
编辑: 逍遥路 关键词: 九年级 来源: 高中学习网
131. Each of the children __ his own bicycle.
A. have B. has
C. having D. to have
考点分析:each of …每一个… (单数)
关联知识: one of… ; every (常考题)

132. When did Audrey __ the film industry(电影工业)?
A. join B. take part in
C. took part in D. joined
考点分析:join 参加社团; 组织 take part in活动,游戏 (参考 36)

133. Would you like __ actress?
A. to be a B. is a
C. be an D. to be an
考点分析:would you like to do …? (你愿意做… 吗?)
would you like to be …? (你愿意成为…人吗?)

134. I would rather__ than go out
A. staying at home B. stay at home
C. to staying at home D. to stay at home
would rather do sth than do sth. 后接不带 “to”的V原
“宁愿而不愿” (表选择)

135. __ David __ Jack has such a bag. It must be __.
A. Both; and; someone else
B. Either; or; someone else
C. Neither; nor; someone else’s
D. Not only; but also; someone else’s
考点分析:戴为和杰可都没有这样一个袋子, 它肯定是别人的

B: such a bag 这样的一个包
C: must be (表示肯定推测) 一定是
D: someone else 其他人; someone else’s其他人的

136. The boy’s dream is __ a computer engineer.
A. be B. to become
C. becoming D. becomes
考点分析:become (v) 变成; 成为

137. He __ a writer for five years before he came to China.
A. had been B. had become
C. was D. became
表一个持续性的动作; 并是过去的(he came), 判断是 “过去完成”

138. The film star __ both a TV series and some well-known films.
A. join B. take part in
C. took part in D. joined
考点分析:join 参加社团; 组织 take part in活动,游戏
series;连续剧 well-known著名的; both…and…(参考 36; 132)

139. She is not sure__.
A. how does she use the computer
B. what to use the computer
C. how to use the computer
D. what she uses the computer
how to do sth 如何做某事(参考 101)

140. They didn’t __ the town until last night.
A. get in B. reach to
C. arrive in D. arrive at
Get to= reach= arrive in(大地方) arrive at(小地方)

141. Why is George going to give up__?
A. studies English B. studying English
C. to study English D. study English
考点分析:be going to打算; give up放弃; give in屈服

142. The old man practises __ 10,000 steps every day.
A. to walk B. to walking
C. walking D. walk
practise doing sth 坚持做某事(无to do)

143. Can you __ Mr. Johnson’s address for me?
A. find B. find out
C. looked for D. look for

144. She is forgetful. She often __ her books at home.
A. leaves B. forgets
C. forgot D. left
考点分析: leave sth at home把…忘到家里(参考110)

145. You don’t __ do it if you don’t want to.
A. had better B. ought to
C. must D. have to
考点分析:本题考情态动词的否定句 和一般现在时否定句的区别 (参考9;62;116)

146. The old man __ the last few years in __ trees in the desert.
A. spent; planting B. spent; to plant
C. took; planting D. took; plant
考点分析:a: sb spend sometime in doing sth
b: it takes/took sb sometime to do sth

147. I have __ question to ask you.
A. more one B. any more
C. some more D. one more
考点分析: a: one more question = another question(注意one的位置) (参考24)

148. The child felt __ when they heard the news.
A. happily B. happy
C. sadly D. angily
考点分析: sb feel +(感觉类)形容词

149. His parents’ death made him__ .
A. leaving school B. to leave school
C. leave school D. leaves school
考点分析: make sb do sth( make +不带to的V原)

150. I am not sure if they __ tomorrow. If they __ tomorrow they will tell me.
A. will go hiking; will go hiking
B. w ill go hiking; go hiking
C. go hiking; go hiking
D. go hiking; will go hiking
考点分析: 第一个是宾语从句; 第二个是状语从句(主将从现).

151. Yesterday I saw __ action film __ Cheng Long.
A. a; starring B. an; starred
C. an; starring D. a; starred

152. ?Must we get there before six?
--No, you__.
A. mustn’t B. may not
C. can’t D. don’t have to
考点分析: 回答must 开头的疑问句,用needn’t或don’t have to (基础题)

153. His mother’s __ was a great blow to him.
A. died B. dead
C. death D. die
考点分析:a:此句缺主语,主语需要名词, 只有death 是名词.
b: die (v); death (n); dead (a) 记清词性
154. There is __ food in the fridge. Let’s go to the supermarket.
A. a bit B. a bit of
C. a little D. a little of
考点分析: a bit + adj
a bit of + n(几乎没有)
little + 不可数(几乎没有) (b)

155. ?Would you mind __ care of our child?
A. to take; of course B. taking; certainly
C. to take; certainly not D. taking; of course not
考点分析: a: mind+ ving
b: would you mind doing sth?你介意做…吗?

