
编辑: 逍遥路 关键词: 九年级 来源: 高中学习网

山 2013年全国各地市中考英语试卷分类解析汇编:
【2013广东广州】17. I always tell y students ______ on the road because it’s really dangerous.
A. not to playB. to play not C. not playing D. not play
【解析】考查非谓语动词。不定式做tell的宾语补足语,构成tell sb. to do sth.结构,对不定式进行否定在to前加not。即tell sb. not to do sth.意为“告诉某人不要做某事”。
【2013广东】41. —I didn’t hear you coe in just no
— That’s good. We tried _______ any noise, for you were sleeping.
A. not ake B. not to ake C. to ake D. aking
【答案】 B
【解析】考查非谓语动词的用法。try to do sth.意为“努力/尽力做某事”,否定式为 try not to do sth.,句意指尽量不去制造任何噪音。所以选择答案 B。
【2013湖北孝感】39. —Dad, why ust I stop ______ coputer gaes?
—For your health, y boy.
A. play B. to play C. to playing D. playing
【解析】考查固定搭配。stop to do sth. “停下来去做另外一件事”; stop doing sth.”停止正在做的某件事”。题意为“爸爸,我为什么必须停止玩游戏?”“为了你的健康,孩子。”故选D。
【2013湖北襄阳】38. —Driving less, walking ore is good for our health.
—So I'd rather an hour's walk to work than consider a car.
A. take, driveB. take, to driveC. take, driving D. taking, driving
【解析】选C。考察动词及动词短语的用法。would rather do意为“宁愿干某事”, 后面接动词原形;consider doing意为“考虑做某事”,后面接动名词。故选C。
【2013山东济宁】23. — I will go to Harbin for y suer vacation. What about you?
—I haven’t decided where ________.
A. go B. went C. goingD. to go
【2013江西】38. Lucy is shy. She would not invite her classates _____dancing with her.
A. practice B. practices C. practicing D. to practice
【解析】 考查非谓语动词的用法,invite的用法是 invite sb. to do sth. 故选 to practice。
【2013 湖北黄冈】38.—How is your granda?
—She’s fine. She used to _____ TV at hoe after supper. But now she is used to _____ out for a walk.
A. watch; go B. watching; goC. watching; goingD. watch; going
【答案】D 考查动词短语用法。used to,过去(常常),其后用动词原形;be used to,习惯于,其后用动名词,故选D。
【2013广西贺州】 33. Our teacher often tells us _____ in the river. It’s dangerous.
A. don’t swi B. not swi C. not to swi D. not swiing
【解析】考查动词的用法。句意为:老师经常告诉我们_______在河里游泳。那很危险。Tell sb. to do告诉某人做某事;tell sb. not to do告诉某人别做某事;根据后句可知句意为 “老师告诉我们不要在河里游泳”,故选not to swi, 答案为C。
【2013江苏扬州】13. The Greens used to live in London and now they ________ in Beijing.
A. used to live B. are used to live
C. are used to living D. are used for living
【解析】考查固定结构的用法。根据句意:“格林一家过去生活在伦敦,但是现在他们习惯于生活在北京。” used to do sth“过去常做某事”;be used to doing sth“习惯于做某事”,所以选择答案C。
【2013江苏扬州】12. — What are you going to do when you grow up?
— A singer, but y parents wish e ________ a teacher.
A. a B. to be C. will be D. be
【解析】考查wish sb.to do的用法。根据句意“你长大后将要做什么?”“歌手,但我的父母希望我成为一个老师。”及句中wish确定要用固定结构wish sb to do sth“希望某人做某事”,所以选择答案B。
【2013江苏无锡】9. Don’t throw away the waste paper. It needs so that it can be reused.
A. to destroyB. destroyingC. to collectD. collecting
【解析】本题考查非谓语动词的用法。句意为“别乱扔废纸。它需要收集起来再利用。”物作主语时用need doing sth。再由句意可知应选D。
【2013江苏苏州】7. Paul ade a nice cage______ the little sick bird till it could fly.
A. keep B. kept C. keeping D. to keep
【2013山东济南】52. It was tie for class. r. King asked all the children ___________ down quietly.
