Unit 4 What should you do 学案

编辑: 逍遥路 关键词: 九年级 来源: 高中学习网
Section A
A: 这是虚拟语气,语气是动词的一种形式,表示说话人对说话内容的看法和态度
英语的语气有三种: 陈述语气,祈使语气和虚拟语气. 虚拟语气表示说话人
其结构是:条件句--- if + 主语 + 动词的过去式(be用were)
主句------主语+ would + 动词原形
1) 假如我有一百万,我会把钱捐献给医学研究. ______________________________________________________________
2) 如果我是你,我会穿衬衣打领带.
3) 假如我是你,我就会迟一点去.
4) 假如我是你,我就会带一个小礼物.
5) 如果我是你,我会在睡觉前好好的散步。
6) 如果我是你,我就会和看上去很友好的人交谈. ___________________________________________________________
B: 百万____________ 与 hundred, thousand 用法一样:
二百万美圆________________________ 数百万棵树________________
当前面有some, a few, several, many 等词修饰时, 用
“several +mollion(s)+of …” 形式 , eg: several million(s) of cars
2. 我会把钱捐献给医学研究.________________________________________
1).adj. 医学的;医术的_______________ 其名词形式:___________________
医学研究________________________ 医疗护理________________________
2)._______________ n.& v. 研究;调查. 对某事进行研究.调查________________
另外: search 意为 “搜查” , 词组 search for 意思是”搜寻”
eg. 1) 他在研究一个问题. He is _________ ________ a problem.
2) 他忙于研究工作. He is busy with _________ _________
3) He is searching _______ his lost pen.
A.of B.from C.to D.for
3. 如果其他的人都带来了礼物,我该怎么办? ____________________________
如果…… 将会怎么样?________________ , 固定搭配, 引导带条件从句的疑问
句, 相当于 “What should + 主语 +do + if …”
eg. 1).如果我不知道去医院的路怎么办? __________________________________
一、. 词汇.
1. M_________ of trees will be planted next year.
2. W_______ if I don’t bring a present ?
3. If I had a lot of money ,I’d give it to m_____________ research.
4. Those workers don’t know how ____________(work) on the machine.
5. If I _________(be) you , I’d go to a movie.
6. I’d take a long walk before __________(go) to bed.
7. Many of them are too tired __________ (go) farther.
8. I really want a dog, but my parents won’t let me _________(have) one.
9. Look, Mr Smith _____________(tie) his tie.
10. If I__________ (be) a bird, I ______________(fly) over that high mountain.
二、 单项选择.
( )1.____children in Africa have little to eat and you can really help them if you ____.
A. Million of, want to B. Millions of, want to
C. A million, will want to D. Million of , will want to
( )2. If I _____ young , I ______ very happy.
A. am, shall be B. were, am C. were, would be D. was, am
( )3. I don’t know _______ to do next.
A. how B. what C. where D. why
( )4. The doctor and teacher ______ my father .
A. are B. is C. am D. be
( )5.This is a ______ question , we aren’t doctors , so we can’t answer you .
A. medicine B. medical C. medicing D. medicine’s
( )6. Don’t ______your son ,he isn’t a small boy.
A. worry B. worried about C. worry about D. be worry about
( )7. After ______ his homework , he went out with his friends.
A. finished B. finish C. finishing D. to finish
( )8. Now the park is becoming a ______ more beautiful one .
A. very B. quite C. much D. so
( )9. The moon ______ by man already.
A. is visited B. was visited C. has been visited D. visites
( )10. If he __________ much money , he would give it to charity.
A. has B. have C. had D. having
( )11. What _______I do if everyone else succeeds in the chemical exam?
A. would B. should C could D. will
( )12. If I had lots of money , I would ________________________.
A. give it for charity B. give charity it C. give it to charity D. give charity for it
( )13. A shirt and tie __________ his uniform.
A. are B. is C. were D. be
( )14. If my father ________here now ,he ________ tell me what to do .
A. were; would B. were; will C. had; will D. is; will
( )15. You should get a small pet ___________ goldfish.
A. as B. like C. of D. for
1. 他不知道说什么.
He doesn’t know ________ ________ ________.
2. 如果我是你,我不会生气.
_______ I _______ you, I _______ _______ angry.
3. 她激动得说不出话来.
She was _______ _______ _______ ______ a word.
4. 如果我把钱丢了怎么办?
_______ _______ I _______ the money?
5. 数百万名学生要来参加这个活动.
________ _______ students will _______ _______ _______ the activity.
6. 如果明天天气好,我们就去远足.
We ______ ______ hiking if it ______fine tomorrow.
If I had a million dollars , _______ ______ ______ ______ ______.
The foods ______ ______could ______ ______ the problem.
9. He can’t sleep the night before he _________ ________ _________ ________

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/chusan/79152.html