156. I don’t know if she __ tomorrow. If it __ , perhaps she’ll come.
A. will come; stops raining B. comes; will stop raining
C. will come; won’t rain D. comes; doesn’t rain
考点分析:第一个是宾语从句; 第二个是状语从句(主将从现). (参考150)

157. I found John was very careful. He __ everything__ than I did.
A. plans; better B. planed; best
C. planned; better D. planned; well

158. Huinan is a good place __ for touring __ for surfing. It has the best beaches and waves all the year around.
A. neither; nor B. not only; but also
C. either; or D. both; and

159. He couldn’t decide__.
A. which sweater he bought
B. which sweater did he buy
C. which sweater will I buy
D. which sweater to buy

160. She asked __.
A. who was he talking with B. who he is talking with
C. who he was talking with D. who is he talking with
考点分析:她问他正在和谁谈话. Ask 后为宾语从句, 从句要用陈述句语序,并与主句时态保持一致.

161. He had a bad cough. the doctor advised him to give up__.
A. smoke B. smoking
C. to smoke D. smoked
考点分析: a: sb had a +一种病 某人生病
b: advise that sb should do sth.建议某人应做某事
c: give up 放弃; give in屈服

162. He is __ at English than Kate.
A. better B. best
C. good D. well
考点分析: 他比凯特更擅长英语
be good at 比较级 be better at …than…

163. If he does the work__, he will make__ mistakes.
A. more carefully; fewer B. more careful; less
C. more carefully; few D. careful; less
考点分析: a: 考adj和adv的用法. Adv 修饰v: carefully修饰does
b: 考比较级的构成 more+双音节词
c: make a mistake犯错误
164. Hawaii is__ island that attracts __ many tourists.
A. so beautiful; so B. such beautiful; such
C. quite a beautiful; such D. such a beautiful; so
考点分析: 夏威夷是一个如此美丽的岛以至于它吸引很多游客
A: such + n, so + adj. So many 固定搭配
B: so+adj…that… such+n…that…如此…以至于
He is so good that we love him= he is such a good man that we love him.

165. __were sitting at the supper table when I knocked at the door.
A. White B. The White
C. The Whites D. Whites
考点分析: a: at the supper table坐在桌子边(注意at的用法)
b: the + 姓s …的一家 the Whites怀特一家

166. It’s __ now. let’s go home.
A. fifty past four B. four past fifty
C. fifty to five D. ten to five
考点分析: past过 to 差

167. --___ do you watch TV, Lin Feng?
-- Twice a week.
A. how often B. how long
C. how soon D. how much

168. The bus ticket from Nan Jing to Shanghai __ about 80 yuan.
A. costs B. takes
C. spends D. pays
sth costs … sb spend… sb pay…参考63题

169. My father can’t come to parents’ meeting. He __ to Beijing on business this morning.
A. has gone B. has been
C. went D. would go

170. I __ to answer the question in English. But as you know, I’m not so good at English.
A. told B. was told
C. have told D. was telling
考点分析:一般过去时被动语态: 主+ was/were+ ved

171. Would you please __ him up? He is too tired and let him have a good rest.
A. not to wake B. not wake
C. don’t wake D. to not wake
考点分析:a: would you please+ (不带to) v原
    b: would you like to do…
c: would you mind doing…
d: wake sb up把…唤醒

172. ?what a day! It is quite hot today.
A. So it is. B. So is it.
C. So it does D. So does it
考点分析:同意某人的意见: So it is 不要和 “于是+陈述句”; “我也一样+倒装句”混淆(参考64)

173. Beethoven heard someone playing __ piano while he was walking in the street.
A. a B. an
C. the D. /
考点分析:当贝多芬在路上走时, 他听到有人在弹钢琴.(乐器前加the)

174. My uncle can speak German. He can make friends with __.
A. German B. Germen
C. Germans D. Germens
考点分析:German德语;德国人(单) Germans德国人(复)

