Unit 6 Do you like bananas?课堂达标练习(人教新目标带答案)

编辑: 逍遥路 关键词: 七年级 来源: 高中学习网

Unit 6 Do you like bananas?课堂达标练习(人教新目标带答案)
hamburger_____________ tomato_____________ orange______________
banana________________ strawberry_______________ pear____________
1.Do you l_______ salad?
2.I want to eat (想吃)some b_________.
3.Many p______ are on the table.
4.My mother and father are my p__________.
5.Le'ts play t________.
6.That s_______ good.
一.hamburgers; tomatoes; oranges; bananas; strawberries; pears
二.1.like 2.bananas 3.pears 4.parents 5.tennis 6.sounds
三.1.I like broccoli.
  2.I don't like oranges.
  3.He likes tomatoes.
  4.Do you like ice cream?  No, I don't .

1.There are four ________ (tomato) in the drawer.
2.Jeff  likes _______ (strawberry) very much.
3.Are these _________ (you)oranges?
4..Sonia _______ (have) a sports collection.
5.She _______(like) bananas.
6.I _______( not like) math.
7. She ________(play) sports every day.
1.These boys __________ hamburgers.
A. likes    B. like   C. does   D. do
2.He likes some _______.
A. apple   B. bananas  C. broccolis   D. salad
3. Do ________  like French fries?
A. he     B. she      C. them      D. you
4. My mother __________ oranges and strawberries.
A. don't like   B. doesn't like   C. doesn't likes
5. Do they like broccoli?
A. Yes, I do    B. Yes, they do    C. No, they do.
6. Some _______ is in the bag.
A. apple     B. salad   C  tomato  D. banana
hamburger, tomato, broccoli, orange, ice cream, salad, banana, strawberry, pear
___________   ______________  ___________  __________  _______  __________
1.I like bananas.(一般疑问句并作否定回答)
_______ you _______ bananas? _________, I _________.
2.She has two basketballs.(否定句)
She ________ _________ two basketballs.
3.He likes pears.(否定句)
He __________ __________ pears.
4.I like a tomato.(变为复数形式)
 ________ like ___________.
A: Hello, Tom. ______ are you?
B: I'm _______, _______ ________.And you?
A: I'm ________,too. Tom, _______ you _________ oranges?
B: Yes, I _________.
A: _______you ________ salad?
B: No, I _________. Excuse me, Jim._______ you ______a basketball?              
A: _______, I do.
B: Let's __________ basketball.
A: That __________ interesting.
一.hamburger   tomato   orange   banana   strawberry   pear
二.1.Do, like, No, don't 2.doesn't have 3. doesn't like  4. We, tomatoes
三.How, fine, thank, you, fine, Do, like, do, Do, like, don't, do have, Yes, play, sounds.

1.hamburger _______- 2. dictionary __________  3.tomato__________
1.He likes some _________.
A. apple    B. banana   C. pear  D. salad
2.There ______ some chicken on the table.
A. are   B. is   C. does   D. do
3.She doesn't like _________.
A. tomato   B. tomatoes   C. tomatos   D. a tomato
4. Do you like hamburgers? _________________.
A. Yes, I do.  B. Yes, I am.   C. No, I do.
5.Let's _____ pears.
A. have   B. has   C. had  D. having
1.我喜欢橘子.I __________ ______________.
2.你喜欢橘子吗?_________ you like ___________?
3.Bill喜欢汉堡包.Bill ___________  ___________.
4.我们吃 些花椰菜吧._________ have _________ ___________.
5.他喜欢沙拉吗?__________ he _______ salad?
一.1.hamburgers 2.dictionaries 3.tomatoes 4.photos 5.strawberries 6.bananas 7.pears 8.oranges 9.apples
二.D B B A A
三.1.like, oranges  2.Do  oranges  3. likes  hamburgers  4. Lets   some  broccoli
5. Does, like
                                        B 卷
一. 写出下列短语。
1.冰淇淋         2。 五个汉堡包           3。 炸马铃薯条   
 4。七个草莓       5。 一些西红柿           6。 一些花椰菜
二. 用所给词的适当形式填空。
1. I like _____ (apple).
2. Let’s _____ (have ) some pears.
3. I ______ (not like ) bananas.
4. He _____ (like ) ice cream.
5. Does he like oranges? Yes, he ____ (do).
三. 句型转换。
1. I like broccoli.(否定句)
I ___ ___ broccoli.
2. She likes bananas.(一般疑问句)
  ____ she ____ bananas?
3.Bill and Bob like bananas. (划线提问)
____ ____ Bill and Bob like?
4. Does he like pears?(否定回 答)
 ____ , ____ _____.
5.I like a tomato.( 变为复数形式)
 ____ like ____.
一.   1。ice cream 2. five hamburgers 3. French fries 4. seven strawberries 5.         some tomatoes 6. some broccoli
二. 1。apples 2. have 3. don’t like 4. likes 5. does
三.1. don’t like  2. Does like 3. What do 4. No, he doesn’t 5. We  tomatoes
一. 根据首字母或汉语补全单词。
1. Tom likes i_____ cream for lunch.
2. Do you like _____ ( 香蕉)?
3. He likes  _______ ( 沙拉).
4. Mary likes _______ ( 花椰菜).
5. Bill likes _________ ( 草莓).
二. 连词成句。
1. ice cream  let’s  have          _____________ __________________________ .
2. you  do    like  bananas      ________________________________________?
3. he  does  like  pears          ________________________________________?
4. they  don’t  salad  like        ________________________________________.

