
编辑: 逍遥路 关键词: 七年级 来源: 高中学习网

英语人教七年级上综合测评Unit 6
(分数:100分 时间:90分钟)
第Ⅰ卷 部分(15分)
Ⅰ.听句子, 选择与其意思相符的图片(有两幅多余图片)(5分)
1.I like bananas very uch.
2.Does Gina like salad ?
3.We don't like ilk.
4.I have eggs for breakfast.
5.Pear is good for our health.

1.______ 2.______ 3.______ 4.______ 5.______

6.Do you like ice crea?
7.What vegetables does your sister like?
8.What do you have for breakfast?
9.Where are the haburgers, o?
10.Does his other have chicken for dinner?
6.A.Yes, I do.B.No, you don't.C.No.I like ice crea.
7.A.Haburgers. B.Carrots. C.Eggs.

8.A.On the table.B.Ten basketballs.C.Eggs and haburgers.

9.A.Yes, they are.B.No, it isn't.C.They're on the table.

10.A.Yes, she does.B.Yes, she is.C.No, he doesn't.

I' Ji Green.Today is y birthday.I want to thank y faily for their love.So I cook a dinner for the.I know y other likes haburgers and salad.But y father likes chicken and toato soup.I have a brother.He likes haburgers, too.But he doesn't like salad.He likes carrots.I have a sister.She likes fish and ice crea.I like chicken and strawberries.I will buy these things for the birthday party.
and __11____12__ andxkb1.co
________13__ and
________14__ and
________15__ and

第Ⅱ卷 笔试部分(85分)
16.______ you like ice crea?
A.Are B.AC.Does D.Do

17.―Does your sister eat ______?
―Yes,she does.
A.fine B.niceC.well D.good

18.I have ______ food at hoe.
A.lot of B.lots ofC.a lots of D.a lot

19.―Do you like oranges?
―______.I want to eat the no
A.Yes, I don't B.No, I doC.Yes, I do D.No, I don't

20.She ______ oranges, but she ______ apples.
A.like;don't like B.likes;doesn't likes
C.likes;doesn't like D.like;don't likes

21.―______ does your father have ______ lunch?
―Chicken and toatoes.
A.What;for B.What;/C.How;for D.How;/

22.______ lunch,tennis player Li Na ______ healthy food.
A.To;likes B.In;likeC.For;likes D.For;like

23.ary ______ watch TV, but ike ______.
A.doesn't;does B.doesn't;doesn't
C.doesn't;watches D.does;doesn't

24.I like ______.Do you like ______?
A.apple;the B.apples;the
C.apples;they D.apples;it

25.―Let's have oranges.
―______.Let's eat apples.
A.OK B.Oh,noC.No,we don't D.That sounds great

y younger sister is Cindy.__26__ is her birthday(生日).y other __27__ her a big cake.She is eight years old noShe likes cakes.__28__ the table in her bedroo, you can __29__ the nice cake.Her __30__ is on the cake.There are __31__ things for her birthday, too.__32__ are soe apples, salad, ice crea, strawberries and oranges.But she'd__33__ to have soething to drink noHer __34__, Kate, Barry, Bill, and Frank are coing to her birthday party noShe likes to eat these things __35__ her friends.
26.A.This B.ThatC.Today (今天) D.It's

27.A.buy B.wantsC.finds D.gets

28.A.At B.OnC.Under D.With

29.A.look B.seeC.eat D.have

30.A.nae B.bookC.backpack D.thing

31.A.others B.the otherC.the others D.other

32.A.They B.TheseC.Those D.It's

33.A.want B.likeC.likes D.wants

34.A.parents B.teachersC.friends D.brothers

35.A.with B.forC.to D.of

I like ilk and bananas.I don't like haburgers or French fries.I have two eggs and a banana for breakfast.

I like salad and chicken.I don't like ice crea.I have chicken and toatoes for dinner.

I like ha burgers and ice crea.I don't like toatoes.I eat lunch at school.I have haburgers and oranges for lunch.