175. There is no__ in the boat, so we have to wait for another one.
A. seats B. room
C. rooms D. a seat
room (n)空间 不可数
不要和汉语习惯 “没有位置了”混淆
176. The wind is blowing more and more strongly. Why not__ the windows__?
A. to keep; close B. to keep; open
C. keep; opened D. keep; closed
考点分析:a: why not v原? 为什么不呢?
b: keep 的用法
c: more and more越来越

177. There are a lot of new buildings on __ side of the street.
A. every B. either
C. both D. all
考点分析:a: on either side of the street 街道的任何一边
b: on both sides of the street 街道的两边

178. It is a very long day for Jackson. He didn’t get home from school __ six o’clock.
A. since B. after
C. until D. by
考点分析:not… until…

179. Li Lei looks happy, __ he’s __ his English exam
A. because; past B. when; past
C. since; passed D. because; passed
考点分析:a: pass (v); past( prep)
b: he’s __根据上下文理解是完成时
c: 他看上去很高兴, 因为他过了英语考试

180. No matter __ , we should not change our plan.
A. what does it happens B. happens what
C. what is happened D. what happens
考点分析: no matter what happens无论发生什么(背)

181. Mr. Green and Mr. king__ at this school__ they came to China two years ago.
A. taught; when B. have taught; since
C. have taught; because D. taught; until

182. Nobody except Li Ping and Liu Ying __ at school this time yesterday.
A. were B. has been
C. was D. had been
考点分析: a: nobody (单) 常考点(prep)
b: except (prep)除…之外

183. These foreign friends have already __ Nanjing for about two days.
A. reached B. arrived in
C. got to D. been in
这些外国人在南京已经呆了两天了(reach; arrive in; get to都是瞬间词, 不能和一段时间联用)
184. I think traveling by train is much cheaper and __ a rushed trip by air.
A. far more enjoyable than B. very more enjoyable than
C. so much enjoyable than D. much more enjoyable as
考点分析: a: much 修饰cheaper: 便宜得多
b: 此空需要比较级;enjoyable多音节词,排除b, c, d
c: 本题还涉及far; much修饰比较级的问题

185. ?will you please __ him the pictures as soon as he __ back tomorrow?
--With pleasure.
A. to give; will come B. give; comes
C. gave; will come D. giving; come
考点分析:a: Would you please do…?
b: as soon as时间状语连词; 一…就…; 主将从现
186. The teacher has done his best __ their studies.
A. help his students to improve
B. to help his students to improve
C. helps his students to improve
D. helped his students to improve
考点分析: a: do one’s best to do(不定式) 尽某人最大努力做…

187. She feels like __ TV.
A. watches B. watch
C. watching D. to watch
考点分析:feel like doing 喜欢做…(固定搭配)

188. Our teacher, Miss Green, __ English on the radio the day before yesterday.
A. teaches B. taught
C. teach D. had taught
考点分析: a: the day before yesterday 前天

189. Hello, Mr. Green! I want to see you right now. Can you come as __ as possible ?
A. many B. late
C. much D. soon
考点分析:as soon as possible尽可能的,用于句尾(固定搭配)

190. I must return the camera to Li Lei. I __ it for two weeks.
A. have bought B. borrowed
C. have kept D. have lent
考点分析: a: for 2 days 已两天了, 需用完成时
b: lent—lend借出; bought—buy买; kept—keep保持

191. The black bag__ be Anna’s. she has a blue one
A. should B. can’t
C. wouldn’t D. could
a: can 可能是can’t可能不是(不要总停留在 “能”的意思上)
192. __ the morning of July the 5th, we finally __ the town by train.
A. at; reach B. on; arrived at
C. in; got to D. on; arrived in
考点分析: a: the morning of July the 5th是 “具体某天早晨”,所以用 “on”
b: arrive at +小地方(town)

193. My watch doesn’t work. I have to __ it __ right now.
A. make; repair B. have; repaired
C. make; to repair D. have; repair
考点分析:常考题:have sth done 让某人做某事(某事要被做)

194. We prefer__ at the party rather than__.
A. to sing; dance B. to sing; dancing
C. sing; to dance D. sing; dance
考点分析:常考题: prefer to V原… rather than V原 (记清楚每个词组后的动词形式) 宁愿…而不愿…

