fewest 少--较少--最少(可数)
?Little; a little?less?least少--较少--最少(不可数)
?本句简化: I eat less food than I ate last year. 比较对象是去年发生的事情,所以用过去时.题干中又用did 代替了ate.

390 . ?I tried to make Kate__ her mind, but I found it was hard.
-- Well, I saw you __ that when I went past.
A. change; do B. changes; doing
C. to change; do D. change; doing
D 考点分析:
?Make sb do…(make后的动词不带to)
?See sb do…看见某人做某事(不强调同时发生)
?See sb doing 看见某人正在做某事(强调同时发生)
?Go past = pass 经过(pass?v; past?prep 经过)
391 . Three __ are waiting for you.
A. person B. people
C. Human being D. persons
D 考点分析:

392 . ?What___ the population of the town?
--Over 20,000. And a third of the population __ workers of the factory.
A. is; are B. is; is
C. are; is D. are; are
A 考点分析:小镇上有多少人?超过两万.并且有三分之一的人数是那个工厂的工人.
Population (n)做人口讲是单数;
393 . ?does the child need any help?
--No. he is old enough to __ himself.
A. put on B. wear
C. dress D. take care
C 考点分析:
?Dress oneself自己穿衣服
?Put on 穿的动作

394 . ---sorry, I am late.
---it doesn’t matte. The meeting__ for just several minutes.
A. has begun B. has started
C. has been on D. had been on
C 考点分析:
?Has been on …持续了…(完成时不能和瞬间动词连用)
395 . ?The robber didn’t tell the truth, did he?
--___. The police will have much trouble __ the necklace.
A. no, he didn’t; to find B. yes, he did; finding
C. no, he didn’t; finding D. yes, he did; to find
C 考点分析:
?Truth (n)真相 true (a)真的
?Sb have trouble (in) doing…某人做…有麻烦
?He has much trouble finding a job.他在找工作时遇到了麻烦.

396. It is so foggy today. You should ride your bike__.
A. as careful as possible B. as carefully as possible
C. as careless as possible D. as carefully as you can
B/D 考点分析:
?as …as possible尽可能…的
?as … as sb can.尽可能…的
?You should do as well as possible= you should do as well as you can.你应当尽可能的做好
?Sb ride bike ….很明显,此处需要副词.
397 . A number of workers in this factory__ Party members, and the number __ 45.
A. is; is B. are; are
C. are; is D. is; are
?A number of +ns 许多= many
?The number …的数字---单数

398 . ? I wonder if you are interested in this movie?
--it’s so___ that I am very___.
A. interesting; exciting B. interesting; excited
C. interested; excited D. interested; exciting
B 考点分析:
?Wonder (v)疑惑;怀疑
?Wander (v)徘徊; 漫无目的地走.
399 . ?Are you sure that he __ tonight?
-- Of course. Don’t worry. I will let you know as soon as he__.
A. will come; comes B. comes; will come
C. will come; will come D. comes; comes
A 考点分析:
?As soon as…一…就…(近似于的意思,也是时间从句的连词.不要和as…as…混淆).
?He goes to bed as soon as it is dark.天一黑他就睡觉.

400 . ?Go and ask the waiter how much ___.
--Don’t worry. It has been ___.
A. does the meal cost; paid for
B. the meal costs; paid
C. the meal spends; paid
D. the meal costs; paid for
D 考点分析:
?How much the meal costs宾语从句,必须用陈述句格式.
?It has been paid for.已经被付(现在完成时的被动语态)
?现在完成时被动语态: 主+ has/ have been ved…
?I have done the job? The job has been done by me.
?Sb pay for the bill.某人给过钱了.
?Sb pay … for the bill.某人付了…钱

401 . There is __ “h” in the word “hour”.
A. the B. a
C. an D. /
402 . ?I’m sorry to have kept you waiting long.
--Never mind. I __ here for only a few minutes.
A. have been B. have come
C. have arrived D. waited
?Be sorry to have kept.很抱歉让你一直等.(不定式的完成时)

403 . ?Could you tell me __? I must find him.
--Sorry. I have no idea. But he was here just now.
A. where Tom was B. where has Tom gone
C. where can I find Tom D. where Tom is
?I have no idea.
?Just now---just then
404 . Simon heard his neighbor ___ for help at night
A. calls B. call
C. calling D. to call
Hear sb doing sth听到某人正在做…
(hear , see, watch, look 都是常考词,一定要区别记牢它们的常用搭配)

405 . ?May I speak to John?
--Sorry, he __ Canada. And he __ in 3 days.
A. has been to; will come back
B. has gone to; will be back
C. has gone to; is going back
D. has gone to; is going to come back
B/ C/ D 考点分析:
?Has been to someplace曾去过某地
?Has gone to someplace正在去某地/或已经在某地
?主+will +v
?主+be going to +v

406 . ?will you please let me have a look at the photos taken in the States?
--Sure. I will __ them here to school tomorrow.
A. take B. carry
C. get D. bring
?Take …there
?Carry 随身携带
?The photos taken in the States在美国照的照片.
407 . It is very nice__ you to say so.
A. for B. of
C. with D. and
It is very nice of you to…你做…太好了

408 . How about __ to the cinema on Sunday?
A. go B. to go
C. going D. will go
?How about doing…?做…如何?
409 . ?Will you please __ me how to operate the new machine?
--Sure. Now let me tell you__ to do first.
A. showed; what B. show; how
C. to show; whether D. showing which
?Tell sb how to do…告诉某人如何做…
?Tell sb whether to do…告诉某人是否做…
?Tell sb what to do…告诉某人做什么
?Will you please do …?你愿意做…(please 愿意+ V原)

410 . ?were you late for the meeting?
--No, I __ there ten minutes __ the meeting started.
A. arrived at; after B. arrived in; after
C. arrived; before D. got; before
?There 代词---代词前不能加介词.
?Be late for…迟到
411 . How many English words had you learned __ last year?
A. at the end of B. at the end
C. in the end D. finally
?At the end of …在…的末尾(不可直接用,后面必须加sth)
?In the end= finally= at last在最后(可直接用,后面不能加sth)
?扩展:on the left--- on the left of; in front? in front of…

412 . There are many shops on __ side of the street and trees on __ sides of the street.
A. either; both B. each; all
C. between; among D. one; the other

413 . ?Why are you busy these days?
--__ I am writing a book.
A. since B. as
C. for D. because
414 . I am busy these days __ I’m writing a book.
A. since B. as
C. for D. because

415 . My mother does some__ on Sunday.
A. washing B. wash
C. to wash D. washed
?do some washing洗洗衣服(固定搭配)
416 . ?The rain __ last night. The fields are still full of water.
--It __ for nearly a week.
A. stopped ; had rained B. stopped; has rained
C. stops; had rained D. stops; has rained
?由last night判断出雨昨天停了?一般过去时.

417 . ?The rain __ now. The fields are full of water.
--It __ for nearly a week.
A. stopped ; had rained B. stopped; has rained
C. stops; had rained D. stops; has rained
418 . ?Do you like __ a teacher?
--Sure. But my parents __ me to be a doctor.
A. are; wished B. to be; wish
C. are; hoped D. to be; hope
?Sb like to be +职业: 某人喜欢当…职业

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/chusan/63947.html

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