
编辑: 逍遥路 关键词: 七年级 来源: 高中学习网

(     ) 5. What do you do _______ the night _______ October 31st?
        A. at; of       B. on; of      C. on; at     D. at; on
(     ) 6. How many people are there in the city? _______.
        A. Three milli ons             B. Three millions of
        C. Three million              D. Million
(     ) 7. He never  _______ hamburger _______ sweets.
        A. eats, and  B.eat, or     C. eats, or       D. eat, and
(     ) 8. Don’t eat ______ sugar, you will get _______ fat.
        A. too much, much too         B. much too , too much
        C. too many, too much        D. too much, too many
(     ) 9. Would you like a glass of water? ---_________________.
        A.Yes, I’m afraid not.         B. No, don’t give it to me.
        C. No, not at all.              D. Yes,please.
(     ) 10. There are six floors _______ our school buildings. Our classroom is _______  the third floor.
        A. in; on      B. in; in        C. on; in     D. on; on
(     ) 11. Can you _______ it _______ English?
        A. say, with            B. speak, in      C. talk, to              D. say, in
(     ) 12. --- _______ going fishing?
         --- That’s a good idea.
        A. Why not    B. What about   C. Why      D. How
(     ) 13. --- Can you give me _______ minutes?
        A. ten more          B. ten another  C. ten many      D. ten other
 (     ) 14. --- I will have a Math test tomorrow.
         --- _______.
        A. How do you do?            B. I can help you.
        C. May you happy.            D. Good luck to you.
(     ) 15.--- _________ I open the door, Mary?
--- ___________.
        A. May, Yes, you may.         B. May, No, you don’t..      
 C. Can, No, you needn’t.        D. Can, Yes, you can’t.
II. 完形填空 (每题1分,共10分)
Tom and Fred were talking about the year 2050.
“What will __1__ be like in the year 2050?” asked Tom.
“I don’t know,” said Fred. “What do you think?”
“Well, no one knows. But it is   2   to guess,” said Tom. “In the year 2050 everybody will   3   a pocket computer. The computer will gi ve people the __4   to all their problems. We shall all have telephones in our pockets, __5__. And we’ll be able to talk to our friends all over the world. Perhaps we’ll be able to __6__ them at the same time. Machines will do __7__ of the work, and people will have more __8__. Perhaps they will work only two or three da ys a week. They will be  able to fly to the moon by spaceship and spend their holidays there.”
“I’m very __9__ to hear that. I hope to fly to the moon. And I hope I’ll be able to live __10__,” said Fred . “Won’t that be interesting? Just like a fish.”
(     ) 1. A. the traffic    B. a factory        C. the world        D. our home
(     ) 2. A. pleased    B. no use        C. interesting        D. unusual
(     ) 3. A. bring        B. give            C. send            D. carry
(     ) 4. A. ways        B. things            C. answers        D. news
(     ) 5. A. again        B. too            C. also            D. either
(     ) 6.  A. see        B. look            C. listen            D. call
(     ) 7. A. many        B. lot            C. every            D. most
(     ) 8. A. duty        B. holidays        C. times            D. work
(     ) 9. A. glad        B. sure            C. afraid            D. sorry
(     ) 10.A. in the sea    B. on land  C. on the mountain    D. under the ground
III. 阅读理解 (每题1分,共20分)
We call the Chinese New Year the Spring Festival. There is a name for each Chinese year. We may call it the year of the sheep, the monkey, the snake, the tiger, the rabbit, the horse or the year of the pig. And this year is the year of the Sheep.
Before New  Year’s Day, people are busy shopping and cleaning their houses. They are busy buying ne w clothes, new shoes, and candies. On New Year’s Eve, there is a big family dinner. After the dinner, all the family members stay up late to welcome the New Year. On the first day of the New Year, people put on their new clothes and go to visit their friends. They say “Good luck” and some other greetings to each other. And on that day, children can get money in red packets. Besides, children have a lot of candies to eat. People wear new clothes and shoes.
People usually have a very good time during the Festival.
(     ) 1. How many Chinese festivals does the passage talk about?
      A. One       B. Two       C. Three       D. Four
(     ) 2. We can find every Chinese year has _______ name.
      A. an animal   B. a plant     C. a family     D. a full
(     ) 3. How do Chinese people usually spend New Year’s Eve?