195. ?May I speak to Mr. Black, please?
--Sorry, he’s __ Beijing for about three days
A. been to B. gone to
C. been in D. gone in
考点分析: a:我们知道 “has gone to已去北京”, 但是这是此题的陷阱, go是瞬间动词, 不能和for一段时间连用
b: has been to 曾去过, 意思不符合
196. Parents are more worried about their children’s lessons. In fact, it’s not necessary for them to watch their children__ every night.
A. study B. to study
C. studies D. studying
考点分析: a: watch sb do sth观看某人做某事(又是不带to V原)
b: sb be worried about …某人担心某事
c: in fact事实上

197. ?Have you sent your grandparents an e-mail telling them you arrived already?
--No, __ of them can use a computer.
A. none B. both
C. Neither D. all
考点分析:考单,复数的对应关系 grandparents复数, 回答时要用复数与之相对应. None of… 单数neither of…复数
198. __ interesting work it is!
A. How B. What an
C. How an D. What
考点分析: 考感叹句
a: What + n+ 陈述句 What a nice day it is!
b: How + adj+陈述句 How nice it is!

201 . Would you please tell me ___ the computer?
A. what to use B. how to use
C. how can use D. what can use
?tell me how to do…告诉我如何做…
?Would you please do…=would like to do..?
202 . Simon heard his neighbor ___ for help at night
A. calls B. call
C. calling D. to call
Hear sb doing sth听到某人正在做…
(hear , see, watch, look 都是常考词,一定要区别记牢它们的常用搭配)

203 . I am very busy. I have a lot of clothes___.
A. wash B. washing
C. washed D. to wash
本题是:have sth to do…有一些事情要做
204 ?Could you teach us how to look after the rabbit?
A. good idea B. you are welcome
C. no problem D. that’s all right
good idea 同意某人的回答;
you are welcome/ that’s all right与thank you联用;
no problem 与寻求帮助联用.

205 . We look forward to ___ from him soon.
A. hear B. hears
C. heard D. hearing
d考点分析:本题考look forward to …的意思和to的词性look forward to …期待. To是介词,所以to + ving..

206 . It takes him half an hour __ to work by bike.[来源:Zxxk.Com]
A. going B. to go
C. go D. goes
b考点分析:考句型 It takes sb sometime to do…

207 . My baby is sleeping. Don’t make ___.
A. much noise B. a lot noise
C. many noise D. noise
Noise (噪音:不可数名词).只能用much修饰
(联系too much / too many 的用法)
208 . The old woman ___ a lot of time___.
A. spends; playing B. spent; to play
C. spends; to play D. spent; playing
a/d考点分析:考spend 时间段in doing sth

209 . Do you know the young man ___ John?
A. to call B. call
C. called D. calling
c考点分析:a man called + 人名(一个叫…的人)
210 . This book is __ for us___.
A. enough easy; to understand
B. easy enough; to understand
C. enough easy; understanding
D. easy enough; understanding
b考点分析:考的enough修饰用法与it is enough for sb to do…
Adj+ enough (enough对形容词后置修饰)

211 . My car is broken. I __ go to the office on foot.
A. may B. must
C. can D. have to
Have to 不得不
212 . She is __ unusual speaker.
A. a B. /
C. an D. the
c考点分析:基础题---考a/ an/ the的用法

213 . The old man practises ___10,000 steps every day.
A. walk B. walking
C. to walk D. walks
只有practise doing 无 practise to do
214 . They will play___ basketball instead of___ piano.
A. the; playing the B. /; play
C. the; play the D. /; playing the
d考点分析: 考the的用法
球类前不加the; 乐器前必须加the

215 . You must have __ the book __.
A. forgotten; somewhere else
B. left; somewhere else
C. left; somewhere other
D. forgotten; anywhere else
b考点分析:考forget/ leave的区别; 和 somewhere else的意思
forget/ leave的区别详见110题
somewhere else 其他的某个地方

216 . The man was seen __ the car in the garden an hour ago.
A. to wash B. washes
C. washing D. washed
a考点分析:考see/ hear/ let等特殊词在被动语态中的用法
这类词的其后动词不管在主动语态是何种搭配,在被动语态中必须还原成to do…形式.例如:
主动: He saw the man washing the car an hour ago.
被动: The man was seen to wash the car an hour ago.
在主动中: see … doing…
在被动中: was seen to do…
在被动语态中,所有主动形式的v…ving形式, 都要变成was ved…to do

217 . We have to put off the sports meeting__ the rain.
A. because B. if
C. since D. because of
d考点分析:because+ 从句; because of+名词

218 . The girl was seen ___ the office.
A. leave B. to leave
C. leaving D. to left
b考点分析: 详见216题.