A. sit B. sat C. to sit D. sitting
【解析】选C。考查非谓语动词。句中动词为ask,后接动词不定式作宾语补足语,即ask sb. to do sth.“要求某人做某事”。所以答案选C。
【2013湖南株洲】21. All the Chinese people ust work hard China Drea.
A. to realize B. realize C. realizing
【2013山东临沂】31. y parents often tell e too uch junk food because it’s bad for y health.
A. not eatingB. not to eatC. eatingD. to eat
【解析】考查非谓语动词。句子的谓语动词tell构成的常见结构为“tell sb to do sth”或“tell sb not to do sth”。又句意为:我的父母告诉我不要吃太多的垃圾食品,因为他对我的健康有害。故应用动词不定式的否定式,那么B项正确。
【2013浙江杭州】24. She’s not strong enough _________ walking up ountains.
A. to goB. goingC. goD. went
【解析】本题考查非谓语动词。不定式to go做结果状语,由句意“她的年龄还没足够达到去爬山的地步”。be enough to do sth 是固定句型,足够达到什么程度做某事。
【2013重庆】38.He lost his key.It ade hi _____in the cold to wait for his wife’s return.
A.to stay B stayed C.stays D.stay
【解析】本题考查非谓语动词。ake sb. do表示使某人做某事。句意为“他丢失了钥匙,这使他呆在寒风中等待他妻子回来”。故选D。
【2013湖南邵阳】25. — What about a rest?
—Let's go for a walk.
A. to take B. take C. taking
【解析】考查非谓语动词的用法。What about 后接名词或者动名词。选C。
【2013 浙江衢州】28. any children are left alone in the countryside. Let’s try our best
A. help B. helping C. to help D. helps
【解析】本题考查非谓语动词用法。try one’s best to do sth,尽最大努力做……的用法,故选C。
【2013四川内江】39. Our English teacher often says to us, “____ English well is very iportant”
A. Learn B. Learning C. Learned D. To learning
【2013四川内江】36. He hurried back hoe ____ his schoolbag.
A. fetched B. to fetch C. fetching D. fetches
【2013四川凉山】35.Everyone ay feel tie very quickly when they do soething interesting.
A. go by B. to go by C. went by
【2013四川广安】29.— I’ looking forward to _____y parents soon. What about you?
— e too.
A. seeing B. see C. saw
【解析】本题考查非谓语动词。look forward to意为“期望,期盼”,其中to 为介词,其后跟v.-ing形式,故选A。
【2013湖北黄石】( D ) 29. Seeing their teacher _______ into the classroo, they stopped _______ at once.
A. walk; tellingB. entering; to speak
C. enter; to tell D. walking; talking
【解析】考查非谓语动词的用法。句意:“看到老师走进教室,他们立刻停止了谈话。”第一个空考查see sb doing sth 看见某人正在做某事;第二个空考查stop doing sth 停止做某事。故选D。
【2013 上海】47. Even Tony’s granddaughter, a five-year-old girl, asked hi ________soking.
A. give up B. gave up C. to give up D. giving up
【解析】考查非谓语动词。 句意:甚至Tony的孙女,一个5岁的女孩,也让他戒烟。ask sb to do sth,固定用法,让某人做某事。xK b1 .C o
【2013 上海】48. The retired couple enjoy _______ photos. They always go out with their caeras
A. take B. took C. to take D. taking
【答案】 D
【解析】考查非谓语动词。 enjoy doing sth, 固定用法,喜欢做某事。
【2013江苏徐州】8. I' sleepy. I prefer ________ at hoe to going out for a walk.
A. sleeping B. to sleep C. slept D. sleep
【解析】考查固定句型的用法。prefer doing sth. to doing sth. 比起做某事,更喜欢做某事,prefer后接动名词形式。所以选择A。
【2013江苏淮安】12. At ties, parents find it difficult ________ with their teenage children.
A. talk B. talked C. talking D. to talk
【解析】考查非谓语动词。句意“有时, 人们发现与青少年交谈是有困难的”, find+it+adj.+for sb.+to do sth.发现做某事是…, 因此用动词不定式, 所以选择D。
【2013湖南益阳】35. He used to _____in a sall village, but now he has been used to ____in a big city.