三. 从方框中找出合适的答语,将序号填入句前的括号里。 

(   )1.Do you like fruit?
(   )2.Do you like French f ries?
(   )3.Does your father like bananas?
(   )4.What does she have for lunch?
(   )5.Does your mother like ice cream?

A. Yes ,I do .
B. No, she doesn’t.
C. Yes, he does.
D. She has vegetables, eggs and tomatoes.
E. No, I don’t. I like fruit.
一 1. ice 2. bananas 3. s alad 4. broccoli 5. strawberries
二 1. Let’s have ice cream.   2. Do you like bananas?
   3. Does he like pears?     4. They don’t like salad.


1.We must eat v________ every day.
2.This is an e_________ and that is an apple.
3.What do you have for b____________?
4 .Do you like __________(鸡肉)? Yes , I do .
5. I like f__________, for example(例如): apples, bananas and oranges.
1.(  ) _______ Clark ___________ French Fries?
 A. do, like   B. does, like   C. Do, like  D. Does, like
2.(  ) I often have chicken and fruit ________ dinner.
 A. of        B. for        C. at       D. in
3.(  ) My brother __________ very much.
A. like banana    B. likes bananas   C. like bananas   D. likes banana
4.(  )Mary ________vegetables.
A. don't like      B. doesn't like   C. doesn't likes   D. not like
5.(  ) Does she like broccoli? __________
A. Yes, s he like   B. No, she does  C. Yes, she does   D. No, she likes
三. 根据汉语提示完成句子
1.He  ________  like ____________.(不喜欢花椰菜)
2.We must eat lots of _______ and ______. (水果和蔬菜)
3.My mother eats ______  ______ and _________ for __________.(早餐吃薯条和沙拉)
4. I like ___________.(汉堡)
 Do you _________  ____________? (你喜欢汉堡吗?)
 Yes, I ________. (我喜欢)
一.1.vegetables  2.egg   3. breakfast   4.chicken  5.fruits
二.1.D   2.B   3.B   4.B  5.C
三.1. doesn't  broccoli    2. fruits   vegetables     3. French fries  salad  breakfast
4. hamburgers   like  hamburgers  do

1. 冰淇淋      2. 两个鸡蛋     3. 一些胡萝卜      4一些鸡肉   
5.三个汉堡    6. 吃午饭
       1.______ your brother _____ eggs every day?
      A. Do have   B . Does have  C . Does has  D. Do has
       2. He ____ like bananas, but he ____ pears.
      A . doesn’t  like B. doesn’t  likes C . don’t  like D . don’t  likes
       3. He likes some _____ .
      A .apple  B banana C . broccolis D salad
       4. He eats very _____.
      A  good B nice C well D fine
       5. _____ Tom like carrots?  Yes, he ____
A  Does  do  B Do  does  C  Do do  D Does   does
三.根据表格内容, 写一篇介绍你朋友的小短文, 不少于40词.