A.    They put on new clothes and go to the park.
B.    They visit their friends and talk about the New Year.
C.    They are busy shopping and cleaning their houses.
D.    They have a big dinner and stay up late to welcome the New Year.
(     ) 4. On New Year’s Day, people say “______” to each other when they meet.
          A. Merry Christmas          B. Good luck
           C. Happy New Year          D. Both B and C
 (     ) 5. The best title for this passage is _______.
A.    Good Time           B.    Big Dinner
C.    The Spring Festival    D.    The Year of the Sheep
One day my wife and I went shopping at  the shop. We took the car as we had a lot of things to buy because my brother and his family were going to spend the weekend with us. We stopped the car in front of the shop. An hour later we came back to the car with a lot of things. Then the trouble started. We could not open the car door.
“Oh, dear,” said my wife, “What are you going to do?”
 “Let’s ask that policeman,” I said. The policeman was very kind and glad to help us. A few minutes later he got the door open. Just at that moment an angry man came up and shouted, “What are you doing with my car?”
We looked at the number of the car and our faces turned very red.
(     ) 6. The husband and the wife went shopping _______.
       A. by bus      B. in their car      C. by bike      D. on foot
(     ) 7. How long did they spend in the shop doing their shopping?
      A. About half an hour.         B. A whole morning. 
      C. One hour or so.            D. A whole day.
(     ) 8. Who opened the car door in the end?
      A. The husband.              B. The wife.
      C. The angry man.            D. The policeman.
(     ) 9. The man was very angry _______.
A.    to see someone had opened his car door
B.    to see the policeman standing by the car
C.    because he came to the car a bit late
D.    because he couldn’t open the car door either
 (     ) 10. They didn’t know it was the wrong car until they looked at _______.
A.    the colour of the car
B.    the owner of the car
C.    the things in the car
D.    the number of the car
5/7 Monday
I’m busy this week. The following Sunday is Mother’s Day and there are many activities at school. One of them is PTA Day. It’s on Friday. Mum and Dad are both coming. I’m a little nervous (紧张的). What will Mr. Chang tell them?

5/8 Tuesday
Mr. Wu is our new music teacher. He teaches us Mother, a beautiful song about our love for mothers.
5/9 Wednesday
We practice Mother today. This is the special present for our parents on Friday.

5/10 Thursday
It takes us two hours to decorate(装饰) our classroom for PTA Day. I’m tired. Mum is nervous. It’s  the first time for her to meet our teachers. She is always nervous about talking to teachers from her childhood(童年). That’s funny.
(    ) 11. What is PTA Day?
A.    A day for students to have music classes.
B.    A day for parents to meet their children’s teachers at school.
C.    A day for teachers to get presents from their students.
D.    A day for students to decorate their classrooms.
(    ) 12. What’s the date of Mother’s Day?
      A.May 14th      B. May 13th      C. June 11th     D. June 12th
(    ) 13. What is the special present for our parents on Friday?
A.    A beautiful song about our love for mothers.
B.    To decorate our classroom.
C.    To meet our teachers.
D.    To dance.
(    ) 14. What will Allen and his classmates do on Friday?
A.    They  will decorate their classroom.
B.    They will buy presents for their parents.
C.    They will sing to thank their parents.
D.    They will welcome a new music teacher.
(    ) 15. Why does Allen’s mother feel nerv ous?
A.    Allen does not do well at school.
B.    She is afraid of talking to teachers.
C.    Allen’s f ather is going to school, too.
D.    She has to sing a song in front of the class.
The moon looks bigger than the stars at night. But in fact, it is smaller than any of them. The moon looks big to us, because it is closer to us than any star. The moon goes around the earth. It makes one trip about four weeks. The moon is a round ball and looks beautiful. Don’t you think so?
Now peo ple know quite a lot about the moon. There is no air or water on the moon so there are not any trees or animals, or people on the moon. The moon gets its light from the sun, but some places on the moon are quite dark. Then days on the moon get hotter than boiling(沸腾的) water. The nights get colder than the North Pole(北极) on the earth.
(    ) 16. People know quite ______ about the moon now.
      A. a few      B. a lot       C. little        D. some
(    ) 17. The moon i s _______ to the earth than the sun.
      A. farther     B. far        C. close       D. closer
(    ) 18. The moon makes one trip round the earth in about _______.
      A. a week     B. four weeks  C. a year      D. 24 hours
(    ) 19. There is _______ on the moon.
      A. not anything               B. no river
      C. no air or water             D. no hill
(    ) 20. The sun _______ to the moon.
