Unit 13 Rainy days make me sad教案

编辑: 逍遥路 关键词: 九年级 来源: 高中学习网
Unit 13 Rainy days make me sad教案
Section A 1a—2c of Unit13
Ⅱ.Date :
Ⅲ. Teachers’ words :(practice makes perfect ).
Ⅳ. Learning Aims :
1. Master the words and phrases in this part .
2. Can understand the listening…
Focal and difficult points : Learn to talk about how things affect you
Ⅴ. Learning Steps :
step 1 Lean new words and translate
泄湖 科学的(名词)粉红色的
光线 坚硬的 服务 公平的
运动 濒临灭绝的 标语
神秘的有光泽的 皮肤
产品 前景
美貌 使留在外面
Step 2 Finish 1a Look at the picture and talk about
“which would you like to go to ? why? ”
Step 3 Finish 1b Listen twice and fill in blankes , then check
Step 4 Finish 1c 1)Read the dialogue and translate .2) Talk about in pairs
Step 5 Explain
1. make 的用法
形容词做宾语补足语,表示宾语的特点,性质,状态等。Make sb +形容词
使他忧伤 使她紧张
使他们放松 使我们困倦
2)动词不定式做宾语补足语,表示宾语发出的动作,注意to 要省略。
Make sb do sth
4)make sb sth , make sb +过去分词
2.would rather do sth than do sth
=prefer to do ……rather than do ……
( )I would prefer to spend the weekend at home shopping .
A. to go B. to goC. not to goD. rather than go
3.so---that ------; such--- that--- 的用法

Step 5 Finish 2a 1)Listen and number the picture
2) Check
Step 6 Finish 2b 1)Read by themselves
2)Listen and check
Step 7 Finish 2c 1)Read and practice in pairs ,
2) then check

Step8 当堂训练
1. There is no (science)basis for such policies .
2. He’d rather here
A. staying B. to stay C. stays D. stay
3. 我们必须保持教室干净
4. I was made- (repeat) it .
5. Usually soft colors make people (relax)
6. What make you so (happy) ?
7. Some people think ads make our cities ugly
A. to lookB. lookC. looksD. look
8. W for him so long made us angry .
9. The a film make everyone afraid .
10. Rainy days make me u .
11. I would rather at home than .
A. stay ; go outB. to stay ; to go outC. to stay ; go outD. stay ; to go out
12. He was tired he could go to working .
A. too ; to B. such ; thatC. so ; thatD. too ; that

Section A 3a—3c of Unit 13
Ⅱ. Date
Ⅲ. Teachers’ words : Knowledge is a treasure , but practise is the key to it .
Ⅳ.Learning Aims : 1. Master the words and phrases in this section .
2. Master the language points of this section .
Ⅴ. Learning Steps
Step 1 . Revision Revise the key points of last class .
Step 2 . Words and phrases spelling of this section .
1. science (形容词) 2.so (同义词) 3.hard (副词)
4.serve(现在分词) 5.fair(反义词) 6.endanger(形容词)
7.own(名词) 8.pollute (名词)
Step 3 . Read the article by yourselves and get the main ideas .
Step 4 . Key points presentation .
1. Restaurant owners have to know how to make food .
owner 的意思是“物主,所有人”,是名词。该词往往和定冠词the连用。
[联想] 动词own表示“拥有”。谁拥有这座花园?
2.Here are some things they have learned from scientific studies
[分析]这是一个倒装句,正常语序为Some things they have learned from scientific
studies are here . 当句子的某一成分提前构成倒装句时,若主语是代词,保留主谓语序。若主语是名词,要构成完全倒装。
—Where is my book ? —它在这儿
3. Mang fast food restaurants , therefore , have red furniture or walls . other hand .
therefore 是副词,意为“因此,所以,结果”理句中做插入语,同义词为so, then .其中therefore 最正式,常用于精密的逻辑思维,而so , then 用于口语。Therefore 用于句中时,表示语气上的停顿,前后用逗号隔开,和and 连用时,不用逗号。我对日本不熟悉,所以我不能告诉你太多。
4. People who keep you waiting .
[联想] keep后跟复合宾语时,宾语补足语可由现在分词,形容词,副词,介词短语充当。
3) 雨天让他在家待了三天。
Step 6 当堂练习
( )1. It’s clear it’s going to rain .
A. thatB. whichC. whenD. what
( )2. Don’t keep your child so long .
A. waitB. waitsC. waitingD. to wait
( )3. Since you’re ill , why not have a telephone to your parents ?
A. giveB. givenC. to giveD. giving
( )4. He had left I could say hello to him .
A. beforeB. whenC. afterD. until
( )5. he was ill , he didn’t come to school .
A. Because ; /B. Though ; /C. Though ; butD. Because ; so
Ⅱ. 用所给单词的正确形式填空。
1. (miss)the early bus makes her annoyed .
2. It’s been raining for two days and the (rain)weather makes me uncomfortable .
3. Owners of fast restaurants use many ways (make)customers (eat)faster .
4. This hotel (design)to make people feel at home .
5. She wanted to learn how (make) mooncakes .
Because customers very long , small restaurants can people every day .
Many restaurants , fast food restaurants this people

