9B unit4导学案

编辑: 逍遥路 关键词: 九年级 来源: 高中学习网

9B Unit 4 Checkout
2. 在走下飞船,首次踏上月球之际,他说了那句名言“对一个人来说,这只是小小的一步,但对全人类来说,这却是巨大的飞跃。”
3. 他们搜集了所有的岩石样本,带回地球作进一步的研究。
5. 尼尔?阿姆斯特朗使全世界人民都意识到太空探索是真正可能的。
二、完成课本P73, Parts A、B练习。
1. Einstein developed __________(理论)of relativity.
2. Christopher Columbus was a ___________(勇敢的)man to go where no one had gone before.
3. Now Daniel’s father is the youngest __________(教授)in his university.
4. When people in _________ (权力) is absent, people will do as they like.
5. the sooner the task will be done, the fewer people can be _________(牵涉)in.
B .用括号内所给词的适当形式填空。
6. Because of the great ___________ (achieve) in Chinese film industry, Zhou Renfa was written into the text book in Hong Kong.
7. The early bird _________ (catch) the worm.
8. From the day Napoleon (拿破伦)joined the army, he dreamed to be the _________ (command) one day.
9. If you want to be a great person, first of all you should be a good _________ (city).
10. You can’t cut down any tree here, unless you have the __________ (permit) of the government.

课题9B Unit 4 Checkout 课型复习课
目标1.To review the vocabulary of Great People.
2.To review the relative clauses and key words and phrases.
3.To teach the students how to write about a great person.
4.To activate the students’ awareness of being a great person.
Step 1 Lead-in
Divide the students into four groups and revise the important vocabulary and phrases in the form of competition.
Step 2 Revision
1. Give students several minutes to revise, including reading of this unit.
2. Consolidate what has been learnt in this unit so far.
Step 3 Presentation
Show the students some key words and phrases in the unit and ask them to give correspondent Chinese equivalent.
Step 4 Part A
Ask them whether to remember the three words “who, which, that” and ask them to turn back to the Grammar part
Step 5 Practice
1. Ask some students to finish Part A of Page 73.
2. Help students to play the roles of Simon, Sandy and other people.
Step 6 Production
1. Have a small competition about how to fulfill Part B of Page 73.

2. Ask the students to discuss with classmates how to do this kind of exercises. Ask the students to fill in the blanks with the correct phrases such as
“out of control, work as, be famous for, stay away, in one’s spare time, together with …”
Step 7 Revision of the language points
Have a competition to see who is the fastest and best to master this unit.

Step 8 Writing
1. Divide the students into 4 teams. Work in groups.
2. Give the students 5 minutes to finish the article. Write about the person you like most like Albert Einstein, Neil Armstrong ….

















Better remind students that when we take notes, we don’t need to write in complete sentences--- we just need to write down the keywords.

作业设计1.Finish designing the REAL web page on great people.
2.Review the whole unit and get ready for the test.
板书设计Unit 6 Check out
Famous astronauts Great People
exploration take flying lessons
citizen together with
research warn sb. to do sth
truly send a message to
particular get the important award
absent 限制性定语从句只能用that的几种情况。
spoil anything, everything, nothing, few, all,

( )1. That is the cook ______ came from London.
A. that B. which C. / D. who
( )2. Light bulb which was invented by Edison _________now.
A. was widely used B. is widely used
C. will be widely used D. used widely
( )3. Who can help me find information about Elvis Presley ________ I need to give a talk about western music?
A. who B. whom C. what D. which
( )4. ------ ______ do know about Columbus?
------ Oh, he is a great man who discovered America.
A. What B. Who C. That D. Which
( )5. Do you know the equation E = mc2 , _______ is a great achievement in physics.
A. which B. that C. in which D. what
1. Einstein developed __________(理论)of relativity.
2. Christopher Columbus was a ___________(勇敢的)man to go where no one had gone before.
3. Now Daniel’s father is the youngest __________(教授)in his university.
4. When people in _________ (权力) is absent, people will do as they like.
5. the sooner the task will be done, the fewer people can be _________(牵涉)in.
1. 那些名人拥有过的东西常能卖出很多钱。
Things _____________________________________________ are often sold for a lot of money.
2. 在NBA 打球的姚明是中国最有名的篮球运动员。
Yao Ming _________________________ is the most famous basketball player in China.
3. 卖给你电脑的公司是可信的。
The company _____________________________ is credible.
4. 这块石头被当作标本带回实验室。
The rock was taken back to the lab ________________________.
5. 我们会照着老师说的做。
We will do _________________________.
9B Unit 4 导学案
1.登上月球 2. 向某人发送信息
3. 决定写一位伟大任务 4. 世界上最伟大的探险者
5. 需要信息写文章 6. 做关于某人的笔记
7. 带某人登上舞台 8. 教某人功夫
9. 顺序有误 10.相对论
11. 获得诺贝尔奖12.计算出
13. 移居美国 14.对…作出贡献
15. 出了一些错 16.工作不正常
17. 照亮世界上每个家庭 18.留着有趣发型的科学家
二、完成课本P64―P67, Parts A、B练习。
who, which, that
1.who 引导定语从句时,指代人,在从句中做主语或宾语,做宾语时可省略。
The boy __________ is standing there is my brother.
The man __________ they are talking about is a foreigner.
2.which 引导定语从句时,指代物,在从句中做主语或宾语,做宾语时可省略。
The dog __________ was lost has been found.
That is the house __________ we built.
3.that 引导定语从句时,指代人或物,在从句中做主语或宾语,做宾语时可省略。
She was not in the train __________ arrived just now.
The school __________ he studies in is very popular.

