外研版初三英语下册Module 9教案

编辑: 逍遥路 关键词: 九年级 来源: 高中学习网
外研版初三英语下册Module 9教案

Module 9 English for you and me
本模块以语言为话题,表述了学生学习英语的感受,介绍了英语在世界各国广泛使用的原因和历程,同时对英语和汉语的未来进行了预测。过程中可根据学生的具体情况,提出与学生学习和生活密切相关的任务来提高学生的参与热情。借助这一话题开展听、说、读、写的活动可以激发学生的学习热情,有助于活动的设计。要求同学们听懂、读懂相关的对话和描述,明白文章的主旨大意及段落大意;准确理解并运用宾语从句、定语从句和状语从句的用法;正确使用关系词that, which, who,whose;正确使用连词although, if, because, even though, until 等。教学中教师应灵活利用各种素材组织教学过程和内容。充分调动学生的积极性。
词组achieve, bright, handwriting, level, certain, however, fairly, no matter, wherever, own, everyday, essential, tourism, quarter, industrial, recent, Arabic, typhoon, importance, in place of, Indian, speaker, period, express
语法能够准确理解并运用宾语从句、定语从句和状语从句的用法;正确使用关系词that, which, who,whose;正确使用连词although, if, because, even though, until 等。

演示与表达 能够开展集体项目,比如有关英语应用的项目,做成海报、展板或者幻灯片在班级介绍。
3) 学习策略:
认知联系,归纳,推测等技能。观察并归纳宾语从句、定语从句和状语从句的用法;正确使用关系词that, which, who,whose;正确使用连词although, if, because, even though, until 等。
4) 文化意识:
5) 情感态度:
6) 任务:能够通过课外阅读对英语和汉语的了解,与他人合作制作有关英语和汉语学法建议的海报。
重点:1.通过本模块的学习培养学生的听、说、读、写能力,准确理解并运用宾语从句、定语从句和状语从句的用法;正确使用关系词that, which, who,whose;正确使用连词although, if, because, even though, until 等。
pre-task:学生联系生活实际,激活背景知识。新 课标 第 一 网
Period 1: Vocabulary and Listening &Pronunciation and Speaking
Period 2: Reading and Vocabulary & Learning to learn
Period 3: Writing& Around the world &Module Task & infinitive
Period 4: Language in use
Title: Module 9 English for you and me
Period 1: Vocabulary and Listening &Pronunciation and Speaking
Teaching Content: Vocabulary and Listening and Pronunciation and Speaking
Teaching Aims and Demands:
1. Language Knowledge
Key vocabulary and phrases: achieve, bright, handwriting, level, certain, however, fairly, no matter, wherever
Key structure: that clause, which clause, whose clause and who clause
Although / No matter how… (重点)
2. Listening skill: To listen and understand conversations about how Lingling and Betty learnt English (难点)
3 Speaking: To ask and give information about one’s learning experience.
Learning strategies:
Bottom ?up approach and listening to the tape and do some exercises.
Teaching Aids: Multi-Media (Tape recorder, video, OHP, handout)
Teaching Procedures:
Part I: Revision
Task: Recall what we have learned in the last Module.
Step One: Label the pictures with the phrases.
(1) Read through the phrases in the box and have the Ss. Repeat them after you.
(2) Ask them to label them in the pictures on the screen.
(3) Make some sentences with the phrases. Ask students to speak out as many as they can.
Step Two: Talk about language learning.
Part II: Lead in
Task: Introduce to them the new words.
Step One: Introduce the new words of this unit. And list them on the board.
Step Two: Read after the teacher.
Step Three: Practise reading the words.
Step Four: Ask the students to look at the pictures about language learning. Elicit what they know about them. If there are any new words, add them to the list on the board.
Part III: Listening
1. Task: Activity 2 on page 72. Listen and answer the questions. Use the words to help you.
(1) Read through the words in the box with the whole class, and have them repeat them chorally and individually.
(2) Pay particular attention to the words where the stress isn’t on the first syllable: achieve, require.
(3) Ask the students to read through the questions to themselves.
(4) Play the recording through once while they just listen and focus.
(5) Play it again for them to answer; they can then check with a partner.
(6) Play it once more for them to complete, check and correct.
(7) Call back answers from the whole class, having one student ask a question and another answer.
1.Better than last year.
2.Because he has practiced it every day.
3.His handwriting and reading.
4.You don’t need to be bright, but you have to make an effort.
5.He thinks it’s simpler than English.
6.He thinks it’s quite good.
3. Task: To understand conversations .
Step one: Ask the Ss to complete the table in Activity 4 on page 73.
Step two: Play the recording and have them listen and complete it.
Step three: Play the recording again and have them check individually.
Step four: Call back the answer from the whole class.
4. Task: Listen and read:
Step one: Play the recording and ask the Ss. to listen and read the conversation.
Step two: Play the recording again and pause after each phrase, asking the Ss. to repeat chorally and individually.
Step three: Put the Ss. into groups of 4 to practise the dialogue.
