
编辑: 逍遥路 关键词: 七年级 来源: 高中学习网

七年级英语(上)odule 1-2 测试卷
命题人: 审核人:

Class__________ Nae___________ Nuber__________ Score__________
( ) 1. Who are they?

( ) 2. What’s the girl’s father?

( ) 3. Where does Li San’s other work?

( ) 4.How any people are there in the faily?

( ) 5. Where the Greens fro?

Dialogue A
( ) 6. Who’s the girl’s best friend?
A. Kate.B. Tracy.C. Cathy.
( ) 7. What is the an near Cathy ?
A. A worker.B. A teacher.C. A anager.
Dialogue B
( ) 8. How any people are there in the faily?
A. Three.B. Four.C. Five.

( ) 9. What does the boy’s father do?
A. A teacher.B. A nurse.C. A doctor.
( ) 10. Who work(s) in the hospital?
A. The boy’s other.B. The boy’s sister.C. A and B.
( ) 11. Who lives with David?
A. His grandparents.B. His uncleC. His aunt
( ) 12. Who likes swiing?
A. Lucy. B. Bill. C. Linda.
( ) 13. What does Lucy do?
A. A doctor. B. A student.C. A nurse.
( ) 14. How old is Linda?
A. 13. B.11. C. 9.
( ) 15. What does David like doing?
A. Playing basketballB. Singing.C. Reading.

IV. 单项选择(15分)
( )16. Look at the photo _______y faily. _______ are y parents.
A. at; These B. of; These C. of; This D. at; This
( ) 17. _______a new student and _______ nae is Tony.
A. He’s; he’s B. His; his C. He’s; his D. His; he’s
( ) 18. -----Are these your new teachers? -----Yes, ________.
A. there are B. they are. C. they’re D. these are

( ) 19. He’s Aerican,_____ he can speak Chinese_____ he can write Chinese.
A. and /and B. and /but C. but /and D. but /but
( ) 20. -----Do you like ________? -----Yes, I do.
A .playing football B. play football C. playing piano D. play the piano
( ) 21. -----What _____ are you in? ----- I’ in Class Three.
A. Class B. colour C. grade. D. class
( ) 22. Daing and I _______ in a new school no
A. a B. are C. is D. be
( ) 23. Ay White’s fro the USA and her faily nae is _______.
A. White B. Ay C. Ay White D. White Ay
( ) 24. Welcoe Daing ______ our school.
A. fro B. to C. in D. at
( ) 25. -----What’s your brother? ----- __________.
A. He is at workB. y friend
C. He’s a studentD. He’s y brother
( ) 26. Sa is . He is fro .
A. England; EnglishB. English; England
C. English; EnglishD. a English; England
( ) 27. iss Li and y parents.
A. These are; this isB. This is; these are
C. These are;these areD. This is; this is
( ) 28. y _______ jobs are teachers.
A. parent’s B. parents’ C. parents’s D. parents
( ) 29. Shanshan is in London ____ her father. Tony ____ his father are in Beijing.
A. and; with B. with; with C. with; and D. and; and
( ) 30. ----- ________? ----- He’s a hotel anager.
A. What’s your father jobB. What’s your father’s job
C. What is your father do D. What does your father
Zhang Jun is a Chinese 31 and he works in a iddle school. He isn’t young, but he is not 32 . He is thirty-nine years old. He has a daughter. 33 nae is Zhang Li. She’s 34 and she’s a student. She is in 35 Three, Grade Six. She likes 36 because she likes the sky. She likes reading, so there are any 37 in her study(书房). In r. Zhang’s class, there are forty-two 38 . They are all good students. His wife, rs. Zhang, is a teacher, 39 . Today is Sunday, so they needn’t(不必) go to 40 . Everyone is free(有空) in r. Zhang’s faily.
( ) 31. A. workerB. anagerC. teacher
( ) 32. A. old B. good C. cold
( ) 33. A. y B. His C. Her
( ) 34. A. threeB. thirteen C. thirty
( ) 35. A. ClassB. class C. Grade
( ) 36. A. apples B. dancingC. blue
( ) 37. A. booksB. dogsC. flowers
( ) 38. A. boysB. girlsC. students
( ) 39. A. also B. eitherC. too
( ) 40. A. workB. playC. cook
I’ ike. I’ 13. y parents, y brother and I live in Jiaxing no I like basketball very uch. I’ in the school basketball tea(队). y brother Tony is 15 years old. He likes swiing. We’re students in Jiaxing No. 3 iddle School.

