2014年中考英语九年级Units 5、6复习题(带答案)

编辑: 逍遥路 关键词: 九年级 来源: 高中学习网

九年级 Units 5、6
(45分钟 100分)
一、单项选择 (30分)
1. Sister Hold becae faous for playing foolishly on TV is a university student in Taiwan.
A. whichB. whoseC. who
2. —Who do you think the pink bag ?
—I think its owner could be a girl in our school.
A. belongs toB. gets toC. turns to
3. —What usic do you like?
—I like usic that I can sing along or dance .
A. to; withB. with; withC. with; to
4. — ?
—Sorry, I don’t kno aybe it’s Betty’s.
A. Who is Betty
B. Whose bike is this
C. Which bike is Betty’s
5. —Why didn’t Ji go to the ovies?
—He was ade out of the hall for aking lots of .
A. cryB. voiceC. noise
6. aria looks these days because her daughter was hurt in a bicycle accident.
A. happyB. worriedC. confident
7. —What do you think of the lecture of Li Yang’s Crazy English?
—I think it’s , but soeone thinks it’s uch too .
A. wonderful enough; boredxkb1.co
B. enough wonderful; boring
C. wonderful enough; boring
8. —Look! Peter is playing basketball on the playground.
—It be Peter. He has gone to Beijing.
A. can’tB. ustn’tC. ight
9. —There will be any beautiful pictures in the hall this Sunday.
—Let’s go and have a look.
A. on dutyB. on vacationC. on display
10. —Soking and drinking are both bad for people’s health.
—Yes. So we should the bad habits.
A. shut downB. get on withC. stay away fro
11. y grandfather often tells e I do in the future, I should try y best to do it well.
A. howeverB. whateverC. whenever
12. —Alice prefers to .
—Then, let’s ask her to take part in our dancing club.
A. dancing; singing B. singing; danceC. singing; dancing
13. There is snow outside, and it’s cold.
A. too any; too uch B. too uch; too uch
C. too uch; uch too
14. The woan said she saw the thief escape the shop.
A. to B. withC. fro
15. —Do you think our football tea will win the atch?
—Yes, we have better players. So I the to win. xkb1.co
A. hopeB. askC. expect
  I a a iddle school boy. I a fourteen years old no I have a happy faily and I live 1 .
  Now our country 2 stronger and stronger and Chinese people are richer and richer. 3 China has any probles. For exaple, our environent is becoing worse and worse. ore and ore people only think for theselves. They 4 help others. They ake oney in a bad way. In order to protect our environent, in order to have a better future, we should ask our people to act iediately.
  When I grow up, I a going to do what I 5 to ake our country beautiful. I a going to be a scientist about protecting the environent. How a I going to do that? I a going to study ath and English hard. I a going to go to Tsinghua University or Beijing University. I a going to visit other countries and learn 6 to ake our environent ore and ore beautiful. At that tie, I believe there will be 7 trees but less pollution. There will be ore buses, trains, subways but fewer cars. People travel 8 bus, by train or by subway. People will try their best to help others, to love others. When a person is in trouble, everyone around will give hi or her 9 . We Chinese people will be the friendliest in the world. ost foreigners will coe to visit our country. And China will becoe one of the ost powerful (强大的) 10 all over the world. I hope that day will coe earlier.
1. A. sadlyB. happyC. happily
2. A. becoesB. is becoingC. to becoe
3. A. ButB. AlthoughC. And
4. A. alwaysB. oftenC. never
5. A. doB. can doC. will do
6. A. whatB. whereC. how
7. A. anyB. fewerC. ore
8. A. byB. onC. take
9. A. drinksB. a helpC. a hand
10. A. countryB. countriesC. citiesxkb1.co
情景七选五。请下面对话, 根据其情景, 从方框内七个选项中选出能填入下面对话的五个选项。
A. When will the concert begin?
B. Sounds good!
C. When and where shall we eet?
D. I’ll see a ovie.
E. Could you please get there earlier?
F. Yes. What’s up?
G. Would you like to go with e?
A: Hello, is that Wu Bin speaking?
B: Yes. Who’s that?
A: This is Tian Hong speaking. Are you free this Saturday evening?
B: 1
A: I’ve got two tickets of Jay Chou’s concert. 2
B: Certainly. I’d love to. He’s y favorite singer. Thanks for your invitation. 3
A: Let’s eet at the gate of the park at four o’clock.
