九年级英语上册module 11导学稿

编辑: 逍遥路 关键词: 九年级 来源: 高中学习网
Module 11
Unit 1
Learning aims: (学完后,如果你会,打个勾)
1.I can read the new words
2.I know the phrases: too much/many along with thanks to lose the game

environmental __________________________ transport________________________________
population______________________ appointment___________________________
prize___________________________ percent____________________________
special_____________________ educate______________________________
believe_________________________ crowd_______________________________
二、 首字母填空
1. I will go a__________ with you. 2. The p_______________ of Shanghai is very large.
3. He made an a________________ with his doctor yesterday.
4. Six p__________ of the students in our school are girls.
5. ---What is the p_______________ of China? ----- 1.3 billion
1. China has ______ population than any other country in Asia. A. a smaller B. a more C. a larger
2. We can read “135,898,345” ____.
A. one hundred thirty-five, eight hundred ninety-eight, three hundred forty-five
B. One hundred and thirty-five, eight hundred and ninety-eight, three hundred and forty-five
C. One hundred and thirty-five million, eight hundred and ninety-eight thousand, three hundred and forty-five
3. March 8th is ______. A. Woman’s Day B. Women’s Day C. Women Day.
4. The move made _____sad. A. she B. she’s C. her
5. There is no ___________ for a fridge in the corner of the room.
A, enough spaces B. space enough C. enough space

A Listen and choose True or False.
1. Pollution is this week’s homework.
2. They live in Beijing.
3. Beijing is the biggest city in China.
4. An increasing population is an environmental problem in many countries.
B. Listen and choose the best answer.
1. What will be there in the school next week?
A. prize giving B. basketball competition and photo competition C. A and B
2. The best new school magazine in Beijing is _________.
A. Our school B. New Standard C. Population
3. Who’s going to present the prizes?
A. Becky Wang B. Crazy Feet C. The head teacher

1. There is _______ traffic and ________ people in the street.
A. too much, too many B. too many, many too C. much too , too much
2. There is no more ______ for the piano in the room.
A. space B. places C. rooms
3. ---____ is the population of China today?
A. How many B. How much C. What
4. The question has never ______ , no one knows what to do.
A. come down B. come up C. come up with
5.______ the doctor, the boy come back to life.
A. Good luck to B. Thanks to C. Welcome to
6. The teacher, along with some students, ____ a plan.
A. have made B. has made C. has make
1. 吃得太多会让你发胖。 Eating _______________ will make you fat.
2. 我经常用字典查找单词。 I always _____________ the new words in the dictionary.
3. 多亏了老师的帮助,我才通过了考试。___________the teacher’s help, I passed the exam.
4. 你有足够的时间来完成此事。You have _____________ to finish it.
5. JOE每天要花一个小时坐车去学校。 It _______________________ go to school by bus everyday.
6. 节约水资源非常的有必要。__________________________ save water.


1. _______________ 2. __________________ 3._____________________
4. ________________ 5. ___________________ 6. ____________________
7. _________________ 8. __________________ 9. _____________________
10 _________________11. ___________________ 12. )___________________
1. 适合的地方__________________ 2. 环境问题 ___________________
3. 连同…一起 _________________ 4. 查找 ___________________
5. 中国的人口 _________________ 6. 举办 ___________________
7. 多亏 _________________ 8. 颁奖 ____________________
9. 离…很近 ___________________ 10. 在那时 ____________________
11. 不是她的错 ________________
1. Who took my umbrellas by m__________ ?
2. We moved to a new f_____________.
3. The p___________ caught some robbers last night.
4. The rate of this new production has i_______________ from 10 % to 60%。
5. It’s against the l________________, you can’t do that.

1. There is a lake ____ the center of the city.
A. too many B. many too C. too much
2. We should protect animals_____ danger.
A. of B. from C. to
3. There is no _____ for small houses any more in the city.
A. rooms B. place C. room
4. It ________ her some time to go to school on foot.
A, takes B.spend C. cost
5. He _________ at that time.
A. was watching B. is watching TV C. watches TV.
1. 我们看到远处有灯光。 We saw a light _______________________.
2. 管理一所学校不容易。 _______________________ to run a school.
3. 坏天气增加了她的困难。The bad weather __________________ her difficulties.
4. 因为经济衰退许多企业倒闭了。Many business have _____________ because of the recession. (衰退)
5. 他家住在城边。 His home lives _____________________ the town.

Unit 3
一、用 a, an , the 填空。
1.Shanghai is ______________biggest city in China.
2.______________ increasing population is ______ environmental problem in our country.
3.GONE WITH THE WIND is _________ interesting novel.
4.My father is __________ experienced worker.
5._____________ appointment is made between Tom and Kate.

二、 单项填空。
1. She doesn’t work __________ than you. A. hard B. harder C. more hard
2. ________ careful you are, ______ mistakes you make.
A. The more, the fewer B. The fewer, the more C. Fewer, more
3. The traffic was very heavy and _______ I arrived late.
A. as a result of B. as a result C. in a result
4. ---Will the foreigners have any problems talking with Chinese in Beijing in 2008?
--- I don’t think so. Now _______ the young _______ old are learning to speak English。
A. only, except B. neither, nor C. not only, but also

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/chusan/75889.html