姓名 年龄 喜欢 不喜欢
Mary 13  香蕉 西红柿  沙拉 冰淇淋 汉堡  鸡肉 鸡蛋 花椰菜 胡萝卜
一. 1.ice cream 2. two eggs 3. some carrots 4. some chicken 5. three hamburgers 6. have lunch

一. 下列各句中有一处错误, 请指出并改正.
1.She doesn’t likes apples.
2. He likes eating chicken as dinner.
3. Do your mother eat eggs for lunch?
4. Does Mary like salad?  Yes, she likes.
1. Jim likes French fries.(变否定句)
 Jim ___  ____ French fries.
2. Betty doesn’t have tomatoes.(变肯定句)
  Betty ____ tomatoes.
3. She eats vegetables and fruits every day.(变为一般疑问句)
       she      vegetables     fruits every day?
4. My sister has eggs and apples for breakfast(划线提问).
   ____  _____ your sister _____ for breakfast?
5. Does your father have chicken for lunch?(否定回答)
____ , he _____.
A: Do you like carrots ?                         B: Yes, I①. I like all ②.
A: ③   ④   broccoli? Do you like broccoli?      B : Yes, I do. Do you like vegetables?
A: No, I ⑤ like vegetables. But I like fruit.         B : How about apples? I don’t like apples.
A: ⑥, I like apples. And you know ⑦
  I really like?                                B : What?
A: Ice cream!
一.1. like  likes  2. as   for 3. Do  Does  4. likes  does
二.1.doesn’t like 2. has 3. Does eat or 4. What does have 5. No   doesn’t
三.1.do 2. vegetables 3. How 4. about 5. don’t 6.Yes 7. what

1、赛跑明星      2、许多       3、健康的食物
4、对于早饭      5、炸薯条     6、冰淇淋
7、五个西红柿    8、2个汉堡
1、He  plays  the  guitar  very      (good).
2、Xiaoming  eats  lots  of     (health)food.
3、Sandra       (have)  two  eggs  and  a  glass  of  milk  every  day.
4、Tom      (not  like)  apples.
5、I      (like)  hamburgers, but  I      (not  like) pears.




参考答案:一、1、running  star  2、lots  of  3、healthy  food  4、for  breakfast  5、French  fries  6、ice  cream  7、five  tomatoes  8、two  hamburgers
二、1、well  2、healthy 3、has  4、doesn`t  like  5、like; don`t  like
三、1、Jack  eats  lots  of  healthy  food.
2、Tom  has  hamburgers 、chicken  and  salad  for  dinner.
3、I  like  apples . Do  you  like  apples?
4、Lucy  doesn`t  like  dessert.

1、Liu  Xiang  is  a  r      star.
2、I  have  a  h      body(身体),so  I`m  very  strong.
3、Tom   has  chicken, tomatoes  and  carrots  for  d 
4、Do  you  like  d     ?Yes, I  like  ice  cream  very  much.
1、This  is  a  tomato.(变为复数)
                 some       .
2、She  like  hamburgers (变否定句,一般疑问句,并作两种形式回答)
She               hamburgers.
       She      hamburgers?
Yes,              .No, she       ..
3、I  like  apples  and  ice  cream .(对划线部分提问)。      
                 you        ?
1 、eats ; healthy ; food ; Sandra ; lots  of ;
2、salad ; milk ; eggs ; she ; and ; for  breakfast ; likes ;
3、eats ; Liu  Xiang ; well ;
4、doesn`t ; that ; boy ; dessert ; like ;
一、1、running  2、healthy  3、dinner  4、dessert
二、1、 These  are  tomatoes  2、doesn`t  like  Does
Like  Yes , she  does  No , she  doesn`t
3、What  do  like
三、1、Sandra  eats  lots  of  healthy  food
2、She  likes  milk , eggs  and  salad  for  breakfast
3、Liu  Xiang  eats  well .
4、That  boy  doesn`t  like  dessert.

good  run  health  like  have  tomato
Liu  Xiang  is  a       star , He  eats       ,He  eats  lots  of       food . For  breakfast , he       eggs , bananas  and  apples . For  lunch  ,he  likes  hamburgers , meat  and  French  fries.
一、running  well  hea lthy  likes  has  tomatoes