B: 4 I want to buy hi a gift.
A: OK, I’ll get there at three. Shall we go to the shopping center to buy the gift?
B: 5 See you then.
A: See you.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
  Lady Gaga was born on arch 28, 1986 in New York city. Her parents worked very hard. They worked alost twelve hours every day.
  Lady Gaga loved usic very uch in her early age and she began playing the piano at 4, although she was left-handed. She went to a private(私立的) all-girls school. She studied very hard at the school. Yet she was often ade fun of for acting strangely. She started to perfor at the age of 14. According to her classates, she didn’t ake any friends at school, but her singing was the best aong the. At the age of 17, when she finished high school, her parents encouraged her to take part in the usical theater training. The training, as Lady Gaga said, was iportant for her to becoe a singer.
  Lady Gaga cae to Los Angeles in 2008 and published her first albu, The Fae. It becae a great success and she soon becae popular around the world. She won the 2010 and 2011 Gray Awards. Although she was very busy, she spent uch tie perforing for charities.
1. Lady Gaga started to perfor in .
A. 2008B. 2000C. 1990
2. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?
A. She liked usic when she was young.
B. She was fond of perforing at school.
C. She had any friends in high school.
3. Why was Lady Gaga ade fun of at school?
A. Because she had few friends.
B. Because she was left-handed.
C. Because she acted in a strange way.
4. We can know fro the passage that .
A. Lady Gaga’s parents were iportant for her success
B. Lady Gaga was born in a rich faily
C. Lady Gaga started to take usical training at high school
5. What is the ain idea of the passage?
A. How Lady Gaga becae faous as a singer.
B. Lady Gaga has won two Gray Awards.
C. The story of Lady Gaga.
Bollywood: the Hollywood of India
  You ight be surprised to learn that India produces about 800 ovies a year, and that nuber continues to gro Just as the ovie Capital of the United States is Hollywood, the ovie capital of India is Bobay(孟买), but it is usually called “Bollywood”, a cobination(结合)of the words Bobay and Hollywood.
  No Bollywood ovie is thought coplete without a few songs and dances. In fact, usic is an iportant part of Bollywood ovies. Even a bad ovie can still do well if the usic is good. (1)音乐导演有时候比电影明星更受欢迎。A Bollywood ovie has five to six songs with at least three songs to show what the dances ean.
  Bollywood ay be different fro Hollywood in usic, but it is very like Hollywood in several ways. If To Cruise can hold a gun, so can the Bollywood hero Sharukh Khan. Bollywood stars are followed by news reporters just as often as Hollywood stars. (2)The personal lives of actors and actresses catch the headlines(头版头条), just as they do in the United States.
  The Oscars is a very exciting tie of the year for actors and actresses in Aerica. Bollywood has its won for of the Oscars, and it is also very exciting.
1. What does the nae Bollywood coe fro?
2. What is an iportant part of Bollywood ovies?
3. When is a very exciting tie of the year for actors and actresses in Aerica?
4. 将短文中画线句子(1)翻译成英语。
5. 将短文中画线句子(2)翻译成汉语。
itself; possible; honest; neighbor; worry
1. Excuse e, is there a post office in the ?
2. The dog can’t open the door by .
3. If you often tell lies, people will think you’re .
4. —Why does your other look so ?
—Because y brother hasn’t returned hoe yet.
