初一英语unit 1 y nae is Gina基础知识习题(2013新版)

编辑: 逍遥路 关键词: 七年级 来源: 高中学习网

“Word train” gae
Practice the conversation in pairs.

Role play the conversation. 分角色表演对话。

Put the words in order to ake conversations.
Then practice the. 调整词序,组成对话并练习。

Coplete the conversation and practice it with your partner.
A: Hi, _______ your nae? B: y ____ Gina. ____you To?
A: ____, I’ not. ______Bob. B: Hi,____. ______to eet you.
A: Nice to ______you, too.

Learn nubers.学习数字。

Read the list of naes. Write F for first nae and L for last

Read the essages ,circle the first naes and underline the last
naes. 以下信息,然后在名字上画圈,在姓氏下画线。
1. y nae is Jenny Green. y phone nuber is 281-9176. y
friend is Gina Sith. Her phone nuber is 232-4672.
2. I’ Dale iller and y friend is Eric Brown. His telephone
nuber is 357-5689. y telephone nuber is 358-6344,
3. y nae is ary Brown. y friend is in China. Her nae is
Zhang inging. y phone nuber is 257-8900 and her nuber
is 929-3155.
Use the inforation on the ID card to coplete the sentences.
Her first nae is
Her last nae is
Her phone nuber is

Fill in your own card and write about yourself.

1. nae’s=nae is 名字是 2. I’=I a 我是
3. she’s=she is 她是 he’s=he is 他是
you’re =you are 你(你们)是 t hey’re=they are 他(她;它)们是
isn’t=is not 不是(单数形式) he’s not =he is not=he isn’t 他不是
what’s=what is 什么是
4 .Nice to eet/ see you. 见到你很高兴 5. faily nae=last nae 姓氏
6.First nae=given nae 名字 7. ID card 身份证
8.iddle school 中学 9.in China 在中国
10.telephone nuber =phone nuber 电话号码

What’s your nae? 你叫什么名字?
y nae is Gina. 我的名字叫吉娜。
I’ Gina. 我叫吉娜。
y nae’s Gina. 我的名字是吉娜。
Nice to eet you. 很高兴见到你。
Nice to eet you, too. 见到你也很高兴。
What’s your telephone nuber? 你的电话号码是多少?
It’s 281-9176. 它是281-9176.
1) faily nae (=last nae)“姓”
2)given nae(= first nae)“名” 3)full nae “全名”
英文结构名字:first/given nae+faily/last nae
【例】y friend’s nae is Jaes Robert. So his given nae is______.
A. Jaes B. Robert C. Jaes Robert
What's your nae? 答语有三种形式:
y nae is+姓名;2)I a+姓名; 3)直接用姓名。
【例】— _______ your nae, please?
—y nae is______ .
A. What’s, Ji Green B. Who’s, Ji Green
C. What’s, Green Ji D. Who’s, Green Ji
把名字连在一起写。例如:Han eiei
What's your /her/his....telephone nuber?答语是:It's+电话号码。


人 称单数复数
第三人称He(他),she(她),it (它)his(他的),her(她的),its(它的)they(他们)their(他们的)

我(I)用a, 你(you)用are, is连着他(he)她(she)它(it).
单数名词用is, 复数名词全用are.
1.be动词的基本意思是“是”,但汉语有时不译出“是”。如:I’ fine.我很好。
(1)缩写规则: be是a,is,are的原形, a,is,are的缩写形式分别是a—-'m,
(2)超前规则: 动词be在缩写时,常与前面的词缩写,一般不与后面的词( not
除外)缩写。如: What is that?= What’s that?
(3)一心不可二用规则:在否定句中,be动词可以和not缩写,即 is not= isn’t,
are not= aren’t,但 a与 not 没有缩写形式,即不能写成 an’t. be动

1.Write English words according to Chinese.根据汉语写单词。
名字__________ 令人愉快的;宜人的__________
遇见;相逢__________ 也;又;太____________
你的;你们的__________ 他的__________
和;又;而__________ 她的__________
是的;可以________ 她___________
他_________ 不;没有;不是_______
不;没有______ 零__________
一__________ 二__________
三__________ 四__________
五__________ 六__________
七__________ 八__________
九__________ 电话__________
号码;数字__________ 电话号码__________
第一__________ 名字__________
最后的;末尾的_______ 姓__________
朋友________ 中国________
中间的;中间_______ 学校________

