初三英语组Unit 2 Travelling复习学案(8B unit 2 )

编辑: 逍遥路 关键词: 九年级 来源: 高中学习网
1. go on a trip =go for a trip = have a trip (介词搭配to ) 去旅行
2. must be fun 一定很有趣
3. take sb out for a few days 带某人外出几天
4. find out 弄清楚,查明
5. like visiting different places 喜欢参观不同的地方
6. around the world =all over the world 全世界
7. work in pairs /in groups 分组训练
8. see the beautiful view /sight看到美丽的风景
9. take photos 照相
10. druing the Spring Festival 在春节期间
11. write a letter to sb =write to sb 给某人写信
12. travel at high speed告诉行驶
13. buy sth as souvenirs for sb =buy sb sth as souvenirs 买某物给某人作纪念品
14. such as 比如
15. clap with joy 快乐的拍
16. wear different costumes穿不同的服装
17. march across the park 从公园穿过
18. stop taking photos 停止拍照
19. No photos 禁止拍照
20. look shiny 看起来闪闪发光
21.in Chinese style 中国风格
22. scream with excitement =scream excitedly兴奋的尖叫
23. plan to travel abroad 计划到国外旅行
24.all the way 一路上
25. go hiking 去远足
26. go skiing 去滑雪
27.at the entrance 在入口处
28. through the whole ride在这个短途旅行中
29. wave to 向、、、挥手
30.all year round 全年
31. have a bird’s eye view of 鸟瞰、、、
32. cultural centre 文化中心
33. the knowledge of history 历史知识
34. answer the question incorrectly 回答问题错误
35. test your knowledge 测试你的知识
36.in all 总计
37. at high speed 高速
38. can’t help doing sth 忍不住做某事
39.can’t wait to do sth 迫不及待做某事
40.have /has been to …. 去过、、、
41. have /has gone to … 已去、、、
42. take a plane to …= go to …by plane / by air = fly to … 坐飞机去……
1、 我将去南山游玩。
I am going on a trip to South Hill.=I am going to visit South Hill.
2、 我去过那好几次了。
I ’ve been there many times.
3、 跟我家那只肥猫逗很有趣。
It is fun to play with my fat cat.
4、join the reading club=become a member of the reading club 成为读书兴趣小组的一员
Would you like to join this dancing party? 你想参加这次舞会吗?
We are going to have a picnic. Will you join us? 我将去野炊,你愿意加入我们吗?
He is putting away his computer games.
I am so excited that I want to bring everything with me.
I haven’t seen you since last month. /I haven’t seen you for a whole month.
8、你打算去哪度假? Where are you going to spend your holiday?
The roller coaster moved at high speed and we were screaming through the whole ride.
I rushed into the fast food restaurant and I was hungry en ough to eat up a whole horse.
11、孩子们既开心又兴奋地鼓掌。The children clapped their hands with joy and excitement.
12、一些纪念品是中国风格的。Some souvenirs are in Chinese style.
I thought it was hopeless to wait in the line because the li ne of people was endless.
It was really a delightful holiday and a meaningful experience.
语法点:,在现在完成时中,如果有since 和 for引导的延续性时间状语,那么 一般而言,核心动词都要由动作转变成状态。常用变化及例句详见p32
buy have borrow keep
arrive in/at be in/at leave be away (from)
join be a member of
die be dead g et married be married
come/go to be in/at begin/start be on
stop be over fall asleep be asleep wake up be awake
一、单词拼写 (15%)
(A) 根据句意用括号内所给单词的正确形式填空.
1. Qingdao and Dalian are good places for __________________. (帆船运动)
2. Overwork will do ___________________(伤害) to your health.
3. The child could not hide his ________________(激动) when he came back from Beijing.
4. Hong Kong Disneyland is a really ______________(极好的,美妙的) place to visit.
5. Beijing is the __________________(文化的) centre of China.
6. He had many interesting ____________________(经历) while traveling in the USA.
7. The TV __________________ (节目) on Channel Six are about films.
8. Many international ___________________ (会议) are held in Geneva.
(B) 根据句意和汉语注释,在空格内写出各单词的正确形式.
9. My parents will celebrate their fifteen years of ______________(marry) this Saturday.
10. It’s __________________(hope) for him to pass the exam, so he is very sad.
11. The girl looks beautiful in the ____________ (shine) red silk.
12. I was so tired that I felt the road to my home was__________________(end).
13. At last they finished the work ______________(success).
14. He came in with ________________ (noise) footsteps (脚步) to surprise her.
15. It’s very (please) to go on a trip in such fine weather.
三、单项填空 (20%)
