
编辑: 逍遥路 关键词: 七年级 来源: 高中学习网

1. I can see _______ egg and ________ banana on the table.
A. a; a B. an; an C. an; a D. a; an
2. Does Sion ______ after school?
A. walk hoe B. walk to hoe C. go to hoe on foot D. go hoe on feet
3. ----_______do you watch TV? ----_______Never.
A. How any B. How uch C. How often D. When
4. ----Do you need to buy soe vegetables? ----Yes. Let’s buy soe _______.
A. potato and carrots B. cakes and apples C. toatoes and carrots D. noodles and beans
5. Look! There are soe ______ on the floor.
A. child B. boxes C. water D. toy
6. Sweet snakes give e energy, _______ they are not healthy.
A. and B. or C. but D. then
7. There _____ soe ilk and bread on the table. You can have the _______ breakfast.
A. are; for B. are; in C. is; for D. is; in
8. It is iportant _______ a healthy lifestyle.
A. of us to have B. of us having C. for us to have D. for us having
9. Sion sits between ________.
A. Kate and I B. I and Kate C. we and Kate D. Kate and e
10. ---- Are you _________? ----Yes, I want soething to eat.
A. hungry B. thirsty C. full D. OK
11.----I play football for one and a half hours every day. How about you?
----Oh, you do ______ exercise. You exercise ______ ten hours a week.
A. uch; less than B. uch; ore than C. any; less than D. any; ore than
12. We eat eals three ______ a day.
A. tie B. ties C. soeties D. soe tie
13. I do not eat sweet snacks ______ eals.
A. in B. on C. of D. between
14. The boys often play football after school _____ the girls seldo play it.
A. and B. but C. or D. because
15. ________ do you know about healthy food?
A. How uch B. How any C. Where D. Which
16. ---Is English __________ iportant subject? --- Yes, I think so.
A. the B. a C. an D./
17. I think it’s nice to dress up ________ a lovely princess (公主).
A. to B. in C. as D. with
18. I have a pair of gloves. One is on the bed. But I can’t find _________.
A. another B. other C. others D. the other
19. --- Today I’ll go to the zoo with y parents. --- _______________.
A. Yes, please. B. Have a nice day! C. Sure. D. Good idea!
20. How about ___________ soe delicious candy?
A. eat B. to eat C. eats D. eating
21. Do you hear soeone is ___________ the door?
A. knocking on B. knocking up C. knocking over D. knocking into
22. ---What does your other do ?--- _____________.
A. She is a nurse. B. She’s tall and thin
C. She likes shopping. D. She is doing the housework.
23. He’s _______________ in New York no
A. for holiday B. on holiday C. in a holiday D. to holiday
24. Aerican people do not celebrate ________________.
A. Thanksgiving Day B. the Dragon Boat Festival
C. Halloween D. Christas
25. “Trick or treat” eans “ get a _________ or play a ___________”.
A. trick; treat B. treat; treat C. trick; trick D. treat; trick
26. --- __________ an is your father? --- The an in black.
A. What B. How C. Which D. Where
27. Please ____________ who broke (打破)the glass of our classroo.
A. look for B. look C. find D. find out
28. --- What do people usually do at the id-Autun Festival? ---_______________.
A. Eat rice duplings. B. Play “ trick or treat”
C. Eat oon cakes and enjoy the full oon. D. Let off fireworks.
29. He sees _________ because he passes the test.
A. happy B. happily C. unhappy D. unhappily
30. I will see hi _________ the orning of 1 ay.
A. in B. on C. at D. to
二、完形根据短文内容,选择正确的选项。 (10%)
The Spring Festival is the Chinese 31 . It usually coes 32 February. Everyone in China 33 it very uch. Before the festival, they usually clean their houses and do a lot of 34 . 35 that day, people always have a big dinner. They eat duplings and soe 36 food. At night, they 37 usic and dance 38 TV.
The Chinese people in other countries also celebrate the Spring Festival. They 39 soe traditional Chinese food fro the shops in Chinatown. Soeties they can enjoy the 40 dance and fireworks there.
( )31.A. ChristasB. New Year’s Day C. SpringD. Easter
( )32.A. onB. at C. inD. to
( )33.A. likesB. likeC. liking D. to like
( )34.A. shop B. shopping C. shops D. to shop
( )35.A. InB. DuringC. AtD. On
( )36.A. nice B. goodC. / D. other
( )37.A. seeB. listenC. watchD. look
( )38.A. froB. onC. byD. with
( )39.A. buyB. take C. bringD. give
( )40.A. lionB. tigerC. onkeyD. ghost
ike eats eggs and toast(烤面包片) with butter and ja(果酱) for breakfast, but Ted has a piece of cheese, toast and a glass of orange juice. ike has spaghetti and cheese for lunch and fruit for dessert(甜点). For lunch Ted eats chicken, rice and vegetables. He doesn’t eat dessert. ike has soup(汤), steak(牛排), potatoes, carrots and ice crea for dinner, but Ted has steak and peas.
Ted doesn’t eat a lot, but he eats good food. Is ike fat? No, he isn’t. He has to eat a lot. He plays soccer, and he swis.
( ) 41. ike eats _____ for breakfast.
A. eggsB. toastC. jaD. all of the above
( ) 42. Ted doesn’t have ______ for breakfast.
A. cheeseB. toastC. apple juiceD. orange juice
( ) 43. Ted’s lunch has no ______.
