
编辑: 逍遥路 关键词: 七年级 来源: 高中学习网

2013第一学期初一英语单词拼写期末复习卷 班别 姓名
Unit 1
1. — (欢迎) to China. —Thanks.
2. —How are you? —________(好的), thanks.
3. Thank you very ________(非常).
4. Do you (来自)fro Hainan ?
5. What are those (用) English?
6. What’s your (电话)nuber ?
7. (打扰)e, — (哪里)are you fro?
8. r.Green is (19) years old.
9. They are five (盒子). (那些) are apples.
10. I’ in No.1 (初级的) High School.
11. Ji is in Class (13), Grade Seven.
12. (20)and (12)is (32)
13. How do you (拼写) it?
14. (15) is y lucky (幸运的) nuber.
15. What’s that in (英语)?
16. Bob isn’t fro (英国), he is fro (加拿大).
17. Jane and Ji are y good (朋友).
18. We are in the (同样的)school,but in (不同的) grades.
19. —What’s this? —It’s an ______ (橘子).
20. ______(让) e help you. 21. What is ______(他) nae?
22. Jane and Ji are y good ______ (朋友). They are fro the UK.
23 —Are ______ (这些)cars? —Yes, they are.
24. —What are those?—They are five ______ (公共汽车).
25. —What’s that in ______ (汉语)? 26.Brown is his ___________(家族)nae .
27.aria wants to _______(试) again. 28.W e are in ____ _____ _____ (同一学校).
29.They are their __________(书). 30._______(我们) are __________(学生)
31.There are two _________(橡皮擦) on the desk.
32. I have a ______(铅笔)and two_______ (玩具).
33.y faily live in _________(美国) 34.This is a________(地图)of China.
35.She is 15 years ________(老的). 36.I a in ________(班级)Five, Grade Seven.
37.Li ing often ________(帮助)e with y Japanese. 38.Can you ________(讲) English well?
39.There are 20 ________(女孩) in y class.
Unit 2
1. They are four (公共汽车). And they are (绿色的).
2. ichael and I (是) good friends. He looks (酷).
3. —What (颜色) is your cap?—Blue.
4. (猜猜), who is that girl in red?
5.Excuse (我), are those (你们的) apples?
6. (她的)nae is Julia.
7. Your other (说)she wants to visit the Great Wall in the letter.
8. Those oranges are (她们的).
9. Is it (简的)? No, it’s (我的).
10. — (谁的)jacket is it? —It’s (他们的).
11. The two books aren’t ary’s. (她的) are on the desk.
12. iss Lee (认为)this cap is (李涛的).
13. Could you please help e (给) the book to To.
14. r. Gao is (他的) teacher. He often writes _______(信) to hi.
15. —Who's that an in (粉色的)?—Sorry, I don't know (他).
16. . Do you (找到) y shoes?
17. Please (帮助) hi clean the floor.
18. Clark's letter isn't (用 ) Chinese.
19. ike often_______ (说) Chinese after class.
20. His ball is __________ (蓝色的) and ine is_________(紫色的).
21. This is Li ing. He ___ (长着) big hands and a (大的)outh.
22. Linda and To (有) soe new books.
23. aria _____ (喜欢) this pencil very uch. (涂色) it yellow, please.
24. Do you (认识)the boy?
Yes,he studies (学习)in Beijing Ren’ai International school no
25. I have two big_________(脚) and two long ________(胳膊).
26. —What are those in the box? —They are_________ (小刀).
27. —Does she ____(有)a sall outh? —Yes, she does.
28. Look! Her ____ (眼睛)are big. But his _______ (头)is sall.
29. y hair ____(是) black and long. What about you?
30. Does he ________ (有)a big faily? ---Yes, he does.
31.y ________(最喜爱的) actor is Jack. Fish is y__________(最喜爱的食物).
32.We coe fro ___________(不同的) places.
33.I a _________(抱歉)I can’t help you.
34.He ______(想要) to visit Beijing with his parents and _____(买) soe clothes.
35.This is a _________(照片) of y uncle’s faily.
36.The _________(年轻的)woan in a long ________(连衣裙) is y other.
37. —Who are they in the photo? —They are the woan’s__________(婴儿).
38.The boys there are our ___________(同班同学).
39. She has a _______(圆的) face and her hair is ________(棕色的).
40.—Do you know the__________(警察) telephone nuber? —No, I don’t.
41.She has a big and _________(快乐的)faily. What about ________(其他的) failies?
42.The girl _______(在…紧邻) to e is y sister.
43.The ______(高大的)boy in a white ______(T恤衫) looks very_______(强壮的).