219. The children were__ at the thought of the journey.
A. exciting B. excited
C. excite D. excitedly
b考点分析:sb be excited at sth某人对…很兴奋(复习相关联词)
220 . When he heard the news, he felt__.
A. happily B. sadly
C. happy D. bad
c考点分析: 考系动词的认知与主+系+表结构
系动词:be; feel; keep; stay; get; have got; sound; exist; lay; look; taste

221 . The old man is jogging __ a blue sweater.
A. putting on B. wear
C. in D. with

222 . You are so hungry. Would you like__ cake?
A. another B. other
C. the others D. others
223 . Please make the girl__.
A. to keep quiet B. keep quiet
C. keep quite D. keeping quiet
b考点分析: make sb do sth让某人做某事 (注意不加to!)
提问:让某人不做某事: make sb not do?/ make sb not to do?

224. --___ does he take the medicine?
--__ twice a day.
A. How long B. How often
C. How soon D. How much

225. -- How often do you clean the fish tank?
A. this afternoon B. only once
C. once a month D. for two days
226 . --___will your manager return to the company, please?
-- in about three days
A. how long B. how soon
C. how often D. how much
b考点分析: 你们经理多快会回公司?
要区分英语中 “多快”和 “多久”,虽然汉语不太区分.
“多快”how soon表速度; “多久”how long表时间段

?How long has your manager gone to Z.Z.?
?For about 3 days.
?How soon will he return?
?In about 3 days?

227. ?__did it take him to repair the computer?
--about 2 days
A. how soon B. how often
C. how long D. how far
228. --__ is it from your school to the farm?
--__ about five kilos. You had better take a bus
A. how long B. how far
C. how much D. how tall

229. ?Can I come this morning or tomorrow morning?
--__ is OK, I am free today and tomorrow
A. Either B. Neither
C. Both D. None
230 . ? Are Mr. and Mrs. Smith living alone in their house?
-- Yes, they have three sons, but__ of them lives with them.
A. all B. both
C. none D. neither
c考点分析: 同上
both sides of the street路两边
either side of the street路的任一边
none is good.没有一个是好的
Neither is good.这两个中,没有一个是好的

231 . When he got to the station, the train__.
A. was left B. had left
C. has left D. would left
b考点分析:过去完成时(火车离开在他到之前. 即:过去的过去)

232 . __ is bad for your health.
A. Do morning exercises B. Eating too much
C. Going to bed on time D. Taking a walk after supper
提问:为何do morning exercises; 而其他的都是eating; going; taking形式;有何语法区别?

233 . ? I bought the watch two months after I worked here.
-- you mean that you__ it for nearly two months.
A. have had B. have brought
C. have bought D. have sold
234 . In exams the __ you are, the __ mistakes you will make.
A. more carefully; less B. more careful; fewer
C. most carefully; most D. more careful; more
The more..., the more… 越…;就越…

235 ? Do you know where Xinjiang is?
-- It is __.
A. to the southwest of China B. to the northwest of China
C. in the northwest of China D. on the northwest of China
c考点分析: in north of China在中国北部(包含)(新疆)
to north of China在中国北部(远离)(北欧)
on north of China在中国北部(接壤)(俄罗斯)
236 . Do you really believe that you will be able to meet each other __?
A. long before B. long ago
C. for a long time D. before long
Long before很久以前
Before long不久以后

237 . The rain is __ heavy __ you will get all wet if you go out.
A. such; that B. such a; that
C. so; that D. so a; that
C 考点分析:so…形容词that…从句

238 . it is __ heavy rain __ you will get all wet if you go out.
A. such; that B. such a; that
C. so; that D. so a; that
A 考点分析:so…形容词that…从句
such +名词that…从句

239 . I don’t think this film is worth__ twice, __?
A. to see; do I B. seeing; isn’t it
C. seeing; do I D. seeing; is it
?Sth is worth doing…
?I don’t think it is worth= I think it isn’t worth.
3. 最后的反意疑问句是对it isn’t worth的提问, 我们知道反意疑问句结构为:前否定,后肯定
所以:it isn’t worth, is it?