  1.lots of_____________  2.healthy food_____________ 3.French fries____________
  4.running star __________________        5 .一个鸡蛋______________________
  6.一些花椰菜_________________________  7.七个草莓__________________
  8.赛跑明星___________________________  9.四个西红柿_______________
  1.—Do you like _______________ (番茄) ?—Yes, I do.
  2.I like hamburgers for b________________.
  3.We must eat _________________.( 蔬菜 )
  4.I like ______________, for example (例如 ),apples, bananas, oranges….
  5.She doesn't like b__________________.(花椰菜)
  6.My brother likes ice c_______________.
  7.I have six b___________________. (香蕉)
  1. Mrs Gao _________(eat) a lot of healthy food.
  2. Do you like ___________(pear)?
  3. For dinner, she has some _______________.(chicken)
  4. That ___________(sound) good.
  5.__________(do)he like pears?


1. He likes some____________.
  A. apple      B. banana   C. broccolis   D. salad
2. Please read your list _______food to us.   
A .at    B. in  C. of.   D. on
3. ________Gina ___________French fries?
  A. do, like    B. does, like  C. Does, like   D. Do, likes
4. I often have chicken and fruit ______dinner.
  A. of         B. for       C. at         D. in
5. Bill and Tom ______like eating eggs.
  A. does       B. don't      C. not        D. does                                                 
(三)用所给单词的正确形式填空. ( 4分)
1.The _________ (run)runs very fast(快).
2.The food _______(be)very healthy.
3.Where _______ (be)the vegetables?
4.For dinner, s he has some _______________(chicken).

一、单项选择 (10分)
 1. He likes some____________. 
A. apple   B. banana   C. broccolis     D. salad
 2. She doesn't like_______.
  A. tomato   B. toma toes  C. tomatos   D. a tomato
 3. Bill and Bob ________ like bananas.
 A. does   B. don't    C. not     D. does
 4._____Clark ______French fries?
   A. do like   B. does like   C. Does like    D. Do like
 5. I often have chicken and fruit ______dinner. 
A. of    B. for    C. at     D. in
 6. My brother ______very much.
  A. like banana  B. likes bananas  C. like bananas 
 7. Does she like broccoli?  ----__________.
   A. Yes, she like. B. No, she does.   C. Yes, she does.   D. No, he does.
 8.Mary ________vegetables.
   A. don't like   B. doesn't like     C. doesn't likes    D. like
 9.I like ______ oranges. I don't like _______ orange.
   A .these, those   B. those, the    C. that, these
 10. Sandra Clark is a ___ star .
   A. run    B. running   C. runner   D. runs
二、翻译下列句子。 ( 8 分)
 I eat _____ _____ ______..
My sister  _____ French fries and  ______ ______ breakfast.
The _______ star _____ lots of______  _______.
This is _______ ice __________.
 Let's _______ ______ and eggs.
三、 补全对话,一空一词。 ( 8分)
 A: Do you ____1___broccoli?
 B: Yes, I ___2___. I like all vegetables.
 A: How about you? Do____3_ like carrots?
B: Yes, I do. It's great! Do you like ___4?
A: No, I __ __5_ like vegetables. Well, only salad. I like __6___. But I like __7_.
I like bananas, oranges.
B: Do you like apples? I don't like apples.
A: Yes, I like apples. Do you know what I  really(真正) like?
B: What?
A: Ice ___8__.
一.1.许多    2.健康食物         3.马铃薯条   4.赛跑明星  5.an egg 
6.some broccoli    7.seven  strawberries   8.running  star  9.four  tomatoes  10.some chicken 
二.1.tomatoes 2.breakfast  3.vegetables  4.fruits 5.broccoli  6.cream  7.bananas
三.1.eats2.pears 3.chicken 4.sounds 5.Does
一 1.D2.C3.C4.B5.B

1.Let’s have to matoes and eggs for dinner .
2.The running star eats lots of healthy food.
3.I eat salad for dessert .
4.My sister doesn’t like broccoli .
5.LiXiaoyu likes hamburgers for lunch.
三1.runner 2.is 3.are 4.chicken
一、1.D 2.B 3.B 4.C 5.B 6.B 7.C 8.B 9.B 10.B
二.1.salad for dessert 2. eat apples for  3.runner  eats  healthy food  4.broccoli  ice  cream
5.have tomatoe s 
三.1.like  2.do  3.you 4.vegetables  5.don’t  6.salad  7.fruits  8.cream 



本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/chuyi/275835.html

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