
编辑: 逍遥路 关键词: 九年级 来源: 高中学习网

学校__________ 班级 姓名
第一部分 (25分)

1._____ 2._____ 3._____ 4._____ 5._____
( )6.What would she like to be?
A.A doctor.B.A teacher.C.A soldier.
( )7.The train will arrive in Shanghai at _____.
A.18: 00B.20: 00C.12: 00
( )8.Our teacher is speaking to _____.
A.her friendB.Ji’s otherC.Ji’s father
( )9.The flight nuber of the plane leaving for Nanchang is CA _____.
( )10.Jane has been to _____.
A.a children’s schoolB.children’s hoeC.a disabled children’s hoe
( )11.Who is this phone call for?
( )12.What’s the weather like today?

( )13.Where are they going?
A.To the school.B.To the beach.C.To the far.
( )14.What are they going there for?
A.Visiting the far.B.Taking a walk.C.Having a picnic.
( )15.When will they start toorrow?
A.At 6: 30.B.At 6: 45.C.At 7: 15.
aybe you really want to be a 16 person. But you don’t know what to do. Now I can give you soe 17 . For exaple, when you go soewhere not far, you’d better walk or ride a bike 18 of taking a bus or a car. If you like soking, try to 19 it, or at least you ustn’t soke in 20 places. When you see soe rubbish on the street, you should try to clean it up and so on. In fact, it is easier to say than to do. Could you do well?

16.________ 17.________ 18.________ 19.________ 20.________

第二部分 基础知识运用(65分)
(A) 从四个选项中,选出与所给句子画线部分意思相同或相近的选项。
( )1.As we know, none of us likes pollution.
A.no oneB.not everyoneC.soeoneD.nothing
( )2.Every teacher is supposed to be honored.
( )3.—Hi, have you found your lost watch?
—Not yet, I have looked for it everywhere, but I still haven’t found it.
A.at those placesB.here and there C.soewhereD.over there
( )4.Trees are very iportant to our environent. They can stop wind fro blowing the earth away.
( )5.ore than 3000 languages are spoken in the world.
A.Over B.Less C.any D.uch
(B) 选择最佳答案。
( )6.—Where are aria and Kangkang?
—They _____ England.
A.have been toB.are away C.have gone toD.had been in

