
编辑: 逍遥路 关键词: 七年级 来源: 高中学习网


例如:I like table tennis.(作主语)
例如:Do you know him?(作宾语)
---Who is knocking at the door?
---It’s me.(作表语)
例如:He is older than I/me.
例如:---I like English.  我喜欢英语。
---Me too.  我也喜欢。
(1)单数人称代词并列作主语时,其顺序为:第二人称→第三人称→第一人称,即you, he/she/it and I(若错误责任,第一人称应当先)。
例如:It was I and John that made her angry.
2)复数人称代词作主语时,其顺序为:第一人称→第二人称→第三人称,即we, you and they 
例如:Our teacher is coming to see us.
This is her pencil-box.
2、名词性物主代词的作用相当于名词。为了避免重复使用名词,我们经常用名词性物主代词来代替“形容词性物主代词+名词”的形式, 在句中可用作主语、宾语和表语,只能能单独使用。
例如:Our school is here, and theirs is there.(theirs = their school,作主语)
Is this English book yours? (yours = your English book,作表语)
I've already finished my homework. Have you finished yours? (yours = your homework,作宾语)
Is this your book or mine? 这本书是你的还是我的?
例如:We enjoyed ourselves very much last night. 我们昨晚玩的很开心。
Please help yourself to some fish. 请你随便吃点鱼。
例如:It doesn't matter.I'll be myself soon.
例如:I myself washed the clothes.(=I washed the clothes myself.)(作主语同位语)
You should ask the teacher himself.(作宾语同位语)
4、常用短语:by oneself 亲自/独自, enjoy oneself 玩得开心, dress oneself 自己穿衣服
  第 一 人 称 第 二 人称 第  三  人  称
  单数 复数 单数 复数 单     数 复数

词 主格 I
我   we
我们 you
你   you
你们  he
他   she
她  it
它 they
 宾格  me
我   us
我们  you
你  you
你们    him
他  her
她  it
它 them

词 形容词性
物主代词   my
我的   our
我们的  your
你的  your
你们的  his
他的  her
她的  its
它的 their
物主代词 mine
我的 ours
我们的 yours
你的 yours
你们的  his
他的  hers
她的 its
它的 theirs
反身代词 myself
我自己 ourselves
我们自己 yourself
你自己 yourselves
你们自己 himself
他自己 herself
她自己 itself
它自己 themselves

(  )1. _____ will spend the summer vacation in Qingdao.
    A. He, you and I      B. You, he and I     C. I, you and he
(  )2.—Who is singing there? 
—_____ is Li Ming's sister.  
    A. She     B. This        C. It
(  )3. She is an old classmate of _____.     
    A. me     B. my         C. mine
(  )4. Take care of _____.      
    A. myself     B. you     C. yourself
(  )5. Mr. Zhang praised _____ for his progress in studies. 
    A. he      B. him    C. his
(  )6. The radio is almost the same as _____.      
    A. She's       B. her       C. hers
(  )7. I bought a nice skirt for _____.      
    A. she     B. her     C. herself
(  )8. ______ is a close friend of _______. 
A. She, mine    B. Her, mine,    C. She, my    D. Hers, my
(  )9. _____ task will be completed soon.      
    A. Ours     B. Ourselves     C. Our
(  )10. We should be strict with ____ in study.   
A. myself    B. our own   C. ourselves 
(  )11.You can not finish the work ________. Let ______ help you.
A. youself, me  B. yourself, mine  C. yourselves, me  D. yourself, me
(  )12._______ work is heavy, but ___________ is heavier than _________.
A. Our, their, our  B. Our, theirs, ours  C. Ours, theirs, our  D. Our, their, ours
(  )13.Our teacher asked us to enjoy _________ during the summer holidays.
A. us     B. ours   C. we    D. ourselves 
(  )14.He always thinks of others and never thinks of _________.
A. him   B. us   C. his   D. himself
(  )15.Music makes ______ relaxing.
A. us   B. ours   C. we   D. he 
(  )16.---What's Tom's phone number?
---_____ phone number is 81826753.
A. He's   B. His   C. He   D. Her 
1._______ (He, Her, His ) mane is Jack. . _______ (She, He, His) is a cook.
2._______ (I,My,Mine)aunt is a nurse. ______ (She, He, Her) works very hard.
3.Please show _______ (me, I, mine ) the way. 
4.The books aren't _____ ( my, mine, I ). ________ (They, It, Its ) may be _______(her, hers, your). 
5.Let ______(I, me, mine) tell _______(her, she, hers ) how to do it.
6.Help _____ (you, your, yourself ) to some fish, please. 
7.Don't tell _______ (he, him, his ) the answer. _____ (I,Me,Us )believe that _____ (he, him, his ) can work out the problem ______ (he, himself, him)
8. " It's going to snow," the old woman said to _______. (her, herself, hers)
9.The lady under the tree is _______(mine, my, me) aunt. _______(She, Her, Herself) often sings English songs with _______( her, hers, she ) husband.
10.A friend of _____( me, my, mine) came to help _______ (I, me, mine) with _____(mine, my, I ) homework yesterday afternoon. 
11.Be careful not to make ___________ (you, your, yourself) dirty.
12.Tom and Jack are brothers. This is _____ (they, their, them) room.


一、1—5 BCCCB  6—10 CBACC  11—15 ABDDA  16 B
二、1. His He  2. My She  3. me  4. mine It hers  5. me her  6. yourself  7. him I he himself
8. herself  9. my She her  10. mine me my  11. yourself  12. their

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/chuyi/292995.html