240 . ?I am afraid I’ve got a bad cold.
A. Never mind B. Keep away from me
C. Better go and see a doctor D. you need take medicine
C 考点分析:生活常识(生病要去医院)

241 . These dirty clothes__ in half an hour.
A. must be wash B. must wash
C. must be washed D. will be wash
C 考点分析:情态动词的被动语态
主+情态动词+be+ ved
?在此结构中,be无变形,即:不要写成am/ is/ are等形式
?The fish can be cooked in 10 mins.
His head can be kicked by donkey.

242 . We have planted __ trees in Sai Bei. It is a “Great Green Wall” of trees.
A. million B. millions
C. million of D. millions of
D 考点分析:millions of…数以百万计的(固定搭配)
提问:1. 一百万本书;数以百万计的书的写法?
2. 同类别的数词还有什么?
243 . My sweater is made__ silk and it’s made__ Asia.
A. of; in B. in; of
C. by; in D. in; on
A 考点分析:sth is made of+看出的原料
sth is made from+看不出的原料
sth is made in+产地

244 . You must leave here now__ your mother can get some more rest.
A. because B. so that
C. though D. when
B 考点分析:
?So that… 连在一起的意思是:为了
?so…形容词that… 从句分开的意思是:如此…以至于
245 . My grandmother__ the books everywhere, but she couldn’t __ them.
A. looked for; look for B. looked for; find
C. has looked for; found D. has found; find
B 考点分析:
?look for 寻找
?find 找到
?(找啊找;找到一个好朋友)look for; find
?find out调查

246 . The __ food__ very nice
A. taste; tasty B. tasty; tastes
C. taste; tastes D. tasty; tasty
B 考点分析:tasty (a)有味道的 taste (v)尝起来
提问: taste能改为try to吗?
247 . This skirt is__ as the one you bought yesterday.
A. just as good B. equally as good
C. as well D. equal as good
A 这个衬衫就如同你昨天给我买的那个一样的好
考点分析: as… as…就如同…一样.
just 就如同,起修饰作用
提问: c 为何错了?

248 . Lucy didn’t do very__. She did rather __.
A. good; bad B. well; worse
C. well; badly D. good; worse
B 考点分析:good well的区别
?Good形容词 it is very good!
?Well副词 He did very well!
?Would rather do…than do.
?Prefer to do…rather than do…

249 . The boy will __ finish his homework before he goes out.
A. can B. may
C. have to D. must
C 考点分析:情态动词,时态和谓语的综合.

250 . You don’t __ do it if you don’t want to.
A. had better B. ought to
C. must D. have to

251 . Lucy has a story book in one hand and a dictionary in __.
A. the other B. others
C. another D. the others
A 考点分析:
?The other = the other hand( one…the other)
252 . I was reading a newspaper__ I heard someone __ my name.
A. when; to call B. while; calling
C. when; calling D. while; to call
c 考点分析:
?while:翻译为同时:they are resting while they are eating.他们边吃边看电视.

253 . His step mother was kind __ him.
A. of B. for
C. with D. to
D 考点分析:
?Be kind to sb对…好
254 . The city is __ it was ten years ago.
A. three times as big as B. three times so larger as
C. as three times larger than D. larger three times than
a 考点分析:
?as …as…一样… he is as tall as him.
?Twice as…as…..是…的两倍 the mountain is twice as high as the hill这座山是那座小山的两倍高
?Three times as …as…三倍及三倍以上的表达.

255 . I am sure she will know what __.
A. does Dad like B. Dad likes
C. likes Dad D. Dad does like
B 考点分析:
256 . The 2002 World Soccer Match__ for over 20 days since May 31st.
A. has begun B. lasted
C. began D. has lasted
D 考点分析:
?形容词:上一个 last year去年
?(不要和latest混) latest:最新的: I bought the latest style最新款 coat yesterday.
?动词:持续 The rain lasted for days.
?At last 最后

257 . When SARS passes, we should think__.
A. we will learn what lessons
B. we will learn
C. what we will learn lessons
D. what lessons we will learn
D 考点分析:宾语从句
?Lesson (n)教训
?宾语从句: 主句+特殊疑问词+陈述句.(做整个句子的宾语)

258 . ?How is your son getting__ with his new girlfriend?
--very well.
A. along B. away
C. up D. back
A 考点分析:
?get along /on with sb与…处得好
?get away=be away离开
259 . Can you guess__ at this moment?
A. how far is it B. where he went
C. when did he go D. what he is going
D 考点分析:宾语从句
?At this moment就在这时
?At that moment就在那时
?At moment 立刻.马上

260 . ?your father hasn’t given up smoking, has he?
--___, he smokes____ now.
A. yes; no more B. no; no more
C. yes; any more D. no; any more
A 考点分析:
?. 对于此类题 “根据实际情况回答”.如本句问戒烟. 戒了就用yes; 没有就用no.不要和汉语习惯混淆.
?You have not had dinner, have you? 你还没有吃晚饭,是吗?Yes, I had是的,我吃过了; NO, I haven’t不,我没有吃
?No more不再(用于句中)
?Not…any more (not 标准否定句; any more用于句尾)
?He smokes no more now= he doesn’t smoke any more.

