
编辑: 逍遥路 关键词: 九年级 来源: 高中学习网
英 语 试 卷
第I卷 (75分)
( ) 6. A. I like tennis best.B. History.C. Green is my favorite.
( ) 7. A. Yes, we shall.B. That sounds good .C. No, we shall not.
( ) 8. A. Thanks for saying so.B. No, not really.C. You are right.
( ) 9. A. Yes, sure.B. No, I don’t.C. I couldn’t.
( ) 10. A. To clean my roomB. To Sand LakeC. To go with my sister.
III. 听对话选择最佳答案。(每小题1分,共5分)
( ) 11. A: The weather.B. A football match.C. The bad food.
( ) 12. A. He is surfing in the sea.B. He is reading in his room.
C. He is surfing on the Internet.
( ) 13.A. GreatB. Not bad.C. Terrible.
( ) 14.A. In an office.B. At school.C. In a sho p.
( ) 15.A. For two hours.B. For three hours.C. For five hours.
IV. 听一篇口头通知,然后选择正确答案。(每小题1分,共5分)
( ) 16. How far is the West Garden from the school?
A. 6 kilometers.B. 16 kilometers.C. 60 kilometers.
( ) 17. What can we see in the West Garden?
A. Beautiful houses and lakes.B. Trees and flowers.C. Both A and B.
( ) 18. What will they do in the afternoon?
A. Play ping-pong and volleyball.B. Go fishing and swimming.
C. Walk in the garden.
( ) 19. When will they return?
A. At 8:30 p.m.B. At 8:30 a.m.C. At 5 p.m.
( ) 20. What will the weather be like next Sunday?
A. Sunny and hot.B. Rainy and hot.C. Cloudy.
( ) 1. ?Now I know how to do everything by _________.
--- So you don’t have to _________ your parents.
A. me ; depend onB. myself; depended on
C. myself; depend onD. me; depend to
( ) 2. I didn’t believe he could drive _________ he told me.
A. onceB. whileC. sinceD. until
( ) 3. Success will belong to those _______ never say “impossible”.
A. whomB. whatC. whoD. which
( ) 4. You need to take notes at the meeting so make sure ______ a pen and some paper with you.
A. bringB. bringingC. to bringD. not bring
( ) 5.________ exciting news ! We will have a _______ holiday after the exam.
A. What an ; two monthsB. How an ; two months
C. What; two-monthD. how; two months’
( ) 6. ---Hello, Mike. Long time no see. Where are you?
---Oh, not only my parents but also I Wuhan for a month.
A. have gone toB. has been to
C. has been inD. have been in
( ) 7. The weather in Beijing is colder than ____ in Shenzhen in winter.
A. itB. the oneC. thatD. those
( ) 8. Would you mind turning down the music ?
A. Sorry, I’ll do it right now.B. Sorry, I won’t do it again.
C. Of course, I’ll do it in a minute.D. Of course, I won’t do it.
( ) 9. ---We’ll go for a picnic if it __ __ this Sunday.
--- Wish you a lovely weekend .
A. rainB. doesn’t rainC. won’t rainD. isn’t rain
( ) 10. It is all of us can do it.
A. so easy exercise thatB. such easy an exercise that
C. such easy exercise thatD. so easy an exercise that
( ) 11.---Hi, Bob! Can you tell me ______?
--- Sure. The No.5 bus will take you there.
A. how far is itB. where is the zoo
C. how I can get to the zooD. which bus should I take
( ) 12. ---All the oil in the world will ______some day.
--- Yeah. What shall we use for power at that time?
A. given awayB. put awayC. run outD. set out
( ) 13. ---Do you know_____ woman in red?
--- Yes, she’s a professor of ____ university.
A. the; aB. a; anC. the ; anD./ ; the
( ) 14. Rather than____ on a crowed bus, he always prefers ___ to school.
A. to ride; walkB. riding; walk
C. ride; to walkD. to ride; walking
( ) 15. In the last three years, two schools _____ in their hometown.
A. has builtB. have been built
C. has been builtD. have built
April 22 is World Earth Day. It is a day to remind us to 1 our planet. The Earth faces a lot of 2 . What are they? What can we do to help her? Follow Teens and find out.
We call the Earth our “mother”. If the Earth is really a mother, she must be very 3 . She has 4 problems to deal with.
Global warming is a very big problem in the world. It 5 the Earth hot and changes the climate. It also makes the sea level 6 . If the sea level goes on rising, some places such as the Maldives(马尔代夫),St Petersburg in Russia and Bangkok in Thailand, may 7 under water in just a few dozen years.
Another serious problem is 8 pollution. We can only use 3 percent of the Earth’s water. 9 people throw trash and pour dirty water into river and the sea. Almost 884 million people don’t have clean water to drink.
10 , humans are using up natural resources. According to a report from BP(英国石油公司),there will be no coal to use on the Earth by 2158 and oil will dry up by 2050.
