2014年中考英语七年级上册 Units 7~12复习题(带答案)

编辑: 逍遥路 关键词: 九年级 来源: 高中学习网

七年级上册 Units 7~12
(45分钟 100分)
一、单项选择 (30分)
1. — _____ are the socks?
—Just 2 dollars.
A. How anyB. How uchC. How long
2. —Happy birthday to you, Dannie!
—_____ , y friend. And welcoe to y party!
A. Thank youB. I’ sorryC. It doesn’t atter
3. —What’s the _____ of those books?
—Two yuan each.
A. dateB. birthC. price
4. The Shenzhou Ⅸ spacecraft returned to the earth safely _____ June 29th, 2012.
A. atB. inC. on
5. any students like playing coputer gaes _____ they only play the when they’re on vacation.
A. andB. butC. or
6. —Can you play Chinese chess?
—Yes, but just _____.
A. fewB. a fewC. a little
7. —How old is your younger brother?
—He’s _____ years old. We had a party for his _____ birthday.
A. five; fifthB. fifth; fiveC. five; five
8. (2012?上海中考) _____ wonderful concert they are putting on in the city square!
A. HowB. WhatC. What a
9. —What _____ you do for the talent show?
—I can play the piano.
A. areB. doC. can
10. —What are the rules for the party?
—Nothing uch but don’t _____ loudly with each other.
A. speakB. sayC. talk
11. —How long have you _____ ?
—About two years.
A. joined the club
B. taken part in the school tea
C. been in the club
12. — _____ is your physics teacher?
—r. Brown.
A. WhatB. WhoC. Where
13. I have a pen pal fro Korea and y classate, Jane, _____ has one.
A. tooB. alsoC. either
14. —_____
A. ay I know your nae?
B. Why are you here?
C. What tie do you go to bed?
15. —Was last Sunday’s school trip _____?
—Certainly it was! Everyone felt _____ on the trip!
A. exciting; excited
B. excited; exciting
C. exciting; exciting
  Does your school start 1 8:00 a? Do you feel sleepy when you have the 2 class? According to a new study, schools should start 30 inutes 3 . The study says that giving students 30 ore inutes helps the to 4 ore attention in class, have a better ood, and even a healthier breakfast.
  The study was carried out at the Rhode Island boarding school in Aerica. It 5 out by a tea led by Dr. Judith Owens. It was done on 201 high school students. The students were asked 6 a survey of sleeping habits. In the following nine weeks, the school started 30 inutes later. 7 , the tie of every class was cut by 5 to 10 inutes to keep the school day as long as usual. As a result, the proportion(比例) of students that had at least eight hours of sleep juped fro about 16% to alost 55%. And the proportion of students that felt sleepy in class 8 fro 49% to 20%.
  “There is a reason 9 even 30 inutes can ake such a big difference. Teenagers are usually in their deepest sleep around the tie when they need to 10 for school, ” said Owens.
1. A. forB. atC. on
2. A. oneB. onceC. first
3. A. earlyB. earlierC. later
4. A. payB. spendC. take
5. A. carryB. carriedC. was carried
6. A. doB. doingC. to do
7. A. First of allB. By the wayC. At the sae tie
8. A. droppedB. raisedC. stayed
9. A. whatB. thatC. why
10. A. get upB. get toC. get over
   情景七选五, 请下面对话, 根据其情景, 从方框内七个选项中选出能填入下面对话的五个选项。
A. Why do you want to join the usic club?
B. ay I know your nae?
C. Can I help you?
D. I want to be a teacher.
E. What’s your faily nae?
F. How old are you?
G. Can you sing?
A: Good orning! 1
B: Yes, please. I want to join the usic club.
A: 2
B: Sure. Ji.
A: 3
B: Green.
A: Ji Green, right?
B: Yes.
A: 4
B: Yes, and I can play the piano, too.
A: That’s great. 5
B: Because I want to be a usician.
1. _____2. _____3. _____4. _____5. _____
  Halloween(万圣节) is on October 31st every year. It’s a festival of ghosts(鬼). People ake scary things and wear scary clothes on Halloween.
  There is a story about Halloween. At the night of October 31st, a ghost would coe to the village. People in the village would turn out all the lights and dress theselves in scary clothes. And they would walk around their houses with a very big voice to ake the ghost run away.
  That is only a story in the past. Now, Halloween is always together with children, candies and pupkins. Children like it a lot. What do they do to have fun on Halloween? They ake special dresses for Halloween night such as those of witches(巫婆) and robbers(强盗). And then, they will knock at their neighbors’ doors one by one and say, “Trick or treat! ”They will go away if they get candies. If not, they will play soe tricks. That is the best part of Halloween!
( )1. Halloween coes in the tenth onth every year.
( )2. According to the story, soe friendly visitors cae to the village on the night of October 31st.
( )3. There are always candies and pupkins together with Halloween no
( )4. Soe children ay play soe tricks if they can’t get any candies fro one of their neighbors.
( )5. Halloween is a special festival for children.
  Confidence is very iportant in daily life. It can help you to develop a healthy attitude(态度). A study shows that the people who are ore confident are uch happier. They can have ore chances to ake theselves successful. But how to be ore confident? Here are soe suggestions:
  ?Speak loudWhen you are not confident, you can’t do well what you want to do. You speak in a voice so low that other people can hardly hear you. Try to speak loud enough so that people can hear you clearly. The high voice can help you becoe ore confident. x kb 1
  ?Play sportsPhysical exercise akes you tired but copletely relaxed. (1)A strong body helps you be full of confidence.
  ?Encourage yourself Write down a list of things you did during the day to see how any things you have done well. Did you finish your hoework? Did you tell a joke that ade everybody laugh? Give yourself praise for the good things you’ve done.
  ?Get rid of(消除)fearFear coes along with failure(失败). But it’s easy to overcoe(克服 )if you know that failure is part of your life. Don’t hide your head just because you said soething stupid last tie. Try to start again and believe you can do better.
  ?Pick up a hobby If you like singing, sing as uch as you can. (2)在某些方面, 爱好使你变得出众。And it will ake you happy and confident.
1. How any suggestions can help you to be ore confident?
2. How can you encourage yourself?
3. Is it easy to overcoe the fear if you know that failure is part of your life?
4. 将短文中画线句子(1)翻译成汉语。
5. 将短文中画线句子(2)翻译成英语。
1. Why do you want _____(leave) for Hawaii?
2. February is the _____(two) onth of the year.
3. Do you think r. Black is a _____(success) singer?
4. What did your father tell you _____(buy) for hi?
5. r. Lin often tells us _____(fun) stories.
下列各句中均有一处错误, 请写出并改正
1. How uch is the pants?_________ _________
2. Does he wants to go to a ovie?_________ _________
3. ary sings very good._________ _________
4. y best favorite subject is science._________ _________
5. I usually get up at 6:00 on the orning._________ _________
   人人都有朋友, 初中三年, 同学之间结下了深厚的友谊。假设你叫张华, 请你写一封80词左右的信, 给你的笔友怀特先生说说你好友的基本情况和兴趣爱好。
注意:1. 信的开头和结尾已给出, 但不计入总词数;
     2. 信中请勿使用朋友的真实校名和姓名。
Dear r. White,
  Thank you for writing to e and telling e so uch about your best friend. And I’d like to tell you soething about y best friend.
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________
Zhang Hua

