
编辑: 逍遥路 关键词: 九年级 来源: 高中学习网

UNIT 5 It ust belong to Carla.检测题
1.A.It could be Ted. B.It ustn’t be Carla’s.
C.It ust be Carla’s,for she loves basketball.
2.A.Thank you.B.The sae t o you.
C.What about you?
3.A .Not at all.B.It doesn’t atter.
C.You’re welcoe.
4.A.Yes,they can’t.B.They don’t kno
C.Yes,they can.
5.A.Because he is a teacher. B.Because he can’t work.
C.Because he ight be running to c atch a bus.
6.Who is the owner of the toy car?
A.Paul. B.Carl. C.Fred.
7.What color is John’s bike?
A.Black. B.Light blue. C.Dark blue.
8.Where did Jane get the earrings?
A.Fro her sister. B.Fro her other. C.Fro her brother.
9.What are they talking about?
A.Swiing. B.Dreaing. C.Driving.
10.Why is Jack unhappy?
A.Because he can’t go to Fred’s birthday party.
B.Because his friend doesn’t lend hi oney.
C.Because he has no oney to buy a present for his friend.
11. How did r Sith go to Australia?
A. By plane. B. By train. C. By water.
12.Why did r Sith go to Australia?
A. To study English. B. To visit Sydney. C. To visit his cousin.
13. What does Gina look like?
A. She has long hair. B. She has short hair. C. She has brown hair.
14. Who’s taller now, Gina or Peter?
A. Gina. B. Peter. C. They are the sae.
15. Where does Gina work?
A. In a hospital. B. In a school. C. In a bank.
16. How old is Danny?
A. 24. B. 26. C. 28.
17. Where does Danny work?
A. In a bank. B. In a school. C. In a shop.
18. How long has Danny worked?
A. 6 years. B. 8 years. C. 10 years.
19. How did Danny think of his job?
A. Tired. B. Hard. C. Pleasant.
20. What does Danny hate doing?
A. Counting other people’s oney. B. Counting his own oney.
C. Counting coins.

1.A tiger e fro the cage in the zoo last night.
2.The boy often tells lies,so he is d .
3.We were all in an o of happiness when we heard the exciting news.
4.Hurry up!Or you can’t c the early bus.
5.I will coe back as soon as I p can.
6.He is so (worry) about his English test.
7.The doctor ade a (care) exaination.
8.Who is the (own) of the house?
9.Jane is reading the (finally) paragraph of the article.
10.When he heard the bad news,he felt (happy).
11. He ust be at work at the oent.(改为否定句)
He be at work at the oent.
12. He can’t go to school because he is ill.(改为简单句)
He can’t go to school his .
13.The bag ust be Kathy’s.(改为同义句)
The bag Kathy.
14.iss Zhang was unhappy when she heard the news. (完成反意疑问句)
iss Zhang was unhappy when she heard the news, ?
15.y other ay be at hoe no (改为同义句)
y other at hoe no