( ) 1. A. care aboutB. talk aboutC. think ofD. look for
( ) 2. A. questionsB. problemsC. difficultiesD. experience
( ) 3. A. wellB. healthyC. strongD. sick
( ) 4. A. fewB. a fewC. a lot ofD. much
( ) 5. A. protectsB. preventsC. makesD. takes
( ) 6. A. raiseB. raisingC. riseD. rising
( ) 7. A. appearB. disappearC. hideD. dive
( ) 8. A. waterB. airC. noiseD. rubbish
( ) 9. A. AndB. SoC. OrD. But
( ) 10. A. BesideB. BesidesC. ExceptD. Without
When I was seven years old, my mom was diagnosed(诊断)with cancer. The doctor told us my mom might be saved with surgery(手术). But it could also kill her. She chose to have it.
The day before the surgery I was off school, and my mom planned the best day of my life, everything I loved at seven and everything that would put a smile on my face. The day began with her waking me up saying, “ Kate, I have a surprise for you. Come and see.” The surprise was a doll I had wanted for the longest time. Throughout the day, she told me everything that she thought I would need to know to grow up and be a good person; she told me to be the best I could be and that I would always make her proud. We had a picnic in the park, and it was so cold that we moved to the car. The day was filled with laughter. For the first time in a long time I could see she was really happy. I would never forget her smile, on the way her eyes shone as if we were the same age. It was the best day of my life, and I will never forget the conversations we shared.
My mother managed to live through the surgery. Now when I look back, I realize that the best day of my life could be her last and this could be the last day I would remember with her, the last one we shared. I also understand how unselfish a mother is.
( ) 1. Who made the decision to have the surgery in the story?
A. The doctorsB. The patientC. The writerD. The patient’s family
( ) 2. What did the writer’s mother do the day before the surgery?
A. She stayed at home to have a good rest
B. She went to the doctor’s for advice
C. She turned to her family for comfort
D. She stayed all day with her child
( ) 3. Why was the writer’s mother happy that day?
A. Because she left her child a special memory
B. Because she realized her child had grown up
C. Because she was proud of what her child had done
D. Because she expected the surgery to be successful
( ) 4. The underline sentence in the last paragraph suggests that
A. her mother was ill againB. the surgery was unsuccessful
C. her mother was getting betterD. the surgery was simple
( ) 5. Which of the following words best describes the writer’s mother?
A. HardworkingB. FamousC. RichD. Great
Do you know who shaped President Obama? It was his unconventional(非凡的) mother?Ann Soetoro. She was charming(有魅力的) and liked to laugh. She was a tireless and hardworkin g woman. When Obama was young, his mother said, “He can do anything he wants in the world, even be president of the USA.” And she was right.
When Obama was a little boy, his mother paid much attention to manners. So Obama was very polite. He got up to study at 5 a.m. every morning. His mother typed and corrected his homework for him. Besides, his mother let him know the sense of duty to the world, the importance of hard work and the need to give back. Just as Obama said, “Like most of my values, I learned about empathy(同情) from my mother. ” When he was nine, his mother sent him to Hawaii, where she soon joined him. In 1975, his mother left him to grandparents, so as to return to Indonesia(印度尼西亚) to begin her Ph.D. field work(为博士学位做实地考察).
Obama’s mother was optimistic and easygoing. This great mother produced an excellent son.
( ) 6. What’s the best title of the passage?\
A. Great Mother Made Obama Succeed.B. Hardworking Obama
C. Ann Soetoro Got Ph.D.D. Obama’s Mother Was Easygoing
( ) 7. Which of the following is true?
A. When he was nine, his mother and he went to Hawaii together.
B. Obama didn’t study hard when he was young.
C. In 1975, Obama’s mother returned to Indonesia to begin her Ph.D. field work.
D. His mother didn’t want him to become President of the USA.
( ) 8. According to the passage, we know that his mother .
A. was a great mother and she knew how to educate her children.
B. didn’t like to study herself.
C. was so busy that she had no time to look after her children .
D. wasn’t hopeful about the future.
( ) 9. The underlined word “optimistic” means .
A. 消极的B. 乐观的C. 自私的D. 善良的
( ) 10. When Obama was young, his mother let him know
A. the sense of duty to the worldB. the importance of hard work
C. the need to give backD. A, B and C
On August 15, 2014, the Ministry Publish Security(公安部) started a campaign(活动) to educate drivers about the dangers of driving after drinking.
As a part of the campaign, police officers watched bars, restaurants and KTVs in Beijing, Shanghai, Liaonin g, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Hubei and Guangdong. It ended up on December 30. But it told the drivers the meaning of the new traffic laws and the dangers of drinking.
In Beijing, some restaurants put up notices and told drivers about their responsibility. “Usually if a group of guests come by car, the driver won’t drink. If he does, we’ll remind him,” said a waitress from Dongfang Restaurant in Beijing. Fewer drivers are drinking alcohol nowadays, since many know about the campaign.