Section B(1a-2c)of Unit 13
Teachers’ words :True friendship last forever .
Learning aims : 1.Master the words and phrases and grammar points .
2. Talk about the usage of the word “make”
Learning steps :
Step 1 match the pictures and check then do 1b .
Step 2 Listening practice .
1. 2a. Listen and circle “Yes ”or “No”.. Then ,check the answers .
2. Listen again , draw lines to match .
Listen again , and check the answers .
Step3 Pair work .
Role play the conversation about the products you like or you don’t like .
1.It tastes terrible . 它尝起来很糟。
The cake tastes sweet 这蛋糕尝起来很甜。
These pumpkins taste good .这些南瓜尝起来很好。
?taste n. have a taste 尝一尝
Would you like to have a taste ?你想尝一尝吗?
[拓展]taste作动词用时,属于系动词,后跟形容词作表语。类似的系动词用look(看起来),sound(听起来),smell(闻起来),get , turn , become(变得)等。 如:
His mother looks young .他妈妈看起来很年轻。
The trees turn green in spring .春天树木变绿。
2. It didn’t work 它不起作用.
▲Work v.工作,用功
They work from morning till night .他们从早工作到晚。
?v.(机器等)运作 The brake didn’t work . 刹车失灵。
?v.(药物)失效 The medicine worked like magic .那药有奇效。
?v. 运用 Do you know how to work this machine ?你知道如何使用这台机器吗?
?v.工作,劳动,用功,是不可数名词,其前不可加a , many ,one ,two 等词,但可以说a piece of work ,some work . much work 等!
?n.作品,著作I read your latest work .我读了你最近的著作。
Step5: Fitting .
一、. 单项选择
( )1. The air pollution makes many people feel .
A. happy B. sick C. badD. good
( )2. The watch I bought last week doesn’t work well . So I have to have it repaired this afternoon . (选出可代替画线部分的选项)
A. doB. walkC. windD. run
( )3. I love loud music , it makes me .
A. tenseB. sadC. happyD. tiring
( )4. The movie made my daughter last night .
A. to cryB. cryC. cryingD. cried
( )5. All the students join the clean-up campaign .
A. madeB. are made toC. were madeD. made
( )6.—Did you enjoy yourself with your boyfriend last night ?
—Well …… . He was really late .
A. wonderfulB. I don’t knowC. sooner of laterD. yes and no
( )7. Steve’s mother is a good cook and she knows to make food .
A. whatB. howC. whyD. when
( )8. It is said that red can make people .
A. get angryB. feel sadC. eat fasterD. be peaceful
( )9. We should our country when we grow up .
A. serveB. eatC. desfignD. lead
( )10.—Have you had a Twisty Treat ?
—Yeah , And it made me sick .
A. neverB. alreadyC. usuallyD. ever
Ⅱ. 连词成句
1.she she made objected it to clear the that proposal

2. crying how stop baby can you the make

3. about do feel you pollution how

4. while like I I eating to to music listen am quiet

5. dance loud to me want music makes

Ⅲ. 请用所给词的适当形式填空
1. We should solve the problem with methods .(science)
2. Be . There is a hole in the road . (care)
3. I met the of the local hotel . (own)
4. His father died of a disease .(mystery)
5. Dean is a really person to have around when things go wrong .(use)
6. She has hair . (shine)
7. I had this dres made for the wedding .(silk)
8. Usually a child has skin . (silk)