16. He was born _______a co ld winter orning.
A. on B. at C. in D. for
17. o bought two T-shirts. One is for Dad; ______is for e.
A. the other B. any C. another D. other
18. He was seriously ill, _______he kept on working.
A. and B. althoughC. but D. instead
19.Two bags are on the table.They are .
A.the twins’ B.the twin’s C.twins D.twin’s
20.Can you give e a to the station?
A.hand B.drive C.ring D.lift
21.Reeber off the light and don’t forget the door when you leave the roo.
A.to turn;to close B.to turn;closing C.turning;to close D.turning;closing
22.The classroo is very because soe students are aking soe .
A.noise;noise B.noisy;noise C.noisy;noisy D.noise;noisy
23.There isn’t a blackboard the classroo.So we can’t study in it.
A.in front B.in front of C.ahead of D. in the front of
24.I have work to do,but I a tired.
A.uch too;too uch B.too uch;uch t oo
C.too uch;too uch D.uch too;uch too
25.This kind of dress is this year,and I really want to get one.
A.in danger B.in trouble C.in style D.in order
One suer evening, a 10-year-old boy was trying to hit(击中) a bottle with a slingshot (弹弓). The bottle was about 7 to 8 eters 26 . The boy tried any ties but he couldn’t hit it. His other just 27 passing hi sall stones.
A girl walked by. She 28 the boy for soe tie and said to his other, “Let e show 29 how to shoot.”
“No, thank you,” said the 30 . “He is blind(失明的).”
The girl was surpris ed and asked, “How can he hit the bottle 31 ?” “I tell hi he can do it,” said the other, “ 32 he tries hard enough.”
The little boy tried again and again. The other always told hi that he was doing 33 than before.The boy becae ore confident(自信的). After a long tie, it 34 dark. The girl said goodbye to the other and the son. When she turned to leave, she heard a stone hit the 35 . The little boy finally ade it!
With confidence and patience, nothing is ipossible.
26. A. far B.long C. away D.high
27. A. wanted B.went on to C. wished D.kept
28. A.wondered B. watched C. looked D.pointed at
29. A. you B. it C. that D.hi
30. A.other B.boy C.girl D.teacher
31. A.now B. again C. just D.then
32. A.before B.after C. if D.until
33. A.good B.better C. w ell D.best
34. A.goes B.becoe C. got D.turn
35. A.bottle B.slingshot C. stone D.wall
Before you go to another country, it is a great help if you know the language and soe of the custos of the country.
When people eet each other for the first tie in Britain, they say “How do you do?” and shake hands. Usually they do not shake hands after they haven’t et for a long tie or when they will be away fro each other for a long tie.
Last year a group of Geran students went to England for a holiday. Their teacher told the that the English people hardly shake hands. So when they et their English friends at the station, they kept their hands behind their backs. The English students had learned the Gerans shake hands as often as possible, so they put their hands in front and got ready to shake hands with the. It ade both of the laugh.
36. It is if you know the language and soe of the custos of the country before you go to another country.
A. not usefulB. not helpfulC. very helpfulD. very bad
37. English people usually shake hands when they .
A. eet every tieB. eet for the first tie
C. say goodbye to each other D. say hello to each other
38. Usually English people don’t shake hands .
A. when they will be away for a short tieB. when they say “How do you do?”
C. when they just eet again or say goodbyeD. after they have et for a long tie
39. Wh ich of the stateents is right?
A. Geran people shake hands as often as possible.
B. English people like shaking hands very uch.
C. Geran people hardly shake hands.
D. Gerans don’t like shaking hands.
40. This story is about .
A. shaking handsB. languages C. custos D. languages and custos

Do you have any foreign friends? Do you know their characteristics(特征)?
The Gerans are very quiet and they always keep cal. They don’t like to speak ore words. They look very serious. They like different kinds of auseents.The Gerans are very hard-working. They like tidiness, especially the woen, who always keep their hoe clean.
In soe ways, the Englishen look the sae as the Gerans. They are v ery quiet and never talk too uch with the strangers. They are really polite, so we often hear they say “Thank you.” or “Sorry.” The gentleen are also the Englishen.
The French’s holidays are very long. They like t raveling and usually spend their long tie staying in other countries. The Frenchen are ore outgoing than the Gerans. It is very easy to ake friends with the.
Copared to the Frenchen, the Aericans are ore outgoing. And they are even opener than all of the Europeans. They don’t like to depend on others. So it is very coon that the students do part-tie jobs in their free tie. And in Aericans’ eyes, success is an iportant part in their life.
41. According to the passage, ______are very quiet.
A. only the Gerans B. only the Englishen
C. only the Frenchen D. both the Gerans and the Englishen
42. What does the underlined word “tidiness” ean in Chinese?
A.整洁 B.安静 C.时尚 D.随意
43. In the writer’s eyes, the gentleen are______.
A. the Gerans B. the Frenchen C. the Englishen D. the Aericans
44. What can we learn about the Frenchen fro the passage?
A. They are ore outgoing than the Aericans.
B. It is very easy to ake friends with the.
C. They like traveling in their own country.
D. They look serious and are always hard-working.
45. Which is the best title of the passage?
A. Foreigners’ hobbies
B. Who are ore outgoing?
C. Characteristics of the foreigners
D. Success is an iportant part in Aericans’ life
Ⅶ.书面表达 (满分15分)