A. live; living B. live; live C. living; living
【解析】考查非谓语动词的用法。句意:他过去住在一个小村子里,但是现在他已经习惯住在大城市里。used to意为“过去常常”,后跟动词原形;be used to意为“习惯于做某事”,后跟动词的-ing形式。故选A.
【2013湖南益阳】28.You look too tired. Why not______a rest?
A. stop to have B. to stop having C. stop having
【解析】考查非谓语动词的用法。句意:你看起来太累了,为什么不停下来去休息一下呢?why not 意为“为什么不……”,后跟动词原型;而stop to do sth停下来去做某事,stop doing sth停止做某事。根据句意用stop to do sth。故选A.
【2013湖南娄底】26. —Would you ind_________ the window? It's very hot.
—No, not at all.
A. open B. to open C. opening
【解析】考查非谓语动词的用法。固定用法:ind + doing表示介意做某事。故答案为C。
【2013 湖南衡阳】25. —Laura enjoys story books.
—e, too.
A. reading B. read C. to read
【2013 湖南衡阳】26. y parents asked coputer gaes.
A. not playing B. not to play C. not play
【解析】本题考查动词不定式的用法。告诉某人不做某事用tell sb. not to do sth.。故选B。【2013湖北十堰】33. How kind you are! You always do what you can __________ others.
A. helpB. helpingC. helpsD. to help
【解析】考查非谓语动词的用法。根据题干的意义“你总是竭尽全力地去帮助别人”可以知道竭尽全力的目的是帮助别人。不定式作目的状语,故选D。此题的最大迷惑项是在空格前有情态动词can ,学生很容易误选A。
【2013湖北孝感】33. —What a heavy rain!
—So it is. I prefer ______ rather than ____ on such a rainy day.
A. to go out; stay at hoe B. to stay at hoe; go out
C. going out; stay at hoe D. staying at hoe ; go out
【答案】 B
【解析】考查非谓语动词。prefer to do…rather than do是固定搭配。
【2013天津】30. He proised ______his old friend during his stay in Tianjin.
A. see B. seeing C. saw D. to see
【解析】考查非谓语动词。proise to do sth.意为“许诺做某事”。故选D。
【2013陕西】23. ary called and asked her husband ________hoe at once , because she locked their daughter in the hoe .
A. to leave B. leave C. go D. to go
【解析】考查非谓语动词和词义辨析。句意:ary打电话要求她的丈夫立刻回家,因为她把他们的女儿锁在家里了。Ask应跟动词不定式作宾补。根据句意应选择go hoe“回家”,而不是leave hoe “离开家”。
【2013山东威海】39. —Excuse e. Could you tell e ______ get to the nearest post office?
—Sorry, I a new here.
A. how can I B. how I could C. how to D. what I can
【2013山东莱芜】31. When I walked past the park, I saw soe old people ________ Chinese Taiji.
A. do B. did C. doing D. are doing
【解析】考查非谓语动词辨析。see sb. doing sth 是指“看见某人正在做某事”,不是全过程,表正在进行;see sb. do sth 是指“看见某人做过某事”,是看见事情发生的全过程(此处do前省略to)。句意:当我经过公园的时候,我看到一些老人在打(中国)太极拳。因为是经过,所以,看见的全过程可能性不大,所以选择答案C。
【2013哈尔滨】25. Vocabulary is iportant to language learning. Therefore, you’d better try different ways you can think of ______ words and expressions.
A. reeber B. to reeber C. reebering
【2013黑龙江齐齐哈尔】23. The Great Green Wall can stop the wind and sand to the rich land in the south of China.
A. ove B. to ove C. fro oving
【解析】考查动词短语搭配。stop sb. /sth. fro doing ….意为“阻止某人或某物做某事”,题意为绿色防护林阻止风沙侵入,保护南方肥沃的土地。所以选择答案C。
【2013黑龙江齐齐哈尔】27. Anials are our close friends. We are supposed the.
A. to protect B. protecting C. protect
【解析】考查非谓语动词。be supposed to do sth.“应该/ 被期望做某事”所以选择答案A。
【2013黑龙江齐齐哈尔】30. The boy is often heard in the usic roo. He sings very well.