261 . ?What is your mother like?
A. she likes reading novels B. she is feeling better
C. she is a doctor D. she is tall and beautiful
D 考点分析:
?Like (prep)象 look like = be like看上去象
262 . ?Will you please teach me___?
--Sure. Let me show you here.
A. what to send a letter on Internet.
B. how to send a letter on Internet.
C. how I send a letter on Internet.
D. what I send a letter on Internet.
B 考点分析:
?Teach/ tell/… sb how to do…教/告诉某人如何做某事

263 . ---Would you like to drink coke or orange juice?
---___, I really don’t mind.
A. neither B. either
C. none D. both
B 考点分析:
264 . I am sure Mike __ to help you if he __ time.
A. come; had B. will come; has
C. will come; will have D. come; will come
B 考点分析:

265 . Pass my glasses to me, Jack. I can__ read the words in the newspaper.
A. hard B. really
C. hardly D. not
C 考点分析:
?Hard (a; ad) 难的;硬的 he works very hard.
?Hardly (ad) 几乎不
?Pass … to sb把…传递给某人
266 . ---May I speak to Black?
A. who are you? B. who’s that?
C. I am not Black D. I am Black
B 考点分析:
?如果打电话,有人敲门等时候,问 “你是谁啊?” 不要说 “who are you.” 必须说“ who is that”
?如果此时接电话的是Black,那么要这样表示 “this is Black, speaking Please”

267 . This dictionary mustn’t __ from the library.
A. take away B. taken away
C. are taken away D. be taken away
D 考点分析:
?情态动词的被动结构: 主+情态动词+be(原型不能变)+ved. It must be taken away.
?Take away拿走
268 . I think Hangzhou is one of __ in China.
A. more beautiful cities B. most beautiful cities
C. the most beautiful cities D. the most beautiful city
C 考点分析:
?最高级结构: the + most +多音节形容词(容易忽略the)
?One of+ ns
?提问:杭州是中国较美丽的城市之一.为何错了? 英语中的比较级都表示 “比…更”重在 “比”. 而较美丽的城市不存在比较含义,其实在英语中是 “非常,很”的含义

269 . Hurry up, __ you will miss the first train.
A. and B. then
C. but D. or
D 考点分析:
?同学们较熟悉or:或者,但是or还可表示 “否则”
?Or = otherwise 否则
270 . The man __ the bird in the tree, but he didn’t __ it.
A. shot; shot B . shoot at; shoot
C. shot at; shoot D. shot; shoot
C 考点分析:
?Shoot (v)射击
?Shoot at瞄准
?Shoot? shot? shot
?但是在口语中,军官命令 “开火;射击” 不能用shoot, 要用fire

271 . ---Will you go to the museum tomorrow?
---I will if I __ no visitors.
A. don’t have B. have
C. will have D. am having
B 考点分析:
272 . Let’s go out for a walk,___?
A. will you B. shall we
C. can we D. do you
B 考点分析:
?Go out for a walk
?Let us do…反意疑问句,固定形式: let’s …, shall we?让我们做…好吗?
?..’s 的五种形式
?He is a student= he’s a student.
?He was a student= he’s a student.
?He has done it= he’s done it.
?Tom’s family
?Let’s go= let us

273 . He was so tired that he__ on the bed with his coat on.
A. laid B. lain
C. lay D. lied
C 考点分析:
?Lay laid laid 放;搁;下蛋
?Lie lay lain躺下;说谎;
274 . Mr. Green arrived in London__ the evening of Dec. 6th.
A. at B. in
C. on D. to
C 考点分析:

275 . I remembered__ him somewhere but I forgot his name.
A. see B. seeing
C. to see D. saw
B 考点分析:
?Remember doing …记得曾做过某事
?Remember to do …记得要做某事(还没有做)
276 . The man asked the policeman___.
A. let him to go B. to let him to go
C. let him go D. to let him go
D 考点分析:
?Ask sb to do …= ask sb for…要求某人做某事
?Let sb do…让某人做…