UNIT 5 It ust belong to Carla.检测题原文及参考答案
1.Whose basketball is this?
2.Happy birthday to you,Linda.
3.I’ afraid I ay be a little late.
4.They both can play the violin,can’t they?
5.Why is the an running,Lucy?
Ⅱ. 听对话,选择最佳答案。每段对话读两遍。
6.W:What’s that,Paul?
:A toy car.
W:Is it Carl’s?
:No.It belongs to Fred.
7.W:Is this bike yours,Ji?
:No,ine is black.Isn’t it To’s? His is blue.
W:Yes.But his is light blue.This one is dark blue.
:Then it ust be John’s,I think.
8.:Jane,you’ve got a nice pair of earrings.Were they a present fro your other?
W:Yes,you are right.
9.:Did you drea last night?
W:Yes,I did.In y drea I was swiing in an ocean of paper.
10.W:You look unhappy,Jack.What’s the atter?
:Toorrow is y best friend,Fred’s birthday,but I haven’t got any oney to buy hi a present.
Ⅲ. 听对话,选择最佳答案。对话读两遍。
W: Where were you last week, r Sith?
: I flew to Australia with y parents.
W: Why did you go there?
: To visit y cousin. She is studying English in Sydney.
W: What did you do there?
: I visited the school library and listened to a few classes.
W: Great! Are their classes the sae as ours?
: Quite different! They study by working in groups. And it works well.
: Gina, it’s great to see you.
W: Hi, Peter. Is that you? How are you?
: Fine. Wow, you’ve changed too uch.
W: Really?
: You used to have long hair.
W: Yes, I did. But it’s quite short no
: And I reeber you used to be tall.
W: Yes. But you’re taller than e no
: What are you doing now?
W: I a a nurse in a hospital.
Danny is 28 years old. He is y good friend. He has an excellent job at a bank. I couldn’t believe hi when he once told e that he had decided to give it up. I tried to ake hi change his ind, but I failed. “You’d better change your decision,” I said. “You’ve worked there for six years and I’ sure you would have a wonderful future. You ight becoe a bank anager after 10 years.” “I know,” Danny answered. “I liked to work at the bank. It was a pleasant job, and I worked hard. The bank anager told e that y future was excellent.” “Then why do you want to leave?” I asked.
“Because of the oney,” Danny said. “I enjoy counting y own oney, but I hate counting other people’s oney.”
1~5 CABCC 6~10 CCBBC 11~15 ACBBA 16~20 CAACA
Ⅰ.1.escaped 2.dishonest 3.ocean 4.catch 5.possibly
Ⅱ.6.worried 7.careful 8.owner 9.final 10.unhappy
Ⅲ.11.can’t 12.because of,illness 13.ust belong to 14.wasn’t she 15.aybe,is
Ⅳ. 16. A 在具体某一天的早上用介词on。
17.A one…the other…一个……另一个……
18.C but表转折。
19.A 以s结尾的复数名词的所有格在s后面加“’”。
20.D give sb. a lift让某人搭便车。
21.A reeber to do sth.记着去做某事;forget to do sth.忘记去做某事。
22.B noise是名词,意为“噪音”;noisy是形容词,意为“喧闹的”。
23.D in the front of在……(内部)前面。
24.B too uch“太多” 修饰不可数名词; uch too“太”,修饰形容词或副词。
25.C in style 时髦的。
Ⅴ. 26.C away在(某距离)处。
27.D 句意:他母亲只是不停地递给他小石头。
28.B watch观察;wonder想知道;look看;point at 指向。
29.D hi 指代the boy。
30.A 由前后句可知此处是“母亲”说的话。
31.D then 既然如此。
32.C if引导条件状语从句。
33.B 由than可知用比较级形式。
34.C get dark变黑,由本文的时态可知用一般过去时。
35.A 由开头出现的hit a bottle可知。
Ⅵ. 36.C 由第一段可知。
37.B 由第二段第一句可知。
38.C 由第二段第二句可知。
39.A 由最后一段倒数第二句可知。
40.C 41.D 由第二段第一句和第三段第二句可知。
42.A 由下文 “…especially the woen, who always keep their hoe clean.” 可知。
43.C 由第三段最后一句可知。
44.B 由第四段最后一句可知。
45.C 由全文可知,这是一篇介绍外国人不同特征的。故选C项。
Ⅶ.One possible version:
y nae is Li ing.I was born in Dalian,Liaoning Province in February 1997.I started school in 2004 when I was seven.I studied in Guanging Priary School fro 2004 to 2010.After that,I went to No.4 iddle School of Dalian. The ain subjects I study at school are Chinese,ath,English,physics,cheistry and coputer.I like English and coputer best and I a very good at the.Last year I won the first prize in the school coputer copetition.In y spare tie I enjoy listening to popular usic and collecting staps.y favorite sports are swiing in suer and skating in winter.

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/chusan/89620.html