A. practice singing B. to practice singing C. practiced singing
【2013河北】39. The children decide_ their school yard this Friday afternoon.
A. clean B. to clean C. cleaning D. cleaned
【2013广东梅州】39. I found a letter ______ on the floor when I cae into the classroo.
A. lying B. lay C. lie D. lies
【解析】考查非谓语动词。句意:我走进教室的时候,我发现地上躺着一封信。find sb. doing sth. 发现某人做某事。故选A。
【2013江苏南京】3. —Why are you so excited today?
—We were told a picnic this weekend.
A. haveB. to haveC. havingD. had
【解析】考查非谓语动词的用法。动词短语tell sb. to do sth. 是固定短语,意为“让某人做某事”。本题考查该短语的被动语态形式,所以选择答案B。
【2013 甘肃白银】35. any old en prefer _______ in a peaceful countryside.
A. to live B. liveing C. live D lived
【解析】考查非谓语动词用法。 prefer to do 或prefer doing,都可以,意为:更喜欢做某事。但live的动名词应该是living。故选A。
【2013 甘肃白银】57. ——George was heard _______ just no What happened?
——People was telling a joke.
A. to cry B. cry C. to laugh D. laugh
【解析】考查非谓语动词。 人们在讲笑话,不应该哭,排除A、B;be heard to do sth,是固定用法,意为:被听到做某事,故选C。
【2013 甘肃白银】59. The little boy pretended _______ when his other cae in.
A. sleeping B. asleep C. to asleep D. to be asleep
【解析】考查非谓语动词。 pretend to do sth,假装做某事,asleep是形容词,不是动词,因此to asleep不正确。故选D。
【2013 甘肃白银】36. _______ honest is the first thing people should learn.
A. Being B. Look C. Be D Becoe
【解析】考查非谓语动词形式。 动词作主语时用动名词,因此选A。
【2013 甘肃白银】38. any young people took part in _______ trees on Tree Planting Day.
A. planting B. plants C. to plant D plant
【解析】考查动词短语用法。 take part in,参加,其后用动名词。故选A。
【2013 甘肃白银】39. I haven’t decided when ________ a holiday yet.
A. took B. taking C. to take D take
【解析】考查疑问词+动词不定式的用法。 句意:我还没有决定什么时候去度假。疑问词+ to do是固定搭配。故选A。
【2013江苏泰州】12. — I feel stressed fro tie to tie. Could you give e soe advice?
— ________ sharing your worries with your parents?
A. Why don't you B. How about
C. Why not D. Would you like
【答案】 B
【解析】考查提建议的句型。Why don't you…后接动词的原形,How about…后接动名词,Why not…后接动词的原形,Would you like…后接动词不定式。由答句中的动词sharing知,用句型:How about…,所以选择答案B。
【2013四川宜宾】33.—Would you ind ______ in the dining hall?
—Of course not.
A. not to soke B. not soking C. soke D. not soke
【解析】考查非谓语动词的用法。ind (not) doing sth. 意为“介意(不)做某事”,故选B。
【2013四川雅安】12. Students should learn how probles.
A. solve B. solving C. can solve D. to solve
【2013四川雅安】8. 一Can you finish these books before 10 o'clock?
一Yes, I can.
A. to read B. read C. reads D. reading
【2013山东青岛】15. — Excuse e. Could you please tell e ______ y car?
—Sure. Park it right here. I’ll help you.
A. how to stopB. where to park C. where to stop D. when to park
【答案】 B
【解析】考查“疑问词+不定式”的用法。park指“停放车辆” stop指“停止、阻止”某物、人,句意:打扰一下,你能告诉我到哪里去停放我的车吗?所以选择答案B。
【2013福建福州】39. — Nick, would you ind _________ out of the bathroo?
— Sorry. I won't be long.
A. coe B. to coe C. coing
【解析】选C。考查非谓语动词的用法。Would you ind后边必须跟动词的-ing形式,故C项正确。
【2013广东湛江】22. —Why not to the park now?
—Good idea! Let’s go.