5. It’s for e to finish the work by yself in such a short tie.
下列各句中均有一处错误, 请写出并改正
1. This book can’t be Ji’s. It has his nae on it. _________ _________
2. The scarf ight belong to y aunt’s. _________ _________
3. Jack prefers staying at hoe rather than go shopping. _________ _________
4. Do you know the girl who hair is long? _________ _________
5. Don’t ake too uch noisy, Jack. _________ _________
下图描绘的是目前很多孩子的苦恼。请你根据对下面这幅漫画的理解用英语写一篇短文, 描述一下这种现象并发表你的看法。词数:60~80。


一、1.【解析】选C。句意:在电视上因搞怪而出名的Hold姐是一位台湾的大学生。定语从句的先行词指人, 且作主语, 用关系代词that/who来引导定语从句。
2.【解析】选A。根据回答判断, 问句表示“你觉得这个粉色书包会属于谁?”belong to属于;get to到达;turn to转向。
3.【解析】选C。sing along with “跟着……唱歌”;dance to “随……跳舞”。
4.【解析】选B。句意:——这是谁的自行车?——对不起, 我不知道。可能是贝蒂的。根据答语判断问句提问物主, 疑问词用whose。
6.【解析】选B。happy 高兴的;worried 着急的;confident 自信的。句意:aria这些天看上去很着急, 因为她女儿在一次自行车事故中受了伤。
7.【解析】选C。第一空enough修饰形容词或副词时要后置;第二空表示事物性质“令人厌倦的”, 用boring。故选C。
9.【解析】选C。on duty 值日;on vacation度假;on display陈列。句意:
10.【解析】选C。shut down 关闭;get on with与……相处;stay away fro 远离。句意:——吸烟和酗酒对人的健康有害。——是的。因此我们应远离不良习惯。
11.【解析】选B。句意:我爷爷经常告诉我, 无论我将来做什么, 我都应该尽力做好。whatever 无论什么。
12.【解析】选A。根据prefer doing to doing 可排除B选项, 由后句“那么, 我们请她参加我们的跳舞俱乐部”, 可知A项符合题意。
13.【解析】选C。 too uch修饰不可数名词, uch too 修饰形容词或副词。
14.【解析】选C。 escape fro 从……逃离。
15.【解析】选C。考查 hope与expect 的区别。由答句“是的, 我们有更好的球员”可知“我希望(或期待)他们会赢”, 排除B项。hope 没有hope sb. to do sth. 这一用法。expect sb. to do sth. 表示“期待某人做某事”, 故选C项。
二、1.【解析】选C。根据前半句话I have a happy faily可以推知“生活得很幸福”, happy为形容词, 修饰名词, happily为副词, 修饰动词;另外, 由于有一个幸福的家庭, 不可能生活得sadly。故选C。
3.【解析】选A。开始说的是一些好的现象, 接着话锋一转, “但是”也存在着一些问题。故选A。
4.【解析】选C。根据前面文意可知“他们只为自己着想, ‘从来不’帮助别人”。须用表示否定意义的副词never。故选C。
5.【解析】选B。do what I can do意思为“尽我最大努力”, 最符合句意:当我长大以后, 我打算尽我最大的努力来让我们的国家美丽。故选B。
7.【解析】选C。根据表示转折意义的but可以判断前后意思相反, 后面是little的比较级less, 所以前面应该是any的比较级ore。故选C。
8.【解析】选A。用by表示交通方式时, by后面紧跟交通工具, 中间无任何词汇, 而on, take表示交通方式时, 中间有其他词。故选A。
9.【解析】选C。give sb. a hand意思为“帮助某人”, 相当于help sb. 。
10.【解析】选B。中国是一个“国家”, 据此排除C项;one of后面须跟可数名词的复数形式。故选B。
三、 答案:1~5. FGCEB
四、1. 【解析】选B。Lady Gaga生于1986年, 14岁登台演出, 因此那一年是2000年。
2.【解析】选C。第二段说“she didn’t ake any friends at school”, 与C项表述矛盾。
3. 【解析】选C。第二段说“Yet she was often ade fun of for acting strangely. ”, 即她行为怪异, 常常遭到同学们的取笑, 故C项正确。
4.【解析】选A。根据第二段可知, Lady Gaga的父母鼓励她参加音乐训练, 这对于她后来的成功是很关键的, 因此A项正确。
5.【解析】选C。介绍了Lady Gaga的童年、求学以及她在音乐方面的成就, 故C项正确。
五、答案:1. Bobay and Hollywood.
2. usic. 3. The Oscars.
4. usic directors are soeties ore popular than the fil stars.
5. 演员的私生活就像在美国一样被放在头版头条。
六、答案:1. neighborhood2. itself3. dishonest
4. worried5. ipossible
七、答案:1. can’t; ust2. aunt’s; aunt3. staying; to stay
4. who; whose5. noisy; noise
  Today students are too tired. They have to do lots of hoework every day. They have to use their spare tie to take training lessons. Then, they have no tie for theselves. In y opinion, students should have their own tie to do what they like.
  First, students should have soe tie to relax and play. After a whole day’s class, it is necessary for the to have soe tie to relax. Second, they should do soe exercise. It is helpful to ake their body strong and it is also good for their future life.

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/chusan/83546.html