A. chicken B. fruitC. vegetablesD. rice
( ) 44. There is one thing in both ike’s and Ted’s dinner. What is that?
A. Soup.B. Peas. C. Ice creaD. Steak
( ) 45. Why does ike eat ore than Ted? Because he ________.
A. does lots of exercises. B. likes to eat uch
C. is fatD. is always hungry
下面是Jordan Bar的一份菜单:
Breakfast (fro 7:30 to 10:30)
Orange, toato, apple juice ------------------------------------------------ 0.75
Grapefruit(柚子) half --------------------------------------------------------0. 65
Bananas ------------------------------------------------------------------------0. 75
1 egg, toast and coffee --------------------------------------------------------1.25
2 eggs, toast and coffee ------------------------------------------------------ 1.50
Boiled or fried eggs with bacon --------------------------------------------- 2.95
Boiled or fried eggs with sausage ------------------------------------------- 2.90
Sall order of pancakes -------------------------------------------------------1.79
Large order of pancakes ------------------------------------------------------- 2.00
Coffee ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0.35
Tea -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0.25
Hot chocolate -------------------------------------------------------------------- 0.30
ilk ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0.20
( ) 46. When can you have breakfast in the bar?
A. At 6:30 a..
B. At 8:00 a..
C. At 11:00 a..
D. At 7:00 p..
( )47. How uch is a toato juice?
A. 0.25B. 0.65C. 0.75D. 1.50
( )48. Which costs 2.00 aong the following?
A. Boiled or fried eggs with bacon.
B. Sall order of pancakes.
C. ilk.
D. Large order of pancakes.
( )49. What is the price of a hot chocolate?
A. 0.20B. 0.30C. 1.30D. 0.25
( )50. Toy always has his breakfast here. He has an apple juice, a fried egg with bacon and
a coffee. How uch is this breakfast?
A. 4.05B. 3.95C. 4.20D. 3.50
Do you know which Aerican city is the “fattest”? The answer is Houston(休斯敦). Doctors say there are ore and ore overweight people in the United States because they often eat fast food. The fast food is usually cheap and easy, so it’s interesting to think that people get fat not because they are rich(富裕的), but because they are poor. “Fatty(油腻的) food is usually cheap,” said the doctors. Pizza(比萨饼) is usually cheaper and easier than the food at a health food shop. For any people, to exercise, such as walking to work, just isn’t possible(可能). But I think “aking exercise cheaper and food ore expensive is iportant for us.”
Soe suggestions will also help fat people lose weight(减肥). Have a try:
Drink ore water than Coke or other soft drinks.
Walk at least 500 eters a day.
Get 30 inutes of exercise a day.
Eat vegetables and fruit.
Sleep for about 8 hours a night.
( )51.________ is the fattest city in Aerica.
A. HoustonB. New YorkC. oscowD. Paris
( )52.The underlined word “overweight” eans ___________.
A. a little heavyB. too heavyC. a little lightD. too light
( )53.Why do the poor people usually get fat?
A. Because fast food is cheap.B. Because fast food is easy.
C. Because poor people eat ore.D. Because rich people eat less.
( )54.Why do any people in the United States get fat?
A. Because they often eat fast food.B. Because they are rich.
C. Because they don’t take uch exercise.D. Both A and C.
( )55.Which kind of drink do we call “soft drink”?
A.ilk.B. Water.C. Coke.D. Tea.
January 1 is New Year’s Day. The night before is called New Year’s Eve. On this night, people eet for parties as they wait for the New Year to begin after 12:00 p.. On New Year’s Day, failies enjoy watching university(大学) football gaes to find the national winner. artin Luther King Day is on the third onday in January. This faous(著名) black Aerican gave the speech(演说), “I Have a Drea”. This speech is iportant because it is about all races(种族) in Aerica being equal(平等的).
February 14 is Valentine’s Day. A valentine is a very colourful card for a lover. People give presents to the persons they love, often flowers for woen and chocolates for en. February 12 (Abraha Lincoln’s birthday) and February 22 (George Washington’s birthday) are celebrated together on the onday between these two days. It’s called President’s Day.
( )56.What is artin Luther King faous for?
A. He is faous for his speech “I Have a Drea”.
B. He is faous as a black.
C. He is faous as an Aerican.
D. He is faous as a football player.
( )57.What is special on Valentine’s Day?
A. People choose(选择) their lovers on this day.
B. People send colourful cards to their lovers.
C. People give presents to their lovers.
D. Both B and C.
( )58.What does the underlined expression “President’s Day” ean?
A. 国庆纪念日B. 总统纪念日
C. 劳动节 D. 独立纪念日
( )59.Which special day is NOT entioned(提到) in the passage?
A. Christas Day.B. Valentine’s Day.
C. New Year’s Day.D. President’s Day.
( )60.How any special days are entioned in the passage?
A. 2.B. 3.C. 5.D. 6.