2013第一学期初一英语单词拼写期末复习卷 班别 姓名
Unit 3
1.—What does he (看起来) like? —He’s tall.
2. Could you ________(告诉)e your nae?
3. I have a pen (笔友)in Cuba and he is very _______(可爱的).
4. r. Li is our English teacher. He (讲)English very well.
5. r. Black coes fro Canada. Now he (居住) in Beijing.
6. What can I do for you? ?-- I want to buy two ________(对)of shoes.
7. I help her (在……方面) her Chinese.
8. Could you please (告诉) e your nae? 9. Do you have any (堂兄妹)?
10. Do you (想)to have soe chicken? 11. (想) you like to have dinner with e?
12. Help (你自己) to the fish, John. Help (随便吃) to the fruit, girls.
13. I often have two (杯)of ilk and soe bread for breakfast.
14. His father is a doctor. He works in a (医院).
15. Why not have ________(正餐) in the restaurant?
16. Your other’s father and other are your (祖父母).
17. iss Wang (教)us English in our school.
18. Her father is a __________(办公室工人)in an office
19. Look at these (相片). They are nice.
20. Can you _______(演奏,玩)the piano?I _______(喜爱) it very uch.
21. They often help those new (工人) in the_________(办公室).
22. She ________(需要) to go to the zoo with her parents on Sunday.
23. Han ei often (吃) lunch at hoe.
24. What would you like, ilk or (果汁)?
25. Would you like soething to (喝的)?
26. Toatoes(西红柿) and cabbages are y favorite (蔬菜).
27. —What do you have for________(早餐)? —I _____ (通常)have soe rice and fish.
28. He wants to (参观) the Great Wall.
29. I often have soe __________(汉堡包)and _________(蔬菜)for lunch.
30. He’d like (鸡肉) for lunch. She’d like two (斤) of apples.
31. .I think the girl (穿) yellow is aria.
32. (许多的)boys like to eat (到外面).
33. I love China. Chinese people are very (友善的) to e.
34. ?ay I take your ______(点菜)?---Wait a oent(片刻), please.
35. .Would you like ____________(某物) to drink?
36. —What about soe chicken?—That’s a good (主意).
37. ike looks (像) his father. His father (工作)in an office.
38. —Who are the an and the woan in the photo?—They are y (父母).
39.On______(星期日),we ________(通常地) go to the lake for a picnic with y friends.
40.We are ________(朋友),we should _____ ________ ________(互相帮助)。

Unit 4
1. It’s thirty (超过)seven p.. . It’s (时候)to do your hoe work.
2. It’s 7:00. It is tie for _________(做)y hoework。
3. The bags are too (重的). Could you help e, please?
4. y aunt has two (婴儿)and they are twins.
5. How any _________(兔子)do you have? --- Seven.
6. The woan often goes shopping and (试) on new clothes.
7. Dad, would you like to (买) a new bike for e?
8. It takes (花费) e two (小时)to finish(完成) the hoework.
9. What is _______(事)? (让) e help you.
10. I’ll _________(考虑) it.
11.I’d like to take a (双)of (鞋子).
12. Do you have any tie___________(明天)?What about going shopping with e?
13. Why not (唱歌)soe songs with e?
14.Please (带)soe drinks with you to the Donghu Park.
15. It is a ___________(一刻钟) to nine. It is tie to see the ________(动物).
16. y pet dog is very (聪明). His pet cat is very _________(可爱的).
17.After supper, you have to do your ___________(家庭作业).
18. How about (放飞) a kite with e?
19. Hello! ay I (说话)to Kangkang?
20. Please ask a Lin to call e (回). See you (下一个的)tie.
21. I’d like to do soe (购物) this Sunday.
22. y other wants to buy three (包) of salt and _______(8瓶)of apple juice.
23. What’s (怎么了)? It’s tie for hi to have (午餐).
24. Let’s go and help the boy (找到) his other.av
25. y brother often goes to the (动物园) on Sundays.
26. What happens (发生) to baby onkey?
27. How do you (觉得)the apples?
28. —What do you _________(认为) the book? —I like it very uch.
29. ay I (请问)you a question? What’s your (最喜爱的) anial ?
30. There are any (大象) and (熊猫)over there.
31. eiei can’t find her (路)hoe.
32. It very _______ (友好的) of you.
33. —I’ sorry I can’t. I (不得不) to cook.
34.Thank you for ___________(帮助)e. ----Not at all.
35. I will go to see the onkey (表演) at eleven (差)ten a...
36. The (老虎)don’t eat grass(草). They like (肉类)very uch.
37. Li ing (起来) up at 6∶30 a every day.
38. I get up at a (一刻钟) past six.
39.—What (时间)do you go to school ? —At (一半)past six.

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/chuyi/102486.html