Wang Lankun, a traffic policeman in Beijing said, “Some drivers think a glass of beer is not a problem. But a blood test will show that their blood-alcohol level is more than 20mg for each 100ml of blood, that is enough to affect their driving.’’
During the campaign , drivers who have a blood-alcohol level of over 20mg for each 100ml of blood will get a fine of 500 yuan. Also, they will not be allowed to drive for three months.
In fact, there are strict laws to punish drunk driving in many other countries. For example, in the USA, if someone has a blood-alcohol level of over 80mg for each 100ml of blood, he will be sent to prison for one year. But in Britain, he will be fined 5,000 pounds and banned(禁止) from driving for 12 months, also he will be sent to prison for 6 months. In Germany, if a driver has a blood-alcohol level of over 60mg for each 100ml of blood, he won’t be allowed to drive until he passes a new driving test.
( ) 11. How long did the campaign last?
A. For about half a yearB. For about four and a half months
C. For about 12 monthsD. For about three months
( ) 12. The police officers watched many places except
A. restaurantsB. KTVsC. schoolsD. bars
( ) 13. If a driver drinks a glass of beer before driving in China,
A. it won’t affect his driving
B. he will take a new driving test and get a driver’s license
C. he won’t be allowed to drive for three months
D. his blood-alcohol level will be over 80mg for each 100ml of blood
( )14. If a driver has a blood-alcohol level of over 80mg for each 100ml of blood in Germany, which punishment will he accept?
A. One year in prison
B. Banned until he passes a new driving test
C. 12-month ban from the roads
D. fine of 5000 pounds
( ) 15. From the text, we know
A. The waitress in the restaurant can remind the driver not to drink
B. More and more drivers are drinking alcohol nowadays
C. The Ministry Publish Security began this campaign to punish the drivers
D. All drivers must pass a new driving test if they drive after drinking
第II卷 非选择题(45分)
21. Andrew is very ______________.
22. They would like to eat some ______________.
23. The restaurant is _____________ a bookshop and a supermarket.
24. The color of the woman’s suitcase is ________________.
25. The number of the taxi is _________________.
on make metre according right energy end convenience
New bus good for Beijing
From Sept 30,2014, a new kind of bus started to run on Chang’an Avenue in Beijing.
The LNG(Liquefied Natural Gas, 液化天然气) bus is 18 1. ______ long and can hold 200 passengers. It is a clean 2. _____bus. It cuts out more t han 97 percent(百分之…..) of air pollution. It also 3. _____ less noise than a normal bus.
The new bus is also 4. ____ for old people. When the driver pushes a button, the bus will lean to the 5. ____ side. This makes the step to the door only 20cm from the ground. The elderly can then easily get 6. ____ the bus.
7. _____ to the Beijing Bus Group, there are 620 LNG buses in the city at the 8. _____ of the year.
1. The population of China is the (最多的) in the world .
2. Edison was a great scientist, and he had 1,093_____ (发明)
3. Our guide _____(带领;引导) us through a forest at last.
4. Be careful when you walk _____(穿过)the street.
5. At present , the medical team _____(包括) five doctors and ten nurses.
6. Teenagers should talk to the old _____(礼貌地).
7. In Tianjin , there are about ______(千) of workers in it.
The Internet brings people closer or farther?
Last Friday , we made a survey on whether the Internet brings people closer to each other. Let’s look at what they said.
Mary : The Internet makes people get closer to each other . The Internet gives strangers a chance to know each other and then become friends . Through the Internet, families and friends can talk at any time, anywhere. It’s so convenient that we’d like to communicate with each other more.
Dan : Real communication needs not only people’s words, but also body language and facial expressions . There are so many people cheating online, making it difficult for people to make real friends on the Internet. Too much online chatting will also lead to the loss of basic social skills.
Carman : I’m always told that the world is becoming smaller and smaller. Who makes it smaller? The answer is the Internet . Since the world is becoming smaller, the distance between people is definitely(确实) closer.
James : The Internet shortens(缩短) the distance between people but it also brings troubles. Sometimes we refuse our parents’ suggestions to go out because we want to spend more time on the Internet . However, doing things with parents is really a precious thing.
1. The survey is about __________________________
2. Mary thinks that the Internet makes people__________ to each other.
3. Real communication needs not only people’s words, but also _____________ according to Dan’s opinion.
4. The Internet makes the world become___________________ in Carmen’s opinion.
5. Doing things with parents is really a ______ according to Jame’s opinion.
节约资源,保护环境,从我们身边的小事做起。 假设你是Han Meimei, 一个注重低碳生活的中学生,请以“My Low-carbon life”为题,写一篇80词左右的短文,简单描述自己的低碳生活。
1. 每天步行或骑自行车上学。 2. 离开教室时关灯,关电脑。
3. 不用水时关水龙头,循环使用水。 4. 充分使用纸张,节约粮食。
5. 不使用塑料袋。
1. 内容包括所提供的信息及要点,可是当发挥,但不要逐条翻译;
2. 不得透漏考生姓名、学校等信息。

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/chusan/64664.html