( ) 1. The children had a really wonderful time in the park _______day.
A. the all B. the whole C. whole the D. all the
( ) 2. Digital cameras are becoming very popular, but some still too much.
A. take B. pay C. cost D. spend
( ) 3. ________ great fun it is to go hiking with my friends!
A. What B. What a C. How a D. How
( ) 4. ---Where is your father?
--He _______to Shanghai. He has ______ Pudong since last Friday.
A. is going, gone to B. has gone, been in C. has been, been in D. has been, gone to
( ) 5. The problem is difficult to solve. Please give me_____.
A. some advices on it B. an advice with it C. advices with it D. some advice on it
( ) 6. There is_____ in the classroom, we can see_______.
A. enough light, clearly enough B. light enoug h, clearly enough
C. enough light, enough clearly D. light enough, enough clearly
( ) 7. Jim _________ be at home, because the light is on.
A. must B. can’t C. can D .might
( ) 8. --- How long have Mr and Mrs Green________?--- For more than twenty years.
A. married B. had mar ried C. got married D. been married
( ) 9. Millie with her dog while her mother last night.
A. was playing, was cooking B. played, cooked C. was playing, cookedD. played, cooks
( ) 10. --- How nice the bike is! How long _____ you _______ it?--- Just two weeks.
A. have, bought B. did, buy C. have, had D. did, have
( ) 11. Everyone was ________ when they heard this ________ news.
A. excited, excited B. exciting, exciting C. excited, exciting D. exciting, excited
( ) 12.-- Has your sister come back? --Yes, she has. She______ back two days ago.
A. came B. has came C. has come D. has been
( ) 13. I thought easy to answer your questions.
A. it B. it’s C. that D. this
( ) 14. I'm sorry I can't stop with you. I have much work to do.
A. to talk B. talking C. tal k D. talked
( ) 15. More than 20 people ________ in traffic accidents ________ last May.
A. have died, for B. have died, since C. have been dead, since D. have been dead, for
( ) 16. Look, __________ the rollar coaster _________!
A. How high speed, is moving B. What high speed, is moving
C. How high speed, is moving at D. What high speed, is moving at
( ) 17.The pollution in big cities is _________ than______ in the countryside.
A. much serious, it B. much more serious, it
C. more serious, that D. much serious, that[来源:Zxxk.Com]
( ) 18. Tony _______ watch the film with us because he _______ it.
A. doesn’t, will see B. won’t, see C. won’t, has seen D. won’t, saw
( ) 19. Do you know how long English?
A. has he begun to learn B. he has begun to learn C. has he learned D. he has learned
( ) 20. ---I’m going to have a trip to Window of the World. ---_________
A.Goodbye. B. Help yourself. C. I’m sorry to hear that. D. Enjoy yourself.
四、动词填空 (10%)
1. Do you think she _____ (catch) a bad cold, Doctor?
2. Spring is the best time ________________(plant) trees.
3. There________________(be) no buses in this village in the past.
4. By the way, how long does it take _______________(drive) to your school?
5. They may have a picnic if it________________(not be) rainy tomorrow.
6. My uncle _________________(tie) the magazines with string when I saw him yesterday.
7. It’s nearly five years since they _________________(move) to Moonlight Town.
8. The students ________________(clap) their hands three times. How wonderful the performance is!
9. Please take an umbrella with you. It_________________(rain).
10. The dog entered the room, _________________ (follow) his master.
五.完成句子 (5%)
You can tr avel toYunnan ________________, because you can see the beautiful view _______________.
Hurry up! The film____________________________ for ten minutes.
3.当Mickey Mouse向我们挥手时我们都高兴地尖叫了。
We screamed _______________________when Mickey Mouse _________________________.

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/chusan/64345.html

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