A. go B. to go C. goes D. going
【解析】考查非谓语动词。句意:——现在为什么不去公园?——好主意!让我们去吧。why not后跟动词原形。所以选择答案A。
【2013山东滨州】31. —Would you like caping with e?
—I’d like to. But I’ busy y hoework.
A. to go; to do B. to go; doing C. going; to do D. going; doing
【解析】考查非谓语动词。would like to do sth.想要做某事;be busy doing sth.“忙于做某事。所以选择答案B。
【2013山东泰安】30. —Why is Linlin practicing speaking English?
—_______ abroad for further study.
A. Go B. Gone C. To go D. Goes
【2013浙江舟山、嘉兴】24. —I’ new here.
—Don’t worry. I’ll do what I can ________ you.
A. helpB. to helpC. inviteD. to invite
【2013四川南充】29. Jack’s teacher asked hi ________ off the lights after class.
A. turningB. turnedC. to turn
【解析】考查动词不定式用法。ask sb to do sth. “请某人做某事”,to do sth.作宾语补足语,故本题选C。
【2013四川凉山】32.When you ove soewhere new, the first thing for you is to find a place .
A. to live B. living in C. to live in
【2013贵州安顺】19. “Who’s the boy in white T-shirt _____ under the tree?” “y friend.”
A. stand B. to stand C. stood D. standing
【2013贵州安顺】16. He often drinks two cups of ______ water when he coes back.
A. boiling B. boil C. boiled D. boils
【解析】考查过去分词。过去分词作定语表被动。boiled water意思是烧开的水,而boiling water意思是沸腾的水。所以选择答案C。
【2013内蒙古呼和浩特】10. To,would you please________ the box? It’s for your sister.
A. not open B. don’t open C. not to open D. to not open
【解析】考查固定句式。Would you please (not) do sth.? 意为“请你(别)做某事好吗?”。根据句意“汤姆,请你别打开那个盒子好吗?它是(送)给你妹妹的。”可以判断用not open。所以选择答案A。
【2013辽宁鞍山】 35. Jessica's parents always encourage her ____________out her opinions.
A. speak B. speaking C. to speak D. will speak
【解析】考查非谓语动词。encourage sb. to do sth.意为“鼓励某人做某事”。
【2013湖北随州】34. —What did your teacher say this orning?
—She told us ______ ake faces in class.
A. to not B. not to C. do not D. didn't
【解析】考查非谓语动词的用法。tell sb. not to do sth.意思是“告诉某人不干某事”,所以选择答案B。
【2013湖北随州】27. —Let's play football on the playground.
—— It’s too hot outside. I would rather______ at hoe than______ out.
A. to stay; go B. staying; going C. stay; to go D. stay; go
【解析】 “would rather...than...”句式,意思是“宁愿……而不愿……”,表示主观愿望,即在两者之中选择其一。“would rather do sth. ...than do sth.....”所以选择答案D。
【2013黑龙江绥化】17. He wants to have his TV ________.
A. repairing B. repaired C. to repair
【解析】考查非谓语动词用法。have sb./sth. doing让某人/某物一直做某事;have sth. done让某事被……;某物遭受……;have sth. to do有某事要去做。句意:他让别人帮他修电视。电视机是被修理,TV和repair之间是被动关系,用过去分词表示被动,所以选择答案B。
【2013黑龙江绥化】14. Reeber ________ off the lights when you leave the roo, please.
A. to turn B. turning C. turn
【解析】考查非谓语动词。句意:你离开房间时,请记得关灯。reeber to do 记得去做某事,这件事情还没有做;reeber doing 记得做过的事情,这件事情已经做过。根据句意,所以选择答案A。
【2013黑龙江绥化】4. 一What do you usually do in the orning?
一I often practice ________ English.
A. speak B. to speak C. speaking
【解析】考查非谓语动词。句意:——早上你通常干吗?—— 我经常练习说英语。practice + doing sth. 练习做某事。所以选择答案C。
【2013黑龙江齐齐哈尔】20. It takes e half an hour the piano every day.
A. play B. playing C. to play
【解析】考查非谓语动词。句子的谓语动词take构成的常见结构为“It takes sb. soe tie to do sth”句意为:我每天花半小时练钢琴。所以C项正确。

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/chusan/78696.html