I’ Lucy. I’ 12. y other is an English teacher in Jiaxing No.6 iddle School. After school, I like playing tennis with y classates. I want to be a eber(成员) of the school tea.

y nae is Jaes. I’ a 13-year-old boy. I like playing football with y friends. y other is a worker. y father is a bus driver. He also likes football and he can play it very well.
( ) 41. Both are 13 years old.
A. ike and Lucy B. ike and Jaes C. Lucy and Jaes D. Tony and Jaes
( ) 42. ike is a eber of school tea.
A. football B. tennis C. basketball D. volleyball
( ) 43. is an English teacher in a school.
A. Jaes’s otherB. Tony’s otherC. ike’s father D. Lucy’s other
( ) 44. Jaes’ father likes .
A. playing tennis B. swiing C. playing football D. playing basketball
( )45. Which of the following is NOT true?
A. Lucy studies in Jiaxing No.3 iddle School B. Tony likes swiing very uch.
C. Tony and ike are in the sae school. D. Jaes’s other is a worker.
Coe and look at the photo. It’s an Aerican faily. The woan in the iddle is Beth White. She is a teacher. The old woan on the right is her other. She is rs. White. The an on the left is his father, r. White. He’s an artist. The other young woan is Doris. White She is Beth White’s younger sister. Doris White has two children. They are students. Leo Bush is her son and ay Bush is her daughter. ay is next to her grandother.
( )46. This is ________ faily photo.
A. an Aerican B. an English C. a Chinese
( ) 47. There are ________ people in the photo.
A. eight B. seven C. six
( ) 48. Beth’s faily nae is _________.
A. Sith B. White C. Bush
( ). 49. Leo and ay’s father is _________.
A. r. White B. r. Sith C. r. Bush
( ) 50. rs White is ay’s _____________.
A. other’s friend B. grandother C. father’s other
NaeBritney SpearsYang Liwei
Jobsingerastronaut (宇航员)

Britney Spears is a_________. She is fro____________. She’s 32 ________ old.
__________is her faily nae and her given nae is _________. She likes singing and she sings very well.
Yang Liwei is an ___________. He’s fro _________. He’s Chinese. He’s 47 no Yang is his faily nae. His ________ nae is Liwei. But in English, the given nae is _______and the faily nae is _________.

VII. 单词拼写,每空一词。(10分)
51. Beijing and Shanghai are big __ (城市) in China.
52. Beijing is the ________________(首都) of China.
53. Sa isn’t Chinese . He’s fro England. ___________(跑步) is his favourite sport.
54. Lily is in Class Five , her (叔叔的) class
55. I want to be an (演员) .
56. She is a good ____________(商店)worker.
57. To is her son and Lily is her_________________ (女儿)
58. y ____(父母) love e very uch. I love the, too.
59. ________________ (欢迎) the teachers to our class.
60. These are (照片) of y faily.

VIII. 句型转换,每空一词。(10分)
61. These are oranges and those are bananas. (改为单数形式)
This is _______ orange and ______ a banana.
62. Daing’s good friend’s an English boy. (改为一般疑问句)
_________ ___________good friend an English boy?
63. Are there 54 students in your class?(否定回答)
No, __________ ___________.
64. John’s father is a doctor. (对划线部分提问)
________ John’s father’s ________ ?
65. Lingling’s new friend coes fro England. (改为同义句)
Lingling’s new friend ________ ________ England.

Hello, y nae’s Jane Green. I’ seventeen. I’ in No.2 iddle School. This is a photo of y faily. Look! The old an in a black coat is y grandfather Jack Green. He’s a theatre anager. The woan in a sweater is y other. Her nae’s Linda Green. Her sweater is light red. She’s a nurse. The an in a brown jacket is y father Dave Green. He’s a iddle school teacher. This an next to y father is y brother. He’s Paul Green. He works at a police station.

Nae JackDave LindaPaul Jane
Job anagernurse
Placeschoolpolice stationNo.2 iddle School

76. 以下是关于Tony和他的父母亲的简单介绍,请你完成信息表。(1分)
Faily eber(家庭成员)爸爸、妈妈和他Age12
Tony学生Favourite sport76.

要求:(1)信息内容介绍应全面,并进行适当发挥; (2)字数60字左右;

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/chuyi/100093.html