Section B 3a-4
1.Teacher’s words: He is rich that has few wants
2.Learning aims:
(1) The using of “make”
(2)Talk about a place you know .
3.Learning steps :
Step 1. Translate the words and phrases .
(1)星团,幻觉 (2)广告;广告活动
(3)瞄准;对准 ( 4)特定地;特殊地
(5)例子;实例 (6)列举,列表
(7)令人困惑的;含糊不清的 (8)令人误解的;骗人的
(9)事实;真相 (10)赞成与反对
(11)有时,偶尔 (12)首先
Step 2 . Read 3a and answer the questions .
Step 3 . Groupwork .Tell your group about a place you know .
Your classmates try to guess the place .
Stp 4. Do . part 4
Step 5 . Explain .
1. aim 是动词。意为“瞄准,对准”,常与介词at连用,意为“针对,瞄准”。
Aim 还可做名词,意为“目标,目的”。
2.some ……others 意为“一些……另一些”。

some……the others ……是指圈定了范围当中的一些和另一些。

3. compare 是动词,意为“比较,对照”。

拓展:compare……with . 意为“把……与……相比较,指同类事物相比”。

Compare……to ……意为“把……比作……”,不同事物相比较。

4. have sales意为“甩卖,特价销售”
Ads also tell you when stores have sales .你也可以从广告上获得商品降价的信息。
On sale意为“出售,上市”。

5. confuse是动词,意为“混淆,辩不清”,常与with 连用,意为“把……混同”。
(1)你把these 和those 混同了。

6. mislead 是动词,意为“把……引错方向,给……带错路”,该词的反义词为lead ,lead to 导致,导向
Step 6 . Exercises .
1. Ads (be) great , but you must be careful with them .
2. Why don’t you tell him the (true) ?
3. What can lead you (make) such a decision ?
4. The (quality )of the products are most important .
5. Some stores have (sale)very often , and most customers get used to that .
6. This kind of bike is aimed (specific)at children .
7. Others hate ads , (say)that they make them uncomfortable .
8. You can use Easy Care Shampoo . It works (real)well .

Unit13 Self Check
Teachers’ words : Believe yourself , you are the best .
Learning Aims (学习目标)
(1)Master the words and phrases in this unit .
(2)Master the language points of this part .
(3)Master the use of “make” correctly .
Learning steps .
Step 1 Revise the knowledge
Revise the key points of last class .
Translate the following words and phrases
List lead compare keep out taste
Step2. Finish part 1 Fill in each blank with the correct word given .
Task 1 Translate the sentences
1. I need a new jacket . This one doesn’t keep out the cold
2.Customers say the food at the restaurant tastes terrible _______________________________
3. When prices are listed , you can go to the store with lowest pric
4. Working hard at English can lead to a good job .
5.Wait before you buy that watch . Let’s compare prices in another store .
Step 3 Finish Part 2 Read the story .
Find out feeling words at different times during the day .
Step 4 Explain some points
1. wait等待,等候[拓展]wait a minute 请稍等wait for等待,等候
I’ll wait for you at the school gate .
Wait for sb ./ sh .to do 等待某人做某事/等候某事的来临.
Would you please wait for me to get ready ?
2. either 用于否 句中,也不
He is not a worker , I am not a worker , either .
[拓展]either还可用作adj./pron .表示两者中的任何一方。
Sit on either side .随便坐哪一边.
Either of the days is OK .两天里哪一 都行。
Either adj .时,还含有各的意思。=each of two There are shops on either side
(on both sides)两边都有商店。
He is either at school or at home .他或者在学校里或者在家里。
3.I had forgotten to bring it with me . That made me annoyed with myself .
forget to do 忘记去做某事。Forget doing 做过某事却忘记了。
Remember to do 记者要做某事 remember doing 记得做过某事。
Don’t forget to bring me the book .
Remember to lock the door when you go out .
4.be annoyed with sb .for / at sth .因某事而对某人生气。
Step 5 Summary 1 make sb . adj . make sb .do sth .
Step 6 Fitting
1. He forgot to leave his son an when he left home .
2. What made her a with us ?
3 . Have you read the book w about “the art of giving”
4. I like gifts , e those that have some thought behind them .
5. Take care of your t when you get on a bus .
1. (hear)from him is a great surprise for me .
2. Are you ready ? The plane will (take off)in a minute .
3. This is really (surprise)news for all of us . We can’t believe with our own ars .
4. How do the awful pictures make you (feel)
5. How many English (say) do you know ?
6. That made him (annoy) with his parents .
7. When prices are (list) , you can go the store with the lowest price .
Step 7 Homework

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/chusan/64481.html

相关阅读:Unit 4 What should you do 学案