Step four: They should repeat it several times, changing the roles each time.
5. Task: Activity 5. Check who might think the following.
● Ask the students to do this individually, then check with a partner.
● Call back the answers from the whole class.
English corners are for people with a low level of English.√
English is a simple language.
Chinese may be more popular than English in the future.√
English is spoken all over the world.√
To speak a language, you need to work hard.√
You have to be bright to speak English.
English is my favourite lesson at school.
It’s good to practice even if the other person is better than you are at English√
6. Task: Activity 6. Complete the sentences in your own words.
● Ask the students to do this individually, then compare their answers with a partner.
● Call back some different answers from the whole class.
These are possible answers:
1.is spoken all over the world
2.you go
3.the language is quite easy
4.their language level might be higher than yours
5.English level is quite low
6.can speak Chinese than English
7. Task: Activity 6. Answer the questions.
● Ask the students to do this individually, then compare their answers with a partner.
● Call back some different answers from the whole class.
Students’ own answers
Part IV: Language points
1. How much progress in English do you think you’ve made this year, Lingling?
本句是双重疑问句,how much progress 提问的是从句中的内容,主句为do you think, 再如下面的问句:
What do you think has happened to him? He hasn’t turned up yet.
Who do you think will be elected as president?
When do you think the meeting will start?
2. Above all, it’s the subject that I’m best at, although my handwriting could be better.
注意本句中表达书法不好的委婉说法:my handwriting could be better。另外,注意表述最重要的因素时使用的above。再如:
I prefer to live in the suburb. The air is clean, traffic is light, and above all, the cost of living is low.
3. Learning a foreign language requires a certain effort, however easy it is.
However simple it is, you should be careful.
However hard you try, you won’t persuade him.
连接让步状语从句时,however, wherever……之类的结构在口语中可用no matter how / where……结构替代,如:
No matter who you are, you should obey the law.
= Whoever you are, you should obey the law.
No matter when he comes, he always brings some presents.
= Whenever he comes, he always brings some presents.
Wherever you are, you can hear people speaking English.
= No matter where you are, you can hear people speaking English.
4. You mean, those clubs where you go to practise your English?
这里you mean表示“你意思是说……?”, 常用于口语中,用于核实你确实听懂了某人所说的话。例如:
-- Do you remember Jane?
-- The woman we met in Scotland, you mean?
You mean we’re supposed to tell you if we want to leave early?
I’ll take that sandwich away if you don’t eat it properly—I mean it! (我是认真的)
Yes, I see what you mean. That would be the best way to do it. (我明白你的意思)
See what I mean? Every time she calls me up she wants me to do something for her. (懂我的意思吗?)
I’m sorry, I didn’t mean it--- it was just a stupid thing to say. (我不是有意的)
5. I always thought they were for people whose English was already quite good.
在这个句子中,thought 表示“原以为…… (但实际并非如此) ”。
I thought he was honest, but I’m wrong.
I thought you would be late—it rained so heavily!
Part IV: Pronunciation and speaking
Task 1:Activity 7. Look at the stressed words in this passage from the conversation. Try to remember every word of what the speaker says.
● Ask the students to do this individually; they can then try to say it for a partner to check.
● Play the recording for them to hear and talk along with.
Task 2: Activity 8. Say this passage aloud. Make sure you stress the correct words.
● Ask the students to say it to themselves a few times; they can then say it for a partner to check their stress.
● Play the recording for them to listen to.
I went to English corner once, and there were some people whose level was fairly low. But it’s good to meet other people who want to learn English, no matter how good their English is. And you can often meet some people who come from the UK or the USA.
Task 3: Activity 3. Look at your answer to Activity 6.
Now work in pairs. Talk about your progress in English vocabulary, grammar, listening, speaking, reading and writing.
● Ask the students to get into pairs to do this.
● Circulate and monitor their production.
Part V: A test
Ask the Ss to do Ex 1 on page 128 and hand in immediately .
Part VI: Homework:
Recite the short dialogue as fluently as possible.