36.Does aria like ilk?
A.Yes, she does.B.No, she doesn't.
C.Yes, I do.D.We don't kno

37.What does Bill have for dinner?
A.Salad and chicken.B.Ice crea.
C.Toatoes and chicken.D.Haburgers and oranges.
w w w .x k b 1.c o
38.______ eats two eggs and a banana for breakfast.
A.aria B.BillC.Bob D.No one

39.______ likes ice crea, but ______ doesn't like it.
A.Bob;aria B.Bill;BobC.aria;Bill D.Bob;Bill

40.Does Bill have eggs or bananas for breakfast?
A.Yes, he does.B.No, he doesn't.
C.He doesn't eat eggs or bananas.D.We don't kno

Hello, I' Kate.I like different kinds of food.I like haburgers, salad and orange juice.For breakfast, I often have soe ilk and haburgers.I don't like dessert.y favorite football star, Tony Brown, eats lots of healthy food.He likes eggs and vegetables for breakfast.For lun ch, he eats haburgers, toatoes, chicken, oranges and apple juice.For dinner, he likes eat and French fries.He doesn't have dessert.“I like football better than dessert, ” he says.
41.Kate eats ______ for breakfast.
A.ilk and haburgersB.saladC.vegetablesD.chicken

42.Kate doesn't like _ _____.
A.orange juice B.saladC.breakfast D.dessert

43.Tony Brown is __ ____.
A.a studentB.a football star
C.a basketball starD.a runner

44.Tony Brown likes ______ for dinner.
A.eat and French friesB.ilk and haburgers
C.lots of healthy foodD.oranges and apple juice

45.Tony Brown likes ______ better.
A.dessert B.basketballC.football D.running

Ⅶ.任务型(10分 )
Do you eat good food every day?It's iportant (重要的) for your health!You need fruits, like oranges and bananas.You also need vegetables, like carrots and toatoes.Fruits and vegetables are good for our health.We shouldn't eat too uch eat every day.What about dessert?You shouldn't eat too uch dessert because it's bad for your health.Write a list of the food you eat.Is it good food?Do you eat healthy food every day?
46.Do you eat good food every day?(改为同义句)
Do you eat ______ food every day?

47.Why do we eat fruits and vegetables?
Because ______________________________ _______________________________.

48.You shouldn't eat too uch ______ and ______.

4 9.It's iportant to have ______ and ______ every day.

50.Can you list (列举) soe other fruits and vegetables?

51.I have ______ (西红柿) for breakfast.

52.Lots of ______(vegetable)are in the picture.

53.I ______(有) a good English teacher.

54.What do you have for ______ (晚餐)?

55.She eats ______(健康的) food every day.

Ⅸ.补全对话 (10分)
A.Do you like strawberries?
B.Good orning.
C.Let's go.
E.No, she doesn't.
Bob:Hi, Joy!Good orning.
Joy:Hi, Bob!56.______
Bob:Are you going shopping (购物)?
Joy:57.______ I want to buy (买) soe strawberries.
Joy:Yes, I do.
Bob:Does your u like the, too?
Joy:59.______ But y dad likes the.
Bob:ay I go with you?


y nae is Kate.________________________________________ _

Ⅰ. 1-5 1.G 2.C 3.F 4.D 5.E
Ⅱ.6- 10 ABCCA
Ⅲ. 11.salad 12.chicken;toato soup 13.haburgers;carrots 14.fish;ice crea 15.chicke n;strawberries
Ⅶ.46 healthy
47 they are good for our health
48 eat;dessert
49 fruits;vegetables
50 Apples,strawberries,potatoes and toatoes
Ⅷ.51 toatoes 52 vegetables 53have 54 dinner 55healthy
Ⅸ. 56.B 57.D 58.A 59.E 60.C
y_nae_is_Kate.I' a girl.I have two good friends.We like different kinds of food.I like eggs.I don't like pears.y friend Li Lei likes haburgers and bananas.He doesn't like ilk.y friend Liu Yu likes apples.She doesn't like chicken and vegetables.

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/chuyi/167152.html