一、:(10%) w
1.Chinese is very _______(重要的). We ust learn it well.
2.All y faily usually get _______(一起) and have a big dinner on New Year’s Eve
3.Lucy has a good lifestyle. This helps her ______ (保持)fit and sli.
4.This big eal gives e energy for the ______(整个的)afternoon.
5.To often has a toothache because he eats too any ______(糖果).
B. 根据句子意思,用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。
1. Thank you for _______ (chat) with e today. I feel better no
2. Do you have lots of ______ (fun) at today’s party?
3. There are soe _______ (ango) in the basket.
4. It is iportant for us ________ (have) health eals every day.
5. It is good for _______ (we) to read English loudly every orning.

1. She likes going shopping at weekends.
________ _________ she like _______ at weekends?
2.The poor girl akes oney by selling atches.
________ ________ the poor girl ________ oney?
3.There are three packets of salt on the table.
_______ _______ packets of salt are there on the table?
4.I plan to have beef and rice for lunch. (改为一般疑问句)
________ you ________ to have beef and rice for lunch.

I have a good friend. His nae is To. He is a good boy, but he eats too uch and doesn’t like sports. He has a big breakfast every orning. He has four eggs, a lot of bread and butter and a big glass of ilk for it. For lunch he has two haburgers, a lot of French fries and chicken, He often drinks a lot of cola or soda between eals. For dinner he eats rice, beef and pork.
He always eats haburgers, beef, chicken and eggs. He likes ice crea, cola and soda too.
To is fat, so he needs to change his lifestyle. He should exercise ore and has ore fruit and vegetables.
Title: The lifestyle of y____1____
Breakfastfour eggs, ____3_____ and butter and a glass of ilk
____4____two ___5____, a lot of Frech fries and ___6_____
Dinnerrice, beef and __7_____
Drinks___8______ or soda
Likeshuburgers, beef, chicken, eggs,___9_____, cola and sofa
Needsore ___10___,fruit and vegetables

假如你是Daniel,请根据以下要点,以y lifestyle为题写一篇短文,字数不少于70,可适当发挥。
要点:1. 喜欢吃汉堡,喝可乐,不太爱运动。
2. 改变计划:喝牛奶,吃鱼、水果和蔬菜;每天散步,每周游泳一次。

1c accbcccda
A) 1. iportant 2. together 3. keep 4. whole 5. sweets
B) 1. chatting 2. fun 3. angoes 4. to have 5. us
1. What does doing
2. How does ake
3. How any
4. Do plan
1. friend 2. To 3. bread 4. Lunch 5. haburgers
6. chicken 7. pork 8. cola 9. ice-crea 10. exercise
四、写作 (10%)

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/chuyi/111311.html
