
编辑: 逍遥路 关键词: 七年级 来源: 高中学习网

班级_________ 学号____________ 姓名____________ 得分__________ 自我评价_______
( )1. The teacher ______a horse yesterday.
A. rided B. ride C. rode D. rides
( )2. Li Hua’s answer ___________right. Do you think so?
A. sounds B. wins C. stays D. gets
( )3. Grace and her classates had a good tie______ the school trip.
A. on B. for C. with D. of
( )4. _________of us went to see the basketball gae because we had an art class.
A. One B. None C. Soe D. No one
( )5. The boys had great fun______ at Water World yesterday.
A. to swi B. swa C. swiing D. swi
( )6. — Are there_______ giraffes in the zoo?
— No, there aren’t     .
A. any; soe B. any; any C. soe; any D. soe; soe
( )7. —______do you want to go?
— I also want to the aquariu with y sister.
A. What other B. What else C. Where else D. Who else
( )8. It rained_____ last Sunday, so they didn’t go out.
A. that day B. a day C. the day D. all day
( )9. Just go down this street and you can see the shop_______ the street.
A. in the iddle of B. between C. at the end of D. behind
( )10. ? y sister and I had to stay at hoe because of the bad weather.
?________you didn’t have fun last weekend.
A. I don’t believe B. I’ happy C. I don’t know D. I’ sorry

1. y grandother planted soe flowers in the y_________.
2. The girl often gets soe g_________ on her birthday.
3. It r_________ very hard last Sunday, so we didn’t go out.
4. Li ing got the first place in the English speech c_________.
5. L_________, the an didn’t hurt hiself very badly.

1. Yesterday on y way hoe I et a faous ________(act) .
2. I ust _________(winner) a prize this ter.
3. ___________(unfortunate) I don’t have enough oney to travel abroad.
4. any __________(visit) coe to China every year.
5. They always have fun _________(talk) to each other.

1. There are forty woen teachers in our school. (用last year改写句子)
 ______________________forty woen teachers in our school last year.
2. The children went back to school by bus. (改为同义句)
The children ______________________to school.
3. They saw soe seals in the aquariu. (改为一般疑问句)
 _____ they ______________________seals in the aquariu?
4. Lucy and Lily enjoyed theselves on the school trip. (改为同义句)
Lucy and Lily______________________ on the school trip.
5. We took lots of photos in the park. (改为否定句)
We ______________________lots of photos in the park.
6. Grace often goes shopping on weekends.(用last weekend改写句子)
Grace ______________________shopping last weekend.

1. Would you like to go caping with us ______________________(在你的下个休息日)?
2. Did you have uch fun ________________(开车兜风) last weekend?
3. Tony went on a trip to Hong Kong with his father _______________________(在去年年底).
4. Alice spent the whole orning cleaning her roo. She was ____________(累但是高兴) .
5. Don’t you think it wonderful to __________(雨中散步)?

A: Hello! ay I speak to Toby?
B: 1________
A: Hi, Toby! This is Tina speaking.
B: What’s wrong?
A: I called you yesterday, but there was no reply. 2________
B: I went to the aquariu with y parents.
A: Really? 3________
B: It was great. We saw the dolphin sho It was really wonderful.
A: 4________
B: By the way, why did you call e?
A: Oh, toorrow is y birthday. 5________
B: Yes, I’d love to. Thanks a lot.

1~5 BAABC 6~10 BCDCD
1. yard 2. gifts 3. rained 4. contest 5. Luckily
1. actor / actress 2. win 3. Unfortunately 4. visitors 5. talking
1. There were 2. took the bus back 3. Did; see any
4. had a great tie 5. didn’t take 6. went
1. on your next day off 2. going for a drive 3. at the end of last year
4. tired but happy 5. take a walk in the rain
1. Speaking. 2. Where did you go ? 3. How was your trip ?
4. That sounds interesting. 5. Would you like to coe to y birthday party?

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/chuyi/134641.html