课题9B Unit 4 Grammar课型新授课
Step1 Go through the explanation at the top of page64. Encourage students to ask questions if there is anything they are unsure of . Give students extra examples if necessary .
Step2 Explain the context . Kitty and Peter are talking about who they want to write about . Ask students to read sentences and decide which contain defining relative clause .
Step3 More able students can complete this exercise independently. Allow less able students to work in pairs .
Step4 When all students have finished , ask two students to read the dialogue . Ask them to stop after each sentence and the other students raise their hands and say if it contains a defining relatives clause .Check for mistakes and mispronunciation .
Step5 Ask students to think about what structure the first and the third sentences contain .Review ‘wh-words+to-infinitive’ and object clauses introduced by ‘that’ . Ask less able students to refer to the grammar items in Unit3 of 9A and Unit1 of 9B .
Step6 Ask students to think of some famous people from China . Encourage them to think of great people , rather than famous film stars . Write the names on the board ,
e.g. Yang liwei
Yuan Longping
He Zhengliang
Step7 Have students get into pairs and ask each pair choose a famous person from China .Ask them
What is this person famous for ?
How has he \she helped China ?
How has he \she helped society ?
Each pair works out the answers to the questions for the person they have chosen .Then each pair reads out their answers .
Step8 Go through the table at the top of page 65. Then read the three example sentences. Tell students that the arrows show the people or things the relative pronouns are referring to.
Step9 Explain the context of the exercise . Daniel is completing some notes about Bruce Lee. Students help Daniel use the correct relative pronouns. In stronger classes, encourage students to complete this exercise independently , as this will help you gauge how well students have understood the grammar topic . In weaker classes , students can work in pairs or small groups .
Step10 Explain to students that both ‘which’ and ‘that’ can be used as relative pronouns to refer to things ,but we normally use ‘that’ as the relative pronoun when the noun it refers to is qualified by an ordinal number, e.g. ‘the first’, ‘the second’, ‘the last’ .
Step11 Once all students have finished ,ask five students to each read out a completed sentence .Listen for mistakes and mispronunciation.
Step12 Explain the context of partB2 . Millie is looking at a web page about Albert Einstein on the Internet .Students will rearrange the words and add correct relative pronouns to from sentences .
Step13 Divide the class into groups of four . Each group must nominate a write who will write down the answers on a piece of paper .Each group must work together to come up with the answers .
Step14 Ask students whether they like Bruce Lee . In stronger classes , ask students to justify their answers using the structure . ‘I like\ do not like Bruce Lee because…’
Step15 homework
Give instructions and extra examples.

Explain the context.

Give instructions.

Check for mistakes.

Give instructions.

Write down the names on the blckboard.

Ask some questions.

Give explanations.

Explain the context.

Explain the difference between which and that

Check the answers.

Explain the context.

Ask students to have a group discussion.

Give instructions.

Ask questions of necessary.

Read sentences.

Work in pairs.

Read the dialogue.

Review the grammar items.

Think of some famous people.

Work out the answers.

Read the example sentences.

Complete the exercises.

Try to understand the grammar gules.

Read out the sentences.

Rearrange the works.

Come up with the answers.

Use the new stucutures.
作业设计1.Recite the dialogues on P64 and P67
2. Write five sentences with relative clauses
板书设计On 20th July 1969, Armstrong became the first human that walked on the moon.
There are reports that say Armstrong and Aldrin saw alien spacecraft when they were on the moon.
It is said that Armstrong sent a message to Mission Control which said that two huge, strange objects landed near them and were watching them.
Relative pronounPeopleThings


1.This is the mountain village __we visited the other day.
A. which B. in which C. where D. when
2. All __ is needed is a supply of oil.
A. the thing B. that C. what D. which
3. Finally, the thief handed everything ___ he had stolen to the police.
A. which B. what C. whatever D. that
4. A chemist’s shop is a shop ___ sells medicine.
A. who B. which C. where D. in which
5. The students ___ do not study hard will not pass the examination.
A. / B. who C. which D. they
1.The __________ which __________ teach at __________ are usually __________, __________ English and so on. (学科;教授;大学;数学;文学)
2.The __________ Einstein worked out is E=mc2. (方程式)
3.The light bulb which brings light to nearly every home in the world was __________ by a famous inventor who Mr. Wu __________ yesterday. (发明;提及)
4.He cut the flight short and __________ brought the spacecraft down into the western Pacific Ocean when it began __________ out of control. (成功地;快速旋转)
5.He is the __________ of the whole world and we all are proud of him. (骄傲)

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/chusan/68818.html

相关阅读:Unit 4 What should you do 学案