      A. gets light   B. gives light   C. gives air    D. gets air
IV. 词汇运用 (每题1分,共18分)
(A) 根据所给提示, 填写所缺单词
1 . It is very_________________ ( 重要的)  to learn English well.
2. The c_______ of Japan is Tokyo.
3. They plant about five _______ ( 千) trees every year.
4. ---What’s your d_______?
  ---I want to be a teacher when I grow up.
5. I am going to i_______ my friends to my home this Sunday.
6. Jenny wears a pair of _______.( 运动鞋)
(B) 选用所给单词的适当形式填空 (每次限用一次)
  shelf,  sit,  twelve,  friend,   we,  good  
7. December is the _______ month of a year.
8. At weekends, we often watch TV in the _______ room.
9. Nancy doesn’t dance _______.
10. There are many books on these _______.
11. My neighbours are very _______ to us.
12. Let _______ help you.
(C) 选用所给动词的适当形式填空 (每次限用一次)
  read,  drink,  wait,  grow,  open,  get  
13. Jim, be quick. They _________ for you at the school gate.
14. The best place _________ flowers is the garden.
15. How long ______ he _______ English every night?
16. ________ up earlier, and you won’t be late for school again.
17. It’s important _________ a lot of water every day.
18.Look, who ________ the door?
V. 句型转换 (每线一词) (每空0.5分,共6分)
1. Kitty often does her homework at home. (改为一般疑问句)
  _______ Kitty often ______ her homework at home?
2. It takes Millie about an hour to play badminton every day. (改为同义句)
  Millie _______ about an hour _______ badminton every day.
3. Do it like this. (改为否定句)
  _______ _______ it like this.
4. The girl in the red coat is my cousin.  (对划线部分提问)
  _______ _______ is your cousin?
5. Sue sometimes has some biscuits and bread.   (对划线部分提问)
  _______ _______ _______ Sue _______ any biscuits and bread?
VI. 短文填空 (每空1分, 共10分)
My brother is a sports fan. He likes watching every kind of game. He likes basketball, football, tennis and badminton. And he does w_______ (1) in football. He is in his school football team. My brother is also a m_______ (2) of the Football Club. He t_______ (3) much exercise in the club every day. When he goes shopping, he always buys n_______ (4) about sports and he often r_______ (5) sports news. His school is very big and beautiful. There are many trees and f_______ (6) around it. There is a football f_______ (7), a te nnis court and a swimming pool in his school. He usually plays football w_______ (8) his friends after school, and he wants to be a football p_______ (9) in the future. My brother often goes to the stadium to watch football m_______ (10). He doesn’t want to miss any wonderful one.
1._________ 2._________ 3._________ 4._________ 5._________
6._________ 7._________ 8._________ 9._________ 10.______ __
VII. 任务型阅读 (每题1分,共5分)
    Daniel likes his school (1) very much. He goes to school a t seven twenty after breakfast. He has lessons at eight ten. He's good at Maths. He loves English, too. He eats lunch at school at eleven forty. He does after-school activities at four twenty in the afternoon. He plays football, badminton and volleyball.
    Sometimes he swims. Daniel goes home at five o'clock. He eats dinner at six forty. Then at about seven o'clock he watches TV. He likes watching TV because he wants to (2) learn more about the world.  At eight he does his homework. He goes to bed at nine o'clock.
1. 对文中(1)处的划线部分提问。
     2. What time does Daniel begin his lessons?
     3. Does Daniel have lunch at home?
     4. 把文中(2)处划线词组译成中文。
5. What does Daniel do at nine o’clock in the evening?
VIII. 书面表达 (16分)
______________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
1. Does  do   2. spends playing  3.Don’t do   4. Which girl  5. How often does
 VI. 短文填空
1. well  2. member  3. takes  4. newpapers  5. reads  6. flowers  7. field  8. with  9. player  10. matches
VII. 任务型阅读
1. How much does Daniel like his school?        2. At eight ten.
3. No, he doesn’t.      4. 对世界了解很多       5. He goes to bed at nine o'clock.
VIII. 书面表达
My name is Richard, I’m a student. My diet is not so healthy , because I like eating hamburgers and Ialso like drinking Cola. I don’t often do any exercise, and I often spend a lot of time playing computer games. I know it’s not good for my health, so I want to change my diet and lifestyle.
I plan to go running every day, and eat more fruit and vegetables, I also plan to do more exercise to keep fit. 

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/chuyi/260310.html