Period 2 Reading and Vocabulary
Teaching Content: Reading and Vocabulary
Teaching Aims and Demands:
1. Language knowledge:
New words: own, everyday, essential, tourism, quarter, industrial, recent, Arabic, typhoon, importance, in place of, Indian
Key structures: clauses (重点)
2. To get information from the reading material. (难点)
3.To train reading strategies including skimming, inferring, and reformulating.
4. To cultivate the sense of coherence.
Learning strategies: Communicative approach.
Teaching Aids: Multi-Media (Tape recorder, video, OHP, handout)
Teaching Procedures:
Part I: Revision
1.Help students to revise what is learnt in Period one of this module.
Show them some pictures about the new words in last period. Have the Ss. spell them chorally and individually.
2. Act out the dialogue.
Part II : Preparation
Task 1: Learn the new words.
Directions: Label the pictures with the words.
(1). Read through the words on the screen. Have the Ss. Repeat them after you.
(2).Read the words separately and have them remember them.
(3).Make some sentences with the words.
(4) Call back the answers from the whole class.
Task 2: Activity 1.Work in pairs. Talk about the photos.
(1)Ask the students to get into pairs to do this activity.
(2)They can then share their ideas with another pair.
(3) Call back the answers from the whole class.
1.China; English and Chinese
2.India; English (probably)
3.Africa; English (probably)
Task3: Activity 2. Work in pairs. Answer the questions.
(1) Ask the students to do this individually, then check with a partner.
(2) Call back the answers from the whole class, having one student ask a question and another answer it.
1.About 4oo million.
2.In the 20th century.
3.In the 18th century, the UK’s industrial products were sold all over the world. In the 20th century, the USA spread English all over the world through newspapers, TV, films and advertising.
4.By the middle of the 21st century.
5.Everyone who speaks it.
Part III: Scanning and Skimming
1.Task: Read the passage and Choose the best answer.
● Ask the students to do this individually, then check with a partner.
● Call back the answers from the whole class as complete sentences.
1. d 2. c 3. b 4. c
2. Task:
Activity 4: Work in pairs. Talk about your answers to the questions.
● Ask the students to get into pairs for a discussion.
● Call back ideas in a whole-class setting.
Part IV : Dealing with expressions.
1. In Ghana, India, Nigeria and Singapore, English is used for government, education and trade …
注意used后面所接的介词,be used for 表示用于某种目的,be used as 表示“用作……”。
2. There is a good chance that someone will speak English.
本句中There is a good chance that …可以作为一个句型处理,表示“很可能……”
3. What’s more, English spelling …
这里What’s more表示“并且,更有甚者”,常常用于对刚说过的话做进一步补充。例如:
These shoes are of good quality. What’s more, they’re not very expensive.
He won the race, and what’s more, he broke the world record.
4. The reason is that in the 18th century, the UK was a country whose industrial products were sold all over the world.
注意:在表示“……的原因是……”这个意思时,不能说:the reason is because…, 而应该用the reason is that…。再如:
He doesn’t come here today. The reason is that he’s ill at home.
5. More and more schools in Europe are teaching Chinese as a foreign language, in place of other European languages.
这里in place of 相当于instead of, 表示“代替”的意思。例如:
I invited Joe in place of Tony, who was ill.
In place of our advertised program, we’ll be showing a film.
Part V: Language use
Give the students some time to recall what they’ve learned in this class.
Part VI: A test
Exercise 7 on page 130 in the WB.
Part VII: Homework
Retell the text.