2. Use a/is/are to fill in the blanks.用a、is、are。
(1)-Hi, I _______ Franciso, what _______ your nae?
-y nae _______ Li sa.
(2)Hello! How ________ you? I ______ fine, thank you.
(3)-What ______ your telephone nuber?
-It ________ 555-80.
(4)Who _______ this? It’s To.
(5)_____ her first nae Gina? Yes, it is.
3. atch the sentences to ake conversations. 将句子配对组成对话。
(1) Hello. I’ Cindy. A. I’ Chen Kang.
(2) What’s your nae? B.It’s 876-9548.
(3) Hello. I’ Grace. C.Nice to eet you, Cindy.
(4) y nae’s Eric. D. Nice to eet you, Eric. I’ Bill.
(5)What’s his telephone nuber? E. Hi, Grace. I’ Alice.

1.What’s y_____ nae?
2.N_____ to eet you!
3.What’s h____ nae ?— Her nae is Gina.
4.This is a boy. H______ nae is Bob.
1. It’s _______(she) book.
2. _______(your) are a good boy.
3. _______( I ) ruler is green.
4. Hi, _______(y) a Alan.
5. ______(he) nae is Tony.
6. Nice to eet _____(your).
三. 用缩写词的形式重抄下列句子.
1. y nae is arco. ________________________
2. What is your nae? ________________________
3. I a a student. ________________________
4. It is 456098. ________________________
5. You are y good friend. ________________________
四. 用a, is, are填空.
1. I _______ Peter Hunt.
2. y nae _______Bill.
3. I _______twelve(12岁).
4. y faily nae_______White.
5. _______she Kate?
五. 用英语完成下列算式.
1. six +one =_______ 2. ______ -two = two
3. _______-five= five 4. _______+two = ten
5. five-three=_______ 6. nine-six=_______
7. five+four=_______ 8. _______+eight=nine
9. _______+three=nine 10. five+five=_______
六. 单项选择:
( )1. y nae’s ____. I a an English boy.
A. Green GinaB. Gina GreenC. Brown JohnD. John Brown
( )2. y father is a teacher. ________ phone nuber is 546807.
A. HeB. HisC. SheD. Her
( )3. ________ nae is Tony and ________ nae is Lucy.
A. Her, hisB. His, her C. Her, herD. His, his
( )4. -What’s your car nuber?-______ 665488.
A. I’B. I aC. It’sD. y car
( )5. Her nae is Ay Green. Her last nae is _________.
A. AyB. GreenC. Ay GreenD. Green Ay
( )6. ______ her nae?
A. What’sB. WhatC. HowD. How’s
( )7. Is your nae Brown? ________
A. Yes, it is.B. Yes, I a. C. Yes, I’.D. No, I’ no.
( )8. -What’s her telephone nuber?-______.
A. It’s 027-2806543 B. She is 13
C. It’s her telephone nuber D. Her is 4265830
( )9. What ________ four and five? ______ nine.
A. are, They areB. is, It’s C. is, ItsD. are, It’s
( )10. In English, last nae is ________ nae.
A. fullB. firstC. failyD. given
( )11. In Chinese, first nae is ________ nae.
A. fullB. lastC. failyD. given
( )12. The an’s nae is Peter ark. We can call hi ________.
A. r PeterB. r ark C. Sir arkD. ark
( )13. -Good orning, iss Yang. How are you? -________
A. I’ good. B. I’ fine, thank you.
C. How are you? D. Good afternoon.
( )14. -How do you do? -_______
A. Hello. B. How are you?
C. How do you do? D. I’ fine, thank you.
( )15. -Hi ary, Nice to eet you.-______
A. Hello, Jenny. Nice to eet you. B. I’ fine.
C. Good orning. D. How are you?
七. 根据问句写答语。
(1)_________? His nae is Peter
(2)_________? y phone nuber is 555-8906
(3)_________? y last nae is Perez.
(4)_________? y first nae is arco.
(5)_________? Her nae is Alice.
1. y nae is Jack Sith. (对画线部分提问)
2. Nice to eet you. (写出答语)
________ ________ eet you, _________.
3. I a Bruce. (同义句转换)
y _______ ________ Bruce.

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/chuyi/118272.html