( )7.—_____ y daughter is only ten years old, she knows a lot.
—What a clever girl!
( )8.—They have been to Australia.
—So _____ I.
A.doB.have beenC.didD.have
( )9.—_____ the population of the U.S.A. in 2005?
—It _____ about 296 illion.
A.What is; isB.What was; was
C.How any is; wasD.How any was; is
( )10._____ of the teachers are woen in our school.
A.Two thirdB.Two threesC.Two thirdsD.Second three
( )11.The little girl has _____ finished reading the book you lent her.
( )12.—What has happened in your hoetown?
—Great changes _____ in y hoetown recently.
A.have been taken placeB.have taken place
C.have been happenedD.was happened
( )13.—I have never visited a paper factory.
A.So have I.B.So I have.C.Neither have I.D.I haven’t no
( )14.The traffic in the city _____ be terrible, but now it has iproved a lot. I think you will _____ it soon.
A.use to; use toB.get used to; used to
C.used to; get used toD.get used to; use to
( )15.There is _____ pollution in the world. We ust stop it.
A.uch tooB.too uchC.any tooD.too any
( )16.I can’t stand _____ for you so long.
A.to waitB.waitingC.waitsD.waited
( )17.When we went into the park, we saw soeone _____ Chinese Kungfu.
A.playsB.playedC.to playD.playing
( )18.—What did our geography teacher say?
( )18.—What did our geography teacher say?
—She told us that the earth _____ around the sun.
A.ovesB.ovedC.has ovedD.was oving
( )19.—Our country _____ progress in science and culture in recent years.
A.ade suchB.has ade suchC.ade soD.has ade so
( )20.—We really shouldn’t use plastic bags any ore when shopping.
—_____ It’s iportant to protect our environent.
A.So do I.B.With pleasure.C.That’s OK.D.So it is.
When people talk about air pollution, they are usually thinking about outdoor air 21 . But do you know that there is also air pollution inside hoes, offices, hotels and other buildings? The air in your hoe can be 2 to 100 ties ore polluted than the air outdoors! In fact, soe Aerican doctors say that 50% of illnesses have 22 to do with polluted indoor air.
A lot of pollution coes fro indoor activities 23 soking and cooking. As ost people 24 about 80%-90% of their tie inside buildings, it is iportant to take indoor air pollution seriously, too.
Air pollution influences our health 25 . When the air is polluted, not only young children and old people 26 fro it, 27 people with health probles suffer as well. Indoor air pollution can 28 people’s eyes, noses and throats. Air pollution, both indoor and outdoor, can also 29 to lung cancer and heart disease! In the great London fog in 1952, 4, 000 people died in a few days 30 the pollution! It is said that half a illion young children and woen die each year in India because of indoor air pollution!
( )21.A.pollutionB.polluteC.pollutingD.polluted
( )22.A.nothingB.everythingC.soethingD.anything
( )23.A.as well asB.such asC.instead ofD.so as
( )24.A.takeB.costC.spendD.give
( )25.A.in any waysB.in any thingsC.in any housesD.in any years
( )26.A.endureB.bearC.standD.suffer
( )27.A.andB.butC.orD.while
( )28.A.hitB.hurtC.pollutD.beat
( )29.A.causeB.getC.giveD.lead
( )30.A.because ofB.thanks toC.related toD.because
Anials are people’s friends. But any wild anials are facing the danger of dying out, because the environent that they are living in has changed greatly. For exaple, their living area has becoe saller and saller because of pollution and the developent of cities. They have no roo to live in except the zoo. And any of the wild anials now can’t find enough food to eat. At the sae tie, an is killing off anials just for getting their fur, teeth and eat.
People should realize how serious the situation is and soething should be done to protect the anials. We should set up soe nature reserves so that anials can live freely. And people shouldn’t be allowed to kill the endangered (处于危险中的) anials. We should also do soething to ake our world cleaner. Fresh air, clean water and green grass are all iportant for anials. The death of the endangered anials will bring a disaster (灾难) to huan beings.
( )31.The nuber of the wild anials is saller no
( )32.With the developent of the cities, the living area for the anials has becoe saller and saller.
( )33.an is killing off anials just for fun.
( )34.The wild anials are very safe now, because we have found a lot of useful ethods (方法) to save the.
( )35.All of us should try our best to protect the anials.
A kind of little cars ay take the place of today’s big ones any years later. If everyone drives such cars in the future, there will be less pollution in the air. There will also be ore space for parking in cities, and the streets will be less crowded.
The little cars of the future will cost less. Driving will be safer, too, since these little cars can go only 65 kiloeters an hour. The cars of the future will be fine for going around a city, but they will not be useful for a long way. Little cars will go 450 kiloeters before they need to stop for ore gasoline (汽油). If big cars are still used with the sall ones, two kinds of roads will be needed in the future. Soe roads will be needed for the big, faster cars and other roads will be needed for the sall, slower ones.
( )36.There is uch pollution in the air today because _____.
A.people drive big cars
B.people drive little cars
C.sall cars will go 450 kiloeters before they need to stop for ore gasoline
D.the usual size of cars today is too sall
( )37.The usual size of cars today is _____.
A.uch saller than the future oneB.as big as the future ones
C.as sall as the future onesD.bigger than the future ones
( )38.Which of the following stateents (陈述) is NOT TRUE?
A.Big cars cost ore.
B.Big cars are not useful for a long way.
C.The cars of the future will be saller than today’s cars.
D.Sall cars are slower than big ones.
( )39.The streets will be less crowded because _____.
A.there will be fewer cars in the futureB.there will be fewer people in the streets
C.three kinds of roads will be builtD.future cars will be saller
( )40.Two kinds of roads will be needed in the future because _____.
A.there will be too any cars in the future
B.ore and ore people will go to cities
C.big cars run faster and little cars run slower
D.it looks ore beautiful to have two kinds of roads
It’s iportant to learn things about protecting environent. Here’s a 4Rs rule for us.
If you want to reduce waste, you should use things wisely (明智的). A large nuber of trees are being cut down to ake paper. If everyone uses paper carelessly and then throws it away, soon we would not have any trees left. Soe other things are also being wasted, and people don’t know what to do with waste in big cities, so it’s necessary to reduce waste.
You should always think of reusing the usable (可用的) things before throwing the away. Give your clothes or things you don’t use to the poor. In a faily, you ay pass such clothes on to your younger brothers or sisters.
Bottles, cans and paper can easily be recycled. By doing so we save lots of tie and oney, for exaple, cola cans are sent to a factory, where they’re sashed flat(压平)and selted (熔化), and the etal things are ade into new cola cans.
If one of the legs of your table is broken, you can repair it. If you want to change for better ones, it’s better for you to sell the old ones or give the to other people who can use the after doing soe repair.
( )41.The “Reduce” rule ainly requires us _____.
A.to use things wiselyB.to cut down any trees
C.to use paper carelesslyD.to use ore and ore things
( )42.What’s the right order of recycling cola cans?
a.sash the flatb.collect the used cans
c.selt thed.send the to a factory
( )43.The “Reuse” rule ainly requires us _____.
A.to throw away the old clothes
B.to collect waste paper and soft drink cans
C.to use both sides of paper
D.to give the old but usable things to the poor
( 44.Which sentence is about the “Repair” rule?
A.When you leave a roo, turn off the lights.
B.Take a cloth bag when you go shopping.
C.Don’t use plastic bags.
D.If your chair is broken, you can repair it.
( )45.Which is the best title for this passage?
A.A 4Rs ruleB.Protect the environent
C.Save energyD.Good habits
第三部分 写作(25分)
(A) 根据句意及汉语提示完成句子。
1.In the past, y grandparents couldn’t afford an ________(教育) for y father.
2.They are ________ (考虑) buying a new house.
3. Air ________ (污染)is the ost serious proble at the oent.
4.We should reuse plastic bags __________ (而不是) throwing the away.
5.We can sort waste paper and soft cans __________ (以便) they can be recycled.
(B) 根据句意,用所给单词的适当形式填空。
6.Look, there is a bird _____ (sing) in the tree.
7.In soe countries such as India, shaking the head eans _______ (agree).
8.The bad air akes y chest hurt and it’s difficult for e _____(breath).
9. _______ (nod) your head if you agree with e.
10.It is known that soking does great _____(har) to us.

人类只有一个地球。根据提示,以“Saving the Earth”为题,写一篇80词左右的短文。
提示: 1.如何保护环境已成为世界最大难题之一;


本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/chusan/82700.html