Period 3: Writing & Module Task & Around the world
Teaching Content: Writing & Around the world &Module Task
Teaching Aims and Demands:
1.Writing skill: To write about The future of Chinese. Improve the students’ writing ability (难点).
2. To learn about invented languages.
3. To summarize and consolidate the use of clauses. (重点)
Learning strategies
Top-down and Interactive approach and do some exercises.
Teaching Aids: Multi-Media (Tape recorder , video, OHP, handout)
Teaching Procedures:
Part I: Revision
Task: Help students to revise what was learnt in last module.
(1). Revise the words and phrases.
(2).Let the Ss. retell the text.
Part II: Writing and Module Task
1.Task: Write a passage about The future of Chinese.
● Give them an example and make sure that they know what to do.
● Ask the Ss to w rite a passage about The future of Chinese.
●When they have finished, ask them to exchange their writing with a partner for peer-correction of the language and content.
● If you wish, have some students read their compositions to whole class.
This is a model answer:
The future of Chinese
About 800 million people speak Chinese at home in China. Outside China, people in Singapore, Malaysia and people in Chinese communities in other countries also speak Chinese. Schoolchildren in the UK and USA are learning Chinese. In the future, people will speak Chinese as an international language because China is becoming a very important country in the world. Many foreigners visit China, and many countries trade with China. China is a world leader, and so many people will learn Chinese and speak Chinese as an international language.
2. Module task: Making a list of tips for learning English
Activity 9 on page79. Work in groups and talk about what problems you have in learning English.
Activity 10 on page79. Give tips for solving the problems.
Activity 11 on page79. Make a list of the tips and present them on a poster for others to read.
● Read through the instructions with the whole class.
● Ask them to get into groups of four or five to do the task.
● Ask them to produce their posters and display them on the walls or desks:
● The class can then walk around and read the others posters.
● Have a general class feedback about the content.
Part III: Around the world invented languages
Task: Learn something about invented languages.
● Ask the students to read through the box.
● Ask some general questions, such as: “Why have people been inventing languages?”(To bring world peace.) “What is Esperanto based on?” (Latin, German and Greek.)
Part V: Recalling
Recall what we have learned today.
Part VII: A test
Do Ex.4 on page 129 and hand in immediately.
Part VIII: Homework: Do the Self-assessment on page 147.
Period 4. Language in use
Teaching Content: Language in use
Key words: speaker, period, express
Key structure: clauses. (重点)
Teaching Aims and Demands:
1. To summarize and consolidate the use of clauses.
2. To summarize and consolidate expressions and vocabulary.
Learning strategies: Formal instruction and task-based approach and interactive practice.
Teaching Aids: Multi-Media (video, OHP, handout)
Teaching Procedures:
Part I Revision
Help students to revise what is learnt in 3 periods of this module.
Part II Language practice
Task1: To summarize and consolidate the usage of clauses.
(1) Run through the examples with the Ss. and make sure that they are familiar with the use of clauses.
(2) Ask the Ss. to repeat the sentences in the box.
(3) Ask“Can you make other similar examples?”
(4) Focus the Ss’s attention on the structure.
Task 2: To summarize and consolidate the use of clauses.
Task 3: Do activities 1 on page 76.
● Read through the words in the box with the students; have them repeat them chorally and individually if you feel it is necessary.
● Ask them to complete the activity individually, then check with a partner.
● Call back the answers from the whole class, having one student read the original two sentences, and another the rewritten version.
Task 4: Activity 2. Complete the sentences so that they are true for you.
(1)Ask the Ss. to do this individually, then compare their answers with a partner.
(2)Call the answers back from the class.
Task 5: Activity3. Read your answers to Activity 2 and answer these questions.
(1) Ask the Ss. to get into pairs to do this activity, then compare their answers with a partner.
(2) Call the answers back from the class .
a. 5 b. 3 c. 4 d. 2 e. 1
Task 6:Activity 4. Work in pairs. Read the reports and diccuss the questions..
(1)Ask the Ss. to get into pairs to do this activity .
(2)They can then check their answers with another pair.
(3)Call the answers back from the class.
1.Ned needs to work on handwriting.
2.Toby enjoys sport and he likes schoolwork less than it.
3.Meg. Extremely well.
5.He needs to practise every day.
Task 7: Activity 5. Complete the sentences and give advice.
● Ask the students to do this individually, then compare their answers with a partner.
● Call back different answers from the whole class as complete sentences.
These are possible answers:
1.listen to some real English on TV or radio every day
2.a lot of hard work
3.you work hard
4.to learn words that go together at the same time
5.keep writing them down and saying them
6.keep trying
7.talking in English with your friends
8.won’t mind
Task 8: Activity 6. Read the passage and choose the best answer.
● Ask the students to do this individually, then check their answers with a partner.
● Call back the answers from the whole class as complete sentences.
1. d 2. a 3. b 4. c
Task 9: Activity 7. Listen to the advertisement and say what it is for.
● Ask the students to read the possible answers.
● Play the recording through once for them to just listen and focus.
● Play it again for them to answer. They can then check with a partner.
● Play it again for them to complete, correct and check.
● Call back the answers from the whole class.
Answer: a)
Task 10: Activity 8. Listen again and answer the questions.
● Ask the students to do this individually, then check their answers with a partner.
● Call back the answers from the whole class , having one student ask a question and another answer.
1.Books, CDs and computer courses.
2.Speaking practice.
3.An online course in conversation.
4.Because there are only four students and one teacher per class.
Part IV: A test
Complete Ex 4 on page 129 in the TB. Let’s see who can finish it as soon as possible.
Part V: Homework

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/chusan/72388.html

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