一、1.【解析】选B。提问价格用how uch。
【温馨提示】除了生日祝福外, 一般的节日祝福(如Happy New Year等)可以用The sae to you! (也祝你快乐)回答。
3.【解析】选C。根据答语判断问句提问价格, 用“What’s the price of. . . ? ”或“How uch is/are. . . ? ”。
5.【解析】选B。句意:很多学生喜欢玩电脑游戏, 但他们只在放假时玩。表示句意转折用连词but, 意为“但是”。and“而且”, 表示并列;or“否则”, 表示假设。
6.【解析】选C。句意:——你会下象棋吗?——会, 但只会一点(略懂皮毛)。根据just判断答语表示肯定意义, 修饰不可数名词(动作)用a little。
8.【解析】选C。根据concert判断为可数名词单数形式, 感叹可数名词单数形式用What a/an+adj. +n. (+主语+谓语)! 句式。
9.【解析】选C。根据答语判断问句提问“你能为才艺表演做些什么? ”, 用can表示能力。
10.【解析】选C。答语句意:没有太多规定, 但是不要彼此大声说话。talk with sb. 和某人交谈, 固定短语。
11.【解析】选C。根据How long和答语判断句中动词表示延续性动作, join的延续性动作用be in代替。
15.【解析】选A。句意:——上周日的学校旅行好玩吗?——当然好玩了!大家在旅途中都感到很兴奋! exciting表示“令人振奋的”, 修饰事物性质;excited表示“感到振奋的”, 修饰人。
3.【解析】选C。根据下句中30 ore inutes判断此处表示时间延后30分钟, 用later表示“推迟;延后”。
4.【解析】选A。固定短语pay attention to“注意”。
5.【解析】选C。根据句中by a tea判断使用被动语态。
6.【解析】选C。ask后接to do不定式作宾语补足语。
7.【解析】选C。句意:同时, 每节课缩减5到10分钟, 这样就使得学生在校一天的时间和平时一样长。
10.【解析】选A。get up“起床”;get to“到达”;get over“克服”。句意:孩子们需要起床的时间一般是他们睡得最香的时候。
三、答案:1~5. CBEGA
四、1.【解析】T。根据第一句Halloween is on October 31st every year. “万圣节是在每年的10月31日”可知。
2.【解析】F。根据第二段可知, 故事中提到, 在10月31日晚上有鬼来到村庄, 而非友善的客人。
3.【解析】T。根据第三段第二句Now, Halloween is always together with children, candies and pupkins. 可知, 现在的万圣节伴随着的是孩子、糖果和南瓜(灯笼)。
4.【解析】T。根据第三段中They will go away if they get candies. If not, they will play soe tricks. 可知, 如果得不到糖果, 孩子们会搞些恶作剧。
5.【解析】F。根据第一段第二句It’s a festival of ghosts. 可知, 万圣节是鬼节。
五、答案:1. Five suggestions.
2. Give yself/yourself praise for the good things I’ve/you’ve done.
3. Yes, it is/Yes.
4. 强健的体魄有助于你充满自信。
5. In soe ways, a hobby can ake you outstanding.
六、答案:1. to leave2. second3. successful
4. to buy5. funny
七、答案:1. is; are2. wants; want3. good; well
4. best; / 5. on; in
Dear r. White,
  Thank you for writing to e and telling e so uch about your best friend. And I’d like to tell you soething about y best friend.
  y best friend, Sa, is fifteen. He’s tall with short hair. We are in the sae class.
  Sa is sart and he listens to the teachers carefully. He does well in all his lessons. And he is always ready to help others. So, everyone in our class likes hi. At hoe, he often helps his other with the housework.
  Sa sees to have a special interest in writing. He wants to be a writer in the future.
  I think we will be good friends forever.
                                      Zhang Hua

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/chusan/79096.html