277 . English __ in many countries, but Chinese__ their own language
A. is spoken; speaks B. speaks; is spoken
C. is spoken; speak D. both
C 考点分析:
?English is spoken(被动语态)
?Chinese speak中国人(集合名词;复数)
278 . This is the house __ Lu Xun once lived.
A. where B. which
C. that D. in that
A 考点分析:

279 . I’d like to know__.
A. when will he give back the tape
B. whether has he received higher education.
C. that he has been busy
D. whether she will join in our English education
D 考点分析:
280 . Can you tell the answers__ these questions?
A. about B. for
C. of D. to
D 考点分析:
?在汉语翻译成 “关于问题的答案”, 我们感觉可能a; c都正确.
?但是问题的答案,在英语中只搭配the answer to….
3. The way to…/ the trip to…/ the key to…

281 . I find __ difficult to understand this question in English.
A. it’s B. about
C. this D. him
A 考点分析:考强调句的结构.
?It is 强调内容 for sb to do…(绿字在强调句中不能变) It is important for you to work hard.
282 . ? stop__. Let’s begin our class.
--OK, we will stop__ to you.
A. to talk; to listen B. to talk; listening
C. talking; to listen D. talking; listening
C 考点分析:
?Stop/ remember/ forget/ regret doing 停止/记得/忘记/遗憾…做过(正在做)的事情
?Stop/ remember/ forget/ regret to do…停止/记得/忘记/遗憾…没有做过的事情.(仔细体会to的未做的含义)

283 . When they saw so many high buildings in Pudong, they couldn’t help __, “Great!”.
A. cry B. cries
C. crying D. cried
?Couldn’t help doing …情不自禁做…(只此一种搭配)
284 . ?Are you doing there with us?
--If Mary wants to go, __.
A. I also go B. so do I
C. so will I D. so I will
C 考点分析:
?So + 助动词+主:某人也一样做… (so在此中无意思)
?So + 主+助动词: 于是,我做…(so,于是.正常的句子)
?You are so great, so is your son.你如此伟大,你的儿子也一样
?It is very cold, so I wear a heavy coat.天气很冷,所以我穿了厚衣服.

285 . ---have you got__ E-mail address?
---yes, mine is tb22@ sina. com
A. the B. an
C. a D. /
B 考点分析:
286 . ?must I finish all this work in an hour?
-- No, you__.
A. must B. won’t
C. should not D. need not
D 考点分析:
?Must的疑问句,如果是否定回答用 no, you need not

287 . We don’t know the woman__ wants to see you.
A. she B. which
C. whom D. who
D 考点分析:
?定语从句.A如果有 “,”就变成两个句子,就正确了.
288 . It’s been over two weeks__ he left home.
A. for B. before
C. since D. because
C 考点分析:
?It has been… since…自从…已经…

288 . Did you find__ to sit down in the train?
A. a room B. rooms
C. room D. place
C 考点分析:你在火车上找到位置坐下了吗
?Find room找到位置(不能用汉语中的习惯:place)
289 . This shirt is__ for my brother, I am afraid.
A. much too big B. much too bigger
C. too much big D. too much bigger
A 考点分析:
?这个衬衫太大了.(汉语中我们可以说:这个衣服比较大.但是此时的比较,没有英语中的比较级含义,是 “very”的含义!)

290 . ---Alice, you__ on the phone
---I am coming. Thanks
A. want B. are wanted
C. are wanting D. have wanted
B 考点分析:
?Sb be wanted on the phone= you have a call
291 . The boss made them___ ten hours a day.
A. worked B. working
C. work D. to work
C 考点分析:
?Make sb do sth (只此一种动词形式)

292 . My watch doesn’t work. I have to __ it__ right now
A. make; repair B. have; repair
C. make; to repair D. have; repaired
D 考点分析:
?Have sth done找人做某事
?Have sth to do自己有事要做
?I have some clothes to wash
Right now
At once
At moment

293 . I don’t think he’s ever been to the monkey Island, __ ?
A. isn’t he B. hasn’t he
C. is it D. has he
D 考点分析:
?He has ever been to…他曾经到过
?He has gone to …他正在去…的途中
?Island (n)岛屿;
?land (n)大陆
?land (v)登陆; land on…

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/chusan/64102.html

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